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Helga Zepp-LaRouche

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British Push Mideast Wars to Derail Emerging Four-Power Cooperation

In October 2009, speaking at the Dialogue of Civilizations Forum on the Island of Rhodes, Lyndon LaRouche developed the concept that an agreement among four leading powers — the U.S., China, Russia and India — can form the basis for creating a new global credit system, to replace the hopelessly bankrupt Trans-Atlantic financial system which crashed spectacularly a year earlier. In the last years, under the direction of China’s President Xi Jinping, that potential began to take concrete shape. With the election in 2016 of Donald Trump as President, in large part due to his rejection of the policies of war and financial speculation of his predecessors, it appeared that he was prepared to take steps to move the U.S. to join this agreement.

This alone explains the desperate moves against him, beginning with the fraudulent Russiagate accusations, cooked up by British intelligence networks and Obama’s intelligence officials. It also explains the push for sharper confrontation of the U.S. against Russia and China, including the Skripal affair, and the Douma false flag chemical weapons charges. The latest dangerous moves by Israel’s Netanyahu regime, against Syria, Iran, Lebanon, and the Palestinians, and the continuing genocidal war waged by the Saudis against Yemen, are part of this same deployment, to use war to stop the consolidation of LaRouche’s idea of a Four Power agreement.

Helga Zepp LaRouche has said that the only thing which can stop this Four Power dynamic, which has been gaining momentum around China’s leadership, with the Belt and Road Initiative, is war. The war drive from Britain must be defeated! Join Mrs. LaRouche and your host Harley Schlanger this Thursday, for the latest update on this fight, and what you can do to ensure that the Empire and its geopolitical insanity is brought to an end.

Webcast: With the Regime Change Coup Exposed, NOW is the Time to Crush the Coup Plotters and Consolidate the New Paradigm

Tune in this Thursday, February 8, 2018, Noon EDT, 6 PM CET!

The release last Friday of the four-page memo, produced by the chair of the House Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Representative Devin Nunes, which details FBI corruption in the “Russiagate” fiasco, and the subsequent release of an eight-page memo by Senator Grassley, have evoked howls of rage and despair from those out to remove President Trump. As the authors of the memos have stated, there will be more to come. Former NSA technical director and whistleblower Bill Binney, who was himself a target of FBI persecution, said this has “opened a crack” through which the “corruption of the secret government” is now exposed.

The deeper issue posed by these developments is not just stopping the efforts of the anti-Trumpers to overturn the result of the 2016 presidential election. Putting an end to the disruption caused by the ongoing regime change operation will free Trump to fulfill the pledges he made during his campaign, and in his first months in office. These include, most significantly, ending U.S. involvement in the endless wars launched by Bush and Obama, through strategic cooperation with Russia; bringing the United States into the New Paradigm, in full cooperation with China’s New Silk Road; and ending the speculative swindles of Wall Street and the City of London, which have created an unsustainable debt and stock market bubble, which may be on the verge of popping NOW.

The Schiller Institute has led the campaign to bring the Trans-Atlantic nations into the New Paradigm. In the last months, the New Silk Road spirit has spread throughout Africa, Asia, Eurasia (including eastern and southern Europe) and South America, and is creating opportunities to bring peace to regions, such as the Korean Peninsula and the Middle East, which have been targeted for super-power conflict by the neo-cons, with their geopolitical insanity. Join us this Thursday, for the weekly Schiller Institute webcast, as Helga Zepp LaRouche, who has personally spearheaded the battle for the New Paradigm, will provide a strategic update, and what must be done to defeat the unilateralists and their drive for new wars.


Webcast: As Tensions Mount, Keep an Eye on the Big Picture

The broader strategic implications of President Trump’s decision on the Iran deal are not yet clear. What is clear is that the British Empire and its allies intend to escalate the tension, especially between the U.S. and Russia, and between the U.S. and China. Their goal is to sabotage the New Paradigm, which is emerging around a Four Power agreement between China, Russia, India and the U.S., centered on China’s Belt-and-Road Initiative, which continues to win the support of the majority of governments, despite the desperate efforts of its geopolitical opponents, who are deploying sanctions, regime change, terrorism and proxy wars to stop it.

It must also be noted that the wheels continue to fall off the Russiagate steamroller, with judges issuing rulings challenging legal assassin Robert Mueller’s serial abuses of power. Further, the agencies behind it, especially the FBI, are being purged, through firings and resignations, in anticipation of indictments to come.

Now is not the time to engage in armchair musings, or depressed submission. Last week, Helga Zepp LaRouche issued a stirring challenge for an unprecedented mobilization, on behalf of the New Paradigm. Join her this week — ON WEDNESDAY — as she outlines what must be done to achieve victory over the degenerate oligarchs engaging in a collapsing defense of the Old Paradigm.

