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David Dobrodt

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Message to the Young People at COP26: Dear Youngsters, Please Wake Up!

The following 7-point call was issued by CLINTEL Group President Guus Berkhout and was presented November 14th, 2021 at a Schiller Institute Conference, “All Moral Resources of Humanity Have To Be Called Up: Mankind Must Be the Immortal Species!”

PDF of this statement

  1. Please, don’t act like a parrot. Be critical against the many false prophets, who are trying to take advantage of you and set you up against the impressive progress your parents and grandparents have realized. Bear in mind that the information these prophets tell you is one-sided and misleading.
  2. Deepen your knowledge on the facts of our climate. By doing so, you will discover that there is no evidence that points to a climate crisis. Yes, climate change exists and it is of all times. But don’t worry, the current global warming is gentle (only ca. 0.14° C per decade) and it has already made many, many positive contributions to the quality of life.
  3. Do you know that the difference between the mean annual temperature in cold Finland and warm Singapore is more than 20° C. Yet, both these countries are most successful. Mankind is very clever in adapting to very different climates! Declaring current global warming of 0.14° C per decade a catastrophe is totally out of proportion. Think about that, while you are protesting.
  4. Did your teachers ever tell you that CO2 is a blessing for everything that lives on our planet? Far from being pollution, CO2 is the molecule of life, providing food for plants. Without plants there would be very little animal life and no human life at all. Think about that as well, while you are protesting.
  5. Don’t confuse climate change with environmental pollution! They are two completely different phenomena. Climate change is largely caused by the primordial natural forces and environmental pollution is largely caused by human behavior. Climate change requires clever adaptation measures and environmental pollution asks for clever clean production technologies.
  6. Please, don’t waste your life by solving a problem that does not exist. Instead, put all your talents and energy in developing a productive sustainable economy. Only then can you realize enough financial means to increase the standard of living beyond the basic needs. When you go back to the unproductive past and make yourself poor, you are no longer in control of your future!
  7. History shows that living on planet Earth requires adaptation all the time. If you continue to advance science and technology, you generate new capabilities to adapt to climate change, to protect our natural environment, to conquer the universe and to take care of one another. This is the formula for creating a better world.


For all of you who have been poisoned by fear of what is to come, forget the dodgy preachers of doom and gloom at COP26; they ruin your future by destroying everything your parents and grandparents have built.

Conference: All Moral Resources of Humanity Have To Be Called Up: Mankind Must Be the Immortal Species!

International Schiller Institute/ICLC online conference November 13-14, 2021

Panel 1 — Saturday, November 13, 10am EST
Can a Strategic Crisis Between the Major Powers Be Avoided?

Moderator: Dennis Speed (U.S.), The Schiller Institute

Johannes Brahms, Von ewiger Liebe, Op. 43 No. 1
Lisa Bryce, Soprano; Dura Jun, piano

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Founder and President of The Schiller Institute
Keynote Address: “A Terrible End or a New Paradigm?”

Ms. Chen Xiaohan (China), Deputy Secretary General, The Chinese People’s Association for Peace and Disarmament (CPAPD)
Topic: “Major Country Relations and Global Development”

Ambassador Anna Evstigneeva (Russia), Deputy Permanent Representative, the Russian Federation Mission to the UN
Topic: “Situation in Afghanistan after Foreign Troops Withdrawal”

Dr. Andrey Kortunov (Russia), Director General, Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC)
Topic: “Is There a Pathway for an Improved Relationship Between the U.S. and Russia?”

