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Helga Zepp-LaRouche

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Webcast: With China ‘Africa Will Be a Powerhouse of the Future’

A glimpse into the future of humanity is being offered to those with courage and imagination, with the opening of the Forum for China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) this week in Beijing. In the presence of 53 African heads of state, China’s President Xi Jinping laid out a strategy for their nations to leapfrog into the future, to realize a “shared community of interest for all humanity,” through participation in the scientific and technological breakthroughs associated with the Belt and Road Initiative.

China and Africa, he said, will “walk together towards prosperity”, and will “think with one mind, and work with one heart.” Toward that end, he pledged $60 billion in funding for development projects over the next three years, while stating that participation in these projects is open to all nations which wish to participate.

Contrast this with the pitiful state of the economy for those nations trapped by the debt imposed on them by the presently bankrupt Trans-Atlantic financial system. A new debt crisis for emerging nations has already arrived, but also for so-called developed nations, as the so-called financial innovations of the last decades prove to be nothing but producers of worthless, speculative paper, coming due at unpayable levels.

China’s bold initiatives beckon to those in the U.S. and Europe who wish to be a part of this positive future, but they must break away from the British imperial system, to join. It is the British Empire which created this debt, and which is using its old tools, such as divide-and-conquer politics, false-flag provocations, wars and regime change — including in the U.S. — to prevent Western governments from pursuing their national interests, by joining with China and its growing number of collaborators.

Get the latest update this Thursday, from Helga Zepp LaRouche, on the exciting developments in Beijing, and the desperation of the British-directed geopoliticians out to prevent the New Paradigm from creating a beautiful future for humanity.

Indian Scholar: The Belt and Road Came from Lyndon and Helga LaRouche

Aug. 28 -Mahmud Ali, an Indian scholar currently at the Institute of China Studies at the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur, posted an article on LinkedIn titled “America’s Foundational Contributions to China’s Belt & Road Initiative (BRI)” on Aug. 27. He ridicules the “disdain” from Western officials and media towards the Belt and Road Initiative, and stating that the slanders are “repeated {ad nauseam},” especially in the U.S. But, he continues, the concept “originated in America, with U.S. visionaries envisaging, promoting and advancing the cause of a united Euro-Asian economic space, as early as the late 1980s, before politicians and their assorted advisors had begun considering the possibility of the collapse of the Soviet Union, or the end of the Cold War. It was that American intellectual spark, nurtured by a few farsighted men and women, which illuminated the new world of possibilities. Without it, and direct intervention by governments and multilateral agencies based in America and its allies, there would probably be no BRI today.”

Then, under the subhead “American Prophets Imagine a New Silk Road,” he writes that despite the geopolitical thinking of most people in the West, based on the concepts of Halford Mackinder, “Western thinkers operating outside state-funded national security establishments envisioned a non-competitive, indeed collaborative, vision of the future. One of them, the U.S. politician and co-founder, with his wife Helga LaRouche, of the Washington-based Schiller Institute, Lyndon LaRouche, promoted such a vision, with some success in influencing segments of trans-Atlantic opinion. In October 1988, LaRouche briefed the media in West Berlin on ‘U.S. Policy Toward the Reunification of Germany,’ prophesying the collapse of COMECON economies, and urging food-support to Poland so that a majority of Germans on both sides desired reunification. In December, he assigned a group of Schiller Institute specialists to examine prospects for establishing a Paris-Berlin-Vienna productive triangle. In January 1990, Schiller Institute published LaRouche’s book on a proposed 320,000 European economic area comprising a population of 92 million concentrated in 10 large industrial areas, from which he envisaged infrastructural corridors, linked with high-speed railways, radiating in all directions, providing a basis for upgrading living standards across Eurasia.”

Ali goes on to describe Schiller Institute conferences and {EIR} articles between 1991 and 1996 (noting that LaRouche was then in prison), when Helga Zepp-LaRouche presented her speech at the May 7-9, 1996 “Symposium on Economic Development along the New Euro-Asia Continental Bridge” in Beijing on May 8, 1996, titled “Building the Silk Road Land-Bridge: The Basis for Mutual Security Interests of Asia and Europe.”

