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David Dobrodt

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VIDEO: The Economic Value of Culture: What Is Your Culture Worth?

This class is the fourth of a series entitled, “The Fundamentals of LaRouche’s Economics.” The series is focused on provoking youth between 18-25 years old to rediscover Lyndon LaRouche’s unique insight into the science of physical economy. The subject of this class asks if humanity depends on new, revolutionary discoveries for its continued success, how can we ensure that such discoveries continue to happen? You can’t force a discovery! You can’t tell someone to just be an Einstein. In this class, we’ll look at the importance of poetry and beautiful culture for a successful economic process, and break down the false division between science and art.

Watch the entire class series on YouTube.

Webcast: “Day of Action” Brings Youth Into Mobilization for 1.5 Billion Jobs with the LaRouche Plan

In her weekly webcast, Helga Zepp LaRouche highlighted the significance of the engagement of young people from around the world in the Schiller Institute’s Day of Action on June 17. As she elaborated the deepening of the confluence of crises — the continuing toll from the Coronavirus, the spread of hunger and famine, and food insecurity, the economic collapse; and the growing war danger — she reiterated her belief that governments can be moved to respond to the crises, especially by the efforts of impassioned youth committed to taking responsibility to move their governments. Programs, such as the Health Silk Road plan developed by the Schiller Institute, and the LaRouchePAC program for 1.5 billion new productive jobs worldwide, must be taken now.

In reviewing the world’s strategic “hot spots”, such as North Korea, Syria and Libya, she blasted the immorality of imposing killer sanctions during the time of a pandemic. Instead of using sanctions to heighten the crisis, resolving these hot spots require the cooperation of leading nations. She spoke of the significance of the China-Africa summit, taking on disease and hunger, as an example of what is possible with cooperation.

She also pointed to Putin’s comments on the Maidan-style coup, which he forecast in early 2017 would be deployed to stop Trump, to demonstrate that Putin and Xi are aware of the coup, and differentiate between Trump and the coup plotters. In this context, she said she remains optimistic about the prospects for the kind of international cooperation which we are fighting for, to resolve the hot spots peacefully, and lead to a New Paradigm of economic cooperation.

Webcast: British False Flag Provocations Put War Danger At “Red Alert” Level

As this announcement goes out, midday on the U.S. East Coast on April 10, there is a “red alert” over the possibility of general war breaking out in the days ahead, due to a series of provocations coming from the highest levels of the British Empire. As the attempt to blame Russia for the alleged poisoning of British double agent Skripal and his daughter collapsed, when experts from the U.K.’s chemical weapons lab at Porton Down could not confirm that the substance used against the Skripals came from Russia, the London-based “White Helmets” were trotted out, claiming — without evidence — that Syrian government forces used chemical weapons in East Ghouta, This triggered calls in the UN Security Council for action against Syria, but also against Iran and Russia, coming from the Brits, the French, and neo-cons in the U.S.

The third provocation was the raid on the office of President Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen, based on a referral from Special Counsel Robert Mueller, related to charges against Trump coming from porn star Stormy Daniels. Though Mueller’s investigation of Cohen has nothing to do with allegations that Trump colluded with Putin to win the 2016 election, the origin of all three provocations are the same — all are part of the campaign by City of London imperial forces, and their Wall Street neo-con allies, to prevent Trump from succeeding in his campaign promises to end regime-change wars, and to form a positive collaborative relationship with Russia’s President Putin.

A release from the LaRouche Political Action Committee called the raid of Cohen’s office an “outright attempt to blackmail this President [Trump] into the war he was elected to stop.” Helga Zepp LaRouche said of this situation, that we “are sitting on a powder keg.” Join her this Thursday with your host Harley Schlanger, as she presents the inside story behind the desperate British war drive, and the necessary steps to shut it down.

Archbishop of Lima Celebrates Mass with the Pictures of 5,000 Peruvians Killed by COVID-19

Monseñor Carlos Castillo, the Archbishop of Lima and Primate of Peru, celebrated mass in the national cathedral on June 14, with 5,000 photos of those who have died as a result of COVID-19 in the country filling pews and posted on columns. The mass was broadcast live, and the pictures are stunning – a reminder of the human face of the deadly pandemic sweeping the planet. They show Peruvians from every walk of life: doctors, police officers, firefighters, street cleaners and children.