Question and Answer Session

Part 2 of Panel 1

Col. Richard H. Black (ret.) (U.S.), former State Senator; former Chief of the Army Criminal Law Division, Office of the Judge Advocate General, The Pentagon
Topic: “U.S.-China Relations: Potential for War Avoidance and Cooperation”

Dr. George Koo (U.S.), Chairman, Burlingame Foundation; Retired international business consultant
Topic: “The Survival of Our World Depends on Whether the U.S. and China Can Get Along”

Kirk Wiebe (U.S.), Senior Analyst (Ret.), U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), member, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)
Topic: “До́брое бра́тство — лу́чшее бога́тство –Brotherhood is the Best Wealth”

Question and Answer Session to include discussants:

Madison Tang (U.S.), CODEPINK,
Dr. Nikolay Megits (U.S.), President of Institute of Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Earl Rasmussen (U.S.), The Eurasia Center

Panel 2: Saturday, November 13, 2pm EDT
The Science of Physical Economy

Moderator: Claudio Celani (Italy), Executive Intelligence Review

Felix Mendelssohn: Elijah, No. 14- Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel
Kevin Thompson, Bass; Dura Jun, piano

Paul Gallagher (U.S.), Co-Editor, Executive Intelligence Review
Keynote Address: “Stopping Today’s Hyperinflationary Policies”

Pino Arlacchi (Italy), Sociology Professor at Sassari University, Former Executive Director of the UN Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention, and former European Parliament Rapporteur on Afghanistan
Topic: “Avoiding the Coming Catastrophe in Afghanistan”

Mrs. Amna Malik (Pakistan), president, Center of Pakistan and International Relations (COPAIR)
Topic: “Socioeconomic Conditions in Afghanistan and the Role of Global Community”

Dr. Shah Mehrabi (Afghanistan), Member of Board of Governors of Central Bank of Afghanistan and Chairman of Audit Committee
Topic: “How to Avoid a Collapsing Economy and Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan”

Question and Answer Session with discussants:

Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany), Founder and President, The Schiller Institute
Prof. Zaher Wahab (Afghanistan), Former Advisor to the Afghanistan Minister of Higher Education, and
Iliad Alexander Terra, (U.S.) Founder and President, Council on Global Relations

Part 2 of Panel 2

Dennis Small (U.S.), Ibero-American Director, Executive Intelligence Review
Topic: “A Strategy for Destroying Dope, Inc. in the 21st Century”

Billy Anders Estimé (Haiti), Co-Founder, CAFÉ DIPLO HAÏTI
Topic: “Make the Schiller Institute Plan to Develop Haiti Known Everywhere”

Domingo Reyes (Dominican Republic), former professor of Economics, Masters Degree in Higher Education
Topic: “Infrastructure and Education: Key to Developing Haiti and the Dominican Republic”

Dr. Joycelyn Elders (U.S.), former United States Surgeon General
Topic: “The Urgent Need for a World Health System — Not To Care is Unforgivable”

Eric Walcott – Director, Strategic Partnerships at Institute of Caribbean Studies, Washington, D.C
Topic :“Haiti and Afghanistan: Needed Lessons for Nation Building, Not Chaos”

Major General (Ret) Carroll D. Childers (U.S.) former Commanding General of the only light division in the National Guard Reserve Components for VA, MD, MA, CT and NJ
Topic: “The Potential of U.S. Reserve Army Units To Aid in Economic Reconstruction in the U.S. and Around the World”

Dr. Walter Faggett (U.S.), Former Chief Medical Officer, Washington D.C. Dept of Health, co-chair D.C. Ward 8 Health Council
Topic: “Community Healthcare Workers in DC– Now A Model for the World”

Dr. Khadijah Lang (U.S.), Chairman, National Medical Association (NMA) Council on International Affairs; President, Golden State Medical Association
Topic: “The Committee’s Mozambique Project – Model for What Can Be Done on a Global Scale”

Dr. Ernest Johnson (U.S.) , President Emeritus Louisiana NAACP, attorney, professor of law Southern University Law Center, Baton Rouge, LA
Topic: “Healthcare is a Basic Human Right, Not a Privilege”

Robert Baker (U.S.), Schiller Institute Agriculture Advisor
Topic: Live Report from Convention of The Kansas Cattlemen’s Association

Alf Schmidt (Germany), Independent farmer, Leader of Farmers Demonstrations in Berlin

Jhonny Estor (Haiti), Founder, “Renaissance Haiti”
Topic: “Greetings to The Schiller Institute & Distinguished Guests”

Question and Answer Session – to include discussant:

Richard Freeman, (U.S.), Executive Intelligence Review and co-author of Schiller Institute Plan to Develop Haiti.

