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Mary Jane Freeman

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Beijing Formally Backs Argentina’s Entry Into the BRICS

July 8 (EIRNS)—In his meeting with Argentine Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero in Bali, Indonesia where both were attending the meeting of G20 foreign ministers, China’s State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi offered Beijing’s formal support for Argentina’s entry into the BRICS grouping of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The foreign ministry issued a press release to this effect and Cafiero told the state news agency Telam that “China chairs the BRICS this year, and its support and commitment to nominate our country to join is fundamental.” In their meeting, Wang Yi stressed the importance of President Alberto Fernández having attended the BRICS-Plus meeting on June 24 and Argentina having formally entered the Belt and Road Initiative during his visit to Beijing in February of this year.

The two foreign ministers also discussed Argentina’s role as rotating president of the Community of Latin America and Caribbean States (CELAC), from which post it also promotes the China-CELAC Joint Action Plan 2022-2024. According to Argentina’s foreign ministry, Cafiero told Wang Yi that his nation can contribute to the BRICS by strengthening and amplifying a voice in defense of the interests of developing nations.

Telam observed that membership in the BRICS could provide Argentina a way to free itself from the dollar-based financial system and the restrictions it imposes on the country’s macroeconomic development. Argentina is in need of new sources of financing for its large infrastructure projects, Telam adds, and points out that the BRICS are playing a crucial role in “promoting a new international financial architecture through its New Development Bank,” the BRICS bank. The New Development Bank, Cafiero emphasized, “has a key role in international financial cooperation and in promoting the agenda of the Global South and the structural changes it demands.” The Telam article can be read here.

Why Diane Sare’s Campaign for U.S. Senate Is So Important for Italy

July 6, 2022 (EIRNS)—This news service received the following statement of support for the independent candidate for U.S. Senate in New York state, Diane Sare. The international scope of the Sare for Senate campaign in world affairs, is reflected in this statement from Italy.

Why Diane Sare’s Campaign for U.S. Senate Is So Important for Italy

As chairwoman of Movisol, LaRouche’s movement in Italy, I endorse Diane Sare’s candidacy for U.S. Senate in New York.

The world is presently at the crossroads: a new financial and security system as proposed by Lyndon and Helga LaRouche, which will take us out of the economic crisis and the danger of a nuclear war; or, the continuation of today’s failed policies of confrontation against Russia and China, and the absurd sanctions which are damaging us, particularly in Europe, much more than they damage Russia. With her campaign for U.S. Senate, Diane Sare can bring the United States back to its origins, which were the American

Revolution against the British slave and colonial system, and made of America the beacon of hope for many all over the world, particularly in Italy after the Second World War.

A New Bretton Woods, like the one invoked by Helga Zepp-LaRouche and many economists in Italy, will only be possible if there is a shift in U.S. policy, away from the policies of war and confrontation of the Biden Administration, towards economic cooperation and peace negotiations.

Diane Sare’s campaign can make the difference. Diane is a brave woman, who dared to challenge Chuck Schumer, and managed to collect over 66,000 signatures [of New York State voters] to be able to run, well over the newly tripled requirement of 45, 000, thanks to many volunteers who support her proposals.

She is a friend of Italy: I had the pleasure of speaking at one of her online conferences on Cristopher Columbus and the Renaissance heritage he brought to America. She built a community chorus in New York, which she

conducts, and is the perfect expression of how music and singing can unite peoples all over the world through beauty, be it the music of J.S. Bach, of Antonio Vivaldi and Giuseppe Verdi, or the beautiful compositions of Russian, Ukrainian, Chinese and Polish composers we heard at the June 26, 2022, Concert for Peace of the Schiller Institute.

Diane is a close associate of the late Lyndon H. LaRouche, who is well known in Italy for his proposals for a New Bretton Woods and Glass-Steagall, which inspired 10 different resolutions for Glass-Steagall at the Italian Parliament. Her proposals are LaRouche’s proposals, and as such they will be viewed with great interest by our Movisol supporters, and by those politicians who do not agree with Draghi’s decisions to send weapons to Ukraine, to increase the military budget and cut all other budgets, including health, education and culture, in the name of a NATO policy which is leading us all to  destruction, and of a Green Deal which is destroying our real economy and living standards.

