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“Stop genocide: Peace and development for Yemen!”

June 20, 2018 – Elke Fimmen of the Schiller Institute in Germany gave a presentation on Day 2 of the UN-Human Rights Council Session, 38th Session (18th of June – 6th of July, 2018) in Geneva. The seminar “Human Rights in Yemen” which took place on June 19, was sponsored and organized by the Organization for Defending Victims of Violence (ODVV) and INSAN Germany. The meeting was introduced and moderated by Dr. Hassan Fartousi, researcher in international law at the University of Geneva.

At the one-hour-event, Fimmen was introduced as delegate from the German LaRouche Movement. The meeting was also addressed by Mathias Tretschog, activist of the Berlin Peace Initiative Stop the War in Yemen, who spoke on the complicity of the West in tolerating this genocide. Al Jazeera filmed the entire event, and short interviews were conducted with the two speakers by the Bahrein TV station Alluluwa.

As the brutal Emirate’s and Saudi Coalition assault on the vital harbour city Houdeida is escalating since last week, while peace talks by UN Special Envoy Martin Griffith are continuing (including a meeting next week with EU foreign ministers), Elke Fimmen focussed on how to use the new global strategic momentum established with the Singapur spirit to stop the war and establish the „new paradigm of peace and development“, as Helga Zepp-LaRouche has called for in her new statement.

The now possible Trump-Putin summit will be crucial to change the strategic equation, also in the Middle East, and to open a road towards establishing peace. Fimmen pointed out that there is growing resistance against US-support for the Saudi-war in the US Congress, which should be strenghtened to the maximum. As Helga Zepp-LaRouche said in her latest webcast, the US government could end this war immediately, by withdrawing their support for the barbaric Saudi -coalition aggression against Yemen.

Fimmen detailed the key points for a lasting peace settlement, as had been identified by the Bad Soden Yemen Declaration of last November’s Schiller-Institute conference:

– An immediate ceasefire;

– the lifting of the blockade of the ports and airports, allowing in immediate humanitarian aid and the import of food and other goods;

– a return to the national dialogue and reconciliation process , to find a political solution. The political process should be conducted under the UN umbrella, but it should take place ONLY between Yemeni national factions without interference of regional or global powers. Russia, China and the United States should serve as guarantors of the implementation of the final outcome of the dialogue.

– Finally, Yemen must be assisted in a rapid and large-scale reconstruction process, focused on infrastructure projects to regain the livelihood of the nation and the integration of Yemen into the Belt and Road Initiative (New Silk Road).

In the concluding part of her speech, she stressed the need to focus on Yemen’s right to development, by presenting the main programmatic points of the new Schiller Institute report „Operation Felix: Yemen’s Reconstruction and Connection to the New Silk Road“, including some key graphics of the report and a picture of the Sana’a event two weeks ago. With the cover of the Yemen reconstruction plan on display during her speech, this focus on building a beautiful future out of the present abyss of horror had a very important uplifting and remoralizing effect on the audience.

Text of speech

First I want to thank the sponsors and organizers for inviting me to address this event today.

My topic is “Stop Genocide: Peace and development for Yemen!”

The President and founder of the Schiller-Institute, Mrs. Helga Zepp-LaRouche last Thursday very forcefully called for an immediate end of the bombing of the port of Houdeida by the Saudi Coalition and above all, for the urgent change of policy by the United States.

In her weekly international webcast,14th of June, 2018, she said: “ Already before this bombing against Hodeidah started, Yemen was characterized by the United Nations as the worst humanitarian catastrophe on the planet, and the Russian Foreign Ministry just commented on the fact that the bombing against this port has started, saying that this will make a political solution that much harder.