Then, he writes: “In January 1997, Lyndon LaRouche addressed a Washington conference, urging the Clinton Administration to sponsor a New Bretton Woods system, reorganizing the world economy to prevent disruptive boom-bust cycles, and recognize the global merit of the Eurasian Land-Bridge program. Reinforcing and explaining her husband’s persistent thematic refrain, Helga LaRouche published a commentary titled, `Eurasian Land-Bridge: A New Era for Mankind,’ which was widely circulated across the Atlantic by the Schiller Foundation [sic].” He adds that Helga LaRouche addressed a second conference in Beijing in November 1997. “By then,” he continues, “railway connectivity between coastal China, Central Asia and Russia was a reality; Europe beckoned.”

He next reports on a conference in India organized by Schiller representative Ramtanu Maitra, with leading figures from Russia, China and India, where they “established a Triangular Association with the goal of promoting Indo-Russian-Chinese cooperation in forging a shared vision of Eurasia’s post-Cold War future of peace, progress and prosperity. The effort failed for a combination of distractions and difficulties: fallout from the Asian Economic Crisis, the September 2001 al-Qaeda attacks on New York and Washington and America’s subsequent Global War on Terrorism, wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and then, the Great Recession. Nonetheless, seeds had been sown in the febrile post-Cold War intellectual hotbeds. Ideas analysed at Schiller’s many conferences and events began gelling into policy-frameworks in early 21st century.”

Ali then reviews other Western interventions into Central Asia, including a number of “bilateral investment treaties” the U.S. signed with coutries in Central Asia and the South Caucasus, aimed at capturing the energy resources and breaking them away from Russia and China, and the so-called “New Silk Road Initiative” sponsored by Hillary Clinton (based on keeping Central Asia out of Russia and China influence), and the Lower Mekong Initiative, also by the U.S. State Department.

However, Ali makes a point that the U.S. initiatives were both “much more modest” than the LaRouche plans, or of Xi Jinping’s plan announced in September 2013, and that the U.S. “more candidly advertised their geopolitical drivers.” On the other hand, he concludes, “Beijing emphasized its economic, indeed geoeconomic focus.”

Webcast: Dialogue, Not War!

The BRICS summit last week in South Africa demonstrated how far the New Silk Road spirit has spread, shaping relations between nations on the basis of mutual benefit. Under the leadership of China’s Xi, Russia’s Putin, and India’s Modi, both the official proceedings of the BRICS and the bilateral discussions which occurred during the summit showed that a new era of peaceful cooperation has emerged. Will the Trans-Atlantic nations join it, or follow the British imperial geopoliticians to sabotage it, using assassinations, regime change and general warfare to do so?

The “Singapore model,” of dialogue instead of war, which was created when President Donald Trump met with North Korean President Kim Jong-un, and then continued in the Trump-Putin Helsinki summit, has been under intense assault. The Fake News media have been deriding the results and denouncing the participants, Trump and Putin, while neo-cons and neo-libs in both U.S. political parties and in mainstream European parties are engaging in schemes to shut down the process. Unfortunately for them, the significant meeting between Trump and new Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte cemented an alliance between the two nations, in opposition to the Trans-Atlantic status quo, and in the press conference afterwards, may have opened a new possibility to apply the Singapore model.

Asked whether he would speak to Iran’s leaders, Trump said “I’ll meet with anybody….There’s nothing wrong with meeting….. I’m ready to meet anytime they want to…. I think it’s an appropriate thing to do.” While there are still obstacles to overcome for a resolution to be achieved between the U.S. and Iran, Trump’s sentiment is a step forward. When it comes to matters of war and peace, dialogue is preferable to war, which can overcome the problems created by the geopoliticians, who clearly prefer war.

Helga Zepp LaRouche said the year 2018 should be the year in which humanity rejects forever the geopoliticians’ model, based on pitting each against all, to protect the interests of the Empire. She will speak on the most recent developments, and the road ahead, this Thursday. Be sure to “tune in.”

Schiller Institute Conference in Bad Soden: Panel 1

The Schiller Institute hosted an international conference in Bad-Soden from June 30th to July 1st 2018. This is the first panel of presentations from that conference. Stay tuned for more updates.

Schiller Institute Conference: Panel I

How to Overcome Geopolitics and the Danger of a New World War


Webcast: How To Outflank Mad Theresa May’s March to World War III

What can explain the lemming-like reaction of Trans-Atlantic governments, to the hysterical escalation of the British Empire against Russia, in the Skripal affair? As Helga Zepp LaRouche has emphasized, there is only one explanation, which is the desperate fear of the “elites” in power, that the days of their bankrupt empire are numbered, as the vast proportion of humanity is catching the “New Silk Road Spirit,” and is being recruited into the New Paradigm represented by the “win-win” policies of China and its Belt and Road Initiative. Rather than acknowledging the failure of their system, the imperial geopoliticians pulling May’s strings are falling into the Thucydides Trap, risking the danger of the annihilation of mankind in a nuclear war — all to protect a failed and dying system.

