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Reality Is Hitting Globalists with a Vengeance

While the globalists may be preparing to declare a Pyrrhic victory as their blab fest in Glasgow heads toward the end, the reality in the world is different than they believe.  Many nations reject the fraudulent science the Davos elites have produced to bludgeon them into giving up their sovereignty.  But the dynamic of history often proceeds in  a different direction than that intended by the would-be Gods of Olympus: just ask for East German dictator Erich Honecker!  Today we celebrate the birth of Friedrich Schiller, 262 years ago, whose poems, dramas and aesthetical writings give us a glimpse into how the beautiful soul, which exists as a potential in all of us, can be brought into being through true art, which is the pathway to truth.  Join us this weekend, at the Schiller Institute conference, to participate in the noble endeavor of blazing that path for the future. 

`… Soaring Food Prices and Conflict’ Increases Hunger by a Third in West Africa

`Explosive Mix of Soaring Food Prices and Conflict’ Increases Hunger by a Third in West Africa

April 19 (EIRNS) — The hunger situation in Africa continues to deteriorate, as relief efforts continue to be overwhelmed with new crises, and receive little help in response to their calls. In an April 16 release under the above title, the World Food Program warned that “more than 31 million people in [western Africa] are expected to [become] food insecure and unable to feed themselves during the coming June-August lean season – the period when food is scarce before the next harvest. That number is more than 30 percent higher than last year and is the highest level in the best part of a decade.

“Food prices have increased dramatically across the region. Local staples are up by nearly 40 percent over the 5-year average, and in some areas, prices are up by more than 200 percent. This is caused in part by the economic impact of measures put in place to contain the spread of the coronavirus over the past year. People’s incomes have plummeted due to reductions in trade, tourism, informal activities and remittances.”

Chris Nikoi, WFP’s Regional Director for West Africa, explained that, “In West Africa, conflict is already driving hunger and misery. The relentless rise in prices acts as a misery multiplier, driving millions deeper into hunger and desperation. Even when food is available, families simply cannot afford it – and soaring prices are pushing a basic meal beyond the reach of millions of poor families who were already struggling to get by. The needs are immense, and unless we can raise the funds we need we simply won’t be able to keep up. We cannot let 2021 become the year of the ration cut,” he warned. [emphasis added]

This year, almost 10 million children under 5 are acutely malnourished across the region,” the WFP says, “with the Sahel alone accounting for half of that number. This number could rise significantly alongside the projected 30 percent increase in hunger, and the high prices of nutritious foods.”

Schiller Institute Urges Funds for Afghan Health Platform; British Urge Billions to Fight Mythical `Global Warming’

Oct. 31 (EIRNS)–Schiller Institute Chair Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her weekly webcast yesterday reported that more than 2,000 hospitals in Afghanistan had closed during the fighting in that nation. Even more shocking, only 100 hospitals, most lacking medical supplies and adequate personnel, remain for 38 million people.

Mrs. LaRouche called on her audience to mobilize immediate emergency aid to be sent from the United States, Europe and the whole world; China has already done so. She called the needed supply action, “Operation Ibn Sina,” after the famous Persian doctor born in today’s Afghanistan, considered one of the greatest scientists of the Islamic Golden Age, and the father of modern medicine. Of the 250 books Ibn Sina is estimated to have written, 40 deal with medicine, including The Book of Healing, and the Canon of Medicine (which became a standard medical text at medieval universities until about 1650).

In a cynical juxtaposition to this heroic effort to save the nation of Afghanistan, police estimated last summer that the current “Climate Summit” in Glasgow could cost “several hundred million pounds,” nearly half a billion U.S. dollars. COP 26 will be the largest summit the U.K. has ever held, with up to 200 leaders expected. Better they stay home and focus on Operation Ibn Sina instead.

Glasgow Proposes Limiting Food Production and Distribution to “Reduce Carbon Emissions”

The genocidal intent behind the “climate change” puppeteers was on display yesterday, as they discussed how to reduce carbon emissions which result from farming!  This discussion occurred as the World Food Program director Beasley reported that 45 million people face starvation, with Afghanistan at the top of the list.  Klaus Schwab says the intent to improve people’s lives is bad for the climate!  Join us to make sure that climate fraud is not used as an excuse to commit genocide far beyond that of the Nazis! 
Register for the Nov. 13-14 Schiller Institute conference.

Beethoven: Sparks of Joy!

Beethoven: Spark of Joy – HIs Mass in C, God’s Grace Comes to Those Who Act for Posterity

Prince Nikolaus Esterházy II, the long-time patron of Franz Josef Haydn, commissioned a new mass setting each year for his wife’s name-day. In 1807, the commission fell to Beethoven, who, in his own words, “treated the text in a manner in which it has rarely been treated”. The great masses of Bach and Mozart are structured somewhat like operas, whereas Beethoven’s mass is powerfully symphonic, with the soloists treated as a unified quartet, inextricably interwoven with the choir. Esterhazy was not pleased, but the next performance, at Prince Lichnowsky’s residence, received a more positive response. After its publication in 1813, one commentator wrote that the mass conveyed “a childlike optimism that in its very purity devoutly trusts in God’s grace, and appeals to him as a father who desires the best for his children and hears their prayers”.
On November 18, 2018, the Schiller Institute NYC Chorus performed Beethoven’s Mass in C at the beautiful St. Bartholomew’s Church in New York City. [Notes by Margaret Scialdone.]