We are aware of the fact that the necessary New Paradigm will have to come from the United States. For this and many other reasons, Diane Sare’s campaign is the key also for the future of my country.

         by Liliana Gorini, Chairwoman of Movimento Solidaritá (Movisol)

Retired German General: Nuclear Simulations Show the Danger—Negotiate, Before It Is Too Late to Prevent Nuclear War!

July 5, 2022 (EIRNS)–“We may be closer to a Cuban Missile Crisis-type situation than many think possible,” former Bundeswehr Chief of Staff and Chairman of the NATO Military Committee Gen. Harald Kujat warned in a June 12 assessment for Preussische Allgemeine Zeitung. “The difference being that the epicenter would not be in the Caribbean, but in Europe. So it is essentially in Europe’s interest to prevent a development of the Ukraine war that would expose us to this danger.”

How great is the danger? Kujat points to reports that Russia had simulated attacks using Iskander missiles (which can be armed with both conventional and nuclear warheads) from its Kaliningrad exclave. The practice launch was reported to have been a simulated launch at a military target in response to a nuclear attack.

“The message from the Russian Defense Ministry is apparently intended as another warning that the use of nuclear weapons is a realistic option for the Russian government,” he writes.

He warns that “the carefully safeguarded strategic stability between the two great powers [U.S. and Russia] does not mean that the risk of a nuclear war limited to Europe is eliminated. On the contrary: If the Russian leadership is of the opinion that the use of short-range nuclear missiles will not trigger a nuclear counterattack by the United States, the risk of a nuclear first use for Russia would be calculable. … [T]he former presidential adviser to Yeltsin and Putin, Sergey Karaganov, recently stated: ‘I also know from the history of American nuclear strategy that the United States will probably not defend Europe with nuclear weapons.'”

The potential for the threat is that the Ukraine conflict is not a Ukraine-Russian dispute, but a NATO-Russia conflict. Kujat warns that Western politicians are increasingly emphasizing that the arms deliveries are intended “not only for the defense of Ukraine, but also for Ukrainian victory over Russia.” He quotes U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin from late April saying that the United States “wants to see Russia weakened to the point where it can no longer do the things it did when it invaded Ukraine.”

“This is a significant change in the focus of U.S. strategy in the Ukraine war,” Kujat writes. “The center of gravity is no longer to support Ukraine in its defensive struggle, but to weaken Russia as a geopolitical rival.”

“However, the course of the war so far shows that there will be no military victor in this conflict. The rational consequence, therefore, is not to prolong the war by setting strategic goals further, but to end it through a negotiated peace. The appeal to seek a negotiated peace is also not a call for Ukraine to surrender. It is not even directed at Ukraine.

The main military players in this war are the United States and Russia. “There have been no negotiations between the two great powers since the war began. War has taken the place of diplomacy. It is the task of politics and an imperative of reason to end the suffering of Ukrainians and the destruction of the country and to prevent the war from slipping into a European catastrophe,” Kujat concludes. The full article is here (in German) and here in English machine translation.

Chinese and Swiss Astronauts Cooperate in Reaching Out to Youth

July 2, 2022 (EIRNS)–On July 1, approximately 100 graduate students from China and Switzerland took part in a cross-cultural event for the purpose of engaging more institutions in inspiring young students to explore the unknown. The two astronauts who were chosen to interact with the students were well-suited for the assignment.

Jing Haipeng, head of the Chinese astronaut corps, was the first Chinese astronaut to have flown on three Shenzhou missions. Claude Nicollier was the first Swiss astronaut and flew four space shuttle missions including two servicing missions to the Hubble Space Telescope.

The interaction was part of the Sino-Swiss Space Science and Technology Cooperation Online Meeting, which was co-sponsored by China Science and Technology Exchange Center and the Swiss Museum of Transport.

