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Mary Jane Freeman

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On the 100th Anniversary of the Rapallo Treaty, April 16

On the 100th Anniversary of the Rapallo Treaty, April 16

On the eve of the 100th anniversary of the Rapallo Treaty April 16, Alexander Hartmann, Editor of the weekly Neue Solidaritaet   released this statement (computer translated from the German,) instructive for resolving today’s crisis, by presenting the principle of the common interest among nations for mutual economic development.

Apr. 14, 2022 (EIRNS)–100 years ago, on April 16, 1922, Germany, represented by Foreign Minister Walther Rathenau, and the Russian Soviet Federative Republic, represented by Foreign Minister Georgi Chicherin, concluded the Treaty of Rapallo, in which they agreed to resume diplomatic and economic relations according to the principle of most-favored-nation treatment.
            At that time, Germany’s economic livelihood, with the help of the Treaty of Versailles, was to be “destroyed,” in order to keep the Anglo-American financial system alive with the help of reparations payments imposed on Germany. Like Russia today, Russia and Germany were economically “isolated” at that time. Both sides tried to escape this isolation through economic cooperation.
            Similarly, there were efforts from German industry at that time, led by the industrialist Otto Wolff, to cooperate with the young Chinese republic then led by Sun Yat-Sen, especially in the construction of a Chinese railroad network as conceived by Sun Yat-Sen in his writing {The International Development of China}.
            The opportunity for a peaceful way out of the crisis was missed in 1922. Walter Rathenau was assassinated, only two months after the conclusion of the Rapallo Treaty. The attempt to pay Germany’s reparation debts with the help of the money presses, failed in 1923, with the infamous hyperinflation. The German population became impoverished and thus became the plaything of extremist forces. The same forces that had already imposed the Treaty of Versailles on Germany, now helped install fascist regimes in Italy, Germany, Spain and France, paving the way for World War II, which cost the lives of between 60 and 100 million people worldwide, depending on estimates. Economic policies amounted to imposing austerity on the population, while at the same time, beginning the buildup of arms for World War II.
            Of course, the situation today, in many respects, is quite different. The attempt to isolate Russia, today, is doomed to failure because of its close cooperation with China. In fact, outside the EU, only seven countries participate in the sanctions against Russia, and it is rather the West that is increasingly isolating itself.
            But there are quite a few, fatal parallels from which we urgently need to draw lessons and consequences if history is not to repeat itself. The money-printing policies of recent years (especially since 2019) have prepared the ground for hyperinflation, which is now beginning to

sweep over the world in a huge wave after the Russia sanctions have given financial speculators a way into commodity speculation. As in 1922, the economic perspective as championed by Brussels and Washington -– today, not as a Versailles diktat, but under the pretext of combating climate change–amounts to drastically lowering the standard of living of its own people. And today, rearmament is even initiated even before popular protest has brought extremist governments to power. These protests are not likely to be long in coming, given the impending energy price hikes, only this time they are threatening not just Germany, but all countries that will be hit by the consequences of this policy.
            In fact, Rapallo shows us the way out of the crisis: that of international cooperation. This approach is already being pursued, by Russia and China, in the form of the Belt and Road Initiative, in which more than 100 nations are already participating. So it would be very easy to seize the 2022 opportunity by the scruff of the neck and join this initiative.
            Instead of artificially creating new Iron Curtains that block our way out of the crisis, we should break with the policy of murderous and suicidal sanctions that can only lead to economic and probably military doom. We should subject the speculators’ bogus assets, based on financial claims that are only apparently “kept alive” by printing money, to a well-deserved insolvency procedure, and create a credit system that enables global economic construction; and we should turn together to solving the world’s common problems, thus creating the basis for lasting peace.
            If we do that, we will have learned the right lessons from Rapallo.

Poland Urges Citizens to Gather Firewood, Due To Coal Shortage

June 8 (EIRNS) – If it weren’t so tragic, this would sound like a bad Polish joke: After banning all imports of Russian coal, Poland is now suffering such a severe energy shortage combined with soaring prices, that the government has “authorized” citizens to forage for firewood in the forests.

RT reported: “It is always possible, with the consent of foresters, to collect branches for fuel,” Deputy Minister of Climate and Energy Edward Siarka was quoted by Next Gazeta as saying on Monday. However, desperate citizens will first have to be trained in such medieval technologies: “Those wishing to gather wood must first undergo training and obtain permission from the local forestry unit. The report went on to clarify that people can only take branches already lying on the ground, and cannot cut down trees.”

