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David Dobrodt

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IAEA Invites You to “Have Fun” With New Global Map of Fusion Experiments

Check out the IAEA’s new webpage identifying the locations of all known experimental fusion research devices worldwide. Based on information which it collects and then reviews with the International Fusion Research Council, the IAEA launched a new webpage with a world map indicating where the 115 fusion research projects, in 26 countries, are either now operating (90), under construction (8), closed (2) or planned (15). Each project is identified: 94 of them public, 21 private; 64 of them Tokamaks, 13 Stellarators/Heliotrons; 7 laser; and 31 based on differing “Innovative/Alternative Concepts”. By clicking on each site on the map, you can find the basic information on the project and a link to its webpage. As the IAEA tweeted in announcing its new map on Nov. 1: “Have fun!”

Harley Schlanger Morning Update: Who Is Behind the Desperate Drive for the Senate to Convict Donald Trump?

The choice, as one proponent of convicting Donald Trump argues, is “between the U.S. as we know it or the white supremacist mob.”  The author of this incendiary absurdity is an anti-Trump columnist for the {Guardian} newspaper of London, which has served as a relentless mouthpiece for the City of London forces behind the coup run against Trump. 

Why the desperation today, when he’s already out of office?  With their financial system heading toward an epic meltdown, the City and its U.S. allies are trying to ram through a global banker’s dictatorship — the “Great Reset” — to put in place a bigger, “Green” Ponzi scheme, before the present one crashes.  Don’t submit to these murderous thieves, join us to put their corrupt neoliberal system into bankruptcy, and on trial for financial fraud.

Harley Schlanger Morning Update — Those Who Toppled Trump Escalate Regime Change Coups Versus Putin and Xi

American patriots would be well advised to heed Lyndon LaRouche’s admonition to “Know Your Enemy”. The forces behind the four-year regime change effort against President Trump are escalating their efforts to topple the governments of Putin in Russia and Xi in China.

New video evidence shows that Pompeo’s use of so-called dissident Navalny to target Putin has been British policy since 2012. Now Biden’s Secretary of State Blinken is continuing that policy, as he is also following Pompeo’s lead in targeting Xi. Why target Putin and Xi? For the same reason the Brits and the Bush-Obama team targeted Trump: to stop motion toward LaRouche’s intent to build a Four Power alliance of sovereign states to defeat the globalist regime changers of London, Wall Street, Silicon Valley and Davos!

Conference: Let Us Create a New, More Human Epoch for Mankind

The Schiller Institute held the first U.S. national conference in over fifteen years on President’s Day weekend, yielding a tremendous success in respects to the quality of presentations and the participation by supporters around the world attending the conference. The conference, now presented in full below, conveys a truthful and optimistic view of the potential for mankind as a whole to overcome the crisis facing the world as the previously reigning, now dying, British Empire fights for its survival against the new world order taking hold in the vision of Lyndon and Helga Zepp-LaRouche.

Panel I — Let Us Create a New, More Human Epoch for Mankind

Lyndon LaRouche Speaks: A Talent Well Spent

Jacques Cheminade, President of Solidarité & Progrès, The coming world of Lyndon LaRouche

John Gong, Professor of Economics at the University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, Chinese Investment and American Infrastructure under the new Sino-US relations

H.E. Ambassador Vassily A. Nebenzia, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, Presented by Counsellor Theodore Strzhizhovskiy, Mission of The Russian Federation to the UN, Prospects for East-West Collaboration: The Russian Federation’s View (transcript)

William Binney, Former Technical Director, NSA

Jason Ross, Schiller Institute co-author “Extending the New Silk Road to West Asia and Africa”, The Urgent Need for a New Paradigm in Africa

Dennis Small, EIR Ibero-America Editor, Justice for the World: Why Donald Trump Must Exonerate Lyndon LaRouche Now

Panel II — The Aesthetic Education of Man for the Beauty of the Mind and Soul

Schiller Institute combined chorus:
Benjamin Lylloff, arr: “Mo Li Hua” (“Jasmine Flower”)
Benjamin Lylloff, director

H.T. Burleigh, arr: “Deep River”

William L. Dawson, arr: “Ev’ry Time I Feel the Spirit”
Diane Sare, director

Megan Beets, LaRouchePAC Scientific Research Team, “Artistic and Moral Beauty“

Bruce Director, Secretary-Treasurer, US Schiller Institute
“On LaRouche’s concept of significance of Art for Science and Science for Art”

Diane Sare, Managing Director of the Schiller Institute NYC Chorus, “The Choral Principle”

Johannes Brahms: “Dem dunkeln Schoß der Heil’gen Erde”
(text from Schiller’s “Song of the Bell”)
Schiller Institute Chorus
John Sigerson, director

