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International Youth Discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Tuesday, March 31 at 10:00 am EDT (16:00 CET). The world is in a grave crisis which is unlike anything before. The good news is that, given that it is the terrible policies of the past decades that have put us in this situation, it will be impossible to “go back to normal.” Helga Zepp-LaRouche has called on young people of the world to take leadership at this moment of great change to fight the two deadly viruses now threatening humanity—the coronavirus pandemic and the meltdown of the global financial system. The world must emerge from this crisis with an entirely New Paradigm of peaceful relations among nations, and a new economic system based on cooperation for the progress of all humanity. As is becoming more and more stark with the coronavirus pandemic, an urgent priority will be to build a modern global health system to ensure the right to life of all people on the planet.

This video conference is an opportunity for young people across the world to speak with Helga Zepp-LaRouche and join the fight for this New Paradigm. After opening remarks by Helga, representatives from each nation will give a 2-4 minute report on their organizing, and a Q&A will follow.


Join us and participate in the discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche and young people from around the world.

Belt and Road Offers Great Future for Italian Ports and Shipowners

Oct. 27, 2017 -Matteoli, chairman of the Italian shipowners association Confitarma, said that the New Silk Road initiative represents a major o ppMario ortunity for growth mainly for Italian ports, since they become the next preferred gateway for goods coming from Asia into Europe, while today, cargo flows are more often offloaded in Northern Europe before being distributed in Central and Southern Europe.

“The Belt and Road project is of course challenging and scary at the same time,” Matteoli said,”but I think that the Italian players should be aware of this great opportunity mainly because instead of being at the terminus of the belt, we could have an inversion of the tendency of what the flows are now. Many industries in the north of Italy import goods from the ports based in Germany and The Netherlands, but the new infrastructure projects could instead invert the trend, and eventually Italy could become the entry point for the goods to be distributed towards the north.”

Matteoli also addressed  a crucial role of shipowners for mankind, stating that “we, as shipowners, have to participate (in the New Silk Road) in order to grant a better world for the future generations.”

Turkey wants to join the New Silk Road

Oct. 29 – “China is an important country in all respects. It is a country with which we want to develop our relations, and revive the historical Silk Road together,” Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said yesterday, in a speech in the southeastern city of Sanliurfa, Xinhua reports. He noted that the Silk Road includes many issues, including those of economy and security.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was a prominent participant in the May 2017 Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in China; the country’s {Official Gazette} reported two days ago that Emin Onon, described as Erdogan’s “chief advisor” by Turkey Minute website, has been appointed Ambassador to China.

The pro-government newspaper {Daily Sabah} ran a story that same day reviewing the last decade of Turkish-Chinese economic ties, with an eye to how, “having gained momentum in the last decade, Turkish-Chinese cooperation is set to capitalize on further cooperation with additional joint investment projects to unlock the potential offered by the Belt and Road project.”

“Millennia-long ties between the Turks and the nation of dragons, China, have not always been marked with lucrative cooperation,” {Daily Sabah} wrote, but “history tells us that the two nations have enjoyed the benefits of trading on the ancient Silk Road…. China’s willingness to render the Belt and Road initiative as integrated into Turkey’s development strategy, will also help strengthen the exchange between China and Turkey.”

Among the economic cooperation underway or in the works mentioned by {Daily Sabah}, are ongoing negotiations on construction of the Edirne-Kars high-speed railway route, the agreement on China’s State Nuclear Power Technology Corp.’s construction of a third nuclear power plant in Turkey, and promotion of the use of direct renmimbi-lira currency transactions to finance trade and investment by the Chairman Xu Keen of the Turkish branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC Turkey).

Xu told {Daily Sabah}, “we will strengthen the market surveys in Eastern Europe and the Black Sea region, while acting as the major partner to infrastructure projects including energy power plants, railroads, highways and others, in addition to other projects in Turkey and surrounding regions.”

