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Schiller Institute May 26 Dialogue with Experts: Insanity of Politicians Threatens Nuclear War

Schiller Institute May 26 Dialogue with Experts: Insanity of Politicians Threatens Nuclear War

May 26, 2022 (EIRNS)–The Schiller Institute online conference today titled, “US and European Military and Security Experts Warn: The Insanity of Politicians Threatens Nuclear War,” featured presentations and exchanges between four military and strategy specialists from France, Italy and the United States, and with Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche, and moderator Dennis Speed. Within hours of the event, views on YouTube were approaching 2,000.

Today’s dialogue followed a discussion yesterday, co-hosted by the Schiller Institutes of Sweden and Denmark, conducted online, centered in Copenhagen, whose participants included five speakers based in this northern region. The May 25 event was titled, “We Need a new Security and Development Architecture for All Nations, Not a Strengthening of Geopolitical Blocs; Why Sweden and Finland Should Not Join NATO.”

These two events are part of the ongoing Schiller Institute activation process, calling on forces and individuals everywhere to mobilize against the war insanity and for a new framework for peace through development. Transcripts and excerpts of both of this week’s conferences will appear in the weekly EIR, cover date of June 3.

Zepp-LaRouche said in her closing remarks today, “Join us as an organizer, as a chance for the betterment of humanity.” On the weekend of June 18-19, the Schiller Institute will hold a multi-session world dialogue for an initiating group of forces dedicated to bringing about a new world economic and security architecture. A Schiller Institute petition for this goal, issued February 23, now has in the range of 4,500 signatures, from all continents.

Zepp-LaRouche set the focus of today’s nearly three-hour event right upfront, “Any policy consideration that does not start with consideration of the danger of nuclear war, is worthless.” She and the next speakers then elaborated on different aspects of how we got in this situation, in the spirit of a video clip of Lyndon LaRouche making the point that, “No event contains its own cause…You must start from the world as a whole.”

Zepp-LaRouche drew a vivid picture of the war’s insanity, from current examples of who is discussing nuclear weapons as part of a “winnable” strategy, to the history of demonizing Russia and China as the enemy, against whom war is supposed to make sense. She then presented the “Peace of Westphalia” approach in some detail, as the way out of this. She used the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence (the Panchsheel), from the 1950s national sovereignty period. She discussed global economic and scientific priorities, from the need for a “global Glass-Steagall,” to end the casino economics, to related measures of a public-good bank in every nation, and plentiful credit for science and technology priorities, including a “village on the Moon, a city on Mars, interstellar space travel,” all of which requires the fusion energy breakthrough and billions more creative souls. In the discussion, she reported seeing “an emergence of a non-aligned spirit” among many nations today, rejecting the attempted, deadly Global NATO world rule.

Gen. Leonardo Tricarico (ret.), former Chief of Staff of the Italian Air Force spoke sternly to the question, “What can we do to stop this meaningless war?” He gave dates, chapter and verse of the UN and even NATO laws that have been broken, putting us in this danger, and stated, “Instead of pouring gasoline on the fire, in a war-mongering hype, we should have negotiations” take place over Ukraine. It is our “imperative duty” to bring this about.

Col. Richard Black (ret.), former head of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon, and former Virginia State Senator, gave a gripping account of events since the 2014 “revolutionary coup” imposed by MI6 and the CIA in Ukraine, against Russia. He said of our present situation, “This is our “1914 moment.” He pointed out how illegal, wrong and dangerous such figures are as Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD), who are saying that, “We are at war with Russia.”

The next speaker, Eric Denece, from France, picked right up on this point, starting by asking, “How did this happen? I am not pro- or anti-Russia or Ukraine. “But, this warfare should never have taken place. NATO should have disappeared at the end of the Cold War.” Denece is Director of the French Center for Intelligence Studies (CF2R). He pointed out that the Western nations supplying Ukraine are “direct co-belligerents” against Russia. He said that, “the lesson of geopolitics is that no state can secure its interests at the expense of neighbor states.”

Ray McGovern, CIA analyst (ret.), a founding member of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), chose to begin with the admonition to “look beneath the surface. See with the heart, instead of just the eyes,” and then he used this to make sense of the politicians leading the world into this disaster, acting through MICIMATT, a now famous concept of McGovern, which refers to military-industrial-Congressional-intelligence-media-academia-think tank complex.

Questions from the international audience, as well as between speakers, brought out many points, including the observation from Zepp-LaRouche, that the cohesive collusion between politicians and media is manifest to a horrifying and hateful degree in Germany and elsewhere. In the course of observations, the proposal for an “Austria-type” model for Ukraine was raised, to use neutrality in the process of dealing with the deep-seated complications involved. 
Col. Black was adamant that we should understand that the intent to manufacture weapons doesn’t work unless you have enemies, so we are manipulated on who our enemies are. People must break out of this. When it comes to Russia and China, we have to “escape from the illusion that, ‘they’re out to get us’.” The “only aggressor is the U.S., UK and NATO.”

Zepp-LaRouche summed up the situation in the course of the concluding four-person dialogue: “The old order is falling apart. The old paradigm is dead.” Thinking people have to weigh what the principles of the new system should be. This is being forced upon us by circumstances, from famine, to shortages, to disease, and to war. “The new name for peace is development.” {Watch them: May 26 The Insanity of Politicians Threatens Nuclear War, and May 25 Why Finland and Sweden Should Not Join NATO.}

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