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Category Archives

Video: Will Human History End in Tragedy, Or Continue With a New Paradigm?

Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s presentation, “Will Human History End in a Tragedy or Continue with a New Paradigm?” to the March 20-21 Schiller Institute conference, laid out the extremely tumultuous strategic picture typified by Biden’s recent remarks calling Putin a killer, which is now coming together to a point, as in a drama, to a moment of decision. The key to the solution is accessing a higher principle. She quoted a paper from her late husband Lyndon LaRouche from 2007, in which he discusses the “fourth phase space”—a combination of classical art, science and statecraft, forming a single subject that is the true substance of history. Political leaders have to access this fourth phase space to avert the current tragedy.

How British Geopolitical Manipulation Leads to War

The discussion of the repeal of the Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF), which was nearly unanimously passed in 2002 by the U.S. Congress to justify the invasion of Iraq, while long overdue, shows how the U.S. foreign policy continues to be dominated by British geopolitical doctrine.  The Brits deploy all sorts of False Flags and psychological warfare to control policy options and manipulate popular opinion.  As the Schiller Institute’s Helga Zepp LaRouche has emphasized, to end the era of regime change wars, geopolitics must be repudiated definitively!

Video: Exposing the Western Media’s Lies About “Uyghur Genocide” in China

Retired Air Force Colonel and Pakistani Journalist Sultan M. Hali rips apart the lie about “Uyghur genocide” and proposes the US engage with China for peace and economic cooperation.

Great Reset, Green New Deal Collapsing, Along With Economy

Ignore the lies you hear about a “roaring economic recovery”.  As inflation increases, the strategy of the globalists to save their imploding system — the Great Reset and the Green New Deal — can be defeated by a mobilization of Americans, in collaboration with other nations unwilling to submit to a central banker’s dictatorship and the Fake science behind the “net-zero carbon” fraud.  The latest examples of rejection of the fraud come from the Chancellor of Austria and the government of India.  Join us to defeat the latest genocidal effort from the imperial Malthusians.

Beethoven: Sparks of Joy!

Beethoven: Sparks of Joy – Opus 9, No. 1: A Gem Trio Dedicated to an Irishman Who Served in the Russian Army!

Beethoven’s Opus 9 is a delightful set of three string trios, deserving of broader popularity than they enjoy today. They were dedicated to one of his early patrons, Count Johann George von Browne, the son of an Irish soldier of fortune who had risen to the rank of major general in the Russian army. This one, Op. 9, no. 1, was written in 1798. Here is a riveting performance of the Opus 9 no. 1 from the Camerata Pacifica. [Notes by Margaret Scialdone.]

Is the Biden Administration Moving to Repair Relations with China and Russia?

Is the potential explicit in Lyndon LaRouche’s concept of a Four-Power agreement — between the U.S., India, China and Russia — to reorganize the bankrupt financial system and move away from geopolitical confrontation, shaping the talks last month between officials of the U.S., China and Russia?  The threatening rhetoric continues from the U.S. side, but there is an opportunity now to move from the lowest level of relations, driven by imperial geopolitics, into the possibility of mutually beneficial agreements.  As a disastrous situation looms facing renters, homeowners, landlords and banks, there must be a “LaRouchian” shift to a New Bretton Woods, based on a restoration of the American System of economics.  Cooperation between the leading nations is essential to avoid an accelerating downward collapse of the global economy.

Lavrov and Wang Counter Geopolitical Games of the West

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, struck out against U.S. policy against their countries, including its sanctions and geopolitical games, in a joint press conference in Guilin, Guangxi, during Lavrov’s official two-day visit to China. 

“We reject zero-sum geopolitical games and reject unilateral illegitimate sanctions that our Western colleagues resort to more and more often,” Lavrov said in the joint press conference with Wang Yi today. “We noted the destructive nature of the United States’ intentions to undermine the UN-centered international legal architecture relying on military-political alliances of the Cold War era, and creating new closed alliances in the same vein.” Russia and China, however, will ensure that their bilateral relations are “safe and are not threatened by those states, which are unfriendly towards our countries.” 

He denounced the West‘s claims that Russia and China are carrying out vaccine diplomacy.
“Our partners in the West are trying to portray Russia and China as some kind of adventurers in the field of so-called vaccine diplomacy. This is absolutely not true,” he said. He informed the media that Russian President Vladimir Putin has called on all countries that their vaccine policies must be guided solely by considerations of humanity and the interests of saving lives. “It is absolutely necessary for everyone, including our partners in the West, to remember that.”

Lavrov also declared Russian relations with the European Union are nonexistent: “There are no relations with the European Union as an organization. The entire infrastructure of these relations has been destroyed by unilateral decisions made by Brussels.”