The two sides also signed a memorandum to set up a stable exchange and cooperation mechanism, build a platform for the exchange of scientific research institutions and personnel and encourage more entities of scientific research and innovation to participate in Sino-Swiss cooperation.

Claude Nicollier also delivered a video presentation to the Krafft Ehricke 100th Anniversary event in Munich in 2017 sponsored by the Schiller Institute.

Marcos Inaugurated — Meets with China, “Our Strongest Partner”

July 2, 2022 (EIRNS)–Ferdinand “Bong-Bong” Marcos Jr. was inaugurated as President of the Philippines on Thursday, following up the ceremony with a very substantial meeting with Chinese VIce President Wang Qishan who had headed the Chinese delegation to the inauguration. (It is notable that the Biden Administration sent Kamala Harris’s husband, the “second gentleman” Douglas Emhoff, to head the U.S. delegation, a lowly designation indeed.)

The Manila Times reports that President Marcos told Vice President Wang that China is  “the most powerful partner of the Philippines,” and that the Philippines’ “good-neighborly friendship is in the fundamental interests of both peoples.”

“The new Philippine government attaches utmost importance to the relations with China, and is willing to deepen its participation in the joint construction of the [One Belt One Road], join hands with China in coping with regional challenges and elevate the bilateral ties to a higher level,” Marcos said, as quoted by Xinhua. This is precisely what the neocons in the U.S. feared with the Marcos overwhelming election victory.

Wang told Marcos that the Philippine leader and his family have made “great contributions” to enhancing China-Philippine friendship. It was Bong Bong’s Mother Imelda Marcos (the First Lady to Ferdinand Marcos Sr.) whose visit to China in 1974 opened relations between the two nations (see the famous Mao “kiss on the hand” of Imelda here.

Wang added: “The Chinese side has always given priority to the Philippines in its neighborhood diplomacy, and is ready to work with the new Philippine government in carrying on with their friendship, boosting mutual trust and deepening cooperation so as to usher in a new ‘golden age’ in bilateral ties.”

Regarding the South China Sea issue, near the top of the list of U.S. efforts to undermine Chinese relations with the Philippines and others in the region, Wang called for the two countries to “properly resolve differences and jointly safeguard peace and tranquility” in the contested waters.

The Marcos regime is re-opening discussion regarding joint exploitation of resources in contested waters.

During a recent event of the Association for Philippines-China Understanding, Marcos said he would continue Duterte’s independent foreign policy. “This is what we feel is best in the national interest and I feel it is to be advantageous not only to our friends in China but to all our friends around the world,” he said. He added that “our strongest partner has always been… our close neighbor and our good friend, the People’s Republic of China.”

Drumbeat for War-time Rationings in Germany

Drumbeat for War-time Rationings in Germany

July 2, 2022 (EIRNS)–Speaking of an expected total halt in Russian gas supplies from July 11 (the start of the annual routine maintenance of the Nord Stream 1 pipeline), Klaus Mueller, head of the German Federal Grid Agency (a Green Party and “renewables” fanatic), hints that strict energy emergency management may be invoked from that day on. Apart from the fact omitted by him that Russian gas pumping through the Ukrainian pipelines to Central and Western Europe is still occurring and will likely also continue beyond July 11, Mueller is himself politicizing the issue which he falsely blames on the Russians. The absence of gas would create a “very serious situation” and force his agency to decree substantial rationing, Mueller said yesterday, calling on citizens as well as industries to assist by “voluntarily” cutting the use of gas themselves.

The aim of such scenario-mongering is to cover up the fact that there are alternatives to freezing during the winter which the government and Mueller’s agency hysterically reject: giving the okay for the opening of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline for continued pumping of Russian gas to German and Europe in the range of what Nord Steam1 supplies.

