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Helga Zepp-LaRouche

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Webcast: Why Geopolitics leads to War

Tune in this Thursday, March 1, 2018, Noon EST, 6 PM CET!

If anyone doubts what Helga Zepp LaRouche has been saying about how the failure to replace the Old Paradigm, which is based on geopolitical assumptions, will lead to war, they should look at the most recent insanity produced by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). On February 20, CSIS released their latest report, “Coping with Surprise in Great Power Conflicts.” It warns that the U.S. is threatened with military “surprises” from Russia and China. These include the danger that China might launch pre-emptive cruise missile strikes against Washington and assassinate U.S. leaders, while invading Taiwan, while Russia is preparing to unleash its military to overrun the Baltic states!

While London and U.S. neocons have been making increasingly hysterical allegations about Russia and China, the leaders of those nations have made clear they are focused instead on a moving into a New Paradigm, based on strategic and economic cooperation. This is what the neocon lunatics are actually afraid of, not alleged threats from Russia and China which they themselves have concocted, but that the unstoppable momentum of the Belt-and-Road Initiative is gaining support worldwide, even in Europe. The New Paradigm, which has been presented in great detail by Mrs. LaRouche at conferences and seminars all over the world, has created opportunities for the poorest nations to benefit from the “win-win” policy outlined by China’s President Xi Jinping.

The Chinese published a psychologically insightful response to the CSIS lunacy. In “Global Times”, on February 25, an author said that what really frightens those behind the report is that the “U.S. is frightened by its own Mirror Image”!

Join Helga Zepp LaRouche this Thursday, as she will provide the strategic guidance to bring the Trans-Atlantic world out of its suicidal impulses, and into the collaboration with the other great powers of the world, as President Trump continues to stress is his true intent.

Webcast: Trump and His Eurasian Allies Outflank the Dying British Empire

The contrast could not have been greater. While the dysfunctional nature of the dying G7, or G6, or G5 (!) — a remnant of British geopolitics which has dominated post-war policies — was on full display in Canada, an alternative global system was moving ahead in Qingdao, China, with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) meeting, based on the “win-win” outlook of China’s New Silk Road policy. And while the destabilized leaders of the increasingly irrelevant G7 were left to whine about President Trump abandoning them — both figuratively and literally — Trump’s extraordinary summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was a reflection of his orientation to Eurasia, as its success is in part due to his collaboration with leaders of China, Russia, South Korea and Japan.

And what do people living in the Transatlantic region know about this new Eurasian dynamic which is shaping the future? Unfortunately, since most of the officials of the “mainstream” political parties of the West continue to act in the interests of the geopolitical doctrine created by the British Empire, and the media spew forth Fake News to back it up, few are aware of the reality of the great global transformation underway.

Each week, Helga Zepp LaRouche, the founder of the Schiller Institute, provides a succinct and dramatic presentation, designed to put her viewers on the stage of history. In these weekly webcasts, she has provided both an overview of events, from the top-down, and a method of analysis, which give her viewers an opportunity to play a part in this transformation. Don’t miss her presentation this week, with your host Harley Schlanger, and make sure to inform as many others as possible, that this is their opportunity to break out from under the bubble of lies and disinformation, so they may catch the New Silk Road Spirit.


Webcast: ‘Old Paradigm’ Defenders Target China At Munich Security Conference

Tune in this Thursday, February 22, 2018, 12 Noon EST, 6 PM CET!

With momentum building behind China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), with more projects announced each week and more nations joining, the would-be enforcers of the old, collapsing paradigm gathered in Bavaria for the annual Munich Security Conference. With a few notable exceptions, the message from the Western “elites” was one of pure geopolitics, that they must work together to counter the BRI, to prevent China from dividing the West and supplanting the U.S. as the world’s dominant power. It was a repeat of the empty rhetoric of the previous week, when U.S. intelligence officials told the Senate Intelligence Committee that Russia and China are greater threats to the U.S. than terrorism.

Countering this provocative rhetoric in Munich, a statement from Fu Ying, the chairwoman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of China’s National People’s Congress, was circulated in a special edition of the {German Times}. Fu Ying wrote that “China has no intention to export its political system and ideology.”

Her statement continued, “The U.S.-led Western world has been attempting to Westernize all the globe by exporting its own values and models. Those attempts have not only failed to address old problems but have also created new ones.

“China’s diplomatic goals in the new era include promoting the creation of a new type of international relations, with more prominence given to lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity and a call for the building of a community with a shared future of mankind. These are not only our expectations for the world’s future, but also a necessity for our domestic development.”