In his service, Monseñor Castillo called for Peru to come together, warning “even harder times are coming” with the economy expected to contract by 12 per cent this year. “It would be terrible if in the times to come we have thousands of these photos – but of people who died of hunger,” he said. At least 6,800 people have died of COVID-19 in Peru, according to official statistics, but reliable source in Peru estimate the real total as closer to 10,000.

A Dialogue of Three Presidencies: Bending the Arc of the Moral Universe Toward Justice





Part One: Keynote by Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Join us live on April 7 at 12pm EST. American President Donald Trump, Chinese President Xi Jinping, and Russian President Vladimir Putin could together, in the next months, make the most important set of decisions to affect humanity since the Renaissance of the fifteenth century. The possible settlement of the Korea issue is only one example. The right decisions made by these three nations and their allies in the next weeks, could begin, in the near term, to eliminate poverty, colonialism and war from the planet. The solutions for eliminating this triple evil lie both in our stars, and in ourselves.

British Imperial forces have temporarily lost control of the failing transatlantic geopolitical process. Now, they are attempting to re-take the advantage. As with British Intelligence agent Christopher Steele’s Russia-Gate hoax, now, the “Russia poisoned Sergei Skripal and his daughter” hoax is intended to drive a wedge between President Trump and Vladimir Putin. If this effort succeeds, all the work done by Devin Nunes’ House Intelligence Committee, and others, to reveal the corrupt role of members of the FBI, Department of Justice, State Department and others in the British-run coup against the American Presidency in 2016, will be for nothing.

Perpetual war, as advocated by the Bush 41, Bush 43, and Obama Administrations, can be replaced with a new economic platform and a new cultural paradigm.

On Saturday, April 7, Schiller institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche will keynote this conference to rally Americans to that optimistic perspective. Adopting the economic measures and outlook known as the LaRouche Four Laws while embracing the still-offered Chinese proposal, would provide the basis to deliver a rapid upshift in American productive employment, living standards, and the education of youth in the United States.


Join us for Part Two

Conference: Will Humanity Prosper, or Perish? The Future Demands a ‘Four-Power’ Summit Now

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Schiller Institute Conference Invitation

Via Internet, June 27, 2020

Since January 2020, Schiller Institute’s chairman Helga Zepp-LaRouche has insisted that the United States, Russia, China, and India must meet. Their leaders must show the statesmanship required to overcome insipid Cold War propaganda tactics and geopolitics, and join together in an emergency mission to build a fully functional health infrastructure for the world, particularly South America, Africa, and parts of Asia, requiring hospital construction, clean water systems, road systems, and training facilities for young doctors, nurses, and physician assistants.

For over 35 years, and in particular over the past seven years, the Schiller Institute has campaigned for just this sort of statecraft.

Two contending views of humanity’s next 50 years are now before the world to choose:

One view calls for reversing the impending depopulation of the globe caused by global pandemics. These pandemics have, without exception, resulted from failed financial, economic, and military policies, and especially from the complete deregulation of the financial markets during the past three decades.

The other opposing view calls for a “Green New Deal” energy policy, which will immediately worsen the planet’s present health crisis, and could even result in the death of the majority of the human race.

We must denounce the latter depopulation policy, organizing the trans-Atlantic world to join the new cultural paradigm now being spearheaded by China’s Belt and Road Initiative, and moving the world into what the Schiller Institute has called “the World Land-Bridge.” Precisely while China, through the President Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative, has engaged 150 nations in a drive to end poverty throughout the world, Malthusian financial forces in the United States and Europe who oppose this, have stigmatized China as “the source of virus”—a not-so-veiled resurrection of the racialist doctrine of 100 years ago called “the yellow peril.”

In 1923, British House of Lords member Lord Bertrand Russell wrote:

“The white populations of the world will soon cease to increase. The Asiatic races will be longer, and the negroes still longer, before their birth rate falls sufficiently to make their number stable without the help of war pestilence…. Until that happens, the benefits aimed at by socialism can only be partially realized, and the less prolific races will have to defend themselves against the more prolific by methods which are disgusting even if they are necessary.”

The world, particularly our youth who will build the world of Earth’s next 50 years, must reject, in the strongest possible terms, such ideas and policies for imposing systemic backwardness globally, including under the “Green New Deal” guise. There can no longer be any doubt that the world’s most advanced technologies—in space, in manufacturing, in mining, in agriculture—must be immediately brought to bear, crash-program fashion, on the global pandemic and on the economic crisis which otherwise could see the death and displacement of even tens of millions in the short term. Such mass death is already occurring in Brazil and other nations. The World Food Program is warning that in months, we may see as many as 300,000 people die of starvation daily, primarily in the developing sector.