He pointed out that “There are only a few European partner countries that have a desire to act based on their national interests.” And therefore, “Objectively, this led to cooperation between Russia and China developing faster than what is left of relations with the European countries.”
For his part, Foreign Minister and State Councilor Wang Yi also minced no words for the EU for imposing sanctions on China over alleged human rights violations in Xinjiang. “They [sanctions] will not receive the support of the international community, especially the so-called sanctions imposed on the basis of lies. I believe that all countries should oppose this,” Wang Yi said. “[Western powers] should know that the days when they can arbitrarily interfere in China’s internal affairs by making up stories and lies are long gone.”

Russia and China will work for the protection of the world order based on international law, Wang affirmed. “We should act as guarantors of justice in international affairs. China is ready to promote the international system established by the United Nations, protect the world order based on international law, and abide by universal values such as peace, development, justice, democracy, equality and freedom.”

British Empire Prepares for Perpetual Geopolitical Confrontation

The U.K. Defence Command Paper, “Defence in a Competitive Age,” released by British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace yesterday as a follow-up to the defense, security, and foreign policy review released last week, focuses on the “21st century threats” that the U.K. supposedly faces in a world allegedly characterized by permanent confrontation. “Those of us in government charged to protect and defend have a duty to enter new domains, as well as continuing investment in the traditional ones, but always adapting to the threat,” Wallace wrote in the foreword. “History shows us, time and time again, that failing to do so risks irrelevance and defeat. As the threat changes we must change with it, remaining clear-eyed about what capabilities we retire, why we are doing so, and how they will be replaced.” Therefore, the process for developing the new policy began with “assessing the threats we are encountering and anticipating, before considering how we should address them, and only then with which equipment, and what resources are required to field them.”

“We must actively champion those shared values of liberty, justice and tolerance that have given billions of souls the world over the chance of a better life, and do so through our actions, not just our words. U.K. diplomacy is underwritten by the credibility of the U.K. armed forces, and they will be more integrated, active and agile, capable of both deterring threats and defeating enemies,” Wallace declared. This is all to be backed up by £188 billion in defense spending over the coming four years–an increase of £24 billion or 14%–which, Wallace claimed, “is an investment in that vision of security and prosperity in 2030.”

But the real axiomatic basis for what’s behind the new policy is this: “The notion of war and peace as binary states has given way to a continuum of conflict, requiring us to prepare our forces for more persistent global engagement and constant campaigning, moving seamlessly from operating to war fighting.” The armed forces “{will no longer be held as a force of last resort} [emphasis added], but become more present and active around the world, operating below the threshold of open conflict to uphold our values and secure our interests, partner our friends and enable our allies, whether they are in the Euro-Atlantic, the Indo-Pacific, or beyond.”

In other words, the United Kingdom will be in a permanent state of confrontation, if not always a shooting war, against Russia, China, and any other designated enemies who refuse to submit themselves to the “rules-based international order” dictated by the Anglo-American empire.

The Opportunity Offered by Afghanistan

While the discussion of Afghanistan focuses on the dangers ahead, and is generally pessimistic — while presenting no alternative — the Schiller Institute provided a beautiful example of how collaboration in the development of that nation points to the prospect of peace and prosperity for the world.  With the extension of China’s Belt-and-Road Initiative into Afghanistan as a starting point, speakers addressed how development, and not more military intervention and meddling, is the key to peace.  The full discussion is HERE, and can be a source of optimism for all but those most committed to a pessimistic attachment to the world of never-ending geopolitical confrontations. 

Declaration of China Experts from all over the World

For some time an international anti-China campaign has escalated, where Think Tanks, Mainstream Media, and strategic reports of all sorts paint a picture of China and its alleged intentions which is simply not true and is extremely dangerous. An enemy image is being projected that in the worst case leads to war.

We, the signers, all having had direct experience with China, be it that we have lived or worked there, or from repeated travel over longer periods of time, could thus follow how Chinese society has transformed itself in an unprecedented way since the trauma of the Cultural Revolution. Thanks to a policy focused on the welfare of the population by the state leadership of the Peoples Republic, and the extraordinary hard work of the Chinese people, 850 million people could be freed from poverty, with the result that the population is fundamentally more optimistic about the future than the West, where poverty is increasing as a consequence of neo-liberal policies. Trust in the government is substantially greater than by us, a trend illustrated and strengthened by the effective way China brought under control the Covid-19 pandemic.

China is a 5,000 year old culture nation, leading until the 17. Century in technology, and it is thus not surprising that China today, with a population of 1.4 billion, strives for an equal place on the world stage. China’s socialism with its own characteristics for China is strongly shaped by the two and half thousand year old Confucian tradition, the orientation of its modern founder Sun Yat-sen on Abraham Lincoln, and even though the Chinese hold high the tradition of Karl Marx, their current economic system is more influenced by the American System of Alexander Hamilton and Friedrich List, the most famous non-Chinese economist in China. China learns from the best.