Schiller Institute Conference: Call for ‘New Bretton Woods’ Initiative For Economic Security, Peace For All Nations

June 19, 2022 (EIRNS)–The Schiller Institute international conference June 18-19, titled, “There Can Be No Peace without the Bankruptcy Reorganization of the Dying Trans-Atlantic Financial System,” was an extraordinary process of dialogue, on the focus of initiating the actions to mobilize world citizen leadership to bring about a new economic and security architecture as early as possible, given the present breakdown spiral, and war danger.

Participating in the conference were 31 speakers, from 12 countries, including Russia, China, Brazil, and Afghanistan. The presentations were grouped into four panels, including opening with classical music offerings, moderated by Schiller Institute activists from the United States and Germany.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute, who convened the conference, stressed the point that the views expressed by the speakers are critical to circulate widely because they are “a counter pole to the synchronized media” which present narratives based on a complete “discrepancy” with reality.

The live viewership of the conference numbered in the thousands at different points over the two days, and the advance registration of 1300, represented dozens of nations. Simultaneous translation was provided in English, Spanish, French, and German. Short video clips are in preparation for the most rapid circulation of key ideas. The conference is already archived, by panel; and will soon be available by speaker.

A special feature throughout the conference, were the selected historical video clips opening each panel, by economist, statesman Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., whose birth centennial is celebrated this year.

The conference came about, as part of an ongoing mobilization process, including an international petition, issued by the Schiller Institute in February, 2022—”Convoke an International Conference To Establish a New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations,” which as of mid-June has nearly 5,000 signatures, from dozens of nations. On April 9, a prior Schiller Institute international conference, with attendance representing 65 nations, laid the groundwork for this month’s two-day event.

Zepp-LaRouche raised the point, during the first day’s discussion periods, that in the weeks since April, the Western governing elites are taking no action in the right direction at all. She posed the question point-blank to many fellow speakers and the audience, during the discussion periods the first day: what should be our next step? She raised as a specific proposal for consideration, the question of a new international petition calling for a “New Bretton Woods” financial framework, for a just credit system serving the development interests of all nations, in the tradition of the original intention of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The Schiller Institute has initiated attention to this through petitions in the past, in 1997, 2000, and 2006, with thousands of backers, including lawmakers. Aspects of a New Bretton Woods were discussed, including the need for fixed exchange rates, to accommodate stable trade relations and implementing large-scale, mutual-benefit infrastructure projects, to advance the world productive platform.

The critical role of the Schiller Institute, for coalescing the ideas and forces for an emergency shift in policy is underscored by the menacing events on the eve of the conference itself. Ministers of NATO’s 30 member nations met June 15-16, to confirm their Global NATO agenda for the June 29 NATO Summit of heads of state, identifying China as a threat, and deploying still more forces in Eastern Europe. At the same time, officials in the Trans-Atlantic are backing energy-austerity and similar measures killing their own economies, and furthering famine and disease around the globe.

In contrast, the pro-development international activities are continuing, by the Belt and Road Initiative, and collaborative allied nations and groupings, including the Eurasian Economic Union. The St. Petersburg Economic Forum in Russia June 14-17 had 14,000 attending, with 130 nations represented, and multiple economic agreements adding up to $100 billion.

Zepp-LaRouche stressed at the conclusion of the conference, that, “we are heading for a perfect storm…[of crises right now] This is the moment we can inject new ideas” that can change course of history. The Schiller Institute will re-issue an international call for a New Bretton Woods, she said, asking for contingents of activists in all countries to put this forward. “This is not a moment to sit on the fence!”

Panel  I: A Decoupling of the Two Systems or a New Paradigm for Humanity?

Leading speakers from Russia, China, India, Germany and the United States presented on the first panel, a powerful picture of the global crisis facing mankind today, described by Zepp-LaRouche as the worst crisis in the history of civilization. They conveyed the urgency for a new paradigm to be negotiated and implemented through the cooperation of all the leading nations, including the U.S., Russia, China and India.