Let Us Celebrate The Future Spirit of Humanity

Helga Zepp-LaRouche Victory Day Message

– Let Us Celebrate The Future Spirit of Humanity –

Only 73 years after the Second World War when people
responded to that horrible catastrophe with the solemn commitment
“Never Again,” we find ourselves again on the verge of a possible
hot war.

With one provocation after another, each more transparently
false than the previous one, the war faction of the City of
London imperial oligarchs and their Wall Street neo-con/neo-lib
partners continue their efforts to sabotage the potential of the
New Paradigm, which is emerging in Eurasia to be a worldwide
movement with breathtaking speed. Even though Russiagate, the
Skripal poisoning, and the Douma chemical weapons “false flag”
hoax all have been exposed as originating in the diseased minds
of British intelligence circles, still they are at it again, this
time with Netanyahu claiming he has “proof” that Iran never ended
its nuclear program, attempting to trap the United States into
yet another disastrous war in the Middle East and a possible
nuclear confrontation with Russia. Many in the governments of the
West have stepped on that slippery slope again, which was warned
about in the Nuremburg Tribunal, by violating international law
and the principles laid down in the United Nations Charter.

But their power is diminishing, as they have increasingly
been forced to act in their own name, thereby exposing
themselves. Their ability to keep control has also been
diminishing, due to the challenge from the New Silk Road and the
New Paradigm it represents. In the last weeks, diplomatic and
economic events and summits have greatly advanced the New
Paradigm. The strategic partnership between Russia and China and
the integration of the Belt and Road Initiative with the Eurasian
Economic Union have created hope for especially the developing
countries, who see the chance to overcome poverty and
underdevelopment for the first time.

The best way to commemorate the losses, the suffering, and
the heroism of the individuals who lost their lives in the Great
Patriotic War is by creating a new era of mankind, which puts the
concept of the one humanity first, in that way creating a new
international order, which overcomes geopolitics forever.
Imperialism must be defeated as a relic of a bestial image of
man, and be replaced with the noble image of man as the only
creative species known in the universe so far.

Let us celebrate the future spirit of humanity, which is so
beautifully expressed in the {Ode to Joy}by Friedrich Schiller
and the 9th Symphony of Ludwig van Beethoven:

“All men become brethren…
Be embrac’d, ye millions yonder!
Take this kiss throughout the world!
Brothers — o’er the stars unfurl’d
Must reside a loving Father.”

Webcast: Global Policy Increasingly Shaped by New Silk Road – Time for U.S. to Join!

Tune in this Thursday, February 1, 2018, Noon EST, 6 PM CET!

The discussion at this year’s just-concluded Davos conference was shaped by the keynote address given last year, by China’s President Xi Jinping, and by the continuing development of the Belt-and-Road Initiative (BRI). The presentation this year, by Chinese economic adviser Liu He, provided a rallying point for those attending who were not fooled by the cheerleading of the global stock market bubble, as he made clear that the model of China’s economic development, which has dramatically reduced poverty there, can be applied to accomplish that objective worldwide.

Much of the world is not just listening, but joining with China. It is now time for the United States to fully engage in the BRI.

President Trump has made improving relations with Russia and China a priority of his first year in office, despite desperate measures taken by the imperial oligarchy and the use of geopolitical machinations to stop him. As long as geopolitics defines the Trans-Atlantic response to China’s initiative, the danger of war increases. What is the perspective now, following Trump’s January 30 State of the Union address? What must be done to bring the U.S., and European nations, into the BRI? And what can be done to expand the mobilization, led by forces associated with the Schiller Institute, to defeat the coup being run against Trump?

These will be among the topics addressed by Helga Zepp LaRouche this Thursday.

Webcast: Putin Gives Valuable History Lesson to Counter the Stupidity of the Trans-Atlantic Establishment

In reviewing the deepening civilizational crisis confronting humanity, Helga Zepp LaRouche, in her weekly webcast, kept returning to the central cause of the systemic collapse: the stupidity of those who continue to push geopolitical and neoliberal policies, long after they have failed completely. For example, take the Coronavirus pandemic. Our emphasis has been that what is required is a worldwide health “Silk Road”, as the cause of the pandemic has been the economic policies of the last forty years which have destroyed health care in much of the advanced sector, and never allowed it to be developed in the former colonial nations.