The comments from Madame Fu highlight the fundamental difference between the zero-sum game of Western financial interests, and the “win-win” philosophy underlying the BRI. What can be done to bring Western governments to join the New Paradigm? Helga Zepp-LaRouche will address that, and more, in this week’s webcast.

Webcast: The British Empire is Now Fully Exposed!

Webcast: New Asian Alignment Is Shaping the Future: Will the Foolish Europeans Be Left Behind?

Read Harley’s article: No More Doubt: It’s the U.K., not Russia, that Meddled in the U.S. Elections

Developments of the last days demonstrate that the potential to bring the world into a new era of peaceful economic progress is emerging, centered around the diplomacy and physical economic advances associated with China’s New Silk Road (NSR) policy. The dynamic unleashed by the NSR, which Helga Zepp LaRouche has called the New Paradigm, has brought together the leading nations of Asia — China, India, Japan, South Korea — and Eurasian power Russia, into an alliance which is causing increasing panic among those still yearning for the days when the British Empire’s geopolitics dominated every aspect of international relations. Many nations in Africa and South and Central America have also joined the NSR. Were President Trump freed from the insanity of Russiagate, to enable him to coordinate fully with the emerging Eurasian economic powerhouse, the era of British-run geopolitical conflicts could be ended.

This potential is seen in the revival of the Trump-Kim summit, which could lead to an official end of the Korean War, and also possibly eventually to a nuclear-free, unified Korea, as well as in the reports of ongoing planning for a Trump-Putin summit, which could address the dangerous tensions between the two nations resulting from a series of recent British provocations. That these two summits are moving ahead, in spite of the persistent toxicity spawned by the made-in-London Russiagate scandal, proves that this dynamic can overcome the incessant corruption of Trans-Atlantic policies. There is a growing sense of desperation in the daily activities of legal hitman Robert Mueller, as his allies in launching Russiagate may soon find themselves before Grand Juries!

And what of Europe? With Putin traveling to Austria, and the new government coming together in Italy, the defenders of the European Union’s status quo are being directly challenged. The inevitability of change is coming to Brussels, as the old paradigm is unraveling.

Join Helga Zepp LaRouche and your host Harley Schlanger this Thursday, as she points the way forward in her weekly webcast.

Webcast: Change For the Better Is Coming, If You Fight For It

There is an ongoing transformational shift underway in the world, as the era of geopolitics, with its destruction of nations through financial manipulations and wars, is being challenged by the emergence of a new era of “win-win” policies of mutual benefit, spearheaded by China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Developments in Asia, with the Trump-Kim summit in Singapore and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Qingdao, China, provide examples which show that peaceful economic cooperation is not only possible, but is already underway. The benefits of this new era can be seen in new infrastructure projects throughout Eurasia, Africa, and in South and Central America, and the clamor to be included is also heard now in a number of nations in Europe.

The growing likelihood of a Trump-Putin summit is part of this new geometry, an indication that the U.S. President is breaking out of the containment intended by the fraudulent, so-called Russiagate allegations. For this moment of great opportunity to be realized, there must be an elevation in both the capabilities of creative thinking, and passionate activation, of citizens of all nations. Schiller Institute founder and President Helga Zepp LaRouche’s weekly webcasts are a critical part of elevating populations to the level required by this promising moment of history.

Help us organize to make these webcasts available to growing numbers of people, to bring new activists into the fight for the New Paradigm each week.


GBTimes Interviews Helga Zepp-LaRouche on China’s New Silk Road and Europe

Feb. 16 – GBTimes is a multimedia news site, based in Finland where it was founded by Chinese entrepreneur Zhao Yinong, and which refers to itself as a “bridge between China and the rest of the world.” It published the following interview with Helga Zepp-LaRouche on Feb. 16:

China’s ambitious plan to link itself with Europe and Africa through new Silk Road trade routes has so far received a mixed welcome in Europe. The Belt and Road initiative, the brainchild of Chinese President Xi Jinping, proposes to boost trade and economic integration across Eurasia through over $1 trillion worth of investments in railways, ports, power plants and other infrastructure links. The initiative has been officially endorsed by Central and Eastern European countries, many of which are hoping that Chinese investment could create jobs and improve infrastructure.

But Western European countries have been more cautious, with British Prime Minister Theresa May declining to sign up to the initiative during her recent trip to Beijing and French President Emmanuel Macron warning during his trip to China that the New Silk Road cannot be “one-way.” There are also concerns in Brussels about a lack of reciprocity in trade with China and increasing Chinese investment in critical infrastructure in Europe.

The German-based Schiller Institute, however, has for the past several years been campaigning for the Belt and Road initiative in Europe by organizing hundreds of conferences on the topic. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the institute’s founder and president, talked to about the initiative and why she believes Europe should embrace it.