China has a rich culture of philosophy, poetry, painting, architecture, and wonderful folk music. President Xi Jinping emphasizes the importance of aesthetical education above all for youth as a precondition for the development of a beautiful soul, an idea promoted by the first education minister of the first Republic of China Cai Yuanpei, which furthermore originate from Friedrich Schiller and Wilhelm von Humboldt.

The success from China’s emphasis on science and technological progress and innovation, demonstrate the China is doing well with what we in the West have seemingly forgotten, and we would do better to respond to the offer of cooperation, than seeking confrontation.

We should better take up the view of the great philosopher and founder of modern mathematics, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, and in a Dialogue of Cultures find a way to solve the crises challenging all of Humanity.


Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and president, Schiller-Institut, Germany

Jacques Cheminade, President, Solidarité et Progrès, France

Uwe Behrens, logistics manager and author, Berlin, Germany

Prof. Dr. Ole Doering, Berlin, Germany, and Changsha, China

Marcelo Muñoz, founder and former President of Cátedra China (Spain), experienced in China since 1978.

Simón Levy, Founder of Cátedra México-China at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. (UNAM)

Sebastiano Brusco, pianist, Italy

Jacqueline Myrrhe, freelance journalist for space travel, Neubrandenburg, Germany

Diana Mileva, opera singer, Deutschland

Professor Elena Bazhenova, and Prof. Andreii Ostrovskii, Far East Institute Russian Academy of Sciences.

Prof. Mohamed Ali Ibrahim, Ph.D, Professor of Economics, Founder and Former Dean, College of International Transport and Logistics AASTMT, Egypt Former Director of AASTMT Port Said branch, Former Advisor to H .E Egyptian Transport Minister

Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan, Sinologist (former diplomat), Editor, Analyst, Non-Resident Fellow of CCG (Center for China and Globalization), National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan

Yiorgos Veis, Ambassador ad honorem, Deputy First Secretary at the Greek Embassy in Beijing 1991-1994, Consul General in Hong Kong 2000-2004, Poet

Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos, Ambassador ad honorem, Deputy Ambassador at the Greek Embassy in Beijing (1991-1993)

Juergen Heiducoff, Afghan war veteran and author

Prof.Dr.-Eng. Reinhold Meisinger,

Leena Maliki, Opera singer, Sweden

Associate Professor Verner D. Worm, Department of International Economics, Government and Business, Copernhagen Business School, Denmark

Enzo Siviero, Bridge Builder, Rector of eCampus University, Online Italy, Italy

Eng. Spartak Nano, Vice/President of Albaninan Confindustria

Professor Blagoje Babic, Serbia

Carlo Levi Minzi, pianist, Italy

Mr. Thore Vestby, Former Member of Norwegian Parliament, Co-founder of Ichi Foundation.

Jasminka Simić, PhD, editor-journalist of Radio-television of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia

Bernd Matthes, Consultant, Dresden, Jinan Germany, Germany

Haider Alrubaye, President of the Iraqi-Chinese Friendship Association, Honorary member of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Iraq.

Professor Wilfried Schreiber, Military economist, philosopher, peace researcher

Dr. Alawi Swabury, ESSB KG / Europe-Asia-Africa Consulting Institute Berlin .

Ruben Dario Guzzetti, International affairs analyst, Argentine Institute of Geopolitical Studies (IADEG)

Andrea Szegö, Professor of Sociology (PhD), Budapest, Hungary

Živadin Jovanović, president of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, Serbia

Bassam El Hachem, Professor of Political Sociology at the Arts and Human and Social Sciences Doctoral School of the Lebanese University, Lebanon

DeWayne Hopkins, Alderman at Large for the City of Muscatine, Iowa; former Mayor of Muscatine, USA

Michele De Gasperis, Founder and President, Italian One Belt One Road Institute, Italy

Prof. Dr. Wolf Dietrich Karl Rückert, industrial consultant, descendant of the poet Friedrich Rückert, Austria

George Floras, Managing Partner, Belt and Road Associates, Greece.

Elisabeth Kiderlen, CEO, Hainan Treasure Business COnsulting Services, (U.S. citizen, since 17 years in China)

Mario Cavolo, Senior Fellow, Center for China & Globalization

Eduardo Klinger Pevida, Director, Center for the Study and Analysis of China and Asia, Dominican Republic

Mr. Shakeel Ahmad Ramay, Director of China Center, Pakistan’s Sustainable Development Policy Institute.

Mr. Seymur Mammadov, Director of the International Expert Club EuarasiaAZ, Azerbaijan.

