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Helga Webcast

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Webcast: Ignoring Crossing of Red Lines is a Sign of Insanity

In a statement issued yesterday, in commenting on the turn-around by the German government on delivery of heavy weapons to Ukraine, Schiller Institute chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche asked, “Has the Bundestag Lost Its Mind?” In discussing this and other indications that U.S.-NATO escalation against Russia is moving close to crossing the red lines which define Russian security concerns, she said that it is urgent to drop the present dangerous course, and return to diplomacy. By becoming “co-belligerents”, as defined by international law, former Reagan Assistant Attorney General Bruce Fein said Putin would have a right to strike those countries.

She used the example of German Foreign Minister Baerbock’s comments that there is “no way back” to the pre-war period as a prime example of this insanity. Can’t nations acknowledge that the present course is wrong? At a time when starvation threatens nearly one-fifth of the world’s population, why are western nations escalating their attacks on Russia and China? It’s not surprising that many former colonial nations are refusing to back the U.S. and NATO. She said that China’s emphasis on experimental projects of seed development to fight hunger resonates with the former colonial nations. Why have western nations done nothing to address this?

She concluded with a brief summary of her late husband’s commitment to creating a new financial system as the basis for peace, which underlies her call, and the Schiller Institute’s mobilization, for a new strategic and financial architecture. She urged viewers to join us, to make this happen.

Petition: Convoke an International Conference to Establish A New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations

Webcast: War Danger Still Exists — A New Paradigm is in the Common Interest of All Mankind

Sergei Lavrov expressed the Russian disappointment with the written response from the U.S. to President Putin’s demand for new treaties which guarantee Russia’s security interests. While agreeing to further discussion of secondary issues, the Biden administration appears to have refused to meet Putin’s demands. At the same time, the U.S. is escalating its plans for sanctions against Russia, and the media — led by CNN — is running false reports about Biden’s discussion with Zelensky, to stoke tensions.

Despite Blinken’s claim of complete unity among NATO allies, fault lines continue to become visible. In Italy and Germany, businessmen and manufacturers want to speak with Putin, as they recognize that a war, or escalation of sanctions, would have disastrous consequences for western economies, which are already weak. The desperation in the west is also visible, in reports of a likely wave of debt defaults of highly-indebted poor nations, if interest rates are raised in the U.S.

Helga took note of the positive potential which emerged from the meetings in Oslo with a Taliban delegation, and motion in support of her Operation Ibn Sina. She appealed to viewers to join with us to break out from under the war drive of the geopoliticians, and bring about her husband’s perspective of a New Bretton Woods, which would uniquely address the common interests of all nations.

Webcast: We Have Reached a Crucial Moment, “Time Is Running Out”

In the last days, and in the next days ahead, decisions are being made which will determine whether mankind has the moral capacity to survive. In her weekly dialogue, Helga Zepp-LaRouche presented a dramatic tour d’horizon, weaving together an analysis of summit meetings, troop deployments, and positive economic developments around the Belt-and-Road Initiative, communicating both the tremendous danger of the present, and, importantly, a pathway out of that danger.

She emphasized that the bluster of Blinken in Ukraine is not completely in step with the pronouncements of Biden. She also emphasized that Putin has been clear on why Russia requires strategic guarantees, and that some in the West, such as David Pyne, Gilbert Doctorow and Gen. Kujat, are openly discussing that. You have the delegation of seven knucklehead Senators blustering after a trip to Kiev, demanding that Biden toughen up, with one — whom she referred to as Sen. Wicked — saying that Putin must be given a bloody nose. At the same time, the Iranian President was in Moscow, signing a 20-year deal, and the Chinese and Syrians finalized a Memo of Understanding for collaboration on the BRI. Finally, she spoke movingly of the Schiller Institute conference on January 15 on Afghanistan, which contrasted the present threat of millions starving, with the axiom-busting decision by India to ship wheat to Afghanistan, traveling through Pakistan.