Q: What is the Schiller Institute?

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: The Schiller Institute was founded in 1984 as a think tank, with the main idea behind it being that peace and order in the world would only function if each nation would relate to the best cultural tradition of the others and vice versa. One of the focuses was to fight for a just new world economic order, something like in the tradition of the Nonaligned Movement, especially inspired by the ideas of my husband, Mr. Lyndon LaRouche, and secondly to fight for a renaissance of classical culture. I gave it the name of [German philosopher] Friedrich Schiller because his image of man was the most noble and beautiful one and I thought such a conception was urgently needed in the political realm.

Q: How did you first get to know China?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I went to China for the first time in 1971 on a cargo ship, which was repaired in Shanghai. So, I had plenty of occasions to visit many factories, children’s palaces, and the countryside. I also went to Shenzhen, Qingdao and Beijing, and that left a very lasting impression on me because this was in the middle of the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) and China was very much different then. But it started a deep interest on my side in Chinese philosophy and culture. And then I was also inspired by the changes which took place in China after the reforms of Deng Xiaoping, and I visited China many times in the 1990s and the 2000s, and especially after Xi Jinping announced the new Silk Road. And I could see the dramatic changes and the economic miracle which China has undergone. I feel very privileged that I have sort of personally witnessed the unbelievable transformation of China over almost 50 years.

Q: You mentioned President Xi Jinping who proposed the Belt and Road initiative in 2013. The Schiller Institute has been very supportive of this initiative. Why is this?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: First, the Belt and Road initiative is presently the most important strategic initiative on the planet because it proposes what Xi Jinping calls a community for shared future of humanity. The idea of one humanity is a perfect conception for overcoming geopolitics, which was the reason for two world wars and, in the age of nuclear weapons, can lead to a terrible catastrophe just as big. If you look at the incredible progress this initiative has made in the five years since it was announced, you already see a tremendous transformation where the developing countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia, for the first time, have legitimate hope to overcome poverty and under-development. It just happens that the Belt and Road initiative is very much in accordance with proposals my husband and myself have made during the last decades. After the Soviet Union disintegrated in 1991 we proposed something that we called the Eurasian land bridge, which was the idea to connect the Eurasian peoples and industries through development corridors. The Chinese government picked up on the proposal to organize an international conference in Beijing in 1996, in which I participated as speaker. Already at that point China considered the development of the Eurasian land bridge a strategic initiative, but this was put on hold due to the Asian financial crisis of 1997. We were then extremely happy when Xi Jinping announced this policy in 2013 — with China’s economic power all these plans can now be realized. Why do you think the Chinese are interested in this idea of bridging the Eurasian continent? China has developed its own economic model of lifting its population out of poverty and it also wants to contribute to eliminating poverty on the world scale. I think that is a very different approach to many other countries. There are now only 30 million poor people left in China. In comparison, there are 90 million poor people in the European Union and more than 50 million people who are officially poor in the United States, but no clear plans to eliminate poverty in totality. So, you are saying China is currently the only major country that has a global vision? Yes. I participated in the Belt and Road forum in Beijing last year and everyone who participated in this conference had a distinct impression that we were witnessing the beginning of a new era of mankind. At the 19th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, Xi promoted the goal of having a fully developed, modern, culturally advanced, happy country by 2050 — not only happiness for the Chinese people, but for all the people in the world. Normally politicians in the West think at best until the next election, and I have not heard from any Western leader a plan on how to uplift the entire human species in the next 30, 40, 50 years. The idea to create happiness for the people as a policy goal was last heard during the American revolution when it was set in the American Declaration of Independence that it is a fundamental right to have life, freedom and happiness. This is a notion coming from Latin [sic — she said Leibniz] and it means the ability of people to develop their full potential. I have seen in China on many occasions that people really think that way. They have the idea that there is no limit to their ability to self-perfect to improve society and relations between nations, and it’s a completely different spirit to what you find anywhere in the West.
Q: All Central and Eastern European countries have officially joined the Belt and Road Initiative, but many Western countries including the U.K., France and Germany have been more cautious about it. Why do you think this is the case? ZEPP-LAROUCHE: When certain politicians in these countries say they want to insist on standards and rules, and that they don’t want the spreading of Chinese investment in Europe, I think it’s a question of geopolitical control. The EU for example could have developed Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, but they didn’t. When China then comes and starts to build the kind of infrastructure that the EU did not build, these countries are happy and want to go with the new Silk Road. And that causes some people who believe in geopolitics to see it as a threat. The present Western system is based not on the common good as a primary orientation, but on monetarist profit-making. This system benefits those who speculate and those who run the banking system. But it leads to such things like the 2008 financial crisis, which was a systemic crisis, and nothing has been done since other than quantitative easing and pumping money.

