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Prominent leaders endorse LaRouche’s New Bretton Woods

The following list of elected officials, scientists, professors, military leaders, musicians, authors, labor leaders, and more have endorsed the Schiller Institute’s petition, The Leaders of the United States, China, Russia, and India Must Take Action!  To read the full petition, or add your own signature, click here.

Elected Representatives active or former federal, state, and local elected officials

Government Officials active or former military, diplomats, ambassadors, etc

Organizational Leaders leaders in labor, agriculture, industry, and business organizations

Political, Religious, or Social Leaders 

Leaders in the Arts and Sciences scientists, technologists, professors, and musicians


We, the undersigned, appeal to President Trump, President Putin, President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Modi, to convoke an emergency summit in order to create a New Bretton Woods global monetary system.


Elected Representatives
(active or former federal, state, and local elected officials)

Senator Richard Black (USA) • Sitting Virginia State Senator (Republican, District 13)

Hon. Gianni Tonelli (Italy) • Sitting member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, Lega Nord party

Prof. Ivo Christov (Bulgaria) • Sitting Member of the Bulgarian parliament for the Socialist Party, member of the Foreign Policy, and Science and Education committees

U.S. Senator Mike Gravel (USA) • Two-term Democratic senator for the state of Alaska (1969-1981); famously read classified Pentagon Papers at a Congressional hearing to expose failure of the Vietnam War policy

Dr. Natalia Vitrenko (Ukraine) • Chair of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine; member of parliament with the Socialist Party of Ukraine (1995-1998) and then with the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine (1998-2002)

Congressman Cornelius Gallagher (USA) • Democratic Congressman representing New Jersey (1959-1972)

Viktor Marchenko (Ukraine) • Former member of parliament, Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine

Dr. Kirk Meighoo (Trinidad & Tobago) • Former Senator, Trinidad & Tobago; member of the advisory board of the Caribbean Integrationist

Senator William “Bill” Owens (USA) • Former Massachusetts State Senator (1975-1982, 1989-1992), Democratic party

Souad Sbai (Italy) • Former member of Italian National Parliament

Commissioner Robert Van Hee (USA) • Sitting County Commissioner, District 4 Redwood County, Minnesota

Councilwoman Elena Fontana (Italy) • Former City Councilwoman, Italia-Montichiari (Brescia)

Mayor Henry Gonzalez (USA) • Former Mayor of South Gate, California, founder and former President of the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement

Guy N. Martin (USA) • Former Mayor pro tem of Conroe, TX; Attorney in TX;  Former Financial Advisor for AG Edwards


Government Officials
(active or former military, diplomats, ambassadors, etc)

General Edwin de la Fuente Jeria (Bolivia) • Former Commander-in-Chief, Bolivian Armed Forces

Dr. Julio C. Gonzalez (Argentina) • Former Technical Secretary to the Argentine Presidency

Major General (ret) Kostas X. Konstantinidis (Greece) • Co-founder of the Non Governmental Organization “Amphiktyonia of Ecumenical Hellenism”

Alain Corvez (France) • Advisor on international strategy

James George Jatras (USA) • Former diplomat; former adviser to Republican Senate leadership

Jacques Bacamurwanko (Guinea) • Former Ambassador of Burundi to the USA; now serving as Capacity Building Expert (Chef du Département “Suivi-Evaluation”) National Capacity Building Secretariat in Guinea

Ambassador Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos (Greece) • Former ambassador;  former Secretary General of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation

Vasant Bharath (Trinidad & Tobago) • Former Minister of Trade, Industry and Investment


Organizational Leaders
(leaders in labor, agriculture, industry, and business organizations)

Daisuke Kotegawa (Japan) • Research Director, Canon Institute; Former Executive Director for Japan IMF

Dr. Walter Formento (Argentina) • Director, Center for Economic and Political Research

Jean-Pierre Gerard (France) • Former member of the Council of Monetary Policies of the Banque de France; entrepreneur

John Lampl (USA) • Vice-President (retired) of the AFL-CIO, North Dakota; former District President of North Dakota Democratic Party

Rich (John R) Anderson (USA) • Former director of the National Cattlemen’s Association; former member of the Texas Republican Executive Committee; former County Chairman of the Republican Party

Trustee George Bioletto (USA) • International Association of Machinists, Long Beach, CA

Francis Kelly (USA) • Farm Bureau in Wyoming; county chair in the Republican Party

Tate Ulsaker Nelson (New Zealand) • International Trade Consultant; founder of Direct Info

Denys Pluvinage (France) • President of Apopsix Editing company

Jean-Michel St. Jean (USA) • Haitian National Congress, Inc.