Join us this Thursday, March 29, as Mrs. LaRouche will discuss what is necessary to outflank this madness.

Webcast: Trump-Putin Summit Can Change History—Trans-Atlantic Fascist Force Wants To Stop It

This week’s strategic webcast with Schiller Institute Founder and President Helga Zepp-LaRouche will discuss the ongoing shift of the world’s strategic center from the collapsing Trans-Atlantic region, to Asia and Eurasia, including an update on the diplomatic front — e.g., the prospects for a Trump-Putin summit — and continuing advances in the Belt-and-Road Initiative.  This perspective stands in sharp contrast to the disintegration and squabbling among western governments, but it also raises the danger of new False Flag operations, Fake News coverage and financial disintegration, by the geopoliticians — both neo-cons and neo-libs — allied with the British Empire, who are engaged in a desperate effort to sabotage the emergence of a New Paradigm.  Her weekly briefings are essential for anyone who wishes to be informed enough to play a role in shaping a better future.


Webcast: Desperation of British Imperial Elites Forces Them To Make a Big Blunder!

As the façade covering for the centuries-long methods employed by British imperial elites, to maintain their control, is being ripped to shreds, their desperation has become highly visible, as they are now acting in the open, in their own name! This is a big blunder, as even those in denial about the existence of the British empire can see that London is now openly leading a push for war. In the last days, the irrational rants against Russia from Theresa May and Boris Johnson have become increasingly shrill, demonstrating clearly their fear that they are losing control. 

The consolidation of leadership in Russia and China around Presidents Putin and Xi stands in stark contrast to the collapse of ruling parties in the Trans-Atlantic region, beginning with Brexit. The continuing indications that President Trump favors cooperation with Russia and China, rather than geopolitical confrontation, is heightening the hysteria in London. While a war remains a real possibility, due to British provocations, it is also highly conceivable that what we are hearing are the dying gasps of a collapsing empire. 

As Helga Zepp LaRouche has repeatedly emphasized, the “win-win” approach of the New Paradigm, centered on China’s New Silk Road policy, is unstoppable. Join us on Thursday, as she will provide her unique analysis of what is required now, in the face of London’s escalated war drive, to reap the benefits for mankind from a New Paradigm, based on economic cooperation on the greatest scale in human history.

Webcast: The Strategic Shift Inherent in Putin’s ‘Sputnik Shock’

Tune in this Friday, March 9, 2018, Noon EST, 6 PM CET!

In a statement issued at the end of last week, Helga Zepp LaRouche addressed what she called a “new Sputnik shock,” delivered by Russia’s President Putin. Zepp LaRouche wrote, “In a trans-Atlantic atmosphere of hysteria against Russia and China that can only be understood as pre-war propaganda, President Putin dropped a bombshell in his annual State of the Union address which has redefined the strategic balance. He announced that Russian forces had acquired weapons based on new physical principles, including a new intercontinental missile capable of moving at 20 times the speed of sound, with excellent maneuverability….These new systems, which include nuclear-propulsion cruise missiles, fast submarine drones and laser weapons, were Russia’s answer to the unilateral termination of the ABM Treaty by the U.S. in 2002, and the launch of the global U.S. missile defense system. Since then, all negotiations have fallen on deaf ears. ‘They did not listen to us. Now they will listen to us!’ Putin emphasized.”

She continued: “The response from the Western media and politicians ranged from attempts to ridicule Putin’s new arsenals as technologically impossible, mere pre-election bluster — to concerns about a new arms race, as if one were not already long in progress, thanks to NATO’s eastward expansion.

“These responses once again reflect the fact that adherents to neo-liberal dogma can only see the world through their geopolitical concave glasses, and they obviously underestimate Russia’s military science capabilities, just as they underestimated the dynamics of China’s New Silk Road for years.”

As Mrs. LaRouche indicates, the strategic situation is moving very rapidly, with real prospects for mutually beneficial relations, if the efforts to define relations in terms of British geopolitical dogma can be cast aside, and replaced by the “win-win” approach of China’s President Xi. One striking example of this potential was the announcement Tuesday by South Korean officials, following talks with their North Korean counterparts, that the North is offering to freeze its nuclear missile programs, and open talks with the United States — a development which, if followed through, demonstrates how the dynamic of the New Paradigm is replacing the confrontational approach of the western unilateralists.