Q: But do you think China itself has overcome geopolitics?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I know that that is not the view of many politicians in the West, but I think assumptions about China are just people’s projections of what they themselves think. I am not a naive person — I have studied this in depth and looked at it closely — and I do think that China does not plan to dominate the world with its system. The Chinese model is more attractive, and many countries want to repeat what it has been doing, but I don’t think China wants to impose its values. My explanation for this is China’s Confucian tradition. For example, Christians are supposed to win other people over to Christianity, but Confucianism does not do that. Confucianism is perfectly happy to live in coexistence. And if you look at the entire history of China, you never had religious war. You had Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism and Christianity all living in a perfect ecumenical harmony. So, I think in Chinese history, you don’t find anything which would give credibility to the claim that China is not doing what they say. I think they are doing exactly what they say they are doing and they mean it.

Q: What would it mean for Western European countries to join the Belt and Road Initiative?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: It would mean that there would be a shift towards the real economy. Right now, you have this money-makes-money philosophy, but if you look at even an advanced country like Germany, there’s a tremendous backlog in infrastructure. There are warnings by some of the logistic organizations that Germany is about to lose its standard as a location for industrial development because of the collapse of the infrastructure. So, if European countries would join the new Silk Road it would mean that they could basically renew their infrastructure like China has done, and to build fast trains among all major cities. With the policy of the Troika [European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund], the industries and the economies of the Southern European countries were destroyed. Now you see that with the advantages that come from Chinese investment in the Piraeus port and other projects in Greece, it’s going upwards. And with the EU, it went downwards. The same is true for Italy, Spain and Portugal. Europe could also participate with China in the reconstruction of Southwest Asia, of Syria, of Iraq, because you must bring economic development to these countries if terrorism is supposed to be eliminated. You have to give young people a future which they don’t have right now. It would mean you could solve the refugee problem in a human way.

Q: But do you think that some Europeans might be cautious about the growing Chinese influence because they think they might have to someday accept the same kind of restrictions on freedoms that China has at home?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Yes, but if people are worried that they may lose some of their hedonistic impulses — well, that might not be altogether such a bad thing. Because what we are seeing right now is a decadent society with all the violence, pornography and drug addiction. You have an opium epidemic in the United States, which is contributing to the fact that life expectancy is going down for the first time. If there is any parameter for the functioning of an economy, it is the life expectancy. If an economy is doing well, it’s increasing and obviously it’s an indicator that there is something fundamentally wrong if it’s going down because of suicide, alcoholism and drug addiction. On the other hand, there was just a poll made in Germany among 42 firms which were taken over by Chinese investors. In all cases, the management and the employees said that it was a positive thing that the Chinese took over, instead of speculators or hedge funds. I think some of these changes that come with more Chinese investment and influence would be beneficial. I would even go so far to agree with Leibniz, who said already in the 17th century that because of the superior morality of the Chinese, one should import Chinese missionaries to teach morality to the Europeans.

Q: So, you are optimistic that the acceptance of the Belt and Road initiative is growing in Europe eventually?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: We have found that all people who do business in China or who have travelled to China or who are married with a Chinese person, are all positive, and they know that what China is doing is a historic transformation of humanity. The Belt and Road initiative is not just about economics; it’s not just about infrastructure from A to B, but it is really a new paradigm. And what I mean by new paradigm is a new way of understanding what is the role of humanity. We are the only creative species who can invent new technologies and sciences and change the mode of our existence. It’s not the nature of man to be greedy, to chase for stock market gains and try to exploit and dominate others. It’s the nature of man to develop our own potential to the fullest so that we can contribute to the development of the human species. And the new paradigm will be that more and more people, as time goes by, will be able to realize their true potential as human beings.

Webcast: Banker’s Coup in Italy Won’t Stop Rebellion Against Bankrupt Empire


The rejection of the new government of Italy by its President, Sergio Mattarella, is a coup, ordered by the same bankers of the City of London and the European Central Bank (ECB) whose policies have nearly destroyed the Italian economy, as well as the economies of most of the member nations of the European Union. Mattarella would not accept Paolo Savona as Finance Minister, even though he was selected by the leaders of the two parties which had the most votes in the March 4, 2018 Italian election, the Five Star Movement (M5S) and the League (Lega). Savona, a respected former government minister, had the audacity to challenge the failed policies of the European Union and the ECB. In place of the coalition led by the two parties, Mattarella named an austerity advocate, Carlo Cottarelli, a former official of the International Monetary Fund, as Prime Minister designate.