Political, Religious, or Social Leaders

Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany) • Founder of the Schiller Institute; founder and chairwoman of the German Bürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarität party (BüSo) (Civil Rights Movement Solidarity)

Fouad Alghaffari (Yemen) • Head of the Preparatory Committee of the New Silk Road Party in Yemen; President of the Yemeni BRICS Youth Cabinet

Reverend Andrew Ashdown (UK) • Anglican Priest; author, The Very Stones Cry Out; leader of the first British community group to visit Aleppo following the beginning of the Syrian conflict

Ellen Brown (USA) • Attorney; chairman of the Public Banking Institute; author of twelve books, including Web of Debt and The Public Bank Solution

Ali Rastbeen (France) • President of the Geopolitical Academy of Paris

Chris Fogarty (USA) • Former Vice President of the Friends of Irish Freedom; author of The Mass Graves of Ireland: 1845-1850 and Ireland 1845-1850: the Perfect Holocaust, and Who Kept it Perfect

Fred Huenefeld, Jr. (USA) • Louisiana State Democratic Party Committee

Jacques Cheminade (France) • President of Solidarité et Progrès

Tom Gillesberg (Denmark) • Chairman of The Schiller Institute in Denmark

Liliana Gorini (Italy) • Chairwoman of Movimento Internazionale per i Diritti Civili – Solidarietà (MoviSol)

Antonio “Butch” Valdes (Philippines) • Founder of the Philippines LaRouche Society; Initiator of the Citizens National Guard, Philippines

Ramasimong Phillip Tsokolibane (South Africa) • Leader of LaRouche South Africa

Abdus Sattar Ghazali (USA) • Editor, American Muslim Perspective; former News Editor of Daily News, Kuwait; former correspondent of Associated Press and the Daily Dawn of Pakistan

Michael P. Collins (USA) • Author of Saving American Manufacturing and The Manufacturer’s Guide to Business Marketing; writer for Forbes Magazine and Industry Week

George/Vladislav Krasnow (USA/Russia) • Russian American Goodwill Association

Mike Robinson (UK) • Editor, UK Column, Plymouth, UK

Dr. James Hufferd, (USA) • 911 Truth Grassroots Organization, Adel, Iowa

Mary Sullivan (USA) • Irish American activist, Chicago, Illinois


Leaders in the Arts and Sciences
(scientists, technologists, professors, and musicians)

Dr. Eduardo M.A. Peixoto (Brazil) • Ph.D. and Prof. of Chemistry, University of São Paulo; former Superintendent of Technical Consultancy, Nat’l Development Bank (BNDES); former Brazilian representative to WHO

Dr. Jorge Alberto Montenegro (Argentina) • Professor of International Trade, FASTA University

Professor Bong Wie (USA) • Vance Coffman Endowed Chair Professor of Aerospace Engineering at Iowa State University; founding director of the Asteroid Deflection Research Collaboration

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Knorr (Germany) • Professor of Nuclear Energy Technology, Technical University of Dresden (TUD); Director of the Institute for Energy Technology of the TUD; President of the Kerntechnischen Gesellschaft; Board Member of the German Atomic Forum; Board Member of European Nuclear Society

Gian Marco Sanna (UK) • Founder of the Geminiani Project, focused on restoring the original classical music tuning of 432 hz; leader of the Camerata Geminiani

Dr. Rainer Sandau (Germany) • Technical Director Satellites and Space Applications, International Academy of Astronautics (IAA)

Chief Scientist Wayne Moore, Ph.D (USA) • Accel Algorithmics; NASA (ret.)

Tom Wysmuller (USA) • NASA (ret.); meteorologist

Professor Lilya Takumbetova (Russia) • Retired Associate Professor at Bashkir State Pedagogical University

Professor Cathy M. Helgason, M.D. (USA) • Retired Professor of Neurology University of Illinois College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois

Roger Boyer (USA) • Retired principal science and engineering technician at the Stanford Linear Accelerator (SLAC)

International NGOs Appeal to 75th UN General Assembly for Aid to 20 Million People in Yemen

An appeal for emergency food and humanitarian relief was issued, posted Sept. 14 on the ReliefWeb, CARE, Oxfam sites, and other signers, by 24 international NGOs, titled, “Joint INGO Statement on Yemen—75th Session of the UN General Assembly.” Variously dated Sept. 14 or Sept. 15, 2020, the document is signed by groups including CARE, Islamic Relief, Mercy Corps, Doctors of the World, Save the Children, and others. The two-page document states, after identifying the need for a ceasefire after seven years of war:

“Two-thirds of the population—20 million people—are hungry, and nearly 1.5 million families currently rely entirely on food aid to survive….