Likewise, PowerChina (Power Construction Corporation of China) decided at the end of last May to establish its Eurasian regional headquarters operations in Istanbul. PowerChina Deputy General Manager Wang Bin explained, in opening the regional headquarters, that “Turkey is one of the most important countries along the Silk Road and has important regional advantages,”

Webcast—Will Ongoing Shocks Provoke a New Kind of Thinking Necessary to Overcome a New Dark Age?

Helga reiterates the serious warnings from leading German infectious disease officials and looks at the Wuhan model of breaking transmission paths at the outset. Helga calls on countries to coordinate their efforts to conquer this pandemic, including stemming the economic impacts on the global economy, but that doesn’t mean a bailout for Wall Street! See her updated petition.

Helga and Harley discuss the fraud of the just-in-time economy, reminding people of Lyndon LaRouche’s warning that if we continued down the road of zero-growth, the West would no longer be able to support itself and implode. She calls for an end of geo-politics and all efforts to be focused on solving the joint virus and finance crisis.

Release: Schiller Institute Day of Action for Emergency Summit of Trump, Putin & Xi to Stop Danger of War

The Schiller Institute is organizing a Day of Action, Wednesday, January 15, to intensify support for the Institute’s January 7 “Call for Presidents Trump, Putin, and Xi To Convene an Emergency Summit to Address the Danger of War.” Activists on five continents will mobilize citizens, government officials, diplomats and institutions, in support of the call, which was authored by Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche.

January 15, which is the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is the day of rallies and activity at appropriate locations, and on social media, websites, and all means of outreach. The Schiller Institute encourages all to commemorate the ideas and life’s work of Dr. King, by organizing for peace through economic development, as in the Call for the Emergency Summit.

The central international event will be at the United Nations in New York City, from 12 noon to 3 pm, Wednesday, January 15. Follow us on Facebook for on-the-ground reports from organizers throughout the world. To participate in New York, please contact: Lynne Speed, in New York, at (201) 562-9890.

First Direct Xinjiang-Ukraine Cargo Train Sets Off

The first cargo train linking China’s western-most Xinjiang province with Ukraine pulled out of Urumqi,

Xinjiang today, heading for Poltava in Ukraine with a load of oil drilling equipment, Xinhua reports. Cheng Jingmin, Deputy Manager of Xinjiang Beiken Energy Engineering, which provided the equipment, said the new route, running through Kazakhstan and Russia, will cut transportation time from more than two months by sea to 15 days.

Schiller Institute Chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche, in her Oct. 26 webcast, pointed to the importance of expanding Ukraine’s participation in such Belt and Road projects, thereby creating grounds for ending that dangerous crisis. Noting that Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi had just met with his Ukrainian counterpart Pavlo Klimkin, and both said that they want to cooperate very closely in the Belt and Road Initiative, Zepp-LaRouche continued: “That is what we have said for years: The only way that you can solve the Ukraine crisis–where the west of Ukraine is Western oriented, Catholic; and the eastern part, is Orthodox, Russian oriented–the only way that you can get back to the unity of Ukraine, is if the Eurasian Land-Bridge, the New Silk Road, is in construction from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and in that way, a higher level of cooperation is implemented, which then solves all of these conflicts. So that is also a very promising development.”

The Dream of American Politician Lyndon LaRouche Becomes True One Third of a Century Later

Major Qatari Daily Publishes Op-Ed by Dr. Kedidi on LaRouche’s Strategic Outlook

Feb. 28, 2017 –The following is a translation from the Arabic of a syndicated op-ed that was published today (February 28, 2017) in the leading Qatari daily {Al-Sharq} ( ). It is republished in several other Arabic newspapers and websites. The author is Dr. Ahmed Kedidi, former Tunisian diplomat and guest lecturer in many Arab strategic studies institutions. He is a long-time friend of Helga and Lyndon LaRouche, and frequent participant in Schiller Institute conferences in the 1980s and ’90s. He has also signed many petitions presented by the Schiller Institute. Dr. Kedidi is currently a resident of Qatar.