New UN Report Calls for Urgent Aid to 20 ‘Hunger Hotpots’

June 8, 2022 (EIRNS)–The UN report “Hunger Hotspots FAO-WFP Early Warnings on Acute Food Insecurity June to September 2022 Outlook” was issued June 6, sounding the alarm on the scale of the world hunger crisis today. The joint authors of this periodical report are the World Food Program and the Food and Agriculture Organization. Among the 20 nations listed as in need for “urgent aid,” the WFP press release on the report stated that “Ethiopia, Nigeria, South Sudan and Yemen remain at ‘highest alert’ as hotspots with catastrophic conditions, and Afghanistan and Somalia are new entries to this worrisome category since the last hotspots report in January 2022. These six countries all have parts of the population facing the IPC (5-point scale of severity of hunger–ed.) phase 5 `Catastrophe’… with up to 750,000 people facing starvation and death. 400,000 of these are in Ethiopia’s Tigray region….The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Haiti, the Sahel, the Sudan and Syria remain ‘of very high concern,’ with deteriorating critical conditions.”

The report gives country-specific information on the food requirements to save millions of lives.

EIR Preprint of “The LaRouche Plan for a New International Economic Architecture” Now Available

Apr. 5, 2022 (EIRNS)–“The LaRouche Plan for a New International Economic Architecture,” which was prepared for the up-coming April 9 Schiller Institute conference, is now prominently featured at the top of for easy download. This preprint is fully illustrated with charts, maps, and pictures. Read it and circulate it to your networks and your elected officials to demand action now for development.

It is directly accessible at via this link.

“Stop the Danger of Nuclear War!”

Schiller Institute Call for Ibero-American Presidents to

Deliver Message To Biden at Americas Summit:

June 3 (EIRNS)—Led by the LaRouche Citizens Movement of Mexico and friends in Argentina, Schiller Institute activists from many Ibero-American countries have sent their Presidents and other officials an “Open Letter from Ibero-America to Mr. Biden” on the eve of the beleaguered Summit of the Americas next week, signed by a select number of citizens from the region. Its message: “End Your Strategy of Using Ukraine to Destroy Russia. Stop the Danger of Nuclear War!”

The letter reads:

“The Summit of the Americas, which will take place June 6-10 this year, should submit a blunt resolution from the Presidents of Ibero-America to U.S. President Joe Biden: 

  1. End your strategy of using Ukraine to destroy Russia.
  2. Stop NATO’s extension and expansion towards the Pacific (Global NATO), since if that is not done, we are heading towards a frontal war against China, which at this point in human history would be truly insane, and would drive us towards general thermonuclear war.

That is why the international community should call for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine, sanctions to be lifted against Russia, and an international conference to be convoked on a New Security and Economic Development Architecture for all nations, which takes into account the demands of the Russian government for security on its borders, as the Schiller Institute proposes in its recent call.

President Biden: the economic and financial sanctions against Russia are having a boomerang effect on the world economy. We are already in worldwide stagflation and it will get worse if an economic and financial war is opened against China. Decoupling the financial system and economies of the Trans-Atlantic axis plus Japan, Australia and South Korea, from the economies of Russia and China would trigger a general economic and social collapse much worse than the collapse of Europe and Asia during the 14th century bubonic plague. That alone could mean the disappearance of the global civilization which we inherited from the great 15th and 16th century European Renaissance.

Moreover, the entire world faces a general debt crisis stemming from the $1.9 quadrillion speculative bubble, which is the underlying cause of the hyperinflationary process aggravated by illegal sanctions.

You know the solution to this economic breakdown: You told CNN on December 15, 2016, that the biggest mistake in your political career was your vote in 1999 in favor of the cancellation of Franklin Roosevelt’s Glass-Steagall Law by President Clinton and the Congress.

Now is the time to reinstate it! 

Franklin Roosevelt’s economic system must be restored worldwide. Glass-Steagall must be reestablished across the planet along with a policy of economic relations and good will with Russia and China, so that, together with India, these four superpowers can rid themselves of their common enemy: the dark forces of the financier speculator interests opposed to human progress —the Neanderthal embers of McCarthyism and the Cold War— and found an economic system capable of eliminating poverty throughout the world. This is the path to reestablish the economic power of the United States and the whole Ibero-American region.