In her weekly dialogue, Helga Zepp-LaRouche proposed that we make 2022 the Year of Lyndon LaRouche. In doing so, we are not only commemorating the 100th year of his birth, but offering a pathway for solutions to the unresolved crises, which threaten humanity at the end of 2021.

Zepp-LaRouche reviewed the chronology which we have compiled of the events of the last thirty years of U.S.-Russian relations, which have come to a head today. The present crisis has been deepening for thirty years, with broken promises and betrayal, a continuing series of provocations, which led President Putin to insist that written, legally-binding guarantees of security must be adopted; and that the upcoming meetings, which began with yesterday’s discussion between the two Presidents, and continue with three meetings beginning January 9, must produce results. Otherwise, the world is on a pathway to Hell!

She also emphasized the shame of the West in regard to the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. To allow the present situation to deteriorate is to engage willfully in genocide. The Committee of the Coincidence of Opposites is taking leadership in mobilizing for not just a solution for Afghanistan, but to address the continuing danger explicit in the absence of a modern health system in every nation.

Webcast: Increasing Density of False Narratives from War Party Proliferate Preceding Upcoming Summits

In her weekly dialogue, Helga Zepp-LaRouche details the array of fake stories and fabricated narratives unleashed by imperial geopolitical war hawks in preparation for upcoming summits of the G7, NATO and between Presidents Putin and Biden. Among those she dissected are the Wuhan lab leak story, published May 23 in the Wall Street Journal by Michael Gordon, who wrote the original lies about Iraq’s WMDs for the NY Times in 2002, and Chatham House/Brit intelligence re-writing of the history of the post-Cold War relations with Russia.

She also spoke of the revival of the accurate charges against the NSA and Danish intelligence for spying on European leaders, first exposed in 2013, but never stopped; and of the scandal around the Green New Deal, with Mark Carney pushing a brutal form of new colonialism, to prevent development of Third World economies, allegedly to halt global warming! The final outrage she discussed is that of German Green leader Habeck, calling for the delivery by Germany of weapons to Ukraine.

The antidote to this escalating insanity is for viewers of her weekly dialogue to study these issues, and join with the Schiller Institute to build a global anti-Malthusian movement. This is the task over the next weeks, leading to the June 26–27 Schiller Institute conference, where these outrages will be fully exposed, and the policy alternatives to them presented.

Webcast: Putin–Biden Summit: Potential Step in the Right Direction

Despite the relationship between the U.S. and Russia hitting a new low, as Anglo-American oligarchs are intent on carrying out a regime change in both Moscow and Beijing, Helga Zepp LaRouche believes that having a summit, in which Putin and Biden speak directly, offers an opportunity to pull back from a rush toward war.

This summit comes as there is emerging a new combativeness against the Great Reset and Green New Deal, which together are being pushed to save a bankrupt system.  Two examples she cited was a scientific forum in Italy, in which leading climate scientists debunked the models being used by believers in man-made climate change, and the rejection by the Swiss government, in the sovereign tradition of Wilhelm Tell, of demands placed on it by the European Union.

But the danger of war remains, especially with the prospect that the Green Party in Germany will be in the next government after the September election, and that its lead candidate, Annalena Baerbock might emerge as Chancellor, with the full support of the Trans-Atlantic war hawks for her candidacy.  Zepp-LaRouche highlighted, as part of this war danger, Green Party leader Habeck calling for arming Ukraine, despite the presence of open Nazis in the defense/security sector, and the escalation against the Lukashenko government in Belarus. 

Webcast: The Dangerous Intentions of Prince Charles’ COP26

In reviewing events of the last week, Helga Zepp-LaRouche kept returning to the theme that the actions of western countries — at the COP26 and G20, regarding the deepening crisis facing Haiti and Afghanistan, threats against Russia and China — are ultimately self-destructive. She used the example of the rejection of real science by participants at COP26, in favor of formulas for depopulation, as evidence of this; and the push for drug legalization, which is being implemented in the west, which is destroying the cognitive potential of young people.