Zepp-LaRouche, in her keynote, “Let’s Win Mission Impossible or Find Another Planet!” posed the image of a high-speed train approaching a cliff at top speed, with an engineer at the controls who has gone mad, and will do nothing to stop the train. In effect, she called on people to “pull the emergency brake.” She described how the massive sanctions on Russia and the ongoing “decoupling” from China are proving to be self-destructive, interesting the already collapsing Western financial/economic system, and threatening 1.7 billion people with starvation. Lyndon LaRouche warned in 1971 that Nixon’s destruction of the FDR’s Bretton Woods System would lead to precisely this breakdown crisis, and the threat of global war we see today.

Speakers from Russia and China added to the picture. Andrey Kortunov, Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) spoke on the “Indivisible Security of All Nations.” The current severe economic and military actions against Russia are not a reaction to the deployment in Ukraine, but have been building for years. Most recently, look at AUKUS, the Quad, the Biden Summit of Democracies and many other things. However, what has been presented by imperial geopolitical forces as historic difference between East and West, North and South, are fast losing their relative importance. The new coalition of forces with China and China are uniting nations from all parts of the world.

Wang Wen, the Executive Dean of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, and Deputy Dean of the Silk Road School at Renmin University in China, spoke on “Why China’s Rise Is Beneficial to the World.” He reviewed the miraculous rise of China over the past 40 years. Today China accounts for 30% of annual world economic growth. In Africa, China accounts for 60% of the investment. China sees its strength as a benefit for world development, and peace.

Co. Richard Black (ret.), former head of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon and former Virginia State Senator: “”Ukraine Has Lost the War: But Thermonuclear War Still Threatens.” Black reviewed the situation in Ukraine, pointing out that, “The war is not over, but Ukraine has lost.” He called for a resolution, perhaps using the Austrian “neutrality: model, and denounced as madness, those Western voices raising the prospect of using nuclear weapons.

Three more speakers completed the panel. Sam Pitroda, a former cabinet minister or advisor to seven Indian prime ministers, spoke from Chicago, on “India and the Emerging New World Architecture.” He called for a thorough-going re-design of the world’s economy and society.

Dr. Wolfgang Bittner, a doctor of law and a prolific author, spoke on “The West-East Conflict—An Orchestration.” He blew apart myths of “Western values” being defended in Ukraine, where neo-Nazis are openly part of the military. Europe is subservient to U.S. policy. Look at Germany, where there are 11 U.S. military bases.

Dr. Cliff Kiracofe, a former Senior Staff Member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, and President of the Washington Institute for Peace and Development, decried the U.S. leading the West back to a Cold War “crusade” against the reality of a world of multipolarity and the rise of China. His topic was, “Diplomacy and Cooperation in a Time of Crisis.”

Panel II. Runaway Inflation or Glass-Steagall?

The exciting second panel had presentations from 15 speakers—nine as part of a Food Producers Roundtable, who know what it takes to solve the current economic breakdown crisis, and have been mobilizing for solutions. Harley Schlanger of the Schiller Institute was the moderator.

Fittingly, the panel started with a video excerpt from Lyndon LaRouche, speaking on Sept. 4, 1994, about how to generate credit, even during a breakdown crisis, as we have today. He stressed there must be “trillions of dollars in projects” of new infrastructure, meaning “trillions of dollars of work.”

Diane Sare, LaRouche Party independent candidate for U.S. Senate from New York, spoke on “The Collapse of the West and the Urgent Need to Join the Belt and Road Initiative.” She gave an illustrated presentation, showing four great infrastructure corridor projects, achieved through American System credit practices: 1) Erie Canal; 2) Trans-Continental Railroad; 3) Tennessee Valley Authority; and 4) the Apollo Project.

Geoff Young, the Democratic Party nominee for Kentucky’s 6th CD, is a long-time supporter of the Glass-Steagall Act and other core measures. He spoke of his winning his party primary recently, using the slogan, “Unlike [Republican Rep. Andy Barr–R] I will never vote to send billions of dollars to Nazis.”

