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Support Grows to Develop Fusion Energy

Support Grows for Developing Fusion Energy

Apr. 15 (EIRNS)–The National Academy of Sciences is holding a seminar on April 20 to familiarize people with the results of a recent Academy report on fusion. The report–“Bringing Fusion to the U.S. Grid,” breaks away from the endless march of reports recommending more decades of studying plasmas, to broadening the federally-funded fusion programs to work toward the goal of building a pilot plant by the 2040s. Although the timetable is unnecessarily long, due partly to the expectation that funding levels will not allow a faster pace, it is the most prestigious call for a fusion energy program, rather than a pure science program. Members of the Academy panel that produced the report will lead the briefing.

Last September the House passed the Clean Energy and Jobs Innovation Act. (it is an Authorization bill, so it does not appropriate funds. It is a policy document) The bill contains an “Alternatives and Enabling Concepts” for fusion, to support non-tokamak experiments. There were promising approaches that were shut down and funding cut off starting in the 1980. One of the aims of adding an additional $170 million in funding to the fusion portfolio, is ‘to support the development of a U.S-based fusion power industry developing.

The increased interest in fusion has largely being driven by the next generation of fusion scientists; young people in university programs or in their own laboratories. One young man expressed it this way: “People don’t get into this career just to study the science that one day, long after they’re dead, lead to a fusion reactor. They want to get going and change the world.”

War Danger Increases as Globalists Are Losing Control

There is a reason why those in the Military Industrial Complex are called “War Hawks” — because war is their ultimate solution to crises.  As they are facing a series of existential crises, they are ramping up the rhetoric of war.  Listen to the words of Biden’s choice for Ambassador to China, or the German Defense Minister’s call to be prepared to use nuclear weapons against Russia!  Consider the possibility that the COP26 “climate” conference becomes the Flop26, and serves as an excuse for launching new waves of eco-terrorism.  

Schiller Institute Leaders Zepp-LaRouche and Askary Join Pakistan-Based Online Forum for Afghanistan Development

Sept. 16 (EIRNS)—The Asian Institute of Eco-Civilization Research and Development, a Pakistan-based think tank, held an online seminar today to launch its “Kandahar Dialogue.” The event, titled “Afghanistan in Search of Peace and Prosperity,” brought together some half-dozen speakers, including Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the founder of the Schiller Institute; Andrey Kortunov, director general of the Russian International Affairs Council; and Hussein Askary, Southwest Asia Coordinator for the Schiller Institute. It was moderated by Pakistani political economist Shakeel Ahmad Ramay, who had addressed the Schiller Institute’s international conference on “World at a Crossroad: Two Months into the New U.S. Administration,” on March 20-21. His March 21 remarks were on “CPEC, Connectivity, and Future Prospects.”

Afghanistan’s neighbors, Pakistan emphatically included, are eager to create conditions for stability, development, and predictability, to create a welcoming environment for long-term development. EIR magazine will make further reports available in the near future.

Putin Intervenes to Save U.S. and West from Strategic and Cultural Degeneracy, Attacks “Wokeness”!

On the eve of the globalist Halloween prank called COP26 — which hopefully will become Flop26 — Russian President Putin delivered a powerful speech lamenting the failure of nations to use the opportunity of the collapse of  the Soviet Union to create a safer world.  While defending “human life” and the “family” as “absolute values”, and insisting on “sovereignty” as a necessary condition for relations between nation states, he critiques the arrogance of those pushing a unipolar world, and dissects the cultural degradation being imposed  on the West by them — including a sharp criticism of “cancel culture”, and the approach to race and gender dominating policy discussion in the West.  (Since the western media are not covering Putin’s intervention, I am posting a summary of his critique of “wokeness” from our website: Putin: Human Life Over Failed Ideology and Woke ‘Phantasmagoria’ – The LaRouche Organization

Taking on Strategic and Economic Insanity

The world moved deeper into an extinction mode with the announcement last week of a new Australia-UK-US geopolitical security arrangement, and with a series of upcoming conferences focusing on moving toward “nature positive” methods of production, driven by the genocidal lunatics of the Davos World Economic Forum.  The former represents a direct threat to China, the latter to the food supply and production of goods essential for human survival.  Will  enough voices of sanity be heard to counter these absurd conceptions?   

India: a Belated Mobilization Begins

Apr. 30 (EIRNS)–Friday was yet another new record with over 386,000 official new cases. New Delhi hospitals are beyond capacity and patients are sharing beds and using the floors of corridors. In the next two weeks, 1,200 more intensive care beds are to be added, but New Delhi has about 24,000 new cases/day with approximately 3,600/day needing hospitalization. The Army Chief, M. M. Naravane, opened the military hospitals and invited those in distress to approach a military base. One military hospital with 500 beds was opened, and three hours later was all filled up.