“Yemen is now a drastically under-funded crisis. At a critical time when needs are increasing, famine once again looms, and COVID-19 remains a constant threat, it is inconceivable that funding for Yemen’s humanitarian response is drying up.”

After providing details of the situation, for example, that “in August, only 50% of the fuel normally imported into Yemen was allowed to enter,” the statement concludes with a call for seven points of action:

“In the context of discussions taking place during the 75th UN General Assembly, International Non-Governmental Organizations operating on the ground in Yemen call on the international community…” and then follows with bullet points and brief explanations including: work for a ceasefire, “Urgently provide the resources necessary to meet the ongoing humanitarian needs in Yemen, and ensure that the Covid-19 response is also fully funded.” Also, they request diplomacy to improve humanitarian access in Yemen, efforts to support the economy long term in Yemen, “concerted pressure” on the warring parties to stop weaponizing the means to life, implement recommendations from the Group of Eminent Experts (GEE) on Yemen, for accountability on harm to civilians, and “suspend transfers of all arms and military equipment.”

First American ‘Splash-down’ Since the Era of Apollo Missions

Today, the SpaceX Crew Dragon Endeavor flawlessly brought the two astronauts Robert “Bob” Behnken and Douglas “Doug” Hurley safely back home to Earth. In a remarkable series of maneuvers, the craft autonomously positioned itself for the correct orbit for splashdown. This was the first American splashdown in nearly 50 years!

NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine wrote on his blog: “We need to remember that this is just the beginning. Now is the time to capitalize on all the great programs that have recently been established, to include going sustainably to the Moon under a program we call Artemis. We’re going to the Moon sustainably; we’re going to go with commercial partners, with international partners. We’re going to use the resources of the Moon to learn how to live and work on another world for long periods of time. We’re going to take all of that knowledge and we’re going to go to Mars.”

As Dragon prepared to re-enter Earth’s orbit, it first executed the separation of the claw and trunk (on the lower portion of the craft), which were jettisoned away from the spacecraft. Thrusters at the forward point of the craft to decelerate it, burned for 11 minutes, the longest burn ever.

When completed, the cap for the capsule closed back over the thrusters, and began to maneuver about 90 degrees, such that the broadest portion of the capsule would shield the crew from the 3500 F degree heat, generated by the speed and friction with Earth’s atmosphere.

During this time, there was an expected six-minute blackout, due to the plasma generated by the heat of the descent on the outside of the spacecraft.

As it came out of the blackout, the drogue parachute was deployed first, to further slow its descent, and then the four main parachutes deployed, with a splashdown speed of 15 mph, near the coast of Pensacola, Florida, right on time. During the descent, a specially-equipped WB-57 airplane provided the first infrared images of the spacecraft.

Coverage on [] included the commentators fielding numerous questions from the public via Twitter, featuring many questions on the mechanics of the descent, what the astronauts would experience, etc. and a question from a seven-year old asking why the capsule was shaped the way it was (cone-shaped).

This exciting first step for America’s return to manned missions to space demonstrates that the dream is very much alive, and enthusiastically received by the American people.

Dragon Endeavor now heads to weeks of post-flight inspection and testing, in order to complete the certification of the Dragon system to fly operational missions for NASA’s Commercial Crew and International Space Station Programs. If all goes as planned, the SpaceX Dragon’s first operational mission, Crew-1, will head to the ISS by late September, with three NASA astronauts and a Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) mission specialist aboard.

Webcast: Victory Over Desperate British Empire Now Within Reach!

With the successful flanking maneuver agreed to by Russian President Putin and Turkey’s President Erdogan, to set up a demilitarized zone in Idlib province, the immediate danger of British-directed military confrontation with Syria has been momentarily defused. The British, backed by U.S. neocon war hawks Nikki Haley and John Bolton, have been threatening a U.K.-U.S.-French strike on Syria, if the Assad regime uses chemical weapons there, or if there are significant civilian casualties, as part of an assault on terrorists burrowed inside civilian population. While there has been no Syrian chemical weapons attack previously, the danger remains that London’s White Helmet assets and the terrorists they support may launch a False Flag chemical weapons attack, which they would blame on Assad, to justify a strike on his forces, and their propaganda machine continues to attack Syria for acting to free their nation of terrorists, with Russian and Iranian support!