Panel 3: Sunday, November 14, 10am EST
There Are No Limits to Growth in the Universe

Moderator: Megan Dobrodt, president, The Schiller Institute (U.S.)

Ludwig van Beethoven: Abendlied unter’m gestirnten Himmel, WoO 150
John Sigerson, Tenor; Margaret Greenspan, piano

Dr. Augustinus Berkhout (Netherlands), Emeritus Professor of Geophysics, Delft University of Technology, Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science
Topic: “Message to the Young People at COP26”

Jason Ross (U.S.), Science Liaison, The Schiller Institute
Topic: “The LaRouche Movement’s Role in Defeating Malthusianism”

Prof. Sergey Pulinets (Russia), Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia; Russian Academy of Sciences
Topic: “Earthquake Forecasting at the Frontiers of Science”

Prof. Carl Otto Weiss, PhD (Germany), Director and Professor (former), German Principal Institute of Metrology, Braunschweig, Germany,
Topic: “On Sustainability”

Dr. Kelvin Kemm (South Africa), nuclear physicist, former Chairman, South African Nuclear Energy Corporation
Topic: “A COP26 Post-Mortem: End Eco-Colonialism Through Climate Truth”

State Senator Mike Thompson (U.S.-Kansas), Kansas State Senate, Chairman, Senate Utilities Committee
Topic: “Stop the Weaponization of Science”

Caleb Maupin, Founder, Center for Political Innovation
Topic: “Malthusianism on the Left”

Prof. Franco Battaglia (Italy), Professor of Physical Chemistry, Univ. of Modena; Member of the Initiating Committee of the Petition on Anthropogenic Global Warming of June 2019
Topic: “Nobel Winners’ Climate Models are Wrong”

Question and Answer Session

Panel 4: Sunday, November 14, 2pm EST
The Beauty of True Human Culture

Moderator: Diane Sare (U.S.), The Schiller Institute

Traditional Spiritual, arr. Moses Hogan: He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands
Linda Childs, Alto; Dura Jun, piano

Ludwig van Beethoven: Agnus Dei from Missa Solemnis, Opus 123
Schiller Institute NYC Chorus

Jacques Cheminade (France), President, Solidarité et Progrès
Keynote Address: “Squid Game and Other Things to Come”

Xu Wang (China), Executive Dean of Boao Culture and Creativity institute, “On the Aesthetic Education in China”

Prof. Zaher Wahab (Afghanistan), Professor Emeritus of Education; Former Advisor to the Afghanistan Minister of Higher Education
Topic: “Education: Race Against Time”

Denise Rainey (U.S.), retired educator and principal, Rochester, N.Y.
Topic: “The Chinese Commitment to Education as Observed by an American Teacher”

Prof. Ole Doering, PhD (Germany), Sinologist and Philosopher
Topic: “On Education”

Diane Sare (U.S.), Founder, Schiller Institute NYC Chorus
Topic: How the World Health Platform Will Save the Future of the West

Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany), Founder and President of The Schiller Institute

Question and Answer Session

Webcast: The Dangerous Intentions of Prince Charles’ COP26

In reviewing events of the last week, Helga Zepp-LaRouche kept returning to the theme that the actions of western countries — at the COP26 and G20, regarding the deepening crisis facing Haiti and Afghanistan, threats against Russia and China — are ultimately self-destructive. She used the example of the rejection of real science by participants at COP26, in favor of formulas for depopulation, as evidence of this; and the push for drug legalization, which is being implemented in the west, which is destroying the cognitive potential of young people.

The hyperinflation of food and energy costs is having real effects. She pointed to the defeat of Democrats in Virginia, and the close vote in New Jersey, as evidence that the failure of the Biden administration to keep election promises is having consequences. She called on viewers to support the Schiller Institute’s Ibn Sina Project as a way they can make a difference, by taking action to save lives in Afghanistan. Participation in the November 13-14 Schiller Institute conference is therefore more important than ever, as it will feature the kind of open, serious deliberation which is suppressed in the western media and institutions.