Three speakers—from Japan, Germany, and Greece–provided important international perspective. Daisuke Kotegawa, Japan’s former Finance Ministry reorganizer of bankrupt banks, and IMF Executive Director for Japan, gave a punchy talk on, “XX.” He said that unlike in past swindles by the City of London in 1985 and since, this time we should use the principles or bankruptcy reorganization effectively to deal with them. Don’t let false “respect” get in the way of what these arrogant and criminal bankers deserve.

Dr. Uwe Behrens, a logistics expert and author from Germany, spoke on the subject, “The Non-Rival Doctrine.” He reviewed how the so-called “unipolar world” of London and Washington are challenged by China and the BRI.

Amb. Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos, former Greek Ambassador to Poland, Canada and Armenia, and former Secretary General of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (BSEC) spoke on “The Crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Belt and Road Initiative.”

The other panelists focused on agriculture and the world food crisis. Italian economist Nino Galloni, former Director General of the Italian Labor Ministry zeroed in on policies for Africa, in his presentation, “Make Africa Self-Sufficient Again.” He reviewed how Western cartels had undermined agriculture in Africa by making the continent grain-import dependent, and preventing development, including even preferred regional cereal grains. This must change.

The kick-off speaker in the Food Producers Roundtable was outspoken about the same point. Mike Callicrate, from Colorado and Kansas, who is the founder and president of Ranch Foods Direct, raising and processing cattle, denounced the nonsense that, “America will feed the world—America can’t even feed itself!” Callicrate called for busting up the food cartels, and ending the financialization of food. He presented a model of region-serving production and processing. The speakers called for restoring Glass-Steagall, and breaking up the food conglomerates, as well as the biggest banks and other commodity cartels, or face mass hunger. They denounced the hopelessness of the green outlook that people and food production endanger the planet. They stressed family scale fishing and farming, for “generational knowledge” and commitment.

The Roundtable was titled, “Science and Culture to End Famine—Principles of Agriculture Productivity.” Bob Baker (Schiller Institute Agriculture Liaison) introduced the speakers. They included from Iowa, the Kehrli family livestock and crops producers, three generations, Wilbur, Ken and Kyle. Also from Iowa Jon Baker, cattleman and farm community banker. From California, Frank Endres, wheat and cattleman in the Sacramento Valley, longtime National Farmers Organization leader. James Benham spoke, who is the President of the Indiana Farmers Union, and on the National Board of the National Farmers Union. James Moore spoke from Sitka, who is past President of the Alaska Trollers Association.

Panel III. Principles of Science for Durable Economic Progress

The five speakers presented many aspects of science from the perspective of economic progress, and the necessity for creative breakthroughs to advance both. Moderator Stephan Ossenkopp, speaking from Berlin, began with an update on the latest insanity on energy policy in Europe, where German and other officials are extolling rationing of fuel and electricity.

The opening presentation was on “Vernadskian Time—Time for Humanity,” by Jason Ross, the Secretary-Treasurer of The LaRouche Organization, and former Science Adviser to Lyndon LaRouche. Speaking of the “arrow of time” to mean that time and development are directional, he explained that principle as expounded by Vladimir Vernadsky, who developed the division of three main domains of processes on Earth: the non-living, the living, and the “noosphere.” Ross further discussed the coherence between living processes and a human economy as defined by Lyndon LaRouche.

Three scientists—from Italy, Russia and the United States–presented aspects of their specialties. Francesco Battaglia, Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Modena, spoke on the “Fraud of Climate/Energy Transition.” With illustrations, he blasted the fraud of the CO2 climate change narrative, and the terrible damage to society caused by degrading energy provision to the economy.

Dr. Ed Calabrese, Professor of Environmental Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts/Amherst; Co-Editor of Hormesis: A Revolution in Biology, Toxicology and Medicine, also debunked another fraud, which is that all radiation is harmful. He spoke on the topic, “Real Science Disproves the Linear Non-Threshold (LNT) Radiation Myth.” He reported, for example, the benefits of bone healing from targeted doses of radiation.