The same British networks pushing for a broader conflict in southwest Asia are on the defensive elsewhere, as the forces allied to bring about a New Paradigm continue their peace-through-development offensive. The North and South Korean presidents are holding an historic meeting in Pyongyang. The just-completed FOCAC conference in Beijing demonstrated the enormous potential for African nations to develop as part of China’s Belt-and-Road Initiative. And corrupt U.S. Justice Department/FBI officials who have colluded with the Brits to create “Russiagate” are in danger of having criminal charges brought against them, due to President Trump’s decision to declassify documents which expose their illegal actions to achieve regime change in the U.S.

Lyndon LaRouche’s vision of a Four Power alliance, in which the U.S., Russia, China and India organize a New Bretton Woods monetary system which would end colonialism forever, is much closer to being realized than almost anyone could know. Why is that? — Because most of the world is subjected to the lies of the London-directed imperial faction, which is fighting to maintain control through their geopolitical doctrines of divide-and-conquer, and war.

One who does know how close we are to realizing the vision of Mr. LaRouche is his wife Helga. Join her this Thursday for the Schiller Institute strategic webcast, as she will provide for you a clear view of the beautiful possibilities which are now within reach.

Zepp-LaRouche Interview on China Radio International: EU-China Summit Is a ‘Step Forward,’ Now Need To Address the COVID-19 Crisis

 CRI (China Radio International) today, interviewed Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Institute President, on “The World” program on the Sept. 14 EU-China summit. Asked about her evaluation, she said it was “a step forward” in a very turbulent world, but added her personal view that world leaders should more forcefully address the Covid-19 crisis; China has done an extraordinary job in dealing with it. She expressed her desire that the EU would have responded to China’s idea of a Health Silk Road, and also the need for a new financial architecture. She said that if the Four Principles President Xi Jinping put forward were accepted, then we wouldn’t have to worry about the danger of war. Zepp-LaRouche pointed to the EU’s obsession with the Green Deal getting in the way of real cooperation based on advanced technology and innovation, so the EU should be thinking more about that. The possible trade and investment deal with China is in the EU’s vested interest, so they would do well to come to some agreement. 

Austrian Proposal for ‘European Silk Road’

July 4 —The Vienna Institute of International Comparative Economics (WIIW) has released a proposal for a “European Silk Road” with investments ranging up to €1 trillion over a 10-year period, focussed on two main corridors. The WIIW proposal is addressed in particular to the Austrian government, for an initiative among the EU partner countries, to be launched during Austria’s half-year rotating EU presidency, which began on July 1.

The WIIW proposals delineate the two corridors. One is Between Lyon and Moscow, extended to Barcelona and Lisbon in the west, and to Nishny Novgorod, Samara and Uralsk in the east. The second corridor runs from Milan to Zurich, Vienna, and Budapest, Bucharest, and Constanta, extended eastward to Novorossyisk and Volgograd, with another branch running to Poti, Tbilisi, and Baku. This can, the survey says, create up to 7 million new jobs, in projects of building bridges, railroads, highways, ports, and other infrastructure.

Explaining the survey, WIIW board member Dionys Lehner said that if Europe had plenty of money to stabilize the volatile banking sector after 2008, money should not be held back where infrastructure projects of this importance are concerned. Particularly the Russian aspect of it is of immediate interest for Austria: More than €300 million of new exports for the Austrian economy annually could be expected to result from such a program.

US Farmers, Ambassadors Participate in Schiller Institute Seminar

On July 29th, the Schiller Institute held an on-line seminar, “Stop the Hunger Pandemic. Save Farmers, Deliver Food!” Moderated by Richard Black and Bob Baker, the two-hour discussion included three US farm leaders from Colorado, Alaska and California, and 11 diplomats — including 6 ambassadors — from Sub-Saharan and West Africa, Central America, and Central Asia. A former Senator and current candidate from Trinidad and Tobago also participated. Most of the participants had been involved in the series of Schiller Institute international conferences held from April through June, 2020.