Likewise, a comprehensive economic and social plan to finally address the consequences of the conflicts and wars in Asia and Africa should be formulated as part of, and complementary to, China’s strategic Silk Road plan.

With all due respect for the people of the United States, they would be wise to accept that the world today can no longer be unipolar. There are other powers whose place in the new concert of nations should be recognized under the 21st century concept of multipolarity. 

The 21st century must become the century in which humanity ends hunger and the brutality of war, allowing us to overcome the barbaric state in which we still find ourselves and become truly human. That is the legacy which the 17th century Treaties of Westphalia left us, a glorious moment for humanity, which established the basis of the modern Nation-State, the concept of the Common Good, in addition to perceiving that the good of other nations signifies also doing the good for each one of our nations, and finally understanding that the security of our nations cannot be at the cost of the security and submission of others.

For more information, email

Putin Calls for Comprehensive Strategy to Develop a ‘Greater Eurasian Partnership’

May 26 (EIRNS)— “It is time to draft a comprehensive strategy for developing large-scale Eurasian partnership,” conceived as a “civilizational project” which can secure stability and prosperity from one end to the other of this continent, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed to the plenary session of the Eurasian Economic Forum today. He pointed to the expressed interest of BRICS members such as China and India, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, ASEAN, and others, in creating a Greater Eurasian Partnership with the EAEU.

Putin dismissed any idea that Eurasian integration is a reaction to Western sanctions. Rather, it arose from the recognition years ago that the center of world economic development is shifting towards the Asia-Pacific region, he said. It offers a broader vision:

“Greater Eurasia is a big civilizational project. The main idea is to create a common space for equitable cooperation for regional organizations. The Greater Eurasian Partnership is designed to change the political and economic architecture and guarantee stability and prosperity on the entire continent – naturally, taking account of the diverse development models, cultures and traditions of all nations.”

He acknowledged, naturally, the attempts to cut off Russia, and its Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) partners, from advanced Western technologies and the world economic system. Western sanctions are intensifying global crises, creating chaos and economic upheavals, and ruining the economies of those imposing them (and stealing other’s reserves), but they are “unrealistic… There are many countries that want to and will pursue an independent policy and their number is growing. No world policeman will be able to stop this global process. There will not be enough power for this and the desire to do so will evaporate due to a host of domestic problems in those countries. I hope they will eventually realize that this policy has no prospects whatsoever,” Putin said. Western countries’ belief that they can “delete from the world economy, politics, culture and sports,” anyone who has their own point of view and is ready to defend it, “is nonsense.”

Russia, for example, is not merely focused on import substitution, or worried about those who will insist on importing their luxury Mercedes S 600’s. “For the country, … engineering centers, scientific centers that are the basis of its development are what is important. This is what we should think about, and what she would work on both within the Eurasian Economic Union and in a broad sense with our partners – those who want to work with us.” 

Putin reported that the EAEU “roadmap for industrialization” has over 180 projects with a total investment of over $300 billion and a program for agricultural development, with more than 170 projects worth $16 billion. Already, 75% of the trade between EAEU member states is done in national currencies, and work is ongoing to interlink national payment systems and bank cards. Dialogue on “transitioning from SWIFT to direct correspondent contacts between the banks of the friendly countries” should be expedited, and cooperation with key lending and financial centers in the Asia-Pacific Region strengthened, he urged, amongst other ideas.

Glazyev at EAEU Meeting on ‘Eurasianism’ and a ‘New World Economic Order’

Glazyev at EAEU Meeting on ‘Eurasianism’ and a ‘New World Economic Order’

May 26, 2022 (EIRNS)–The economy today is becoming more and more humanitarian. This was stated today, May 26, during the thematic session “Eurasianism as an Idea to Unite People. A Look into the Future” of the Eurasian Economic Forum 2022, by EEC Minister for Integration and Macroeconomics Sergey Glazyev. According to him, the new technological mode is different from the previous one, as the leading areas of the economy are health care, education, science, culture and art. The meeting is in Kyrgyzstan.

“The economy today is becoming more and more humanitarian. We must admit that issues of humanitarian cooperation and culture are not given enough attention in our Eurasian construction. We are passionate about building a customs union, discussing customs tariffs, customs and technical regulation, and forming a common labor market. And at the same time, we constantly face problems of people’s correct perception of the idea of Eurasianism,” explained Glazyev.