But there is one country right now, which really could stop it, and that is the United States.  If the United States would just make sure Saudi Arabia does not have the means to continue this, it would!  And I find it promising that even two members of the Israeli Knesset, the parliament, basically commented on the Singapore [Korea] summit by saying that this could be a model to solve the Middle East crisis, including the conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Now, that is the way to go. I think military solutions just don’t function.  … I said at the beginning of the year that geopolitics must be overcome, because geopolitics is the basis of war.  In the last century, it was the basis of two world wars, and I think we have to come to a situation where, given the fact that nuclear weapons exist, which could lead to the annihilation of civilization, I think we have to move to a world where war is absolutely outlawed as a means of conflict resolution.”

The principles of a solution

UN emergency relief coordinator Mark Lowcock warned on June 1st, that the number of starving Yemenites, if the Hodeida harbour is blocked, would increase from 8.4 million to 18.4 million (two thirds of the entire population). Now, the full blocking of Hodeida is a reality, as the Saudi-coalition attack launched last week, has forced the relief workers to flee and halt all import activities. Open warfare is threatening the lives of the whole civilian population of Hodeida.

This barbaric military assault by the Saudi and Emirates coalition on the port of Houdeida, Yemen’s most important lifeline for food and humanitarian goods for the whole country, must be stopped immediately by the world community! Otherwise, what was already a horrible humanitarian crisis in Yemen up to now, could quickly become an unspeakable genocide threatening the whole population of Yemen.

While the efforts of UN Special Envoy Martin Griffith for his peace plan are continuing, in the present midst of turbulence, military and political, the main principles of a workable solution are clear:

An immediate ceasefire;

the lifting of the blockade of the ports and airports, allowing in immediate humanitarian aid and the import of food and other goods;

a return to the national dialogue and reconciliation process , to find a political solution. The political process should be conducted under the UN umbrella, but it should take place ONLY between Yemeni national factions without interference of regional or global powers. Russia, China and the United States should serve as guarantors of the implementation of the final outcome of the dialogue.

Finally, Yemen must be assisted in a rapid and large-scale reconstruction process, focused on infrastructure projects to regain the livelihood of the nation and the integration of Yemen into the Belt and Road Initiative (New Silk Road). *

The Empire fears peace

The geopolitician´s fear of peace was clear from the launching of the agression in March 2015, when the war was started to block the peace agreement by all parties, “National Peace and Power Sharing Agreement”, which had been agreed upon on September 22, 2014.

The geopolitical fear of peace was also seen in the recent targetted murder of the President of Yemen, His Excellency Saleh al-Sammad, who was the responsible person for the peace negotiations and now the absolutely brutal attack launched by the Emirates, the Saudis and the coalition, in order to block the peace proposal by UN special envoy Griffith, wrapping it into the propaganda line that “victory will be quick”, and then “humanitarian aid” would finally reach Yemen.

The old paradigm of geopolitics and confrontation between East and West is what has caused the war against Yemen, but this imperial policy is failing globally, as the Saudi-coalition assault becomes ever more brutal and its supporters become ever more exposed. In the last weeks, voices against the Saudi war and its support by the US, Britain, France and others were raised louder and louder in the whole world, including in Great Britain and the United States themselves. There are more than 30 US congressmen , also senators from both the Democratic and Republican parties, fighting to stop US support for the Saudi war against Yemen, putting a lot of pressure on the US government. Among the other atrocities, the Saudi attack on the hospital of Doctors without Borders, fighting the deadly cholera epidemic, created a big shock.

As one response, US Secretary of State Pompeo issued a statement on June 11, warning the UAE to hold back their assault on Hodeida, stressing that he expected all parties to work with Griffith’s office, to include supporting a political process to resolve the conflict. On June 6, a spokesman for the National Security Council of the White House had said that the US would “not support actions that destroy key infrastructure or that are likely to exacerbate the dire humanitarian situation …”. Of course, at this point, these are just words, and we know that the US and GB blocked the Swedish Ceasefire initiative at the UN last Friday.

It should be noted however, that the barbaric attack against Hodeida was launched at the very same moment, when the historic Korea summit took place between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, obviously targetted by the war party to sabotage this new momentum, which has been built up with the help of China, Japan and Russia.

From a strategic standpoint therefore, it is extremely important now to make maximum use of this historical momentum, especially as President Trump is preparing for a meeting with President Putin, with both of them stressing that they want to cooperate to solve crisis such as in the Middle East.

