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Putin: Mobilize Science & Industry to Defeat COVID

Putin’s Conference on Defeating COVID-19 by Outflanking the New Strains

Mar. 25 (EIRNS)–Russian President Vladimir Putin held a videoconference earlier this week on the scientific and industrial mobilization needed to expand COVID-19 vaccine production, and to attack the virus. By way of introduction, he said that their Sputnik V vaccine, now approved in 55 countries representing 1.4 billion people, would expand to 2.5 billion people shortly. He celebrated the latest contract with India for production of another 100 million doses, “the news of the day.” Now there are contracts for the production of 1.4 billion doses. For their own population, Russia is aiming for 139.6 million doses and, as of last week, have 40.2 million.

The Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov said that production is ramping up. April should see 17 million more doses. They also have manufacturing agreements in 10 countries. Further, their new EpiVacCorona vaccine is planned for 11 million doses by July. It is designed to be able to hit a wide array of variants. The Healthcare Minister Mikhail Murashko reported on a new version of Sputnik V that can be stored easily at non-frozen temperatures (36-46 degrees Fahrenheit), important for far-flung parts of Russia; and a new Sputnik Light, for trials on 12-17 year olds. The concern there was not-so-much about mortality but about possible and unknown long-term damage to children form COVID-19.

The chairman of the board of Pharstandard, Viktor Kharitonin, reported that their ramping up to 200-300 million doses per year involved recruiting Russian exile scientists back to Russia for the war against the virus: “Over 20 percent of our scientists returned from the EU, the United States and Israel at our invitation and are now helping us develop a modern pharmaceutical industry…”

Gamaleya director Alexander Gintsburg highlighted talks last week, headed by Sergei Razov, Russia’s ambassador to Italy, with Italy’s Spallanzani Institute — “a counterpart of ours” in being the national regulatory institute. They agreed to produce a “draft memorandum of cooperation” to work with Spallanzani’s key resource, “the largest collection of newly emerged and isolated strains of COVID-19 pathogens in Europe…” Plasma samples from people vaccinated with Sputnik V are to be tested for “the neutralizing activity of the serum…” Denis Logunov, Gamaleya deputy director, who actually developed the vaccine, explained that, as with the flu virus, we “examine sera screening from vaccinated patient’s reactions to new strains. I consider this very important… We must not miss the important moment when the virus, for one, gets out of control and the existing vaccines may become even potentially ineffective. In terms of science, I consider this prospect the most important.”

Video: U.S. Policy Towards Syria: Will it be based on Western Supremacy or the values of a New Paradigm?

Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban, Media and Political Advisor to the Syrian Presidency, gave a passionate presentation to the March 20-21 Schiller Institute international conference. She focused her remarks on painting a picture of the destruction of her country over the last 10 years by an American policy which is based on the ugly axioms of Western supremacy, the deployment of a Worldwide NATO and the obsession with “the rise of China.” She called for a New Paradigm of relations between nations which acknowledges that God created all of us—with different cultures and different histories—which must each and all be respected and allowed to freely develop, to enrich the world as a whole.

(Helga Zepp-LaRouche noted during the Q&A that Dr. Shaaban’s presentation to a Schiller Institute Conference in Germany in 2016 had been quite optimistic, in great contrast to the destruction of the nation that has taken place since then.)

Video: Will Human History End in Tragedy, Or Continue With a New Paradigm?

Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s presentation, “Will Human History End in a Tragedy or Continue with a New Paradigm?” to the March 20-21 Schiller Institute conference, laid out the extremely tumultuous strategic picture typified by Biden’s recent remarks calling Putin a killer, which is now coming together to a point, as in a drama, to a moment of decision. The key to the solution is accessing a higher principle. She quoted a paper from her late husband Lyndon LaRouche from 2007, in which he discusses the “fourth phase space”—a combination of classical art, science and statecraft, forming a single subject that is the true substance of history. Political leaders have to access this fourth phase space to avert the current tragedy.

How British Geopolitical Manipulation Leads to War

The discussion of the repeal of the Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF), which was nearly unanimously passed in 2002 by the U.S. Congress to justify the invasion of Iraq, while long overdue, shows how the U.S. foreign policy continues to be dominated by British geopolitical doctrine.  The Brits deploy all sorts of False Flags and psychological warfare to control policy options and manipulate popular opinion.  As the Schiller Institute’s Helga Zepp LaRouche has emphasized, to end the era of regime change wars, geopolitics must be repudiated definitively!

Video: Exposing the Western Media’s Lies About “Uyghur Genocide” in China

Retired Air Force Colonel and Pakistani Journalist Sultan M. Hali rips apart the lie about “Uyghur genocide” and proposes the US engage with China for peace and economic cooperation.

Great Reset, Green New Deal Collapsing, Along With Economy

Ignore the lies you hear about a “roaring economic recovery”.  As inflation increases, the strategy of the globalists to save their imploding system — the Great Reset and the Green New Deal — can be defeated by a mobilization of Americans, in collaboration with other nations unwilling to submit to a central banker’s dictatorship and the Fake science behind the “net-zero carbon” fraud.  The latest examples of rejection of the fraud come from the Chancellor of Austria and the government of India.  Join us to defeat the latest genocidal effort from the imperial Malthusians.

Beethoven: Sparks of Joy!

Beethoven: Sparks of Joy – Opus 9, No. 1: A Gem Trio Dedicated to an Irishman Who Served in the Russian Army!