Dr. Wei – Jiang Xu, teacher and researcher at INSA Hauts-de-France, France

Bruno Guigue, researcher in political philosophy, France

Former U.S. Senator Mike Gravel (D-Alaska, 1969-1981); twice a candidate for the Democratic nomination for U.S. President, nationally known for his forceful but unsuccessful attempts to end the draft during the War in Vietnam and for putting the then-classified Pentagon Papers into the public record in 1971, at some risk to himself.

Luis González, Sinologist, Former Foreign Ministry Director of Asian and Oceania Affairs, Dominican Republic

Mme Anne Lettrée, Psychologist-sociologist in geopolitics, Modern and contemporary art historian, specialist in contemporary chinese art, CEO of Silk Road Business School, France

Ignacio Ramos Ph.D. 达奇 博士 , Professor and Delegate for Chinese Affairs 教授,中国事务主管
Dept. of International Relations 国际关系处
Comillas Pontifical University 卡米亚斯大学
Madrid, Spain

Dr Kevin Yiding Wang, Ph D. INSA Lyon, founder and CEO of CEIFC Consulting (Sino-European association for economics and cultural exchange and cooperation), France

Néstor Restivo, journalist and historian, Argentina

Jason Li, PhD, CEO, America Organics LLC, United States

Colin Mackerras, AO, FAHA, Professor Emeritus, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia

Peter Achten, Journalist

Stephen Brawer, Vice Chairman of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden, Chairman of S. Bennett Brawer Philosophical, Education and Consultation, Sweden

Frans Vandenbosch, Co-founder and senior consultant at the International Institute on Governance and Strategy (IIGS) Think Tank in Beijing; and author of “Statecraft and Society in China” about grassroots politics and neighbourhood activities in China, Flanders

Han Dongping, Professor of political science; North Carolina, United States

Godfree Roberts, Author of the book, ‘Why China Leads the World’, and the publisher of the newsletter, ‘Here Comes China’.

Yasiru, Ranaraja, Founder and the Director of Belt & Road Initiative Sri Lanka (BRISL), researcher

Dev & Ingrid Nazareth, Retired Canadians, Canada

Alejandro Yaya, Vice President of the Civil Institute of Space Technology of Argentina, Argentina

Lutz Pietrusky, graduate engineer, Germany

Yaping Wang, retired nurse, Germany

Marina Körber, Germany

Zhao Yinong, CEO (founded to promote dialogue between Europe and China), Finland

Prof. Fabio Massimo Parenti, sinologist (Italy), associate professor at the China Foreign Affairs University, Beijing

Flavio Grotti, Tianjin, China

Maria Morigi, archeologist, scholar of oriental religions, author, (Trieste, Italy)

Dr. Jean-Pierre Voiret, former lecturer in China history at the East Asian Seminar of the University of Zurich, Switzerland

Qirui Li, Doctor in philosophy, and researcher at the Cluster of Excellence – “Africa Multiple”, University of Bayreuth, Germany

Wei Ling Chua, Author Australia

Dr. Simon Nigg, Financial Engineer, Switzerland

Habib Ghanim, Businessman, United States

Li Huan, general representativ of the Commerce department of the Chinese province Shaanxi in France

Hervé Machenaud, former director for the Asia-Pacific of Electricité de France, Beijing, China

Sultan M. Hali Group Captain (Retd.), Author of Six Books on China and frequent visitor to China for study, research and participation in international seminars, Pakistan

David Le Blanc, Master of Engineering, MBS, MBA, General Manager for Australian invested manufacturing company in China, China

Ulf Sandmark Chairman Schiller Institute in Sweden
Chairman of Belt and Road Institute in Sweden – BRIX, Sweden

Chen Li, consultant, expert on Chinese investments in Europe, France

Stéphane Muller-Margot, senior advisor (development strategies), Chengdu, China

Bruno Lhopiteau, company manager, Shanghai, China

Nicolas Milonas, company manager, permanent resident in China for 17 years, advises and assists European companies to set up in China, Shanghai, China

Gregory de Richemont, founder of “Le Son International”, 10 years in China, Shanghai, China

Thomas Vissing, Director of a China-Nordic trading company, Denmark

Olivier Le Clouërec, former journalist, resident in China for 16 years, Shanxi, China

Jean-Michel Auve, director of the China office of an NPO – NGO, appointed by various companies, permanent resident in China for over 25 years, Shanghai, China

Thierry Lambert, professor at the University of Aix-Marseille, France

Philippe Thadaume, expert in environment, 12 years in China, France

Joseph D’Urso, Attorney & retired New York City teacher, United States

Simon Fox, United Kingdom

Laetitia Chhiv, PhD student in Chinese studies (EPHE-PSL), president of the Association of Young Chinese in France (AJCF), France

Denise D. Rainey, Elementary Principal, retired, United States

If you wish to add your name to the list of signers, please send an e-mail to including your full name and either your position or a brief description of your personal experience with China.

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