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Webcast: German Parties Betray the Voters with Green Nonsense and Drive Energy Hyperinflation

Webcast: German Parties Betray the Voters with Green Nonsense and Drive Energy Hyperinflation

In reviewing the results from the German election, Helga Zepp-LaRouche spoke of the denial of reality in the campaign, saying the candidates acted as though the real world does not exist.  Instead, the leading vote getters spoke of almost nothing but “climate change” and the Green agenda, broken only by a push for “Global NATO”, in a drive for geopolitical confrontation with Russia and China.  In this, the campaign was a “betrayal of the voters”.  In the real world, she pointed to the hyperinflation in energy, especially in Europe, as an example of what will come, if the Green New Deal is not replaced by a concerted effort to bring on into full existence of a New Paradigm, which is being led by the LaRouche movement.

There are also positive signs internationally. She pointed to Lavrov’s UNGA speech, which she described as a clear counter to the Rules-Based Order, with his emphasis on the U.N. Charter as the basis for international law. On economics, Xi from China devoted his speech to the UNGA to putting forward an economic alternative, with his Global Development Initiative. She also spoke of the conference convened by Jacques Cheminade in Paris, which featured four presidential candidates joining us in a dialogue on soverignty.

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