This is the same problem with the global economic collapse. According to the IMF, and several reports from economic think tanks, we are headed toward what one called an “economic apocalypse.” The only way to address this is the way the Schiller Institute will in its conference this Saturday, with a mobilization to bring the four most powerful nations together to establish a New Bretton Woods. The anti-China hysteria coming from leading governments goes in the opposite direction, typified by the anti-China photo op stunt of U.S. negotiator Billingslea — though the summit itself between Russia and the U.S. on arms control was constructive. The last third of her discussion was a thorough report on Russian President Putin’s article on the lessons of World War II. Everyone should read this, she advised, especially those who will be participating in the June 27 SI Conference, as Putin made clear that there is a way to avoid an even greater disaster than World War II, and that is by recognizing that staying in a geopolitical geometry will lead to war — therefore, nations must come together to collaborate, to solve the outstanding issues among them.

Webcast: The Empire Based in London Won’t Give Up: They Must, and Can Be Defeated

With one provocation after another, each more transparently false than the previous one, the war faction of City of London imperial oligarchs and their Wall Street neo-con/neo-lib partners continue their efforts to sabotage the potential of the New Paradigm, which is emerging in Eurasia to be a worldwide movement, with breathtaking speed. Though Russiagate, the Skripal poisoning, and the Douma chemical weapons False Flag hoax have been exposed as originating in the diseased minds of British intelligence circles, they are at it again, with Bibi Netanyahu claiming he has “proof” that Iran never ended its nuclear program, attempting to trap the U.S. into yet another disastrous war in the Middle East, and possible nuclear confrontation with Russia.

It is not enough to expose each fraud as it emerges. The unique role of the Schiller Institute, especially through the global role played by our founder, Helga Zepp LaRouche, is to focus attention on the intent of those engaging in these provocations, to pre-empt them from fulfilling that intent, which is to keep the world divided, at war, so that a unilateral degenerate Trans-Atlantic “elite” can remain the dominant power in the world.

But their power is diminishing, as they have increasingly been forced to act in their own name, thereby exposing themselves. Their ability to keep control has also been diminishing, due to the challenge from the New Silk Road, and the New Paradigm it represents.

In the last weeks, diplomatic and economic events and summits have greatly advanced the New Paradigm. It is essential that the voice of the Schiller Institute be magnified, through an expanding membership and a growing audience for our weekly webcast. Join us this week with your host Harley Schlanger, and help us expand the numbers who catch the New Silk Road Spirit.

Webcast: Crazed Neo-Cons Put War on the Agenda: Russiagate Coup Effort Must Be Defeated

As the evidence needed to shut down the London-Obama “Russiagate” regime change coup against President Trump is being pulled together and hopefully released to the public, the so-called neo-conservatives within and outside the administration are escalating war provocations against Russia and China. Trump’s stated intent continues to be to forge good, cooperative relations with Russia and China; those trying to remove him are driven by a desperate understanding that, if Trump succeeds in bringing the U.S. into collaboration with Russia and China, their old paradigm, based on geopolitical manipulation, and the wars which are an essential part of it, will be swept away, and the empire of worthless financial instruments and debt will be collapsed on their heads.

Russian and Chinese leaders have issued clear warnings of the dangers implicit in the insane “national security strategy” being pushed by the neo-cons, even while continuing to seek cooperative engagement with the United States, to address problems with North Korea, the Near East and Ukraine. The fantastic progress demonstrated by China’s fight to eradicate poverty at home, and the potential for real economic development of the world’s less-developed nations, through its global initiative, the New Silk Road, are rallying nations from Africa, South America, Asia and Europe into an unstoppable alliance.

The next days offer opportunities for building further momentum for the New Paradigm, from Trump’s appearance in the Swiss Alps at Davos, and in his January 30 State of the Union address, as well as in the meeting on Syrian reconstruction at Sochi. This is not the time to be a passive spectator, when so much is at stake. Join Mrs. LaRouche this Thursday, and become part of the dynamic, inspirational force consolidating the New Paradigm.

Webcast: London-Based Empire Exposed — Door Open for Trans-Atlantic Economic Change

With well-deserved doubt greeting every strategic claim coming from the City of London and its allied forces on Wall Street and in Brussels, resulting from the ongoing exposure of their lies, e.g. on “Russiagate” and the use of “chemical weapons”, there is an unprecedented opportunity to break with the Old Paradigm on its weakest flank, the lie that the economy is strong and growing. In reality, the only thing growing is the danger of a new blowout, as there are new warnings daily of problems in the banking and financial system, due to an unsustainable bubble of all forms of debt. It was a similar confluence of bad debt and bloated leverage which led to Lyndon LaRouche’s prophetic warning, in July 2007, of an inevitable, coming blowout of the financial system, at a time when the consensus was that the economy was “strong.”