If a massive international organizing campaign is directed now towards President Trump and Congress to finally stop the slaughtering of innocent people of Yemen on the altar of geopolitics, and instead move forward on the road of peace, the backbone of the historical Saudi-British axis can be broken, which is fuelling this war.

What a scandal, that the United Kingdom is promoting geopolitics and is an active war participant in the war on Yemen, while in the same time being the so called penholder for the Yemen conflict in the UN Security Council. This imperial manipulation must stop and the world must be allowed to create new relations among souvereign nations, based on peaceful development!**

Yemen and the new global paradigm of cooperation

While the emergency task to establish a ceasefire and to get humanitarian support flowing again on a large scale, as well as the start of political talks between the Yemeni factions, the right to development of Yemen as a modern and prosperous nation must absolutely be included in the battle for the future.

The most powerful progressive, anti-Empire dynamic in the world right now, is the BRICS and Silk Road spirit of “win-win”-cooperation, which has made a lot of progress, including in the settling of the Korea problem. This creates a tremendeous opportunity for the whole Mideast, South West Asia and Africa, where young people will only have a joyful future, when they can build cities, infrastructure, railroads, universities and determine their own fate instead of being subjected to oligarchical domination!

This is why the Schiller Institute has just issued its new report “Operation Felix: Yemen’s Reconstruction and Connection to the New Silk Road”, which was presented in a seminar on June 6th at the headquarters of the Yemeni General Investment Authority (GIA) in the capital of Yemen, Sana’a. The report is based on the scientific method of “Physical Economics” as defined by American economist Lyndon LaRouche.

The study by Hussein Askary shows that the destruction of Yemen’s economy started already in the 1990s when Yemen came under the yoke of the IMF and World Bank. The catastrophic consequences of that policy are described in detail in the study, which shows that the IMF/WB prevented Yemen from developing for over 30 years, making Yemen the poorest country in the region, with dependency on imports of food reaching 80% in 2014, even before the war started.

The report then goes through the destruction of the rest of Yemen’s weak economy, the bombing of the infrastructure and every other productive sector, creating the worst humanitarian crisis in the world today.

The reconstruction plan proposed in the report starts with an emergency mobilization to rehabilitate the destroyed infrastructure and providing relief to the population especially in the rural areas, through mobilization of an army of young workers, modeled on the Franklin Roosevelt-era Civilian Conservation Corps. However, the report states clearly that the intention of the authors is not to rebuild Yemen back to what it was before the war, i.e. “the poorest country in the region”, but to build a completely new economic growth platform based on cooperation with the BRICS and China, and other friendly powers. To start the true reconstruction plan, a “Yemeni National Reconstruction and Development Bank” is proposed by the author, modelled on the Hamiltonian national credit system.

The proposed infrastructure projects include large-scale transport, power, water, shipping, manufactures and commercial agriculture projects. The key component of the plan is the “Yemeni Development Corridor”, with the first railway ever to be built from Sa’ada in the north to Aden in the south, branching east and west along the way to the main ports on the Red Sea and key potential industrial, mining and agricultural areas in the eastern plateau. An additional coastal line is required to connect all the major port-cities and to neighboring countries.

The final part of the report is dedicated to the connectivity of Yemen to both the Maritime Silk Road through Yemen’s ports on both the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea, and to the Silk Road Economic Belt on land to connect eastward to Oman, Iran and further to Central Asia and China. Westward, Yemen would be connected through a bridge/tunnel across the Bab El-Mandab Strait to Djibouti, Ethiopia and the rest of Africa, making it an ideal bridge between Asia and Africa.

The author of the report, Hussein Askary recommended, that the Sana’a government present this report to the UN and other international powers to be included in any coming peace negotiations, as a key item to be agreed upon by all parties, before any political discussions are undertaken.

The report in Arabic language is available to download for free from the website of New Silk Road Party of Yemen, chaired by Fouad Al-Ghaffari: It will soon be presented to an international audience in English and in German.