Johann Sebastian Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 in D Major, BWV 1050
I. Allegro
Schiller Institute Orchestra
John Sigerson, director
Soloists: Gregor Kitzis, violin; Laura Thompson, flute; My-Hoa Steger, piano

Ludwig van Beethoven: Choral Fantasia, Op. 80
Schiller Institute Orchestra, Chorus, and Soloists
John Sigerson, director
My-Hoa Steger, piano

Q&A Session

Panel III — The Frontiers of Science

Yuting Zhou, piano, Johannes Brahms: Rhapsody, Op. 79, No. 1 in B minor

Kesha Rogers, LaRouchePAC Policy Committee, Former candidate for U.S. Congress, The Frontier of Space: Fulfilling Mankind’s Destiny as Man in the Universe

Thomas Wysmuller, Founding member of The Right Climate Stuff, What NASA has Done and Where NASA is Going

Larry Bell, Founder, Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture, College of Engineering, University of Houston, What Makes People Exceptional

Benjamin Deniston, LaRouchePAC Scientific Research Team, LaRouche’s Strategic Defense of Earth

Hal BH Cooper, Jr. PhD PE, Infrastructure needs for the Rail, Energy and Water Systems to Promote Future Economic Development of Africa


Harley Schlanger Morning Update — Biden’s Team Races Toward War and Banker’s Dictatorship

Whatever happened to the plea for unity? With impeachment, censorship and rancor undermining any prospect for a constructive dialogue to address the collapse of the economy and financial system, the Biden team seems to be hoping it can forge a unity among the War Hawks in both parties, for regime change and war with Russia and China.

Join with us at The LaRouche Organization, as we expose what these enemies of humanity intend, while putting forward the necessary programs to break the power of the British Empire and its American network of traitors, based on the 50 years of Lyndon LaRouche’s heroic efforts, when he functioned as the “Shadow President”, representing the American System.

Sign up with the LaRouche Organization for updates.

Prospects for East-West Collaboration: The Russian Federation’s View

Message to the Schiller Institute national conference, Feb. 16, 2019 by H.E. Ambassador Vassily A. Nebenzia, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, presented by Counsellor Theodore Strzhizhovskiy: “Prospects for East-West Collaboration: The Russian Federation’s View”

[This transcription was created by the Schiller Institute]

DENNIS SPEED: Next we have a statement from His Excellency Ambassador Vassily A. Nebenzia, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations. It will be presented by Counsellor Theodore Strzhizhovskiy of the Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN: “Prospects for East-West Collaboration: The Russian Federation’s View.”

THEODORE STRZHIZHOVSKIY: Ladies and Gents, it’s a real pleasure for me to be here, giving the tribute to the role which Russian-American relations plays in the modern world, and the contribution of the Schiller Institute to that relation, we prepared a statement which I will read now.

First of all, I welcome the organizers, participants and guests of this conference. The Schiller Institute is known for its valuable contribution to the understanding of international political processes, and development of new approaches to the global challenges. The conferences held under your auspices are respectful platforms, where the most urgent present-day issues can be discussed without politicizing and ideological clichés.

We were very saddened by the bitter news about the passing of Lyndon LaRouche, the founder and inspirer of the Schiller Institute. We would like to express our deepest condolences to Helga Zepp-LaRouche, as well as to the relatives and colleagues.

We are convinced that the paradigm of international, political, and economical intervention that he had proposed will be further developed by his apprentices and associates. [applause]

We believe that the assent of a more human epoch is only possible when the world enjoys a more equitable, polycentric model of governance. However, recently we have become witnesses of the attempts to shatter the world security architecture, substitute agreed universal norms by some rules-based order, where rules are invented, depending on the geopolitical interest to concrete countries. Nonetheless, dangerous for the global stability is the striving of the governments of some countries to unilaterally impose their will on the global community, or on specific sovereign states, or even to interfere in their domestic affairs. In the same light, we should view the use of sanctions as a tool to execute pressure and punish the countries that implement an independent policy.

Russia is proud to be located between West and East. Historically, we have been implementing multitask foreign policy and developing relations with other countries in the spirit of mutual respect. Russia comprehensively helps to search for, based on international law, collective decisions to the global problems which all the countries face today. We consecutively engage in the activities of the UN and Group of 20, to contribute to the relevant forms of interaction, for example, Collective Security Treaty Organization, Eurasian Economic Union, Commonwealth of Independent States, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, BRICS. One of the conceptual pillars of developing this sort of cooperation was proposed by President Putin in his initiative called, “Greater Eurasian Partnership.” It would bring together member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Probably one day, it would encompass the European Union. The previous year was marked by a number of significant steps to implement this project: The Eurasian Economic Commission and ASEAN signed a Memorandum of Understanding which was crucial for the extension of the geography and economy of the Eurasian Partnership. Adoption of the declaration on further development in integrational process in the Eurasian Economic Union made it possible to extend the establishment of common markets and add to it such areas of cooperation as education, research, health care, and trade. The Eurasian Economic Union and Chinese initiative, One Belt, One Road, joined the integration and transportation projects on contractual and legal basis of the agreement on trade and economic cooperation.