From Russia, Professor Sergei Pulinets spoke on, “A Vernadskian Approach to Earthquake Forecasting.” He is the Principal Scientific Researcher of the Space Research Institute, of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. The subtitle of his talk was, “We Should Unite and Survive!” Crediting Vernadsky as laying the groundwork for his work today, Pulinets presented, with many illustrations, his work, giving the audience a sense of the three-dimensial dynamics of the Earth’s atmosphere. He called for extended international cooperation, in scientific work based on a holistic approach to climate, weather and seismic activity.

William C. Jones, formerly EIR White House correspondent, rounded out the picture of Vernadksy’s life, including political history, scientific advances and the great cultural contributions. His topic was “V.I Vernadsky, Scientific Thought as a Geological Force.”

Panel IV. Classical Culture and the Dialogue of Civilizations

The stage was set for this panel’s discussion by two musical examples of classical beauty—a performance of the Kyrie from Wolfgang Mozart’s Requiem, by the Schiller Institute chorus from 2014; and a 1990s performance by the late operatic tenor George Shirley of the spiritual “Little Boy,” arranged by Roland Hayes, accompanied by Sylvia Olden Lee. Shirley described the “classical principle” in the Negro spiritual, and Mozart and Schubert as “universal.” This music was introduced by Dennis Speed, of the Schiller Institute, who moderated this and the first panel of the conference.

Four speakers, each from a different country, then followed, on differing aspects of culture, but all sharing the imperative that people must activate on behalf of humanity in today’s crisis. The fifth speaker gave an update on various anti-culture, dehumanizing campaigns that must be defeated.

Jacques Cheminade, from France, gave the keynote, on the topic “A Culture of Curiosity and Perseverance to Explore the Impossible.” He is the President of Solidarity & Progress. Beginning with reference to the U.S. and how NASA is a “treasury of optimism” still in that nation, Cheminade said that putting the dying, but still kicking financial system into bankruptcy reorganization requires both “curiosity and perseverance”—the names U.S. children gave to space rovers in a NASA contest. Cheminade stressed that time is short, but we must find it in ourselves to meet the challenge.

Prof. Felipe Maruf Quintas, from Brazil, spoke on “The Role of Brazil in the Dialogue of Civilizations and in the World’s Physical Economy.” He is Professor of Political Science, Fluminense Federal University, Rio de Janeiro, and a columnist for Monitor Mercantil. Quintas reviewed both the resource riches and mission of Brazil for “breaking the South Atlantic from Anglo-Saxon imperialism” and the beneficial relations already in motion through the BRICS and relations with Asia and Africa.

Dr. Zaher Wahab, Emeritus Professor of Education, and former advisor to the Afghan Ministry of Higher Education, and teacher at the American University of Afghanistan (AUAF) from 2013-2020, spoke on the topic, “Dialogue, Not Clash, of Civilizations.” Dr. Wahab’s homeland was Afghanistan, but now resident in Oregon, he denounced Samuel Huntington’s thesis of a “clash of civilizations” and called for an end to the Western policy of arrogant domination and mis-use of power.

A view of what U.S.-China relations ought to be was presented by Dr. George Koo, a retired business consultant in bilateral trade of these nations and Chairman of the Burlingame Foundation. His topic was, “U.S.-China Cultural Relations Are Critical to Prevent War.” He particularly warned that Washington is encouraging Taipei toward what are red lines for Beijing. This is a course for disaster.

A dramatic description of the enemy of culture and civilization was given by Mike Robinson from Britain. He is the Editor of The UK Column, and spoke on the topic, “The Dehumanizing Meta-Sphere.” Showing headlines of articles such as, “Is Nanotech Making Humans Unnecessary,” Robinson covered the spectrum of such threats as “transhumanism”—promotion of a brain-computer hook-up, to notions in the metaverse of the equivalence of a computer avatar with a real human.

The final conference Question and Answer session included Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Diane Sare, and came to the consensus that, despite, the dark menace just described, the old paradigm of suffering and geopolitics is in the process of being replaced by one concerned with mutual development and problem-solving among equal nations.