Join Mrs. LaRouche this Thursday for the full implications of the changing global strategic geometry.

Echo of Helga LaRouche’s EU Summit Call Appears in Global Times

June 18, 2018 – China’s Global Times newspaper today published an op-ed, “Neocolonial Europe Behind {Aquarius}’ Fate,” on the EU’s crisis of African migration. The Italian author, Orazio Maria Gnerre, knows the work of Lyndon and Helga LaRouche. His concluding paragraphs contain important elements of Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s June 16 call for EU-China development of African economies to be the subject of the June 28-29 EU summit – the “Singapore summit principle.”

Gnerre wrote, “Unfortunately, however, the simple solutions presented by the two sides, the government and the opposition, are not adequate. The blockade of ports will be useless if African countries remain underdeveloped in economic and suprastructural terms, and will continue to be the theater of war. It is not possible to export all the inhabitants of Africa either to Italy or Europe given the sheer demographic dimensions.

“The solution, which does not seem to be in sight of the electorate or the European parties, should involve putting an end to the neocolonial process of dispossession of the African region by Europe, perhaps to arrive at a joint economic relationship between Europe itself and Africa, according to the virtuous model that China is implementing in Central Africa. Such a development that is not predatory or politically intrusive could lay the foundation for the future of an entire continent, too often a victim of aggressive capitalism of the West.”

Gnerre has been sent Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s full call for the European Union summit of special character, as have many figures around the new Italian government for whom this is an absolutely critical matter.


History Is Now Being Written in Asia! The EU Summit Must Follow the Example of Singapore!

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche — 

The contrast could hardly be clearer. In Singapore, the historic summit between President Donald Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-un launched a process that, beyond the region itself, could guarantee world peace for the future; at the same time, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) rang in a new era in building a new world order based on trust, harmony and joint development. On the other hand, there was the disunited, antagonistic G7 summit, whose European heads of state and government then returned home, only to plunge into a new dispute over the flare-up of the refugee crisis, and to react to that crisis with remedies as heinous as they are useless. It is high time for a policy reorientation on the old continent! The immediate opportunity to do so is the upcoming EU summit on June 28-29!

Notwithstanding all the cynical comments from the usual suspects in the mainstream media, the groundbreaking summit between Trump and Kim Jong-un would never have been possible without the spirit of the New Silk Road, that has swept over Asia in particular in recent years. Indeed, the idea of economically including North Korea in the integration of China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the Eurasian Economic Union was very much present at last year’s Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok. And at the Panmunjom Inter-Korean summit in April of this year, South Korean President Moon Jae-in presented his North Korean counterpart with a USB stick containing detailed plans for the economic development of the North.

The White House, in collaboration with the National Security Council, had prepared a video envisaging the perspective of a modern, industrialized, prosperous North Korea—a high-speed rail system, a Chinese maglev, industrial parks, a country on the rise – which Trump showed the North Korean Chairman during their meeting before the final press conference. One can only recommend to those minds in the West that have already been “categorized” and stuffed full of prejudices by the media, to watch Trump’s press conference themselves in the archives. A sovereign U.S. President presented the outcome of the summit: the total nuclear disarmament of North Korea, in return for security guarantees, the lifting of sanctions and the pledge to make North Korea prosperous. In addition, he announced the immediate end of the U.S.-South Korean military maneuvers. That will save a lot of money, he said, and they are “very provocative” anyway.

The people of both Koreas reacted ecstatically to the live broadcast of the Summit and the press conference. President Moon repeatedly commented with enthusiastic applause. We in Germany should recall the elation at the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall to get a sense of the effect on the population there.

Not only did China and Russia in particular conduct important background negotiations with North Korea in the run-up to the summit, but the Russian government has also pledged to assist in economic development, while the Chinese government promised to help provide security guarantees for North Korea. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stressed the importance of resuming the six-party talks for an internationally secured implementation of the agreement. China’s Global Times wrote that the North Korean economy is by no means as dilapidated as is often assumed: “North Korea has economic and geographic advantages to join the B&R, which will help the country realize its economic potential. It won’t be easy, and it won’t happen overnight. However, getting North Korea into the B&R initiative to promote economic integration may be easier than what people would have imagined.”