I want to conclude by saying that it is the future which determines the present. The human spirit can triumph over evil. The world needs Yemen – so let’s create a miracle now! Thank you.

*A resolution “To End the War and Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen” with these demands was adopted by the participants of the Schiller Institute conference in Bad Soden, Germany, November 2017 and circulated internationally.

** History Is Now Being Written in Asia! The EU Summit Must Follow the Example of Singapore!

Lake Chad Conference: Water Transfer Is Not an Option, It Is a Necessity

March 1  — The official outcome of the Feb. 26-28 International Conference on Lake Chad  in Abuja, Nigeria is an unequivocal statement of support for the Transaqua project, calling for the transfer of water from the Congo River basin to Lake Chad. It clearly states:

*There is no solution to the shrinking of Lake Chad that does not involve recharging the lake by transfer of water from outside the basin.

*That Inter-basin water transfer is not an option, but a necessity.

*The Transaqua Project, which would take water from the right tributary of River Congo, conveying the water 2,400 kilometers through a channel to Chari River, is the preferred feasible option.

Furthermore it was officially announced by Italian Ambassador to Nigeria Stefano Pontesilli, during the High-LevelSession of Presidents of the Lake Chad Basin Commission, that Italy will contribute EU1.5 million for the feasibility study of the Transaqua project, declaring that Italy was ready to partner with the proposed “Transaqua Project” to see the success of the water transfer. The feasibility study is planned to be carried out by the Italian engineering firm Bonifica and construction company PowerChina.

Seminar in Geneva: Stop Genocide in Yemen

March 15, 2018— During the present UN Human Rights Council Session in Geneva, Elke Fimmen of the Schiller Institute addressed a seminar on „Human Rights in Yemen: Sanctions“ on March 13th in Geneva. The seminar was sponsored by the Organization for Defending Victims of Violence (ODVV) and jointly organized with INSAN for Human Rights and Peace.

The 1.5 hrs seminar was chaired and moderated by Dr. Hassan Fartousi, researcher in international law at the Universiyt of Geneva. Speakers included human rights activists Mohammad Abo Taleb and Abdullah Alkebsi from INSAN, who showed the horrible effects of the illegal , Saudi-coalition imposed sanctions for the population, including the impossibility to seek medical care abroad, with the internal health system being destroyed. Andrew Feinstein, executive director of Corruption Watch UK, called for an end to the illegal arms supply by the UK (BAE etc.) and the USA.

Elke Fimmen, who was introduced as representing the LaRouche-Movement in Germany, spoke about the genocidal and illegal sanctions, imposed on top of the original UN Resolution #2216 of 2015 for weapons embargo against a few individuals, which has been used as a pretext for a full war of aggression and blockade of airports such as Sanaa and the important ports like Houdeidah, through which food, fuel, medical and others crucial items are imported, on which Yemen is fully dependent. The guarantee of full humanitarian assistance and safety of individuals as demanded in the original UN-resolution has been fully violated.

Hundreds of thousands of Yemenis have paid with their lives during the three year war of agression, led by Saudi-Arabia, the UK and USA and there will be complete catastrophe, if this is allowed to continue, as clearly stated in the January 2018 UN Humanitarian Response Plan on Yemen.

The report presents in shocking detail the deteriorating situation in all sectors, and concludes that the lack of basic goods, particular fuel by further blockade of commercial imports will result „in a crisis of dimensions that would be beyond the humanitarian community’s response capacity“, if the ports cannot be opened for all imports. So, nobody can claim, he or she „didn’t know“.

The sanctions, killing the Yemen population have become an integrated part of the military operations by the Saudi coalition and are used as warfare tactic with the use of hunger and epidemics. To deliberately destroy a people’s past, present and future, thus denying its existence in human history, fulfills the definition of genocide as the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

Elke cited the November 2017 Schiller Institute Bad Soden resolution on Yemen, which had called for an immediate ceasefire, the lifting of the blockades, the return to the national reconciliation process and dialogue for a political solution (without interference by outside forces, but under the UN umbrella and with sponsorship of Russia, China and the United States as guarantors of its implementation); and most importantly, to assist Yemen in „a rapid and large scale reconstruction process focussed on infrastructure projects to regain the livelihood of the nation, and the integration of Yemen into the Belt and Road Initiative“ to create a future.

