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CRUCIAL UPDATE — The Pro-War Narrative Is Unravelling: Yes, We Have Been Lied To!

Today is the day we were told by U.S. and NATO intelligence officials that Russia would invade Ukraine.  This narrative was built on an escalating cascade of lies, designed to scare you into silent submission to the cabal of liars who created the narrative.  Every day, more voices are speaking out against the narrative.  Today we report comments from former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Matlock, and former French Foreign Minister Dumas, debunking the Trans-Atlantic war hawk drumbeat.  But a word of warning — the war threat has not ended, as the danger exists of a provocation by NATO-backed and trained crazies in Kiev, which could trigger a Russian response.  
Matlock’s statement is available HERE.

Video: Afghanistan, Hell on Earth? I have a different idea

Excerpt of Helga Zepp-LaRouche speaking at a joint conference by the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) and the Schiller Institute (SI) on Thursday, February 10, 2022 on the topic, “The Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan: Toward a Long-term Solution.” Among the topics addressed by a panel of six speakers were:

· What are the causes of the Afghan humanitarian crisis?
· What are the geopolitical implications of a failed state in Afghanistan?
· What is needed to reverse the immediate threat of mass starvation and refugee problems?
· A long-term solution to the humanitarian crisis: the role of the global powers.

Opening and closing statements will be presented by Dr. Andrey Kortunov, Director General of RIAC, and Helga Zepp-LaRouche, chairwoman of the SI.

Additional speakers will include:
Ivan Safranchuk, Director at the Center for Eurasian Studies of MGIMO University
Temur Umarov, Fellow at the Carnegie Moscow Center
Jim Jatras, U.S. diplomat, former advisor to U.S. Senate Republican leadership
Graham Fuller, 25 year career as a CIA operations officer, author

Will We Allow the Military-Industrial-Complex War Hawks Lead Us into World War III?

Over the weekend, the chicken hawks in the U.S. State Department and intelligence were out in force, beating the drums for war, insisting that Russia may invade Ukraine by this Wednesday.  Why are they doing this?  Former presidential candidate and military veteran Tulsi Gabbard asked why won’t the Biden administration guarantee that we will not allow NATO membership for Ukraine: “Is it because the war mongers actually want Russia to invade?”  More to the point, it is that they fear the Anglo-American unipolar world order, absurdly called by Blinken the Rules-Based Order, has lost any semblance of legitimacy after two decades of regime change wars, followed by imposing murderous sanctions on those who reject giving up sovereignty to the imperial looters, and is an advanced state of collapse.

Video: Facing a Ukrainian Crisis—A Franco German Call for NATO-EXIT

Listen to part of the op-ed “Faced with the Ukrainian Crisis, France’s NATO-EXIT Is an Absolute Emergency” published in the French “sovereignist” weekly Marianne by Peter Dittus and Hervé Hannoun. (The German economist Peter Dittus is the former secretary general of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), while Frenchman Hannoun is its former deputy director general). Read the full text here.

Earth’s Next 100 Years: Listen to the Wise Words of Lyndon LaRouche

In commemoration of Lyndon LaRouche’s passing on February 12, 2019, we invite you to meet, or reacquaint yourself with the mind and the personality of one of the greatest geniuses of the last 100 years. Genius without beauty is not genius at all. Join our LaRouche marathon, and bring your friends young and old alike.

Webcast: The Post-Cold War Order Has Been Shaken — for the Good — by the Putin-Xi Summit

Helga Zepp-LaRouche stated today that the agreement released following the summit between President Putin and President Xi last week was extremely important, and has shaken things up in a positive way. The two leaders reasserted the concept of peaceful coexistence, which includes non-interference in other nations’ affairs, reflecting the principles of the Bandung conference. Coming at the time of the ramping up of tensions between NATO and Russia, it is shaping the potential for a new international geometry, which requires a discussion of a new security architecture. President Macron’s meeting with Putin pushed things in that direction, and other smaller countries are speaking out — for example, Pakistan’s President Imran Khan. She is hopeful about what might come from Germany, but agreed with Zakharova, the spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, that Germany remains a “U.S. protectorate.”

The other major development she highlighted was the Schiller Institute-RIAC seminar yesterday addressing achieving a solution to the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. She described the announcement by President Biden that the U.S. will release funds frozen by the U.S. which belong to Afghanistan, which can be used to purchase food, medicine, etc., is a “step forward”, but what is required to fully overcome the crisis there is the cooperation of all major powers, with the regional powers, to fully integrate the country into the regional economy.

City of London Is Losing Control

The pathetic attempt by UK Foreign Minister Truss to imitate her model, Margaret Thatcher, in her confrontation with her Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, fell flat, as she came off looking like an ill-prepared buffoon.  At the same time, the French and Germans saw in a Normandy Four meeting in Berlin, that the Russians are right, that it is Ukraine — NOT Russia — that is blocking the fulfillment of the Minsk Accords.  And the EU’s version of a Green Build Back Better plan was hit by a blow from Senegal’s President, who said Africans are more concerned about having electricity than in meeting the COP 26 agreement’s demands on hydrocarbons.  

Seminar: The Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan — Toward a Long-term Solution

The Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) and the Schiller Institute (SI) will be convening a seminar on Thursday, February 10, 2022 at 4 PM Moscow time/2 PM CET/8 AM EST on the topic, “The Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan: Toward a Long-term Solution.” Among the topics to be addressed by a panel of six speakers will be:

  • What are the causes of the Afghan humanitarian crisis?
  • What are the geopolitical implications of a failed state in Afghanistan?
  • What is needed to reverse the immediate threat of mass starvation and refugee problems?
  • A long-term solution to the humanitarian crisis: the role of the global powers.

Opening and closing statements will be presented by Dr. Andrey Kortunov, Director General of RIAC, and Helga Zepp-LaRouche, chairwoman of the SI.

Additional speakers will include:
Ivan Safranchuk, Director at the Center for Eurasian Studies of MGIMO University
Temur Umarov, Fellow at the Carnegie Moscow Center
Jim Jatras, U.S. diplomat, former advisor to U.S. Senate Republican leadership
Graham Fuller, 25 year career as a CIA operations officer, author

Questions may be submitted to

France and Germany Try Diplomacy, While U.S. and NATO Continue Lies and Military Buildup

A coordinated diplomatic effort by French President Macron and German Chancellor Scholz to resolve tensions with Russia over security guarantees shows some promise. Unfortunately, the war hawks making policy for the U.S. and U.K. continue to spread through compliant media their false narrative of an “imminent” Russian invasion, and a buildup of NATO forces at or near the borders of Russia. What are they covering up with their incessant campaign of bluff and bluster?

Make sure to watch Schiller Institute’s Seminar tomorrow at 8 AM EST “The Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan — Toward a Long-term Solution.”

Join Us to Overturn the Lying Narratives Coming from the Collapsing Empire

Why is it that U.S. nuclear war exercises are good, as we are told they are “to secure our freedoms”, but Russian exercises are described as a prelude to invade another country?  Who has invaded more countries in recent years, the combined U.S./NATO forces, or Russia and China?  Which alliance has used false flags as an excuse for war, organized Color Revolutions to carry out coups, and imposed sanctions to punish innocent civilians?  The lying narratives must stop!  The Schiller Institute will hold a joint event with the Russian International Affairs Council on Feb. 10 to discuss a solution to the crisis in Afghanistan. Join us:

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