Beethoven’s Opus 9 is a delightful set of three string trios, deserving of broader popularity than they enjoy today. They were dedicated to one of his early patrons, Count Johann George von Browne, the son of an Irish soldier of fortune who had risen to the rank of major general in the Russian army. This one, Op. 9, no. 1, was written in 1798. Here is a riveting performance of the Opus 9 no. 1 from the Camerata Pacifica. [Notes by Margaret Scialdone.]

Is the Biden Administration Moving to Repair Relations with China and Russia?

Is the potential explicit in Lyndon LaRouche’s concept of a Four-Power agreement — between the U.S., India, China and Russia — to reorganize the bankrupt financial system and move away from geopolitical confrontation, shaping the talks last month between officials of the U.S., China and Russia?  The threatening rhetoric continues from the U.S. side, but there is an opportunity now to move from the lowest level of relations, driven by imperial geopolitics, into the possibility of mutually beneficial agreements.  As a disastrous situation looms facing renters, homeowners, landlords and banks, there must be a “LaRouchian” shift to a New Bretton Woods, based on a restoration of the American System of economics.  Cooperation between the leading nations is essential to avoid an accelerating downward collapse of the global economy.

Lavrov and Wang Counter Geopolitical Games of the West

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, struck out against U.S. policy against their countries, including its sanctions and geopolitical games, in a joint press conference in Guilin, Guangxi, during Lavrov’s official two-day visit to China. 

“We reject zero-sum geopolitical games and reject unilateral illegitimate sanctions that our Western colleagues resort to more and more often,” Lavrov said in the joint press conference with Wang Yi today. “We noted the destructive nature of the United States’ intentions to undermine the UN-centered international legal architecture relying on military-political alliances of the Cold War era, and creating new closed alliances in the same vein.” Russia and China, however, will ensure that their bilateral relations are “safe and are not threatened by those states, which are unfriendly towards our countries.” 

He denounced the West‘s claims that Russia and China are carrying out vaccine diplomacy.
“Our partners in the West are trying to portray Russia and China as some kind of adventurers in the field of so-called vaccine diplomacy. This is absolutely not true,” he said. He informed the media that Russian President Vladimir Putin has called on all countries that their vaccine policies must be guided solely by considerations of humanity and the interests of saving lives. “It is absolutely necessary for everyone, including our partners in the West, to remember that.”

Lavrov also declared Russian relations with the European Union are nonexistent: “There are no relations with the European Union as an organization. The entire infrastructure of these relations has been destroyed by unilateral decisions made by Brussels.”

He pointed out that “There are only a few European partner countries that have a desire to act based on their national interests.” And therefore, “Objectively, this led to cooperation between Russia and China developing faster than what is left of relations with the European countries.”
For his part, Foreign Minister and State Councilor Wang Yi also minced no words for the EU for imposing sanctions on China over alleged human rights violations in Xinjiang. “They [sanctions] will not receive the support of the international community, especially the so-called sanctions imposed on the basis of lies. I believe that all countries should oppose this,” Wang Yi said. “[Western powers] should know that the days when they can arbitrarily interfere in China’s internal affairs by making up stories and lies are long gone.”

Russia and China will work for the protection of the world order based on international law, Wang affirmed. “We should act as guarantors of justice in international affairs. China is ready to promote the international system established by the United Nations, protect the world order based on international law, and abide by universal values such as peace, development, justice, democracy, equality and freedom.”

British Empire Prepares for Perpetual Geopolitical Confrontation

The U.K. Defence Command Paper, “Defence in a Competitive Age,” released by British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace yesterday as a follow-up to the defense, security, and foreign policy review released last week, focuses on the “21st century threats” that the U.K. supposedly faces in a world allegedly characterized by permanent confrontation. “Those of us in government charged to protect and defend have a duty to enter new domains, as well as continuing investment in the traditional ones, but always adapting to the threat,” Wallace wrote in the foreword. “History shows us, time and time again, that failing to do so risks irrelevance and defeat. As the threat changes we must change with it, remaining clear-eyed about what capabilities we retire, why we are doing so, and how they will be replaced.” Therefore, the process for developing the new policy began with “assessing the threats we are encountering and anticipating, before considering how we should address them, and only then with which equipment, and what resources are required to field them.”

“We must actively champion those shared values of liberty, justice and tolerance that have given billions of souls the world over the chance of a better life, and do so through our actions, not just our words. U.K. diplomacy is underwritten by the credibility of the U.K. armed forces, and they will be more integrated, active and agile, capable of both deterring threats and defeating enemies,” Wallace declared. This is all to be backed up by £188 billion in defense spending over the coming four years–an increase of £24 billion or 14%–which, Wallace claimed, “is an investment in that vision of security and prosperity in 2030.”

But the real axiomatic basis for what’s behind the new policy is this: “The notion of war and peace as binary states has given way to a continuum of conflict, requiring us to prepare our forces for more persistent global engagement and constant campaigning, moving seamlessly from operating to war fighting.” The armed forces “{will no longer be held as a force of last resort} [emphasis added], but become more present and active around the world, operating below the threshold of open conflict to uphold our values and secure our interests, partner our friends and enable our allies, whether they are in the Euro-Atlantic, the Indo-Pacific, or beyond.”

In other words, the United Kingdom will be in a permanent state of confrontation, if not always a shooting war, against Russia, China, and any other designated enemies who refuse to submit themselves to the “rules-based international order” dictated by the Anglo-American empire.

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