Also on Friday, two planeloads of equipment arrived from Russia, including 20 oxygen concentrators, 75 ventilators, 150 bedside monitors and 22 tons of medicine. The first U.S. shipment arrived with some oxygen cylinders, N95masks, and rapid antigen tests. Bangladesh provided 10,000 vials of anti-virals and 30,000 PPE kits. On Saturday, the German Air Force will arrive with supplies, and Taiwan is delivering 150 concentrators this weekend. Finally, Friday also saw China’s head, Xi Jinping, call India’s Prime Minister Modi, offering condolences and expressing willingness to strengthen cooperation with India. Global Times reports that China has sent 26,000 ventilators and oxygenators, 15,000 patient monitors and about 3,800 tons of medicine to India so far this month.

Zepp-LaRouche: Urgent Call to Stop the Genocide in Syria and Yemen; the Moral Collapse of the West Cries Out for a New Paradigm

PDF available

April 15 — The Schiller Institute is circulating an urgent response from its founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche to Apostolic Nuncio to Syria Cardinal Mario Zenari, who has alerted the world to the acute humanitarian emergency that has been deliberately imposed upon Syria, in the aftermath of nine years of war, through murderous “sanctions” measures imposed by the U.S. State Department and irresponsibly supported by a number of other governments, most emphatically the British. Action to end the so-called “Caesar Sanctions” imposed upon Syria will not only help halt the mass starvation and poverty now engulfing that nation, but will also benefit the rest of humanity. It is time to pursue, as the Cardinal states, a pathway of Peace through Development, and to reject outright the moral indifference which increasingly threatens to unleash this scale of calamity throughout the planet.

In her weekly Schiller Institute webcast discussion on April 14, Zepp-LaRouche demanded that the world come to the aid of the Syrian people. As Cardinal Zenari has stated, more than 90% of Syrians are below the level of extreme poverty, and many are in danger of losing their lives due to famine. The last decade of war, the unjust sanctions, and the COVID-19 pandemic have created an absolutely intolerable condition of suffering for the Syrian people.

Similar horrors confront Yemen, where the agonizing reality of hunger is conveyed in the powerful documentary, Hunger Ward,” referred to by the head of the World Food Program, David Beasley, who saw children dying before his very eyes in the hospital, and he was unable to help.

There is nothing “humanitarian” Zepp-LaRouche stated, in starving children and shutting down hospitals and medical care, based on fraudulent narratives cooked up by British and American regime-change advocates, in and out of government. “This must stop and the Caesar Sanctions must be lifted. And all the members of the U.S. Congress who do not lift these sanctions make themselves complicit in every death that occurs in the region.”

Zepp-LaRouche continued: “This has reached the point where either the world wakes up and we start to remedy this, or we will not survive, because of our own moral failure as a human species. I call on you: Work with the Schiller Institute. Work with its Committee on the Coincidence of Opposites, which is working to get aid programs and reconstruction. I appeal to you: Get in contact with the Schiller Institute and respond to the call by Cardinal Zenari.”

This appeal is distributed in Portuguese, Arabic, German, Danish, Italian and Spanish, among others.

US Sec. of State Blinken to Visit Ukraine May 5–6

US Secretary of State Blinken to Visit Ukraine May 5–6

Apr. 30 (EIRNS)–“Secretary of State Blinken tells CBS News he will travel to Ukraine next week amid rising tensions with Russia,” CBS journalist Norah O’Donnell wrote in her Twitter account on Thursday. CBS aired a clip from its interview with Blinken, a teaser for the full 60 Minutes interview to air on Sunday, May 2, in which he said, “There are more forces amassed on the border with Ukraine than any time since 2014 when Russian actually invaded…. What we have seen in the last few days is apparently a decision to pull back some of those forces and we’ve seen some of them in fact start to pull back.”

Meanwhile CNN claims Blinken’s visit to Kiev is meant to show NATO allies that the US will not relax its anti Russian hawkish policy at the possible Russian-American summit.

The State Department reports that Blinken’s visit to Ukraine is the second stop on his European tour. First stop: the G7 Foreign and Development Ministers’ Meeting in London, May 3-5, 2021. “The Secretary has said wherever the rules for international security and the global economy are being written, America will be there, and the interests of the American people will be front and center,” State explains; “the Secretary is looking forward to discussing the democratic values that we share with our partners and allies within the G7,” specifying that he intends to raise joint efforts “to address the key geopolitical issues we face as we build back better from this pandemic”—including “climate crises.” (The UK has expanded this G7 meeting by inviting Australia, India, South Africa, the Republic of Korea, and Brunei in its capacity as Chair of ASEAN.)