Webcast: The “Dead Souls” of the Trans-Atlantic World Must Be Replaced by Those Committed to Develop the Beauty of the Human Mind

The Schiller Institute conference on May 8 offered a proof of principle that people can be mobilized by an appeal to the higher humanity which resides in all humans.  Helga Zepp LaRouche reviewed the many dangers facing mankind: of war — including a real possibility of nuclear war; famine, created by sanctions and deliberate refusal to fund development; of an out-of-control pandemic, as in India, and many other nations lacking a modern health care system; and of the devastating effects of growing inflation, which destroy people’s life-work and the ability of families to survive.
But she pointed to the dialogue which occurred during the two panels, which demonstrates a willingness to grapple with profound questions, and to the role of the Schiller Institute in creating a forum for building support for solutions.  She also highly recommended a video of Minister Louis Farrakhan performing the Beethoven Violin Concerto, as an example of how an act of creativity can inspire the quality of agape needed to break free of the Darwinian world imposed by those oligarchs who she characterized as possessed of “dead souls.” 

Conference: The Moral Collapse of the Trans-Atlantic World Cries Out for a New Paradigm

International Schiller Institute/ICLC online conference May 8, 2021


Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Institute Founder and Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban, Political and Media Advisor to the Syrian Presidency, Lead Off May 8 International Conference

Read the press release

Panel 1 — Saturday, May 8, 9 AM EDT
The March of Folly: Can Mankind Still Extinguish the Now-Lit Fuse of Thermonuclear War?

1. Keynote Speech: Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Founder and Chairman, Schiller Institute: “Is Mankind the Immortal Species or More Stupid than Animals?”

2. Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban, Political and Media Advisor to the Syrian Presidency: “Restore International Law: Respect Syria’s Perfect Sovereignty”

3. Col. Richard H. Black (US), former State Senator (Virginia), former head of the US Army’s Criminal Law Division, US Pentagon: “The Immorality of Sanctions: The Case of Syria”

4. Dr. Hans Koechler (Austria), University Professor of Philosophy, Vienna; President, International Progress Organization: “Unilateral Economic Sanctions: “Immorality and Arrogance of Great Powers”

5. Professor Dr. Wilfried Schreiber (Germany), Senior Research Fellow, World Trends Institute for International Politics, Potsdam, Germany: “Global Governance – An Answer from China and Russia”

6. Minister-Counsellor Sayed Mujtaba Ahmadi, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Afghanistan, Canada: “A Perspective for the Economic Development of Afghanistan in the Setting of the New Silk Road”

7. Prof. Eric Denece (France), Director, French Center for Intelligence Research: “Reflections for a New Foreign Policy”

8. Daisuke Kotegawa (Japan), former Ministry of Finance official, former Director for Japan at the IMF: “The Obama Sanctions Sabotaged Japan-Russia Development”

9. Caleb Maupin (US), Journalist and Political Analyst; Founder, Center for Political Innovation: “Sanctions Against Syria, Conflict with China: Who Benefits?”

Panel 2: Saturday, May 8, 1 pm EDT
The Method of the Coincidence of Opposites: Only A United Worldwide Health Effort, Without Sanctions, Can Reverse A Worldwide Pandemic

1. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, President, The Schiller Institute: Introduction

2. Dr. Joycelyn Elders, former Surgeon General of the United States: “Join or Die: Why A World Health Platform Protects Each of Us”

3. Dr. Khadijah Lang (US), Chairman, National Medical Association (NMA) Council on International Affairs; President, Golden State Medical Association, and Marcia Baker (US), Editorial Board, Executive Intelligence Review: “Report on Mozambique Pilot Aid Project—Toward World-Scale Mobilization”

