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The Globalist’s World Order Is Collapsing: That’s Why They Are So Dangerous!

While the Great Reset/Green New Deal is poised for an inglorious collapse, there is a different “reset” underway, based on Eurasian integration.  While this has been at the center of nightmares among the imperial geopoliticians tied to the City of London, and the speculative swindlers of Wall Street, for more than a century, there is no reason why the citizens of the U.S. and Europe should fear it.  Instead, it represents an opportunity for the “West” — should we choose to give up wars, austerity and the central banker’s dictatorship — to participate in projects which would provide great benefits for U.S. producers, and fuel an industrial, agricultural and trade bonanza.  Download your copy of “The Coming U.S. Economic Miracle on the New Silk Road”, and join our mobilization to implement it.  Your participation will make the globalists most unhappy!

Report: Russia Is Getting Wheat, Oil, Medicines to Syria

Report: Russia Is Getting Wheat, Oil, Medicines to Syria

April 26 (EIRNS) – Alexander Mercouris of The Duran gave a lengthy report from Southwest Asia
sources on his video blog April 25, that Russia has succeeded in conveying significant amounts of
wheat, oil and pharmaceuticals to Syria despite the killing “Caesar Act” sanctions imposed by the U.S.
Congress. This was implied in an April 17 report in the Lebanese newspaper Al Masdar, and
Mercouris was able to confirm and expand the report from other sources.
His Syrian diaspora sources, for example, reported the extremely dangerous situation of food
insecurity and deprivation in the country has improved due to Russian deliveries of wheat; these are
to continue through June with the aim of providing wheat stocks sufficient through 2022. Russia is the
world’s largest wheat exporter. In addition, Mercouris reported that Iranian oil tanker convoys with
Russian naval escort have begun. The original Al Masdar report was that pharmaceuticals were also
coming in “from another country”, unnamed; Mercouris says this certainly refers either to Russia or to
There is a military side to this report as well, related to a separate report about a Russian air
attack on a significant jihadi base; Mercouris makes the point that Syrian national elections are only a
month away and are likely to return President Hafez al-Assad.
But the report points to a broader Russian resistance to UK/US Malthusian population
destruction policies in several parts of the world, often in tandem with China. See the separate report
on Britain’s Royal United Services Institute complaining of Russia’s economic and military influence in
the Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, and Uganda. That is resistance to the
British/European “green” campaign to destroy technological development there while looting the
strategic metals for mass lithium battery production. A link to Mercouris’ report is here.

Harley Schlanger Update: A Giant Has Passed On, While Little People Push for War

Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General, lawyer for Lyndon LaRouche, and a leader in the fight against injustice, has passed away. As we celebrate his life, let us be inspired by his courage, and his impassioned devotion to principle. Such inspiration is necessary today, as we must mobilize to defeat the evil intent of the little people in charge of the Biden administration and NATO, who operate on behalf of the establishment, representing the interests of corporate cartels. They are engaged in a dangerous provocation in Ukraine, and an all-out effort to prevent economic development of the poorer nations in the world.

Afghanistan Update — Unfreeze the Funds!

Two days of meetings between U.S. and Taliban officials in Doha were described as “candid and professional”, but the U.S. has still not agreed to release funds being held by the U.S. Treasury that rightfully belong to the people of Afghanistan.  There is no time to waste in providing humanitarian aid, as hunger is stalking millions, including children.  Along with humanitarian aid, the U.S. should join with others in a broad reconstruction program, beginning with building necessary infrastructure.  Peaceful cooperation in such projects, rather than military buildup and threats, is the best transition out of the failed policy of regime change and endless wars.

Lift the Inhuman Sanctions Against Syria

On April 23, I interviewed Col. Richard Black (ret.), on his view of the inhuman sanctions the U.S. has imposed on Syria, to provoke a change in regime there. Col. Black, the former chief of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon, was blunt in his condemnation of this policy, which he described as “brutal” to the extent it makes him ashamed of what the U.S. is doing. He called on all citizens, especially leaders of religious institutions, to join with the Schiller Institute’s mobilization to end the sanctions. Today’s Update is of the last exchange we had. You can see the full video here.

Friday Questions: Once Again, Tony Blair Exposes Himself As a War Criminal!

On the eve of the 20th anniversary of 9/11, which led to the “forever wars” which he still supports, Blair reiterated all the talking points used by the Shadow Government to justify geopolitical provocations, huge military budgets, and imposing the Surveillance State.  We take up the question of whether 9/11 was an “inside job”; will Biden’s declassification order relating to documents on the Saudi role make a difference; and what is the significance of changes in financial regulatory policies introduced by the Chinese government?
For a full, in-depth analysis of 9/11 and its destructive aftermath, and how to change the direction from geopolitics to peaceful cooperation, be sure to register for the online conference of the Schiller Institute on Saturday, September 11, beginning at 2 PM EDT.

Beethoven: Sparks of Joy!

Beethoven: Sparks of Joy — String quartet Opus 18, no. 3

The third of Beethoven’s Opus 18 string quartets was actually the first composed – Beethoven himself placed it third in the cycle. It’s a warm-hearted, genial work, with a rollicking, knee-slapping finale. We present once again the Amadeus Quartet. [Notes by Margaret Scialdone.]