by Dr. Ahmed Kedidi

The most important international strategic event that took place last week, in my view, is the call issued by Russia’s Foreign Minister Lavrov to create a new world order to replace the old system, known as the transatlantic system, stressing that the latter system has reached its expiry date. It is a system that has been based on the West’s control over the livelihood of the world. This call was issued during the cessions of the international security conference held on Feb. 17-19 in Munich, Germany, in the presence of the U.S. Vice President and the German Chancellor. Coinciding with this, the President of China stood in the Beijing conference for international cooperation to express the same desire, proposing to replace the decaying transatlantic system with the “New Silk Road” project which relies on economic development and cooperation and peace among all the nations of the world.

Then, I became certain that President Trump’s description of the NATO system as an outdated one, falls into the same strong and joint paradigm towards changing the rules and aims of the world order and replacing it with an alternative order. But what most observers missed is that this is the alternative that was proposed to the leaders of the world by Lyndon LaRouche, the American thinker, politician and economist who was an advisor to President Reagan, and was the true father of the Star Wars [Strategic Defense Initiative-ed]. He is the indefatigable fighter, who keeps exposing, in spite of passing the age of 90, the misdeeds of the Transatlantic system which is dedicated to looting and war.

Mr. Lyndon LaRouche was the only one who warned the world about the collapse of the international financial and monetary system. He was also the only one who prescribed the remedy more than a third of a century ago through a unique vision and capability to foresee the future and avoid approaching crises. He is now a reference point for American and international experts and politicians in order for them to make radical decisions to establish a new international economic and strategic order replacing the Bretton Woods System and NATO, an alternative system based on justice, security, and cooperation among the U.S., China, Russia and India, and on constructing networks of roads, bridges and communications among nations. A system based on building relations among nations on the foundation of cultural ties that bring a swift end for the manipulation and looting of other nations, and eventually solving the major crises by resorting to international law. One of the first such crises to be resolved is the current one in the Middle East, through ending the support to the reckless madness of Israeli policies, because, according to his [LaRouche’s] analysis, it has become a threat to international security and peace, and has turned into a focal point for violence, murder, and ethnic cleansing.

Mr. Lyndon LaRouche is also a proponent of every nation’s sovereign right over its resources and wealth, and an avowed enemy of usury, illusive trade, and replacing physical reality with virtual axioms. He is a fierce resistance fighter against financial speculators and their manipulations, because he has always been an advocate of an international system based on physical production of wealth, employment, justice and economic welfare, technological progress, commerce, and opposing the tyranny and imperialism of the transcontinental banks and corporations. These views have been expressed by Mr. LaRouche for more than 30 years through his monthly (sic) magazine {Executive Intelligence Review}, which is published in three languages ({New Solidarity}), and in his newsletter targeting the ruling elites, The {Strategic Alert Service}, and through the American and European parties that propagate his ideas and call for listening to his voice. These stances are exactly what the leaders of Russia, the U.S. and China are aspiring to change their policies to orient with, i.e., a change that means a clean break with the policies of the neocons in Washington and the ambitions of the extreme right wing parties of Europe.

I have known Mr. LaRouche personally for more than 35 years. I visited him frequently in his home in the outskirts of Washington, and his house in Germany, near Wiesbaden, and I met him a countless number of times in European capitals in international economic and political conferences. He joined me in several international committees, like the committee to free Palestinian leader Marwan Al-Barghouthi, and I joined him and his wife, Helga LaRouche, in the international effort to ban violent computer games that plant the seeds of violence and the desire to kill in our children. I still believe that he is one of the American personalities with the most far-sighted vision, the fairest, and the closest person to the issues of the oppressed people of the world. Therefore, he is the most competent to bring back to the American nation its respect and dignity which it has lost in the past decade. I never give up on the possibility of changing the U.S. foreign policy towards the issues of the Arab world, because this is a very likely proposition no matter what President Trump’s improvised positions may be, only if we Arabs realize what the ways and means to reaching that change are. It is not enough to be right. It is equally important to know how to impose that right in the sphere of international relations, where our enemies are imposing their injustice.