The hyperinflation of food and energy costs is having real effects. She pointed to the defeat of Democrats in Virginia, and the close vote in New Jersey, as evidence that the failure of the Biden administration to keep election promises is having consequences. She called on viewers to support the Schiller Institute’s Ibn Sina Project as a way they can make a difference, by taking action to save lives in Afghanistan. Participation in the November 13-14 Schiller Institute conference is therefore more important than ever, as it will feature the kind of open, serious deliberation which is suppressed in the western media and institutions.

Webcast: German Parties Betray the Voters with Green Nonsense and Drive Energy Hyperinflation

In reviewing the results from the German election, Helga Zepp-LaRouche spoke of the denial of reality in the campaign, saying the candidates acted as though the real world does not exist.  Instead, the leading vote getters spoke of almost nothing but “climate change” and the Green agenda, broken only by a push for “Global NATO”, in a drive for geopolitical confrontation with Russia and China.  In this, the campaign was a “betrayal of the voters”.  In the real world, she pointed to the hyperinflation in energy, especially in Europe, as an example of what will come, if the Green New Deal is not replaced by a concerted effort to bring on into full existence of a New Paradigm, which is being led by the LaRouche movement.

There are also positive signs internationally. She pointed to Lavrov’s UNGA speech, which she described as a clear counter to the Rules-Based Order, with his emphasis on the U.N. Charter as the basis for international law. On economics, Xi from China devoted his speech to the UNGA to putting forward an economic alternative, with his Global Development Initiative. She also spoke of the conference convened by Jacques Cheminade in Paris, which featured four presidential candidates joining us in a dialogue on soverignty.

Webcast: A Unique Opportunity to Participate in Creating a Necessary, New Paradigm

In reviewing the global strategic situation today, Schiller Institute leader Helga Zepp LaRouche spoke of the significance of more voices speaking out, echoing her warning of the danger of a nuclear war being provoked by the geopolitical maneuvers by the TransAtlantic establishment. Even Henry Kissinger, long a spokesman for this faction, warned that this is different, and more dangerous, than the threats of nuclear war during the period of the Cold War. Zepp LaRouche said the erosion of trust and the lack of back channels, combined with new weapon capabilities, makes this an extremely perilous moment. She highlighted the widespread use of sanctions, which are illegal under international law in the way they are being applied, as an example of why diplomacy and dialogue must replace unilateralism in international relations.

This will be the general topic of the first panel of the Schiller Institute conference on May 8. The second panel will take up the urgent necessity of addressing the COVID pandemic through a commitment to create a modern health system in every nation — this can occur only by rejecting the present paradigm, defined by neo-liberal economics and imperial geopolitics, and reasserting international law, which begins with the primacy of cooperation for development among sovereign states. This approach is being developed by the Committee on the Coincidence of Opposites.

She concluded by reflecting on the recent Schiller conferences, which were unique in that the principle of statecraft guiding the discussions is based on the concept of Schiller, that the dialogue begins by addressing the better part of human beings; and operating from the standpoint of “truth seeking…through Socratic dialogue.” She urged all the viewers to register for the conference, and participate in the building of the New Paradigm.

Webcast: Two Contrasting Paradigms: Depraved Indifference Versus Happiness of the People

In reviewing developments of the last days, Helga Zepp-LaRouche said that the battle between two mutually irreconcilable outlooks is escalating. This can be seen in the depraved indifference of the U.S., the U.K. and their NATO allies in response to the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan — which they caused — in contrast to the efforts underway by Afghanistan’s neighbors, using joint projects coordinated by the SCO, the BRICS, and the BRI for economic development of the war-torn country. It can be seen in the disgusting deportation of Haitian refugees, who are being sent back to a country which lacks the means to care for them, due to a recent succession of natural disasters. It can be seen by comparing the speeches of Biden and Xi Jinping at the UNGA meeting. And it can be seen by the escalation of regime change operations being directed by British intelligence against Russia and China.

An attitude of depraved indifference is not consistent with the founding principles of the United States. She said, “We have lost our way.” Instead of imposing policies which are neo-colonial, with a Malthusian intent, “We must raise our voices,” and return to those principles, adopted by the Founding Fathers, which commit the government to concern itself with the “Happiness of the people.”

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