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Webcast: Two Contrasting Paradigms: Depraved Indifference Versus Happiness of the People

Webcast: Two Contrasting Paradigms: Depraved Indifference Versus Happiness of the People

In reviewing developments of the last days, Helga Zepp-LaRouche said that the battle between two mutually irreconcilable outlooks is escalating. This can be seen in the depraved indifference of the U.S., the U.K. and their NATO allies in response to the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan — which they caused — in contrast to the efforts underway by Afghanistan’s neighbors, using joint projects coordinated by the SCO, the BRICS, and the BRI for economic development of the war-torn country. It can be seen in the disgusting deportation of Haitian refugees, who are being sent back to a country which lacks the means to care for them, due to a recent succession of natural disasters. It can be seen by comparing the speeches of Biden and Xi Jinping at the UNGA meeting. And it can be seen by the escalation of regime change operations being directed by British intelligence against Russia and China.

An attitude of depraved indifference is not consistent with the founding principles of the United States. She said, “We have lost our way.” Instead of imposing policies which are neo-colonial, with a Malthusian intent, “We must raise our voices,” and return to those principles, adopted by the Founding Fathers, which commit the government to concern itself with the “Happiness of the people.”

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