The Minister believes that it is difficult to achieve economic success without a common understanding of where the “Five” countries of the EAEU are moving in humanitarian directions. “The classics of Eurasianism foresaw the difficulties of reintegration of our space, saw the threat of nationalism and Nazism, which today, unfortunately, we are also facing,” Glazyev added.

Despite the difficulties now the union countries, according to the minister, are building partnerships with the brotherly CIS countries, building preferential trade regimes with India, creating free trade zones with Serbia and Iran, signed a large-scale agreement with China. “This is how the work is done to form a new world economic order,” Glazyev said.

First Eurasian Economic Forum Took Place in Kyrgyzstan May 26

May 26, 2022 (EIRNS)–The first Eurasian Economic Forum (EEF) took place today in Bishkek and online, on the theme, “Eurasian Economic Integration in the Era of Global Shifts: New Investment Opportunities. The heads of state of the five Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) nations are participating live or online, and 2,500 people are attending from many sectors in the region, with multiple sessions on energy, transportation, industry, finance and digital cooperation. The EAEU members are Russia, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The forum was timed with the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council (SEEC) of the EAEU.

Today’s plenary session was addressed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, Another EEF session was addressed by Sergey Glazyev, Russian Minister for Integration and Macroeconomics at the Eurasian Economic Commission, the executive body of the EAEU.

Schiller Institute May 26 Dialogue with Experts: Insanity of Politicians Threatens Nuclear War

May 26, 2022 (EIRNS)–The Schiller Institute online conference today titled, “US and European Military and Security Experts Warn: The Insanity of Politicians Threatens Nuclear War,” featured presentations and exchanges between four military and strategy specialists from France, Italy and the United States, and with Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche, and moderator Dennis Speed. Within hours of the event, views on YouTube were approaching 2,000.

Today’s dialogue followed a discussion yesterday, co-hosted by the Schiller Institutes of Sweden and Denmark, conducted online, centered in Copenhagen, whose participants included five speakers based in this northern region. The May 25 event was titled, “We Need a new Security and Development Architecture for All Nations, Not a Strengthening of Geopolitical Blocs; Why Sweden and Finland Should Not Join NATO.”

These two events are part of the ongoing Schiller Institute activation process, calling on forces and individuals everywhere to mobilize against the war insanity and for a new framework for peace through development. Transcripts and excerpts of both of this week’s conferences will appear in the weekly EIR, cover date of June 3.

Zepp-LaRouche said in her closing remarks today, “Join us as an organizer, as a chance for the betterment of humanity.” On the weekend of June 18-19, the Schiller Institute will hold a multi-session world dialogue for an initiating group of forces dedicated to bringing about a new world economic and security architecture. A Schiller Institute petition for this goal, issued February 23, now has in the range of 4,500 signatures, from all continents.

Zepp-LaRouche set the focus of today’s nearly three-hour event right upfront, “Any policy consideration that does not start with consideration of the danger of nuclear war, is worthless.” She and the next speakers then elaborated on different aspects of how we got in this situation, in the spirit of a video clip of Lyndon LaRouche making the point that, “No event contains its own cause…You must start from the world as a whole.”

Zepp-LaRouche drew a vivid picture of the war’s insanity, from current examples of who is discussing nuclear weapons as part of a “winnable” strategy, to the history of demonizing Russia and China as the enemy, against whom war is supposed to make sense. She then presented the “Peace of Westphalia” approach in some detail, as the way out of this. She used the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence (the Panchsheel), from the 1950s national sovereignty period. She discussed global economic and scientific priorities, from the need for a “global Glass-Steagall,” to end the casino economics, to related measures of a public-good bank in every nation, and plentiful credit for science and technology priorities, including a “village on the Moon, a city on Mars, interstellar space travel,” all of which requires the fusion energy breakthrough and billions more creative souls. In the discussion, she reported seeing “an emergence of a non-aligned spirit” among many nations today, rejecting the attempted, deadly Global NATO world rule.

Gen. Leonardo Tricarico (ret.), former Chief of Staff of the Italian Air Force spoke sternly to the question, “What can we do to stop this meaningless war?” He gave dates, chapter and verse of the UN and even NATO laws that have been broken, putting us in this danger, and stated, “Instead of pouring gasoline on the fire, in a war-mongering hype, we should have negotiations” take place over Ukraine. It is our “imperative duty” to bring this about.

Col. Richard Black (ret.), former head of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon, and former Virginia State Senator, gave a gripping account of events since the 2014 “revolutionary coup” imposed by MI6 and the CIA in Ukraine, against Russia. He said of our present situation, “This is our “1914 moment.” He pointed out how illegal, wrong and dangerous such figures are as Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD), who are saying that, “We are at war with Russia.”