Last week, on her webcast, Helga Zepp LaRouche pointed to the Italian crisis as a moment of truth. Would the failed bankers running the ECB overturn the results of the recent election, in which the former governing parties were smashed by a revolt of the voters, who are sick and tired of austerity and lies from their government, and bailouts and bail-ins for the banks? She said the rejection by voters of the former major parties all across Europe, combined with the Trump victory in the U.S. and Brexit, have sent an unmistakable signal, one likely to again be rebuffed by the arrogant would-be Masters of the Universe, who preach “democracy” to Russia and China while running coups against democratic choices in the U.S. (Russiagate) and in Italy.

There is no guarantee that these elites will again succeed in crushing the popular will, especially as the New Silk Road policy of China continues to gain support, not just in Asia and Africa, but also in Europe. And while British-led geopolitical networks have launched one provocation after another, to bring down Trump, and isolate Presidents Putin of Russia and Xi Jinping of China, while risking the launch of World War III in the process, these have not succeeded in slowing down the momentum for a New Paradigm coming from Asia and Eurasia. The stakes for humanity could not be higher! Join Mrs. LaRouche and our host Harley Schlanger this Thursday, as she reports on latest developments, and presents the pathway to insure the success of the New Paradigm.

Webcast: Growing Neo-Con Hysteria over China Offers Proof that the Silk Road Spirit is Unstoppable

Tune in on Thursday, February 15, 2018 12 Noon EST, 6 PM CET!

The escalating drumbeat against China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) coming from Trans-Atlantic geopolitical institutions and their political puppets, such as U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, is a testament to the growing influence of Xi Jinping’s “win-win” diplomacy. What Helga Zepp-LaRouche first identified as a “New Paradigm” has gained adherents worldwide, as the “New Silk Road Spirit” is contagious. Nations in Africa, Asia and South and Central America, which have been looted under IMF and World Bank austerity demands, are turning to the BRI, which is demonstrating that real economic progress is possible. The BRI process offers hope that poverty can be eliminated worldwide, as it has been dramatically reduced in China.

Instead of celebrating this process, or joining it, the Trans-Atlantic elites are up to their old tricks, in a desperate effort to prevent the New Paradigm from succeeding. Their old paradigm, of regime change and wars, of deploying terror operations, of free trade deals combined with austerity that produce murderous economic devastation, continues, even as the basis for their survival has been severely weakened.

In the U.S., the regime change operation against President Trump stands exposed as a made-in-London coup attempt. New revelations coming from Senators Grassley and Graham are expected to show how deeply involved Obama administration officials — including Obama himself — were, in concocting the “Russiagate” fraud story. We are closer than ever to breaking this operation, which would free the President from the constraints imposed on him, to pursue the goals he campaigned for.

These developments, and more, will be the subject of Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s webcast this Thursday.

Webcast: Will Obama Administration Join Leading Brits on Trial as the Real “Collusion” Is Exposed?

Over the weekend, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein bowed to pressure, assigning the Justice Department’s (DOJ) Inspector General to investigate whether the FBI and DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump campaign during the 2016 election. Rosenstein added that if an investigation determines that was done, they would “take appropriate action.” New revelations are pointing to the role of not just FBI/DOJ corruption and crimes, but also violations by the CIA, especially former director John Brennan, in coordinating an operation against the Trump campaign with a foreign power — the British Empire, through its intelligence arms, GCHQ and MI6. The British-Obama networks behind Russiagate were operating on behalf of a global banking/financial cartel, centered in the City of London and Wall Street. As its dirty tricks in running a regime change coup against President Trump are increasingly being exposed, so too is it becoming apparent that its global speculative casino is heading toward a spectacular collapse. They are resorting to their old stand-bys — using coups, proxy wars, terrorism, sanctions and blackmail — to try to bluff their way through.

But this time, it is different, as a New Paradigm, which will replace the old paradigm of the financial elites and their geopoliticians, is gaining strength. On Monday, the Schiller Institute’s Helga Zepp-LaRouche, who has been leading the fight for this New Paradigm, said that to stop the coup in the U.S., it is necessary to implement the Four Laws of Lyndon LaRouche, and mobilize for the United States and others, including Germany, to join the New Silk Road. “This war can be won,” she said. “We have come a long way, and there are more battles to be fought, but history will be shaped by the ideas of Lyndon H. LaRouche.” Mrs. LaRouche will push this battle forward with her weekly strategic webcast on Thursday, May 24. Join her and your host Harley Schlanger, to become a part of the movement shaping the future.

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