A new document, “The LaRouche Plan to Reopen the U.S. Economy; The World Needs 1.5 Billion New, Productive Jobs” outlines how that tragedy can be reversed by launching the greatest economic expansion in human history, including 50 million productive jobs in the U.S. and Europe respectively.

When South African President Ramaphosa congratulated South African-U.S. dual citizen Elon Musk on the successful completion of the American mission to the International Space Station, he was expressing the kind of national statesmanship required to finally end the world tyranny of globalization and geopolitics. The latest breakthroughs in science, made available to those most in need, can now usher in a new era which can be called Human Economy. As Lyndon LaRouche stated, “Instead of those currently failed ideas, we must adopt a notion of economy whose standard is functionally consistent with the crucial difference, the principle of creative reason.”

This pursuit of economic justice, in particular for the children of the world born into life-ending circumstances, will have the additional beneficial effect of addressing other problems of social justice recently given so much prominence internationally.

Our online conference on Saturday, June 27 will discuss these matters in three panels:

Panel I: “Instead of Geopolitics: The Principles of Statecraft” — 10am EDT

Keynote speaker: Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Other speakers will include foreign diplomats, US elected officials, etc.

Panel II: “Why a 1.5 Billion Productive Jobs Program Can End War, Famine, Poverty, and Disease” — 1:30pm EDT

Keynote speaker: Jacques Cheminade

Other speakers will include farm, labor and political leaders from Africa, Ibero-America, and the United States.

Panel III: “The Job of Youth” — 4pm EDT

Keynote speaker: Daniel Burke

Other speakers will include university and other youth leaders from France, Yemen, Colombia, Mexico, Tanzania, and the United States.

The exact program with a list of speakers will be available shortly.

In English and with simultaneous translation provided into German, French and Spanish.

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A Dialogue of Three Presidencies: Bending the Arc of the Moral Universe Toward Justice



Part Two: Jason Ross, co-author of the Schiller institute Special Report, Extending The New Silk Road To West Africa And Asia: A Vision Of An Economic Renaissance.”

Join us live on April 7 at 3pm EST. American President Donald Trump, Chinese President Xi Jinping, and Russian President Vladimir Putin could together, in the next months, make the most important set of decisions to affect humanity since the Renaissance of the fifteenth century. The possible settlement of the Korea issue is only one example. The right decisions made by these three nations and their allies in the next weeks, could begin, in the near term, to eliminate poverty, colonialism and war from the planet. The solutions for eliminating this triple evil lie both in our stars, and in ourselves.

British Imperial forces have temporarily lost control of the failing transatlantic geopolitical process. Now, they are attempting to re-take the advantage. As with British Intelligence agent Christopher Steele’s Russia-Gate hoax, now, the “Russia poisoned Sergei Skripal and his daughter” hoax is intended to drive a wedge between President Trump and Vladimir Putin. If this effort succeeds, all the work done by Devin Nunes’ House Intelligence Committee, and others, to reveal the corrupt role of members of the FBI, Department of Justice, State Department and others in the British-run coup against the American Presidency in 2016, will be for nothing.

Perpetual war, as advocated by the Bush 41, Bush 43, and Obama Administrations, can be replaced with a new economic platform and a new cultural paradigm.

On Saturday, April 7, Schiller institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche will keynote this conference to rally Americans to that optimistic perspective. Adopting the economic measures and outlook known as the LaRouche Four Laws while embracing the still-offered Chinese proposal, would provide the basis to deliver a rapid upshift in American productive employment, living standards, and the education of youth in the United States.


Webcast: New Silk Road is Shaping Strategic Affairs

The hysterical and vitriolic rhetoric against Russia, coming from Britain’s imperial oligarchs and their intelligence services, channeled through Theresa May and Boris BoJo Johnson, is fooling no one. While some governments have subserviently gone along with the dangerous provocations, others, including the U.S., have made only token gestures. These actions, including expulsion of diplomats, have heightened tensions, but are thus far falling short of May’s claims of a global united front against Russia. Many nations seem more in line with the thinking of Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, who said of the May government’s unfounded allegations in the Skripal affair, that it is “too obvious that our British colleagues have lost their sense of reality.”