Bilateral cooperation of Russia and China also takes on global dimension. Our effective foreign policy coordination, including the UN platform, has become a significant factor of stabilization in global policy.

We are also committed to foster our relations with another privileged strategic partner: India. This commitment was reiterated in the joint declaration “Russia-India Reliable Partnership in a Changing World,” adopted at the bilateral summit in October.

We cannot but mention an unofficial summit, Russia-India-China, that took place in December in Buenos Aires after a 12-year pause.

Relations between Russia and the U.S. are also crucially important for global stability, because we are two states, major nuclear powers and UN Security Council permanent members. We face shared challenges: international terrorism, military and humanitarian crises, drug trafficking, transnational crime, and others. The success of our joint efforts of these and many other tracks is that both Moscow and Washington are interested in what is needed in the sustainable development of all countries. Russia understands the increased responsibility of both states for global peace and security. We have repeatedly expressed our readiness to normalize the relations between our countries. We hope that systemic political dialogue with our American partners, based on mutual respect and consideration of each other’s national interests, will be resumed.

We are convinced that the present-day world has no alternative to cooperation and merge of potentials. Only this path may lead to the assent of a more human epoch.

We wish for this conference to be creative, and contribute to mutual trust and confidence of global affairs. We wish you every success and hope we will have meaningful discussions.

Thank you. [applause]

Atlantic Council Puts Out Anonymous Document Calling for Overthrow of Xi

The Atlantic Council went out front on Jan. 28 publishing a lengthy proposal to try to overthrow China’s President Xi Jinping, linked to a policy document written by a “former senior government official with deep expertise and experience dealing with China.” Frederick Kempe, head of the Council, wrote a Foreword to the document, and published an op-ed for CNBC Jan. 30, highlighting it. The “former official,” who Kempe says prefers to remain anonymous, calls for efforts to encourage a coup d’état against the rule of President Xi Jinping in China. Called “The Longer Telegram,” the document refers to George Kennan’s “Long Telegram” (also anonymous at the time) which called for a “containment policy” against the Soviet Union.

In “Biden Must Draw Red Lines Against China and Focus on Xi Jinping’s Authoritarian Leadership,” for Politico on Jan. 28, Anonymous describes the 85-page paper for the Atlantic Council, largely taken from the paper’s Executive Summary: “Xi has demonstrated that he intends to project China’s authoritarian system, coercive foreign policy, and military presence well beyond his country’s own borders to the world at large,” the author says. “China under Xi, unlike under Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, and Hu Jintao, is no longer a status quo power. It has become a revisionist power. For the United States, its allies, and the U.S.-led liberal international order, this represents a fundamental shift in the strategic environment. Ignoring this profound change courts peril. Xi is no longer just a problem for U.S. primacy. He now presents a serious problem for the whole of the democratic world….

“The political reality is that the CCP is significantly divided on Xi’s leadership and his vast ambitions. Senior party members have been greatly troubled by Xi’s policy direction and angered by his endless demands for absolute loyalty. They fear for their own lives and the future livelihoods of their families. Of particular political toxicity in this mix are the reports unearthed by international media of the wealth amassed by Xi’s family and members of his political inner circle, despite the vigor with which Xi has conducted the anti-corruption campaign. It is simply unsophisticated strategy to treat the entire Communist Party as a single target when such internal fault lines should be clear to the analyst’s eye—and in the intelligent policy maker’s penning. A campaign to overthrow the party also ignores the fact that China, under all five of its post-Mao leaders prior to Xi, was able to work with the United States. Under them, China aimed to join the existing international order, not to remake it in China’s own image. Now, however, the mission for U.S. China strategy should be to see China return to its pre-2013 path—i.e., the pre-Xi strategic status quo….

“Given the reality that today’s China is a state in which Xi has centralized nearly all decision-making power in his own hands, and used that power to substantially alter China’s political, economic, and foreign-policy trajectory, U.S. strategy must remain laser focused on Xi, his inner circle, and the Chinese political context in which they rule. Changing their decision-making will require understanding, operating within, and changing their political and strategic paradigm….”

And again: “The overriding political objective should be to cause China’s elite leadership to collectively conclude that it is in the country’s best interests to continue to operate within the existing U.S.-led liberal international order rather than build a rival order, and that it is in the party’s best interests, if it wishes to remain in power at home, not to attempt to expand China’s borders or export its political model beyond China’s shores. In other words, China can become a different type of global great power than that envisaged by Xi.”