While in London, Blinken will also meet with Boris Johnson and Foreign Secretary Raab “to discuss shared U.S.–UK priorities related to addressing global issues and to affirm the strong alliance between our countries.”

Kiev, Ukraine, then, is May 5–6, to “meet with President Zelenskyy, Foreign Minister Kuleba, other officials, and representatives of Ukrainian civil society to reaffirm unwavering U.S. support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in the face of Russia’s ongoing aggression.” And, State adds, to press Ukraine on “institutional reform.”

Tulsi Gabbard Rips Into Drive to Divide Human Race by Skin Color and Ethnicity

April 30 (EIRNS)–In a short video posted on her Twitter account on April 25, former Democratic presidential candidate and Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard called on Americans to “stop the RACIALIZATION of everyone and everything,” because “we are all children of God.” Her message was blunt:

“My dear friends, my fellow Americans, please, please let us stop the racialization of everyone and everything – racialism. We’re all children of God and are therefore family in the truest sense. No matter our race or ethnicity, this is Aloha and this is what our country and the world need. The mainstream media, propaganda, media and politicians, they want us to constantly focus on our skin color and the skin color of others because it helps them politically or financially.

“Aloha means respect and love for others. It’s what enables us to see beyond our skin color and see the soul, the person with them. So, let’s do our best to cultivate this Aloha in our hearts and see and treat others through this prism of love, not through the prism of race and ethnicity. Please let us not allow ourselves to be led down this dark and divisive path of racialism and hate.” Link to her message here.

Her message (which she retweeted on April 30 with the caption, “The personal attacks against Senator Tim Scott were despicable. We need to discuss and debate issues fairly and with respect. This is the spirit of aloha”) has caught the attention of many from different sectors, ranging from Newsweek and the Washington Examiner to Black Conservative Perspective and Franklin Graham.

Putin Calls on Western Nations to Release Afghanistan’s Reserves

Asked at the Valdai Club Discussion, how Afghanistan can be helped to achieve political stability and economic development, President Putin emphasized that while the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Afghanistan’s neighbors will help the country economically, the Western nations who occupied the country for 20 years must take primary responsibility to stabilize the situation. “The first thing they must do,” Putin said, “is to release Afghan assets, and give Afghanistan an opportunity to resolve high priority socio-economic problems.”

The exchange, with Tsinghua University strategist Zhou Bo, follows:

Zhou Bo: “Mr. President, it is really my great honor to ask you this question. I will ask you something about Afghanistan. Afghanistan lies in the heart of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. So, if Afghanistan has a problem, then the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has a problem. Now the United States has withdrawn from Afghanistan. So how can the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which is led by China and Russia, united with other countries, help Afghanistan to achieve political stability and economic development?”

Vladimir Putin:
“The situation in Afghanistan is one of the most urgent issues today. You know, we have just had a meeting in the appropriate format, in part, with representatives of the Taliban. The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is also active in Afghanistan. This is a very serious issue for all of us because for both China and Russia it is extremely important to have a calm, developing Afghanistan that is not a source of terrorism, or any form of radicalism, next to our national borders, if not on our borders.

“We are now seeing what is happening inside Afghanistan. Unfortunately, different groups, including ISIS are still there. There are already victims among the Taliban movement, which, as a whole, is still trying to get rid of these radical elements and we know of such examples. This is very important for us, for both Russia and China.

“In order to normalize the situation properly and at the right pace, it is necessary, of course, to help Afghanistan restore its economy because drugs are another huge problem. It is a known fact that 90 percent of opiates come to the world market from Afghanistan. And if there is no money, what will they do? From what sources and how will they fund their social programs?

“Therefore, for all the importance of our participation in these processes – both China and Russia and other SCO countries – the main responsibility for what is happening there is still borne by the countries that fought there for 20 years. I believe the first thing they must do is to release Afghan assets and give Afghanistan an opportunity to resolve high priority socio-economic problems.

“For our part, we can implement specific large projects and deal with domestic security issues. Our special services are in contact with their Afghan counterparts. For us, within the SCO, it is very important to get this work up and running because Tajikistan and Uzbekistan are right on the border with Afghanistan. We have a military facility in Tajikistan. It was based on the 201st division when it was still Soviet.

“Therefore, we will actively continue this work with China on a bilateral plane, develop dialogue with relevant structures and promote cooperation within the SCO as a whole. In the process, we will allocate the required resources and create all the conditions to let our citizens feel safe regardless of what is happening in Afghanistan.”

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