The seminar was attended by around 40 participants and was transmitted live TV-stream to Yemen.

The same morning, another seminar had adressed the situation of journalists in Yemen, and reported that another effect of the blockade is that any foreign journalists, who had been invited to come to Yemen , cannot travel there and report the truth of the ongoing genocide there. This Thursday, there will be another event on the Human Rights situation in Yemen, concluding three weeks of interventions in Geneva.

Japan: Cooperation with China in Third Countries

June 19– Japan’s daily {Yomiuri Shimbun} reported that the revised version of the Japanese government policy on “infrastructure exports” promotes cooperation with China for the first time, writing: “The government will pursue cooperation with China over infrastructure development in other countries amid plans to increase support for projects related to the Belt and Road, a massive economic initiative promoted by Beijing.

“Tokyo hopes to further facilitate the ongoing improvement in Japan-China relations as it seeks to increase business opportunities for Japanese companies. It is in the process of identifying joint projects with China based on such factors as the transparency.

“A revised version of the government’s basic policy on infrastructure exports, which was released earlier this month, referenced promoting cooperation with China for the first time. The inclusion follows an agreement between Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang in May in which they pledged to set up a joint committee comprised of both public and private sector officials to coordinate economic cooperation in third countries.

“Abe plans to visit China as early as this year and convene a new forum attended by both public and private sector representatives. Through the forum, the government hopes to
discuss the details of joint projects with China. Tokyo hopes to realize reciprocal visits between the leaders of Japan and China after achieving progress through talks.”
The article also quotes some government and ruling Liberal

Democratic Party (LDP) officials nagging against cooperation, pushing the usual arguments against China, e.g. its alleged hegemonism, which the government “sought to fend off.”

The Message Which López Obrador Should Take to Trump: A World Summit of Nations Is Urgently Needed to Address the Crisis

Statement by the LaRouche Citizens’ Movement of Mexico

July 3 — The opportunity has arrived. On the eve of the upcoming July 8 meeting between the Presidents of the United States and Mexico, Donald Trump and Andrés Manuel López Obrador, a number of international statements and developments have occurred which highlight the world importance of that meeting, in particular because of the role that Mexico will play as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, starting on Jan. 1, 2021.

At the beginning of 2020, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed that a summit be held of the five permanent members (P-5) of the U.N. Security Council (Russia, China, United States, France and the United Kingdom) to address the grave crises which the entire planet is facing, and which require immediate joint action. These urgent crises include:

* The coronavirus pandemic;

* The collapse of the physical economy and the total bankruptcy of the Wall Street and City of London speculative financial system, a collapse worsened – but not caused – by the pandemic.

* The need to create a new international security architecture, in order to prevent a Third World War from being unleashed. The recent article by President Putin on the subject of the origins of the Second World War is an important contribution in that regard.

Such a summit must be held as soon as possible, based on the same approach that the great American President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) set forth in his New Deal and Good Neighbor policies.

That is the central message which President López Obrador should communicate to his counterpart President Trump at their upcoming meeting.

Both Presidents, whose presidencies share a common origin — which is that their respective populations were fed up with the old system of looting –, also share a background of fighting to make their campaign promises a reality. But they have also been bogged down by the burden of ferocious attacks coming from a deafening campaign by the media and certain political circles to prevent them from taking any action. On the eve of their meeting, a new wave of collective hysteria has launched protests, which are being joined by congressmen and governors on both sides of our common border, demanding that the upcoming presidential meeting be cancelled.

It is not hard to imagine the fear of political and media circles tied to the current bankrupt system, at the prospect that the two presidents might reach agreements regarding the benefits that would come from joining their efforts to the call issued by the Presidents of Russia and China, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping
respectively, to govern relations between nations on a new basis, such as the kind of approach taken by the U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt during his long terms of office.