4. Luis Vasquez (Peru), The Schiller Institute: ”Do Not Forget: The Global Concentration Camp Oven Is Now Nuclear”

5. Dr. Walter Faggett (US), Former Chief Medical Officer, Washington D.C. Dept of Health, co-chair DC Ward 8 Health Council, and Ms.Genita Finley (US), 2nd year Medical Student, designer Mississippi Delta Medical Extension School Program

6. Augustinus Berkhout (Netherlands), Emeritus Professor of Geophysics, Delft University of Technology, Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences: ”Greetings to the Schiller Conference”

7. Rainer Seidl (Germany) Land Creates Connection (Land schafft Verbindung, LsV), video excerpt of an interview in Munich, February 7, 2021; and Alf Schmidt (Germany), independent farmer, video excerpt of an interview in Berlin, March 23, 2021: “German Farm Protest Leaders: ‘Green Deal‘ Cuts Farmers, Food & People!”

8. Pastor Robert Smith (US), Pastor of New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, Detroit, Michigan; Chairman Foreign Mission Board of the National Baptist Convention, USA INC.: “‘Physician, Heal Thy Self’: Saving a Nation in Crisis Through Love”

9. Antonio Sanchez (Venezuela/Chile), Int’l. LaRouche Youth Movement: “They Knew or Should Have Known: the Cases of Venezuela and Chile”

Webcast: German Parties Betray the Voters with Green Nonsense and Drive Energy Hyperinflation

In reviewing the results from the German election, Helga Zepp-LaRouche spoke of the denial of reality in the campaign, saying the candidates acted as though the real world does not exist.  Instead, the leading vote getters spoke of almost nothing but “climate change” and the Green agenda, broken only by a push for “Global NATO”, in a drive for geopolitical confrontation with Russia and China.  In this, the campaign was a “betrayal of the voters”.  In the real world, she pointed to the hyperinflation in energy, especially in Europe, as an example of what will come, if the Green New Deal is not replaced by a concerted effort to bring on into full existence of a New Paradigm, which is being led by the LaRouche movement.

There are also positive signs internationally. She pointed to Lavrov’s UNGA speech, which she described as a clear counter to the Rules-Based Order, with his emphasis on the U.N. Charter as the basis for international law. On economics, Xi from China devoted his speech to the UNGA to putting forward an economic alternative, with his Global Development Initiative. She also spoke of the conference convened by Jacques Cheminade in Paris, which featured four presidential candidates joining us in a dialogue on soverignty.

Someone Doesn’t Want You To Know About the Schiller Institute

Schiller Institute YouTube Strike Response

A YouTube video from ten months ago is being used in an attempt to censor the Schiller Institute just days before its November 13-14 international conference! But the conference is NOT cancelled. You can still participate this weekend on 

Early in the morning on Wednesday, November 10, the Schiller Institute was informed that YouTube, after having “reviewed your content,” has concluded that “unfortunately, we think it violates our Community Guidelines.” The Schiller Institute has therefore been banned from YouTube for one week and thus cannot use the platform to stream its conference this weekend.

Entitled “A More Perfect Union through the Coincidence of Opposites: MLK and the American Presidency,” the banned video was posted on January 18, 2021, ten months ago, but has only now been taken down.

The video is a three-hour discussion among participants of varying political persuasions about issues surrounding American elections, decisions by “big tech” about which voices to allow and which to suppress, and the non-violent creation of a more perfect union. Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s speech was titled “Beauty Over Violence: Beethoven, Schiller, and the Idea of the Sublime.” Video excerpts from civil rights leaders were presented in a segment called “Love Conquers Hate: A Schiller Institute 1995 Conference on Creative, Non-Violent Direct Action.”

Absurdly, YouTube claims that the Schiller Institute event violates its policy on “harassment and cyberbullying,” defined as “content glorifying or inciting acts of violence.” This is preposterous.

Although the video is gone, you can read this EIR report on the event.

The Schiller Institute is appealing YouTube’s decision and will be arranging alternative streaming arrangements for its November 13-14 event.  The event will still be live streamed on

Fight back against censorship by spreading the word about this weekend’s event, “All Moral Resources of Humanity Have To Be Called Up: Mankind Must Be the Immortal Species!” Defeat Big Tech by co-streaming it on your own platform.