Resolution for the Year of Beethoven

The following resolution is being circulated internationally by the Schiller Institute.

At a time when we are witnessing growing mindless violence, the degeneration of cultural values, an almost unrivaled dumbing-down of popular taste, and the brutalization of interpersonal relations, we nonetheless still have a crucial source from which a cultural and moral regeneration can be spawned: classical art! The magnificent image of man that is associated with the poetic works of Dante, Petrarch, Lessing or Schiller, or the sublime compositions of Bach, Mozart, Verdi, Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann or Brahms, is still a reference point for the way in which we define ourselves as a society.

But when we consider the role of the artist in contemporary culture, and apply the yardstick given by Schiller:

The dignity of man is in your hands,

Preserve it!

It falls with you! With you, it will rise!

A degraded picture emerges. Our education system hardly conveys any knowledge of classical culture, our so-called youth culture is dominated by a cult of ugliness, and classical culture itself is under massive attack. For decades now, post-war theater companies have invented new abysses of hideousness, productions of Shakespeare or Schiller have become unrecognizable, opera stages have also become battlefields for some time, on which the perverse fantasies of various directors are played out, and now self-styled modern composers are even molesting the compositions of Beethoven, evidently because they are unable to create anything themselves.

This must be stopped! The time has come to launch a counter-offensive!

The Year of Beethoven, in which many Beethoven compositions will be performed all over the world, offers a wonderful occasion for us to recall the best of our cultural tradition in western culture and to oppose it to the moral downward trend of the past decades. We can no longer leave a theater and music mafia, that has ruined classical art, at the helm. Therefore, we call for the creation of a Renaissance movement for the defense and revival of classical art. As Friedrich Schiller demonstrated so incontrovertibly in his Aesthetical Letters: It is only in great art that we can find the inner force to develop our own creativity and to improve ourselves as persons.

The world is currently in the midst of an epochal change in which the previous era, dominated by trans-Atlantic countries, is clearly coming to an end, and the focus of development is shifting to Asia, where there are several peoples who are rightly proud of their civilizations, some of which are more than 5,000 years old, and foster them. If the West has anything to contribute to shaping in a humanist spirit the emerging new paradigm in the world, it is our advanced culture of the Renaissance and the Classics.

I support this resolution!

Sign the Petition


Helga Zepp-LaRouche: A New Era of Hope

“People in the West are so behind the curve,” Helga Zepp-LaRouche commented today, taking note of the extraordinary conclusion of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. By and large, the governments in the West seem intent on sinking with the Titanic of the trans-Atlantic financial system. And the populations generally remain woefully ignorant of what is actually happening in China, and the Grand Design to use the Belt and Road Initiative to help build a “beautiful world” for all—an ignorance which Zepp-LaRouche’s weekly webcasts on the “Spirit of the New Silk Road” are designed to help remedy.

“We, more than 1.3 billion Chinese people, live in jubilation and dignity,” Chinese President Xi Jinping reported in his brief, concluding remarks to the CPC Congress. As significant as the achievements of the past have been—such as raising 700 million people out of poverty—Xi focused on the tasks of the future, stating that China “embraces brilliant propsects,” and will “stride forward to an ever promising future.” He soberly added that “we also feel the heavy weight of responsibility upon us.”

“People in the West are so behind the curve”

The CPC Congress issued a final Resolution which located China’s mission in the global context, announcing their commitment to “preserving world peace and promoting common development.” The keystone of this mission is to “actively promote international cooperation through the Belt and Road Initiative,” and to use the win-win approach championed by President Xi to “work together with the people of all countries to build an open, inclusive, clean, and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security, and common prosperity.”