Those leaders who have not lost their sense of reality instead have been engaging in an impressive array of diplomatic and economic activity, forging agreements to participate in China’s Belt-and-Road Initiative BRI). Parallel to these efforts is a Russian initiative to bring peace to Syria, working with Syria’s neighbors. The British-directed geopoliticians have no doubt taken notice that as this initiative moves forward, President Trump restated his campaign promise to end all U.S. military involvement in Syria, while reiterating his desire for a summit with Putin in the near future.

What is behind the British attacks against Putin and Russia is not the fraudulent claim that Putin ordered the poisoning of a former Russian intelligence officer, just as the Mueller investigation has nothing to do with “Russian meddling” in the U.S. election. The target of these provocations is the New Paradigm, associated with the BRI, which the City of London and its Wall Street allies correctly have identified as the successor to their failed system. Were the U.S. to join with Russia, China and India, as Lyndon LaRouche urged in the aftermath of the 2008 Crash, there would be no way to prevent the emergence of the New Paradigm.

Join us this week, As Helga Zepp LaRouche provides an urgent update on the extraordinary developments of the last days.

Webcast: The “New Violence” Is Being Deployed in Defense of the Broken-down Paradigm

In reviewing developments of the last week, from the riots in the U.S. following the murder of George Floyd, to the escalation against Russia and China, as well as the ongoing coup effort against U.S. President Trump, Helga Zepp LaRouche repeatedly returned to prophetic comments made by her husband, the late Lyndon LaRouche. She began by reminding viewers that he commented at the time of Donald Trump’s election in 2016, that this was not a “U.S. event, but one of strategic significance,” associated with the breakdown of the old paradigm. Trump’s efforts to achieve cooperative relations with Russia and China drew a continuous assault against him by those who are escalating the drive for war today, from Ian Brzezinski and NATO General Secretary Stoltenberg, to the former Defense Secretaries attacking Trump over his handling of the riots, when all of them favor the wars which he is trying to stop.

She made this point in a powerful section, discussing the comment by the former Ambassador to the U.S., Jacques Bacamurwanko, that those who persecuted LaRouche should “Get their knee off Lyndon LaRouche’s neck.” She spoke of this statement in the context of the announcment by the Swedish government that they have solved the murder of Olaf Palme, which had been claimed, at the time, to have been caused by LaRouche. The Swedish government, and NBC News, which pushed this, owe an apology to LaRouche. This was part of the effort to stop LaRouche, who had been leading the fight for a new credit system, to replace the bankrupt financial system. As the bankruptcy of the system is becoming more evident, with the incredible collapse of manufacturing in the U.S. and Europe, we can now change the economic system, as LaRouche had insisted for five decades. This will be the subject of the June 27 online conference of the Schiller Institute.

Another crucial point she developed was how the Greens in Germany have become the war party, at the same time they are pushing their policies which will result in drastic depopulation. She developed such insights to make a subsuming point: one cannot act coherently to combat the injustices in the world today without grasping the “larger picture,” to start from the top, as Lyndon always demanded.

Former Amb. of Burundi to the U.S. : “Get their knee off LaRouche’s ‘neck’. ”

Former Amb. of Burundi to the U.S. : “Get their knee off LaRouche’s ‘neck’. ”

June 8, 2020 — In response to the horrible crime committed in Minneapolis, we received the following message from Ambassador Jacques Bacamurwanko, former Ambassador of the African nation of Burundi to the U.S.

“I’d love to mention that the protest activists following George Floyd’s heinous killing by the MN police officer need to be told that it’s the same anti-America system that was responsible for the strangulation of Lyndon LaRouche Jr.. Lyn’s neck was literally choked up by the same white supremacist gang that would not want him to exercise his right to vote, to move around or travel abroad freely.

“The good news is, the murderous gang did not manage to stop the flow of LaRouche’s Freedom and ideas far and wide.

“The world would be freer today if Mr. Trump could cause by an historic Presidential Order signed in the Oval Office urging the anti-America gangsters to get their knee off Lyndon LaRouche’s ‘neck.’

“That’s what our insistent plea and global advocacy ‘to exonerate LaRouche’ actually means. If LaRouche were exonerated, mankind would usher in a beautiful era of sustainable dialogue for peace, civil rights and socioeconomic development.”

Sign the petition to exonerate Lyndon LaRouche


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