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Webcast: With the Regime Change Coup Exposed, NOW is the Time to Crush the Coup Plotters and Consolidate the New Paradigm

Webcast: With the Regime Change Coup Exposed, NOW is the Time to Crush the Coup Plotters and Consolidate the New Paradigm

Tune in this Thursday, February 8, 2018, Noon EDT, 6 PM CET!

The release last Friday of the four-page memo, produced by the chair of the House Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Representative Devin Nunes, which details FBI corruption in the “Russiagate” fiasco, and the subsequent release of an eight-page memo by Senator Grassley, have evoked howls of rage and despair from those out to remove President Trump. As the authors of the memos have stated, there will be more to come. Former NSA technical director and whistleblower Bill Binney, who was himself a target of FBI persecution, said this has “opened a crack” through which the “corruption of the secret government” is now exposed.

The deeper issue posed by these developments is not just stopping the efforts of the anti-Trumpers to overturn the result of the 2016 presidential election. Putting an end to the disruption caused by the ongoing regime change operation will free Trump to fulfill the pledges he made during his campaign, and in his first months in office. These include, most significantly, ending U.S. involvement in the endless wars launched by Bush and Obama, through strategic cooperation with Russia; bringing the United States into the New Paradigm, in full cooperation with China’s New Silk Road; and ending the speculative swindles of Wall Street and the City of London, which have created an unsustainable debt and stock market bubble, which may be on the verge of popping NOW.

The Schiller Institute has led the campaign to bring the Trans-Atlantic nations into the New Paradigm. In the last months, the New Silk Road spirit has spread throughout Africa, Asia, Eurasia (including eastern and southern Europe) and South America, and is creating opportunities to bring peace to regions, such as the Korean Peninsula and the Middle East, which have been targeted for super-power conflict by the neo-cons, with their geopolitical insanity. Join us this Thursday, for the weekly Schiller Institute webcast, as Helga Zepp LaRouche, who has personally spearheaded the battle for the New Paradigm, will provide a strategic update, and what must be done to defeat the unilateralists and their drive for new wars.


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