Recently, even British Prime Minister Boris Johnson stated on June 30 that he will orient his government along the lines of FDR’s New Deal policies. “It sounds like a New Deal, and all I can say is, that if so, then that is how it is meant to sound and to be, because that is what the times demand — a government that is powerful and determined and that puts its arms around people at a time of crisis.”

In response to that statement, Schiller Institute founder and President Helga Zepp-LaRouche stated:

“If, however, Boris Johnson would be serious about it [the New Deal approach], and he would immediately agree to participate in the summit called by Putin, and would insist that the New Deal in the tradition of Franklin D. Roosevelt is being made the subject of such a P5 summit, then it could be taken seriously and would actually be a useful contribution.”

Why we emphasize Roosevelt

Russian President Putin has called for a new, global security architecture, such as in his famous 2007 speech at the Munich Security Conference, shaped around FDR’s approach: “It is well known that the field of international security goes well beyond issues of military and political stability. It involves the stability of the world economy, overcoming poverty, economic security, and the development of a dialogue among civilizations. This all-encompassing, indivisible character of security is expressed in its fundamental principle, that ‘the security of each is the security of all.’ As Franklin Roosevelt put it in the first days after the outbreak of the Second World War, ‘When peace has been broken anywhere, peace of all countries everywhere is in danger.’ These words remain topical today.”

As for Chinese President Xi Jinping, he told a Seattle business group during a visit to the U.S. in 2016: “In my younger years … I was interested in the life story and thinking of Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt and other American statesmen.”

President Trump has also turned directly to FDR on numerous occasions, including in his victory speech the night of the 2016 election, stating: “The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.”

President López Obrador, throughout his campaigns, has emphasized the historical importance of FDR. In mid June, he instructed Juan Ramón de la Fuente, Mexico’s representative before the United Nations, where Mexico was elected to serve as a non-permanent member of the Securtiy Council, to promote “the fulfillment of the four fundamental freedoms proclaimed by President Roosevelt,” freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from fear, and freedom from want.”

López Obrador also state that, in terms of sustainable development, “the rich nations and international financial institutions [should] support poor peoples and governments in combatting hunger, epidemics, avoiding racism, classism, sexism, xenophobia and discrimination; help with investments and regional development programs so that no one, no human being on this Earth is forced to emigrate from the place of their birth due to a lack of opportunity to work or because of violence.”

Finally, he said the Security Council must be guided by the principle of Mexico’s great President Benito Juárez, that “among individuals as among nations, respect for the rights of others is peace.” López Obrador said that “in no conflict shall force be used and in no case shall the hegemonic force of the powers be imposed.”

For these reasons, we issue this call for President López Obrador to be the messenger of peace and take President Trump a message of unity, so that a world summit be carried out under the guidelines set forth by Roosevelt, whether that be under the aegis of a Four Power Summit (Russia, China, the U.S. and India) as Lyndon LaRouche repeatedly proposed, or one initiated by the P-5, as Putin has called for – so long as the summit’s mission is to construct a new paradigm of world peace based on universal economic development, and that the summit be only the beginning of an international association open to all nations on the planet.

We believe that only an institutional force on such a scale as this can lead the world away from the current social and health crisis, which stems from the pandemic and the economic collapse, and orient the path of nations towards a new paradigm of general welfare for all.