With the emergence of a model which promotes real physical growth of the economy, through the expansion of China’s Belt-and-Road Initiative (BRI), the Schiller Institute’s Helga Zepp LaRouche has been emphasizing that the time is now for the economic program developed by her husband, known as “LaRouche’s Four Basic Laws;” to be implemented. There is no reason to tolerate a new crash, with the death and misery it would create, when a proven alternative is gaining support among the majority of nations. Further, it is the desperate attempt to save the old system which is behind the drive for war coming from the imperial crowd, which would risk the annihilation of the human race, rather than give up the fictional values of their financial holdings.

The Schiller Institute has launched an offensive, to get out the truth about the financial oligarchs and their neocon war mongers, and to mobilize governments to adopt LaRouche’s Four Laws, and join the BRI. Get the latest update from Helga on this Thursday’s webcast, hosted by Harley Schlanger.

Putin’s Discussion of the Second World War Can Prevent World War III!

On June 24, 2020, the following statement was issued today by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Founder of the Schiller Institute.

Vladimir Putin’s detailed and very straightforward article on the background to the Second World War, which he substantiates with important historical documents, and his speech to the June 24 military parade in Red Square to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Soviet victory over fascism, are urgent must-reads for every politician and politically aware person around the world. At the same time, one should definitely watch the entire military parade, but keep in mind that the overwhelming majority of the Russian population had already read Putin’s article as they followed the parade on television.

What comes across is an approach to understanding why May 9 is the most important holiday in Russia, and that the same almost superhuman determination that enabled the Soviet population to survive the barbaric attack by the Wehrmacht and to achieve victory over Nazi Germany despite the loss of 27 million people, still exists in Russia today. But Putin also extends an olive branch to the West by calling on all countries to publish the still secret historical documents from before and during the Second World War, and to use them together with the testimonies of contemporary witnesses to launch a truth-seeking debate among historians. Reflecting on why World War II came about should cause political forces in the world today to draw the necessary lessons and rudely awaken the world to the escalating war danger so as to avoid repeating the same mistakes.

Given the gigantic destructive power of the two world wars of the 20th century and the almost certainty that mankind would not survive a third world war, this time thermonuclear,, it is useful to realize the point at which these world wars could no longer have been prevented. Putin answers this question very clearly regarding World War II by saying that it was the “Munich Betrayal” as the Russians truthfully call it—called the “Munich Pact” in the West—that triggered the war.

Putin’s article also responds to various historical misrepresentations, such as the European Parliament’s declaration of September 19, 2019, which gave equal blame to the Nazis and the Soviet Union for the Second World War, or numerous accounts that mention all the participants in the anti-Hitler coalition with the exception of the Soviet Union, or the claim that it was primarily the United States and Britain that defeated the Nazi war machine. There is no longer any public awareness in the West of the fact that the Soviet Union, in reaction to the blitzkrieg attack carried out with never before seen destructive power by the Nazis on June 22, 1941, carried out an unprecedented evacuation of people and production facilities to the east. Within a year and a half, the Soviet Union had surpassed the military production of Germany and its allies.

As quoted in the 1945 report by the International Reparations Commission headed by the Russian diplomat, Ivan Maisky, the number of soldiers deployed by Germany on the Soviet front was at least ten times greater than on all other allied fronts, four fifths of the German tanks were deployed there, and about two thirds of the German aircraft; in total the Soviet Union accounted for about 75% of all military operations. Roosevelt’s Fireside Chat presentation to the American people on April 28, 1942 is quoted: “These Russian forces have destroyed and are destroying more armed power of our enemies—troops, planes, tanks and guns—than all the other united nations put together.”

Moreover, Churchill wrote in a letter to Stalin on September 27, 1944, that “it is the Russian army that tore the guts out of the German military machine.” Putin expresses gratitude for the efforts of all the countries and peoples who fought on different fronts and the eventual support of the Allies for the Red Army through the provision of ammunition, food and equipment, that accounted for seven percent of the total military production of the Soviet Union. It follows that one of the most important corrections to be made in the accounts of the Second World War is to emphasize, contrary to what is done today, the outstanding role of the Soviet Union in the victory over fascism.

Putin makes a clear distinction throughout between the German population and the National Socialists, who skillfully exploited the intention of the Western allies to rob Germany under the conditionalities of the Versailles Treaty and drove Germany into a new war. He notes that the Western states, especially political forces in the United Kingdom and the United States, directly or indirectly made this possible; certain financial and industrial circles invested very actively in German factories that were producing military products, and there were many supporters of extreme right-wing nationalist movements among the aristocracy of western nations and political establishments.