The next speaker, Eric Denece, from France, picked right up on this point, starting by asking, “How did this happen? I am not pro- or anti-Russia or Ukraine. “But, this warfare should never have taken place. NATO should have disappeared at the end of the Cold War.” Denece is Director of the French Center for Intelligence Studies (CF2R). He pointed out that the Western nations supplying Ukraine are “direct co-belligerents” against Russia. He said that, “the lesson of geopolitics is that no state can secure its interests at the expense of neighbor states.”

Ray McGovern, CIA analyst (ret.), a founding member of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), chose to begin with the admonition to “look beneath the surface. See with the heart, instead of just the eyes,” and then he used this to make sense of the politicians leading the world into this disaster, acting through MICIMATT, a now famous concept of McGovern, which refers to military-industrial-Congressional-intelligence-media-academia-think tank complex.

Questions from the international audience, as well as between speakers, brought out many points, including the observation from Zepp-LaRouche, that the cohesive collusion between politicians and media is manifest to a horrifying and hateful degree in Germany and elsewhere. In the course of observations, the proposal for an “Austria-type” model for Ukraine was raised, to use neutrality in the process of dealing with the deep-seated complications involved. 
Col. Black was adamant that we should understand that the intent to manufacture weapons doesn’t work unless you have enemies, so we are manipulated on who our enemies are. People must break out of this. When it comes to Russia and China, we have to “escape from the illusion that, ‘they’re out to get us’.” The “only aggressor is the U.S., UK and NATO.”

Zepp-LaRouche summed up the situation in the course of the concluding four-person dialogue: “The old order is falling apart. The old paradigm is dead.” Thinking people have to weigh what the principles of the new system should be. This is being forced upon us by circumstances, from famine, to shortages, to disease, and to war. “The new name for peace is development.” {Watch them: May 26 The Insanity of Politicians Threatens Nuclear War, and May 25 Why Finland and Sweden Should Not Join NATO.}

Lavrov: US/NATO Already Waging “Total War” Against Russia

Lavrov: US/NATO Already Waging “Total War” Against Russia

March 26 (EIRNS)–Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, during a meeting of the Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund in Moscow, charged that the US/NATO/EU combination is already waging a hybrid war on Russia and that its objectives are no different from those of Hitler in 1941. “Today we have been declared a real hybrid war, a total war,” he said, adding that the latter term “was used by Hitler’s Germany” and “is now voiced by many European politicians when they talk about what they want to do with the Russian Federation.” The goals are not hidden, they declared them publicly – to destroy, break, exterminate, strangle the Russian economy and Russia as a whole, he remarked.

Lavrov lashed out at the “sanctions spree” against Russia pointing out that it is becoming clear that all values that those in the West have been preaching to Russia, like freedom of expression, a market economy, the sanctity of private property and the presumption of innocence, are not worth a red cent.

In this environment, the Kiev regime is being encouraged to continue to behave badly. Lavrov charged that the Kiev regime, in fact, has been getting away with bad behavior for years, with complicity of the Western corporate news media, particularly with respect to its crimes in the Donbas region. “All throughout these years, when the Ukrainian leadership evaded its obligations under the Minsk Accords, nationalists were openly wiping out civilian facilities, schools, hospitals. It was well-known and all facts were regularly reported by our mass media but were swept under the rug by the Western media,” Lavrov said. “It included the slaughter of civilians, and you may all know well that the death toll among the population exceeded 10,000,” he noted. “No one in the West cared at all about the inhumane economic, trade, transportation or food blockade of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics.”

The Kiev regime’s bad behavior has extended into the Russia-Ukraine talks as well. Russian presidential aide Vladimir Medinsky, the head of the Russian delegation at the Russia-Ukraine talks, accused the regime of seeking to drag out the talks. “They are in no hurry, obviously thinking that time is on their side, and say it openly that they have many decision-making centers they have to agree on these or those solutions with. This is the reality we are in,” he said, reported TASS. “Regrettably, as far as we understand – they make no secret of it, they are limited in making independent decisions. So, the current state of things inspires little optimism,” he stressed, adding he doesn’t share the Ukrainian delegation’s optimism, when it speaks about “great progress.” Further he said that “So far, there is no progress on matters of principal importance that the Russian side insists on.”

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