Contact us here to become a co-streamer:

Live Event: Reconstructing Haiti is America’s Way Out of the “Global Britain” Trap

Join us LIVE on Saturday, September 25 at 2pm EDT.

Before the United States is drawn even more deeply into the geopolitical underworld by “Global Britain’s” 19th century’s Indo-Pacific adventure, the just announced Australia/United Kingdom/United States “Orcus Pact,” it might be wise to stop and think. Earlier this week, with regard to Global Britain, Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev said, “the English for centuries pushed the Scots into the mountain regions, used cheap Welsh labor and brought Irish people to the colonies in the capacity of slaves.”

“These people for centuries were treated with no less contempt than the Africans or Asians subjugated by Britain.”

The best way to reverse the new disastrous course is to reverse the singular depraved indifference of current United States policy expressed in two areas: Afghanistan and Haiti. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen should release Afghanistan’s 9 billion dollars to prevent the starvation of 14 million people. Haiti, similarly oppressed by unjust monetary policies as punishment for its successful revolution, must be immediately reconstructed . Richard Freeman of Executive Intelligence Review will discuss the release of a comprehensive program for Haitian Reconstruction, followed by discussion. There will also be a report on developments at the United Nations in this past week, as well as an update on Afghanistan.

Webcast: A Unique Opportunity to Participate in Creating a Necessary, New Paradigm

In reviewing the global strategic situation today, Schiller Institute leader Helga Zepp LaRouche spoke of the significance of more voices speaking out, echoing her warning of the danger of a nuclear war being provoked by the geopolitical maneuvers by the TransAtlantic establishment. Even Henry Kissinger, long a spokesman for this faction, warned that this is different, and more dangerous, than the threats of nuclear war during the period of the Cold War. Zepp LaRouche said the erosion of trust and the lack of back channels, combined with new weapon capabilities, makes this an extremely perilous moment. She highlighted the widespread use of sanctions, which are illegal under international law in the way they are being applied, as an example of why diplomacy and dialogue must replace unilateralism in international relations.

This will be the general topic of the first panel of the Schiller Institute conference on May 8. The second panel will take up the urgent necessity of addressing the COVID pandemic through a commitment to create a modern health system in every nation — this can occur only by rejecting the present paradigm, defined by neo-liberal economics and imperial geopolitics, and reasserting international law, which begins with the primacy of cooperation for development among sovereign states. This approach is being developed by the Committee on the Coincidence of Opposites.

She concluded by reflecting on the recent Schiller conferences, which were unique in that the principle of statecraft guiding the discussions is based on the concept of Schiller, that the dialogue begins by addressing the better part of human beings; and operating from the standpoint of “truth seeking…through Socratic dialogue.” She urged all the viewers to register for the conference, and participate in the building of the New Paradigm.

Webcast: Two Contrasting Paradigms: Depraved Indifference Versus Happiness of the People

In reviewing developments of the last days, Helga Zepp-LaRouche said that the battle between two mutually irreconcilable outlooks is escalating. This can be seen in the depraved indifference of the U.S., the U.K. and their NATO allies in response to the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan — which they caused — in contrast to the efforts underway by Afghanistan’s neighbors, using joint projects coordinated by the SCO, the BRICS, and the BRI for economic development of the war-torn country. It can be seen in the disgusting deportation of Haitian refugees, who are being sent back to a country which lacks the means to care for them, due to a recent succession of natural disasters. It can be seen by comparing the speeches of Biden and Xi Jinping at the UNGA meeting. And it can be seen by the escalation of regime change operations being directed by British intelligence against Russia and China.

An attitude of depraved indifference is not consistent with the founding principles of the United States. She said, “We have lost our way.” Instead of imposing policies which are neo-colonial, with a Malthusian intent, “We must raise our voices,” and return to those principles, adopted by the Founding Fathers, which commit the government to concern itself with the “Happiness of the people.”

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