A Call To Release the Funds of the Afghan People

This call by the Schiller Institute will be distributed internationally Oct. 14 as the IMF and World Bank meet in Washington.

PDF of this statement

Today and in the coming days, we, informed citizens of the world and patriots of our own nations, stand united, in Washington, Berlin, Lima, Paris, Rome, Buenos Aires, Copenhagen, Madrid, Stockholm, Brussels and in many other cities of the world, to expose and denounce a crime.

On August 15, after four decades of foreign interventions, a new government took power in Afghanistan. While having orientations we don’t necessarily approve of, the new government has expressed its willingness to face the immediate humanitarian challenges, eradicate opium production, reconstruct Afghanistan’s health system and build the basic infrastructure required to jump-start trade and development. As clearly understood by Pakistan, India, China, Russia, Turkmenistan, Iran and others, it is in the interest of all to allow the new government to stabilize the situation by engaging in normal international relations. But more is required: without a minimal foreign input, Afghanistan will fail in dealing with a deadly food and health crisis that started way before Aug. 14.

Hence, it is outrageous that in the days following the Taliban takeover, the White House announced that all assets of Afghanistan’s central bank held in the U.S. would not be released to the new Afghan government:

  • The U.S. Federal Reserve refuses to release the $9.5 billion of assets of the Central Bank of Afghanistan, $7 billion of which are held by the New York Fed. About $1.3 billion of these are held in international accounts, with some of it in euros and British pounds, while the rest are held by the Bank for International Settlements based in Switzerland. As a result, Afghanistan can only access 0.1-0.2 % of its total reserves!
  • The International Monetary Fund has suspended all financing for “lack of clarity within the international community” over recognizing the new government. $370 million set to be released on Aug. 23 was withheld and access to the IMF’s reserves in Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) assets, which can be converted to government-backed money, have also been blocked.
  • The World Bank (as denounced by a petition of Code Pink) has refused to release some $440 million, notably the funds required to pay Afghan teachers and health workers. Hence, while there is a huge outcry over “women’s rights,” 13,000 female healthcare workers, including doctors, midwives, nurses, vaccinators, and other female staff, are not being paid by the World Bank’s Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF).

On Feb. 29, 2020, the Taliban and the U.S. government signed an agreement. Part III of that agreement stipulates: “The U.S.A. and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan are committed to continue positive relations, including economic cooperation for reconstruction…. The United States will refrain from the threat or the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Afghanistan or intervening in its domestic affairs.”

Today, if the United States wants to regain respect and esteem, it has to live up to its own commitments, especially when millions of human lives, both female and male, are at stake, which is the case in Afghanistan as a result of a food and health crisis of apocalyptic dimensions. Two out of five Afghans, many of them children, are facing starvation.

Therefore, we, the undersigned, call on President Joe Biden to act in the spirit of the 2020 Doha agreement, signed by the U.S.A., and lift all unnecessary sanctions against Afghanistan, including the use of malign pretexts to prevent its control over the assets of its own central bank as well as its normal access to the international financial markets. The urgency is now!

Support this call and help to spread it!

Initial signatory:

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, President, Schiller Institute

Jacques Cheminade, President Solidarité et Progrès, three-time presidential candidate

Update on Afghanistan, From Outside the Western Media Bubble

While some irresponsible idiots, such as Sen. Lindsey Graham, are calling for the U.S. to send troops back to Afghanistan, there are developments underway that are kept out of the western media.  What, for example, are the Chinese and Afghanistan’s neighbors saying and doing?  China has a vested interest in seeing that Afghanistan does not become a safe haven for terrorists, nor drug traffickers.  China’s Foreign Minister reiterated that, while China welcomes the pledges coming from the Taliban interim government, recognition depends on following through with a commitment to tolerance, and combating terrorism and drug trafficking.  Did you know that the Taliban had nearly shut down opium production by 2000?  Only after the 2001 U.S.-NATO overthrow of the Taliban government did drug production take off again — not surprisingly, especially in the province of the country under British control!

Join us for this weekend’s 9/11 events:
Friday September 10, 7pm — 9/11 Memorial Concert, Beethoven’s Agnus Dei: Peace for ourselves, and the world
Saturday September 11, 2pm — Manhattan Project Meeting, Afghanistan and the Surveillance State. Where Do We Go From Here?

To Defeat the Great Reset/Green New Deal, THINK BIG!

It’s no coincidence that governments are falling, energy and food prices are soaring, new wars are being planned, and riots are being organized: We are in a systemic breakdown crisis, and those responsible for it are running psychological warfare operations to polarize the vast majority of people, to keep them from uniting around a policy to bankrupt the globalists, and go back to the principles of physical economy, as presented by Lyndon LaRouche in his “Four Laws”.   Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Guus Berkhout of Climate Intelligence have issued a “Wake Up Call,” which must be circulated everywhere — don’t allow your friends and fellow citizens to be manipulated by fake narratives pushed by those who are organizing these crises.  They are vulnerable and can be defeated. 

Get the wakeup call here.

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