China’s Success Throws Free Market Ideologues Into Crisis

Feb. 13 — In the Jan. 29 issue of Bloomberg Businessweek magazine, an article titled “What if China Really Is Exempt from the Laws of Economics?” very aptly captures the consternation/ constipation imposed on the intellectually impoverished proponents of standard academic economics by the astounding development of China. Author Michael Schulman gets far more points for candor than he does for historic insight. He seems thoroughly oblivious to the simple fact that the U.S. industrial base was built entirely by economic dirigism, never mentioning Alexander Hamilton. He devotes zero attention to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

However, what he does say would be hilarious, if the consequences of his outlook were not so dire: “But recently, my faith in the corpus of collective wisdom has been shattered. By China.” He elaborates: “The more I apply my rules of economics to China, the more they seem to go awry. China should be mired in meager growth, even gripped by financial crisis, according to my maxims. But obviously, it’s not. In fact, much of what’s going on right now in that country runs counter to what we know–or think we know–about economics. Simply, if Beijing’s policymakers are right, then a lot of basic economic thinking is wrong—especially our certainty in the power of free markets, our ingrained bias against state intervention, and our ideas about fostering innovation and entrepreneurship.”

Schulman bemoans the fact that the role of the CPC in the Chinese economy is more central than ever, but, even worse (for his ilk), that no disaster, but only sustained real growth has resulted from that top-down intervention. He inserts some politically correct caveats and qualifiers, to the effect that maybe some catastrophe is lurking off stage, but pretty much admits that he can’t discern it.

So, it’s therefore time to overhaul your failed axioms, right? Sorry, like Linus, Schulman isn’t ready to ditch the security blanket just yet: “I’m clinging to my maxims…but thanks to China, I’m prepared to edit them.”

A more open admission of intellectual bankruptcy would be hard to imagine.

The whole article:


India-China Cooperation Advances at BRICS Foreign Ministers Meeting

June 5 -“Continuing multifaceted engagement between two large economies! [Indian Foreign Minister] Sushma Swaraj and Foreign Minister of China Wang Yi met on the sidelines of the BRICS Ministerial Conference. Both leaders discussed ways to maintain the momentum in bilateral and multilateral cooperation,” Indian External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Raveesh Kumar enthusiastically tweeted yesterday after the two held a bilateral meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa on the sidelines of the meeting among the BRICS Foreign Ministers.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang was also enthusiastic. Xinhua reported that Wang had said in their meeting that “China and India working together will accelerate the common development of the two countries, benefit the entire world, and contribute to the progress of human civilization…. China and India have extensive common interests, and they have far more consensus than differences,” he emphasized, according to Xinhua. “The two sides should take bilateral relations and people’s fundamental interests as a starting point at all times, properly handle problems and differences, and prevent the interests of one party from affecting the overall interest. China and India should strengthen coordination and play a constructive role in promoting the development of BRICS cooperation, Shanghai Cooperation Organization and other multilateral mechanisms.”

Xinhua reported that India’s Swaraj spoke of the “unprecedented success” of the informal meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Xi Jinping at Wuhan at the end of April, as it “enhanced mutual trust between the two countries, strengthened cooperation, [and] made the parties more comfortable with each other.” As the two largest developing countries, “the two sides should further strengthen coordination and cooperation within multilateral mechanisms and contribute to preserving the common interests of developing countries,” she said.

The full BRICS Foreign Ministers meeting demonstrates that the BRICS process, uniting five members countries representing much of humanity–Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa–remains an active force, despite the “regime change” operations run in Brazil and South Africa in hopes of killing it. Brazil’s Foreign Minister did choose to attend the simultaneous Organization of American States General Assembly meeting in Washington, D.C. in order to support the drive to kick Venezuela out of that body, instead of the BRICS, but that government still had to send its Deputy Foreign Minister to represent it.

According to both Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and the Chinese Foreign Ministry press spokesman, the meeting was “constructive and thorough,” as the ministers agreed the purpose of the BRICS remains that of building “a brighter shared future for the global community,” as the final communiqué states.

Bolivia and China Sign “Strategic Association” Agreement

June 19–During his June 18-19 state visit to China, Bolivian President Evo Morales and his counterpart Xi Jinping elevated bilateral relations to the status of “strategic association,” by which they will deepen cooperation in a variety of sectors as well as coordinate on important international issues and at the United Nations. A special focus of their discussion was on advancing the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and Morales praised China for its efforts to create “a new type of international relations” in this context.