Richard Black described the civilization-threatening crisis which all of humanity currently faces — pandemic, starvation, and war between nuclear powers — and the 50-year record of Lyndon LaRouche and his associates of providing solutions, involving the massive economic development of the former colonial sector. A major focus was put on creating a chorus of nations worldwide to ensure the realization and required content of a P5 heads-of-state Summit. Paul Gallagher outlined the nature of the imminent financial collapse and how a New Bretton Woods System would work. He showed that FDR’s TVA method has been the only action to have ever succeeded — from the 1930’s until today — in creating a  sustained recovery from collapse. Marcia Baker dramatically showed the extent of the accelerating starvation rates worldwide, the on-going destruction of the farmer in the advanced sector, and the recent farmer upsurge in Europe and the US, demanding a new system.

Paul Gallagher noted that the intense discussion from the diplomats on the failures of the old Bretton Woods System and questions on how the “new” one could be different, is exactly the kind of productive debate we want. The farm leader from Colorado was excited to answer many questions from the diplomats. One West African ambassador remarked, afterwards, that he was very happy to see so many other ambassadors involved in the discussion, saying that the ideas presented “really made me think.” Several ambassadors expressed moral outrage that, after 45 years, Transaqua has still not been built, and that food self-sufficiency through growing high-quality indigenous crops has been replaced with cash crops for export to the nations of the North, enslaving nations to “the market.”

The seminar was not recorded, with no media present, to allow for the most free discussion. Some ambassadors are already mobilizing with us to create a chorus of sovereign voices to ensure the realization and the content of a, very near-term,  P5 Summit. Our plan for the upcoming September 5th Schiller Institute conference was discussed.

Conference: Towards a Four Power Agreement For a ‘New Paradigm’ of Development — Panel Two

The second panel includes State Senator Richard Black (R-VA10), James George Jatras, former U.S. diplomat, Dmitry Polyanskiy, First Deputy Permanent Rep of the Russian Federation to the UN, Roger Stone, adviser to the Trump faction of the Republican Party and Helga Zepp-LaRouche.  Senator Black and James Jatras deliver sharp warnings about the risk of the U.S. intervening on the side of al-Qaeda in the conflict surrounding Syria’s Idlib province.  Mr. Polyanskiy delivers a brief but poignant message ensuring that talks are continuing between the U.S. and Russia.  Roger Stone presents his unique background in the Republican Party and admiration of the LaRouche’s fight for a just economic system.  A couple lively Q&A sessions involving Mrs. LaRouche, Jason Ross of the first panel, Roger Stone and audience participants ensues throughout the panel.

Webcast: Europe Led to New Paradigm by Schiller Institute Conference

The two-day Schiller Institute conference held in Bad Soden, Germany, on June 30-July 1, brought together leaders from around the world, to engage in intense and impassioned deliberation on how to bring a dysfunctional Europe into the New Paradigm. Helga Zepp-LaRouche drafted a blueprint, on June 17, for the European Union (EU), which explained how the “Singapore example” demonstrates that previously antagonistic nations can work together to solve seemingly intractable problems, when they address crises by adopting the New Silk Road Spirit. The European Union, meeting two days before the Schiller conference, unfortunately did not take her advice.

However, the 300+ participants at the Schiller conference heard from officials from Russia, China, the U.S., Nigeria, Yemen and numerous European countries, who are working toward this end. In her keynote, Mrs. LaRouche pointed to the announcement of an upcoming Trump-Putin summit as another potentially transformative event, resulting from the diplomatic efforts associated with the New Silk Road.

Join Mrs. LaRouche and your host Harley Schlanger this Thursday, on her weekly Schiller Institute strategic webcast, as she reports on the results of the conference, and provides insights on how to move ahead, to realize for the world the benefits of the New Paradigm.

Webcast: The Corruption of the System is the Problem We All Face

In her closing comments in today’s dialogue, Helga Zepp LaRouche pointed to the corruption of the whole system as responsible for the civilizational crisis we face. She pointed to her comment years ago, at the time of the collapse of the Madoff bubble, that the system as a whole is a Ponzi scheme, with no interest in the Common Good, but only increasing private profits.

Whether one reviews the rapid deterioration of U.S.-China relations, the worsening threat posed by the Corona pandemic, the danger of mass deaths among children due to the collapse of food production and distribution, or the increase in social crisis stemming from growing poverty, it all goes back to Malthusian intent of the oligarchy.

The solution is the full implementation of the LaRouche Plan, which would revive the American system of economy. This is what must shape the agenda for the summit which President Putin is organizing. She called on viewers to join us, to insure that the summit takes place, and that the LaRouche policies are on the agenda for the summit.

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