NASA Rover Heading Towards a Challenging Landing on Mars

On Feb. 18, NASA’s Mars Perseverance Rover, the largest rover ever sent to Mars, will land on the red planet to begin a new science mission that seeks to not only deepen human understanding of Martian geology and answer questions about whether or not life ever existed on Mars, but also act as a trailblazer for future missions to Mars. But before the science mission can begin, Perseverance has to get through the most difficult landing maneuver that the space agency has ever attempted.

The landing sequence will begin with a fiery entry into the planet’s atmosphere, then a parachute descent down towards its landing spot in the Jezero Crater. At about 2-3 miles above the Martian surface, the “sky crane” carrying the rover will separate from the parachute and make a powered descent to the surface. Once the rover touches down, the sky crane will separate and fly off. “I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say that entry, descent and landing (EDL) is the most critical and most dangerous part of the mission,” Allen Chen, the EDL lead, said on Jan. 27 during a NASA JPL press conference. “Success is never assured, and that’s especially true when we’re trying to land the biggest, heaviest and most complicated rover we’ve ever built to the most dangerous site we’ve ever attempted to land on.” A spectacular animation video of the landing sequence can be seen in this video.

Jezero Crater was chosen as the landing site because it is thought to have once been the home of a river delta and lake filled with water. “Perseverance’s sophisticated science instruments will not only help in the hunt for fossilized microbial life, but also expand our knowledge of Martian geology and its past, present, and future,” said Ken Farley, project scientist for Mars 2020, from Caltech in Pasadena, California. “Our science team has been busy planning how best to work with what we anticipate will be a firehose of cutting-edge data. That’s the kind of ‘problem’ we are looking forward to.”

In addition to science instruments intended to explore the Martian surface, the mission also carries technologies more focused on future Mars exploration, reports a NASA press release. MOXIE (Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment), a car-battery-size device in the rover’s chassis, is designed to demonstrate that converting Martian carbon dioxide into oxygen is possible. Future applications of the technology could produce the vast quantities of oxygen that would be needed as a component of the rocket fuel and for breathing for astronauts.

The Perseverance mission, the NASA release notes, is part of a larger program that includes missions to the Moon as a way to prepare for human exploration of the Red Planet. Charged with returning astronauts to the Moon by 2024, NASA will establish a sustained human presence on and around the Moon by 2028 through NASA’s Artemis lunar exploration plans.

Fauci, CDC Warn That the U.S. Is Unprepared for New Virus Strains

In remarks on January 29, Dr. Anthony Fauci of the NIH National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases warned that clinical trial results from Johnson & Johnson showing that its vaccine is less effective against the South African variant of the coronavirus, were a “wake-up call.” J&J and other vaccine manufactures will have to be “nimble to be able to adjust readily” to produce modified vaccines, Fauci said. The new Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Rochelle Walensky stated at the same briefing that it is urgent to increase the level of sequencing nationwide, in order to catch new strains before they get completely out of control.

“We have scaled up surveillance dramatically just in the last 10 days, in fact. But our plans for scaling up surveillance are even more than what we’ve done so far,” Walensky said. The CDC has contracted with various universities and four private companies—Quest, Labcorp, Illumina and Helix—to conduct more sequencing. By mid-February, those contracts should hit full capacity, analyzing 6,000 samples per week, CDC officials said. But this is far less than what is required, according to various experts in the field, and even less than what many other countries are already doing.

“We are in a race against time because of these mutations. And in that race, we are falling behind,” said Mara G. Aspinall, a biomedical diagnostics professor at Arizona State University, in comments reported by the Washington Post. More equipment, staffing and funding are needed to increase sequencing,

“None of that exists right now. We’re incredibly behind compared to other countries,” said Janet Hamilton, executive director of the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists. “We have no idea what is out there in our country. We don’t even know what we don’t know.”

Southern Illinois University RNA biochemist Keith Gagnon stated: “Genomic surveillance is probably the number-one thing, besides COVID-19 testing itself, that we can do to track the virus. Without it, we are flying blind.”

Harley Schlanger Morning Update: Wall Street Financial Swindlers Are Bankrupt, and They Expect You to Pay for a New, Bigger Bail Out

Ignore the chatter that the GameStop stock battle is over whether to “democratize” trading, and let the “little guy get a piece of the action.” The real story, which will never be reported, is that the financial system is bankrupt, and a “full-fledged epic bubble” is about to pop, according to Jeremy Grantham.

The “Great Reset” and “Green New Deal” are only the latest scams to bailout a system which is a criminal Ponzi scheme, and should be shut down. What is needed, instead is the LaRouche Plan, his 4 Laws which would allow for an orderly bankruptcy reorganization — letting the swindlers eat their losses instead of being bailed out — and generating credit for physical production.

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