Whether or not that “beautiful world” will be built, depends in large measure on the upcoming Asian trip of President Trump, and most especially on his Nov. 8 meeting with Xi Jinping. If Trump accepts Xi’s repeated offers to join the Belt and Road Initiative, a dramatic strategic sea-change will be underway. If, however, Trump remains largely tied down by British slanders and threats against him—such as the tidal wave of Russiagate and anti-China propaganda spewing from the British Empire and their assets—then the entire world may well sink with the bankrupt Old Paradigm. 

Just as the CPC Congress’s concluding press conference was about to occur yesterday, China Global Television Network turned to EIR Washington Bureau Chief Bill Jones for a live interview on his views on the Congress, and on Trump’s upcoming meeting with Xi. Jones’s response was to the point: the Belt and Road Initiative “could be the glue that really could cement the relationship” between the two countries; if Trump and Xi reach such an agreement, “the whole world will move toward a new era of development.”

Call for Presidents Trump, Putin & Xi to Convene Emergency Summit to Address Danger of War

If the world is to escape a spiral of retaliations and counter-retaliations in the wake of the the killing of Iranian Major General Qasem Soleimani and Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units Deputy Commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis , the Presidents of the United States, Russia and China must convene an emergency summit to address the current crisis in Southwest Asia and the solutions to that crisis.

Seventy-five years ago, the United States, Russia and China were joined together in the global fight which defeated fascism, and today, these Presidents must act in concert to save the peace.

On January 3, Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche issued an emergency statement which concluded,

“It is clear, that among the three presidents, President Trump—who promised to end the endless wars and has already taken several steps in that direction—and Presidents Putin and Xi, there is the intention and the capability to outflank the maneuvers of the war-mongers and to establish a higher level of cooperation. That potential is the reason that the coup—Russiagate and now the Impeachment—are orchestrated against Trump. It is now the time for those three outstanding leaders to fulfill the potential that historical providence has bestowed upon them.”

The Crisis

Every world war and major war of the past century has been triggered by the British Empire’s geopolitical policy of permanent warfare, throwing nations against each other to maintain their power as a global elite.

Nowhere have the effects of that evil imperial policy of pitting nations, peoples, religions and factions against each other been more evident than in the Mideast, where that policy was codified by the Sykes-Picot Treaty established by the British and French imperial powers after World War I.

Understanding that history, Lyndon LaRouche, in a speech delivered 15 years ago, provided the framework in which to understand and act on today’s crisis.

“And when you look at the possibilities for this region, like Southwest Asia, the only chance will come, not from inside Southwest Asia. We will do, and must do, what we can, for that area, to try to stop the bloodshed, the agony, to prevent the war. But we will not succeed, until we change the history, change the world in which this region is contained.”

The Solution

Therefore, we call on President Trump to meet with Presidents Putin and Xi to not only address the immediate danger of war in Southwest Asia, but to do so with permanent effect by creating a New Paradigm for the world—to change the world, as LaRouche said.

Such a paradigm must be based on the principles of the Treaty of Westphalia, which ended the Thirty Years War in Europe. Warring nations broke the cycle of retribution and revenge and acted for the “advantage of the other.”

Such a paradigm must end geopolitics and imperialism, and establish a new financial and strategic architecture for the world, based on defense of the sovereignty and cultural integrity of all nations.

The U.S., China, Russia and other nations such as India, must act to establish a joint plan for the economic development of the entire region, informed by policies put forward by Lyndon LaRouche and Helga Zepp-LaRouche over the decades, and now given life by China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

Such a policy will realize LaRouche’s vision: “There is a solution, a solution in principle. And the solution is: End this blasted imperialist system! And understand that we, as a people, must develop our spiritual culture; that is, the creative powers of mankind, to carry further the development of mankind.”

A PDF of this call to action can be found here.

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