The almost simultaneous SCO summit, which India and Pakistan attended for the first time as full members, was opened by President Xi Jinping with the greeting that the future will be guided by the spirit of Confucius, whose birthplace is in the same Shandong Province as the conference venue in Qingdao. China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi described the proceedings of the conference as the beginning of a new era in creating an international order based on mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, respect for diversity and joint development. That, he explained, would transcend the outdated concepts of the clash of civilizations, the Cold War, zero-sum games, or exclusionary clubs.

How different was the G7 summit in Canada! The photo showing Mrs. Merkel, German Chancellor, in a confrontational attitude toward Trump, surrounded by the other heads of state and government, is likewise an expression of the break-up of the geopolitically oriented post-war order, of the “G6 against 1” formation. But actually it was only the G4, because Trump, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte do not agree on the continuation of sanctions against Russia. The disunity of the Europeans is clearly visible on the issue of the refugee crisis. It should be obvious for everyone that neither the idea of turning back refugees at the EU’s external borders, by whatever method, is practicable, nor will there will be unity in the EU before the upcoming summit on the basis of the “solutions” proposed so far.

German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer’s proposal to turn away refugees on the German border, if they are already registered in another EU member country, will tend to lead to the end of the EU’s Schengen agreement, and thereby to the destruction of the foundation of the monetary union. The idea of so-called detention camps in countries such as Libya, which has sunk into internal chaos as a result of President Barack Obama’s military intervention, is so barbaric that it draws the oft-cited “western values” once and for all ad absurdum.

It is expected that by 2040, two billion people will be living in Africa, a huge part of them young people who need education, a job and more generally, a perspective for the future. What the African continent needs is massive investment in infrastructure, industrial capacities and agriculture, of precisely the type that China has made in the last 10 years. China thus helped reduce poverty in Africa from 56% in 1990 to 43% in 2012. At the G20 summit in Hamburg in 2017, Xi Jinping explicitly and repeatedly proposed to Angela Merkel to cooperate with the New Silk Road in Africa. The German government, for its part, has repeatedly spoken of a “Marshall Plan for Africa,” but other than the usual green “sustainable” projects, detention camps, and the securing of the EU’s external borders, nothing has been forthcoming.

The new Undersecretary of State in the Italian Ministry of Development, Professor Michele Geraci, has just published a memorandum for cooperation between Italy and China, in which he identifies eleven sectors in which Italy has an existential interest to cooperate with China. Among other points, the paper states: “Africa and the migrants? Who can help Africa? China.” Geraci reports that China has invested the most in Africa and thanks to China, poverty in Africa has started to decrease for the first time. “China offers Europe and Italy in particular, an historical opportunity to cooperate for the social-economic stabilization of Africa, which we should absolutely not miss. Therefore, we must strengthen cooperation between Italy and China in Africa.”

If the Merkel government is still in place when this article appears, there is a very good way by which the present crises can be overcome – from the migrant crisis to the government crisis and the EU crisis. Taking the example set by the Singapore Summit—that real change is possible, and that the past does not determine the future—the German government should ensure that the agenda of the upcoming European Union summit on June 28-29 be quickly changed. EU cooperation with China’s New Silk Road initiative for the development of Africa should be made the sole subject on the agenda, and Xi Jinping or Wang Yi should be invited to attend, as well as some African heads of state who are already cooperating with China.

If the EU summit, the Chinese government representative, and the African representatives then pronounce in a joint declaration the commitment to undertake a joint crash program for a pan-African infrastructure and development program, and promise all the young people of Africa that the continent will overcome poverty in a short time, such a declaration, due to the participation of China, would have all the credibility in the world in Africa, and would change the dynamic in all the countries towards definite hope for the future, and thus would immediately effect a change in the migrant crisis. It would also free the EU from its current crisis of legitimacy, and give the European nations a mission which would place the unity of Europe on a great new level.

Will the heads of state and government of Europe manage to follow the example of Trump and Kim Jong-un? The prospect of developing Africa together with China, would also give President Trump the urgently needed opportunity to overcome the otherwise looming spiral of trade war, and to balance the [U.S.] trade deficit by increasing trade, primarily through investment in joint ventures in third countries.

The crisis in Europe, the migrant crisis, the crisis of the German government—they have all assumed such dimensions, that the opportunity for a change of course in policy can absolutely be seized. Needed now, are the people to make it happen.


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