A World Divided

While western nations, led by the U.S., the U.K. and the European Union, are hurtling toward a systemic collapse, driven by commitment to a Green New Deal and the Great Reset, many other nations are moving in a different direction.  Led by China, Russia, India and many Asian and African nations, they are rejecting the demand for an immediate, drastic “carbon transition”, as they are defending their sovereign rights to put the priority on economic growth, which would be shut down by adherence to the looney-tunes being screeched at the COP26 summit in Glasgow.  The {Financial Times} even admits that the idea that the shift can be financed by private banks and equity funds is not credible, meaning more government intervention and investment is necessary for the transition to occur.

Register to participate in the Nov. 13-14 Conference

Experts Speak Out Against Suicide in the Name of Climate

Experts Speak Out Against Suicide in the Name of Climate

Oct. 31 (EIRNS) – Quite a number of seasoned experts on power, carbon, and weather are challenging the premises of the Suicide on the Clyde in Glasgow. Among those who have not yet participated in Schiller Institute and LaRouche Organization events, are Bjorn Lomborg, Robert Bryce, and Richard Lindzen.

Swedish economist Lomborg was quoted in Manila Times: “You’ve probably seen the latest alarming headlines: Rising sea levels from climate change could flood 187 million people out of their homes. Don’t believe it. That figure is unrealistic — and it isn’t even new. It appears in a new scholarly paper, whose authors plucked it from a paper published in 2011. And what the earlier paper actually found was that 187 million could be forced to move in the unlikely event that no one does anything, in the next 80 years, to adapt to dramatic rises in sea level.

“In real life, the 2011 paper explained, humans ‘adapt proactively,’ and ‘such adaptation can greatly reduce the possible impacts.’ That means ‘the problem of environmental refugees almost disappears.’ Realistic assumptions reduce the number to between 41,000 and 305,000 — at most, less than 1/600th of the figure in those headlines.

“Sober scientific findings get less attention than alarming and far-fetched scenarios…. We have more knowhow and technology than ever to build dikes, surge barriers and dams, expand beaches and construct dunes, make ecosystem-based barriers like mangrove buffers, improve building codes and construction techniques, and use land planning and hazard mapping to minimize flooding….”

Bryce, a regular Forbes contributor on energy and power, spent two days with no power in Texas in February. He testified Oct. 27 at the House Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee on the American power grid. Whereas from 2000-2007 there were fewer than 100 blackouts in any year around the country, in the past three years there have been 220, 278, and 383 blackouts as interruptible sources have been pushed out and onto the grid. “These policies are not just wrongheaded, they are deeply dangerous,” Bryce told the Committee. “Banning the use of liquid and gaseous fuels will reduce America’s energy security because it will concentrate our energy risks on a single energy network, the electric grid. Furthermore, they would require an electric grid with more than two times the capacity of today’s grid. That’s a largely fanciful notion given that the electric grid is faltering under existing demand.” His Forbes piece is here.

Richard Lindzen is emeritus Professor of Meteorology at MIT. He is quoted, also in Manila Times by author Yen Makabenta. After explaining that the demanded “climate mitigation” measures will have no effect on climate, Lindzen says: “Consider what the climate system actually is. This system consists in two turbulent fluids interacting with each other. They are on a rotating planet that is differentially heated by the sun. A vital constituent of the atmospheric component is water in the liquid, solid, and vapor phases, and the changes in phase have vast energetic ramifications. The energy budget of this system involves the absorption and re-emission of about 200 watts per square meter. Doubling CO2 involves a 2 percent perturbation to this budget. So do minor changes in clouds, ocean circulations, and other features, and such changes are common. In this complex multi-factor system, what is the likelihood that the climate (which itself consists of many variables and not just globally averaged temperature anomalies) is controlled by a 2 percent perturbation in the energy budget due to just one of the numerous variables, namely CO2?

“Believing this is pretty close to believing in magic…. After all, science is a mode of inquiry rather than a belief structure.”

Friday Questions: How Can We Organize People to Recognize the Common Interests of Mankind?

As we are dashing headlong into a systemic economic collapse and a danger of annihilation through nuclear war, how can we organize our fellow citizens to recognize the common interests we share with citizens of all nations?  In today’s Update, we hear the words of President John F. Kennedy from June 1963, shortly after the Cuban Missile Crisis, when he presented an approach to peace through dialogue, not a “Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war.”  JFK called on us to “direct attention to our common interests and the means by which those differences can be resolved….For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we inhabit this small planet.  We all breathe the same air.  We all cherish our children’s futures.  And we are all mortal.”
As you reflect on these words, remember to register for the Schiller Institute’s online conference on Saturday May 8, at 9 AM, where such themes will be the central topic. 

Schlanger on Caesar Sanctions Posted by Russian International Affairs Council

Schlanger on Caesar Sanctions Posted by Russian International Affairs Council

April 19: An article by Harley Schlanger, just written for LaRouche publications on Helga’ Zepp-LaRouche’s call to revoke the Caesar Sanctions, and how the U.S. Congress was incited to pass them, has been posted on the RIAC (Russia International Affairs Council) site. In addition, the RIAC tweeted the article to its 9,500 Twitter followers. RIAC is a institution of the Russian Foreign Minister, and is directed by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Here is a link to the Tweet.

Sanctions Kill More People Than “Climate Change”

The FLOP26 opened with the expected hyperbole, with BoJo saying “It’s one minute to midnight”, i.e. we are running out of time to stop what Joe Biden called “an existential threat to human existence….”   But the “debate” over whether there has been warming and what is causing it has not been settled, despite what the COP26 “influencers” so loudly assert.  Resistance is building to the devastation which will be unleashed if the “net zero carbon” demand is successfully imposed.  Given the rhetoric from leaders about their “profound concern for future generations”, why are they not calling for lifting the sanctions imposed by the U.S. and its NATO allies on nations such as Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen and Zimbabwe, sanctions which are killing people now, and threatening millions more lives, especially of children, in the future?  

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