On June 13-14, Morales had a state visit in Russia, during which he and President Vladimir Putin also elevated their bilateral relations to the status of a strategic association. While in Russia, among other things, Morales indicated his interest in allying with the Eurasia Economic Union as well.

In a two-hour meeting June 18 with Xi Jinping, the two leaders signed an 11-point joint declaration detailing the specific areas in which they will expand cooperation — infrastructure, industrialization, finance, trade, manufacturing, science and technology (including aerospace), education and culture among them — and also signed a document committing themselves to jointly building the Belt and Road Initiative. Morales expressed the hope that by working together to build the BRI, this will also contribute to expanding cooperation between China and Ibero-America, Xinhua reported.

Xi commented that the BRI “offers a new platform” by which China’s relations with Ibero-America can be strengthened. He also pointed out that both China and Bolivia have ancient civilizations and should learn from each other to explore the use of “ancestral wisdom” to better deal with today’s problems. In terms of financing for development, the joint declaration emphasizes Bolivia’s intention to complete its application for membership in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). China’s Eximbank will make a credit line available to assist Bolivia in building a command-and-control center for a subregional security system, and the China Development Bank will be helping to finance construction of the Bombeo-Tuneo highway, according to Xinhua.

China’s Poverty Reduction Even More Impressive

Feb. 13 – Wan Guanghua, the principal economist at the Asian Development Bank’s Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, said that more impressive than China’s remarkable economic growth is its successful campaign in reducing poverty. “It is reasonable that China’s success in poverty reduction is usually attributed to its rapid economic development in the past three decades, as without economic growth, Chinese people’s poverty situation cannot be alleviated,” said Wan, reported {People’s Daily Online} yesterday.

Economic growth alone, however, is not the main cause of the poverty alleviation, Wan said, since many countries that have a high rate of growth do not necessarily see poverty significantly reduced. China’s poor people benefit a lot from the country’s economic growth due to strong support from the Chinese government, active promotion of industrialization and urbanization, as well as great importance attached to infrastructure establishment in poor areas, Wan said. They had set up the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation, encouraged rural workers to come to the cities to find better paying jobs, and built infrastructure in poor areas, such as roads, communication, and electricity facilities, thus narrowing the gap between rich and poor.

The economist stated that China’s practices and experiences in poverty alleviation can be studied by other countries in order to help them do the same. He further said that with development of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, construction of the Belt and Road Initiative and China’s State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation, China will continue to pass on its valuable experience in poverty reduction to other countries, help other developing countries to strengthen their infrastructure, advance industrialization, and contribute more to the international cause of poverty alleviation.

Portugal Working To Put the Atlantic Ocean on the Belt and Road Map

June 5 – A three-page spread on “Portugal in China’s New Silk Road” in the May 31 issue of Portugal’s {Expresso} daily writes that “the Atlantic is missing from the current map of the initiative,” but Portuguese Belt and Road researcher Paulo Duarte tells them “the Atlantic Ocean is a space in transformation…. The trend will be for China to engage in this ocean in coming years.” Portugal offers “a string of pearls” of deepwater seaports on the European continent and on its Atlantic island such as the Azores, for this initiative, Jorge Rocha de Matos, president of the Fundacão AIP, a non-profit promoting private sector companies, told {Expresso}.

{Expresso} interviewed Portugal’s Minister of the Sea Ana Paulo Vitorino, who reported that Portugal and China are advancing on a memorandum on a “blue partnership,” dealing with everything related to the oceans and sea economy. The MOU will outline a portfolio of joint research projects on state-of-the-art maritime biotechnologies, deep-sea technologies, etc.

Portugal’s primary capital is its geography, when it comes to the BRI, she said, citing Portugal’s “strategic centrality. …. Portugal is at the interface between Europe and the Atlantic.” the reported that China is interested not only in building up Sines port, where the China Communications Construction Co. will be a bidder in the tender for expanding Sines which will be launched later this year. Increased Chinese activity here will turn this port, once considered a “white elephant” into a crown jewel, she said. But “China is not only looking at Sines;” it is also studying investments to upgrade the entire national port system, she said.

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