One could add to that that Hitler was extremely “socially acceptable” in these same circles: The New York Times fully supported Hitler until 1938, and Time magazine declared him “Man of the Year” that same year. What Putin states only summarily here, has been documented in great detail by Lyndon LaRouche and authors associated with him—from the support for Hitler coming from Averell Harriman and Prescott Bush to that of Montagu Norman, head of the Bank of England, as well as the American eugenics movement’s open support for the Nazis’ racial teachings. Prescott S. Bush’s banking partner Fritz Thyssen, in his 1941 book I Paid Hitler, openly admitted that he was Hitler’s most generous supporter. Putin also mentions the deliberate setting of arbitrary borders under the Treaty of Versailles (one could add Sykes–Picot and Trianon), which were intended to be time bombs for geopolitical manipulation.

Putin hits a particularly sensitive point when he addresses the fact that politicians in the West do not like to be reminded of the Munich Pact, in which under the guise of an appeasement policy, the booty was divvied up. Czechoslovakia was betrayed by its allies France and Great Britain, and war between Germany and the Soviet Union was in principle pre-programmed. It was absolutely clear to the British and French geopoliticians that “Germany and the Soviet Union would inevitably clash and bleed each other white,” Putin writes.

Documents are also cited that show how the British and Polish sides tried to prevent the formation of an anti-Hitler coalition, and that the signing of the Non-Aggression Pact, which in fact made the Soviet Union the last country to sign any such treaty with Germany, took place against the backdrop of the real threat of war against the Soviet Union on two fronts, as Japan was already involved in fierce fighting on the Khalhin-Gol River.

That France and Britain clung firmly to their plan to have Germany and the Soviet Union destroy each other, became even clearer when, after Hitler’s invasion, neither country came to Poland’s aid at all, moving militarily a few kilometers into German territory, to give the appearance of warlike activity, a farce called the “phony war” (Sitzkrieg in Germany and drôle de guerre in France). Putin quotes General Jodl during the Nuremberg Trials saying that Germany did not lose the war as early as 1939, only because the 110 or so French and British divisions, which were up against 23 German divisions in the West, remained completely idle during the war with Poland.

It will not please those in the West who have been writing a revisionist history of the Second World War, and its prelude, for some time now, but Putin has outlined in this article the essential process of these maneuvers that created the greatest catastrophe in history to date. He is now calling on all states, each of which is to blame in varying degrees because of their geopolitical interests, to cooperate in this historical reappraisal. Each believed they could outsmart the others, as Putin writes. But in the end, it was the short-sightedness of refusing to create a system of collective security, that sealed the road to the great war.

Putin’s call to create a comprehensive archive of the history of World War II, and the pre-war period, in which all film and photographic material, all documents already published and documents yet to be released would be available to historians, must be realized without delay.

I have been deeply convinced for a long time that the German population, for example, will never gain internal freedom and their sovereignty until they understand that Hitler and the Nazis were not a purely German phenomenon, but a project that was supported for geopolitical reasons by British and American circles. For this reason, I published The Hitler Book back in January 1984, which goes into some of the background that led to the Nazis, one among the many tendencies of the Conservative Revolution which was supported by the international oligarchy.

Such a public international debate is also urgent because thinking people can quickly recognize the parallels to politics today. The plan at that time, which was to let Germany and the Soviet Union bleed each other white, is now a plan to encircle Russia and China, and to bring about regime changes against the governments of both of nations, and in the United States it is the ongoing “Maidan” against President Trump, who waged his 2016 presidential campaign with the pledge to establish a good relationship with Russia, and who was building, at the beginning of his Presidency, a good relationship with China.

President Putin ends his article with a reference to the summit of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, which he has proposed, and which the other four heads of state have already agreed to. This summit, he says, should frankly discuss, among other things, issues of preserving peace and in particular, of overcoming the economic crisis which has been exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic. How severe the impact of the pandemic will be, he points out, depends decisively on the ability of these countries to work together, as real partners, in an open and coordinated manner, and to revive those high humanist ideals and values for which their fathers and grandfathers fought shoulder to shoulder.

Such a summit must be supported by all peace-loving nations and people, because only the combination of the United States, Russia and China can implement the needed reorganization of the hopelessly bankrupt financial system through a new Bretton Woods credit system, and hopefully, the desolate state of the world will convince France and Great Britain that they have to give up their colonial and imperial traditions.

Vladimir Putin’s initiative to use the 75th anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War to launch an international discussion about the historical truth of the causes of World War II is a brilliant flank, which may possibly prevent the world from sleepwalking once again into a new world war.

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