Chinese Scientists Discover Genes to Make Rice More Heat-Resistant

Chinese Scientists Discover Genes to Make Rice More Heat-Resistant

June 19 (EIRNS)–According to a study published in the journal Science on June 16, researchers from the Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology under the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Shanghai Jiao Tong University have discovered two genes in rice that can make the staple crop more heat-resistant, providing a new way to breed highly thermotolerant crops, reported CGTN News today.

The scientists discovered a mechanism by which the rice’s cell membrane senses external heat-stress signals before communicating with chloroplasts – the organelles in which photosynthesis occurs.

Chloroplasts are tiny bean-shaped membranes (1–2 μm (1 μm = 0.001 mm) thick and 5–7 μm in diameter), which in turn contain even smaller structures (thylakoids), which are shaped like discs and stacked like hamburgers within the chloroplasts. This is the workhorse of the plant where photosynthesis takes place.

Too much heat can damage these membranes, and if over a long duration can cause a crop to fail.

CGTN reported, “The researchers identified a locus with two genes: Thermo-tolerance 3.1 (TT3.1) and Thermo-tolerance 3.2 (TT3.2). They interact in concert to enhance rice thermotolerance and reduce grain-yield losses caused by heat stress.

The researchers found that accumulated TT3.2 triggers chloroplast damage regarding heat stress, but, in that scenario, TT3.1 can serve as a remedy.

Upon heat stress, TT3.1, a potential thermosensor, will remove the cell membrane from the cell to degrade the mature TT3.2 proteins, according to the study.

“The study elucidates a fresh molecular mechanism that links plant cell membranes with the chloroplast in responding to heating signals,” said the paper’s co-corresponding author Lin Hongxuan with the Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology.

Then, the researchers used hybridization to translate the TT3 locus of African rice into Asian species.

The field test has shown that the new species is more heat tolerant. It can withstand heat at 38 degrees Celsius without crop failure, while the output of normal species would be reduced above 35 degrees Celsius, said the researchers.

The newly-found gene might also be used in other plants, including wheat, maize, beans, and vegetables, to cultivate heat-tolerant strains, according to the researchers.” 

Italian Gen. Tricarico: “Biden Does Not Want Peace”

April 16 (EIRNS) – Gen. Leonardo Tricarico, former chief of staff of the Italian Air Force, former deputy commander of the multinational force in the Balkan war (1999) and currently chairman of the think-tank Fondazione ICSA (Intelligence Culture and Strategic Analysis), said the U.S.-UK-NATO axis is working against peace in Ukraine.

“The word ‘negotiation’ has never been pronounced either by U.S. President Biden nor by NATO secretary general Stoltenberg, nor by Secretary of State Blinken, nor by UK Prime minister Johnson. This is very serious, because the first efforts to reach an agreement have occurred in a quite improbable way. I know what I am saying: Biden does not want peace,” Tricarico said in an interview with La7 national TV.

“A serious effort for a major structuring of negotiations has never been made by anyone and especially by the U.S.A. and the UK. If we review all public and non-public statements by the characters I mentioned, we will never find words such as ‘negotiation’ or ‘ceasefire’. Evidently, they do not want peace. If Biden does not want peace, nobody else wants it, because Stoltenberg is the direct resonance room for Biden and the British are even more aggressive and imperative than the Americans. This is the situation; it is useless to dance around it: Biden wants Putin in the dust.” (The full interview is found here.)

China Releases the Most Detailed Geological Map of the Moon

June 8, 2022 (EIRNS)–China has released the most detailed geological map of the Moon, a project which has been the lifelong goal of geochemist Ouyang Ziyuan, the inspiration for, and the chief designer of, the Chinese Chang’e program. Decades before China made the decision to launch a manned space program with an eye on the Moon, Ouyang was gathering data from previous lunar missions of both the U.S. and Russia.

The map is on a scale of 1:2,500.000. Based on the data of China’s Chang’e Project, and making full use of other international lunar exploration data and research results, through the study of the “strata,” morphology, composition, structure and geological age of the lunar surface, a new lunar geological chronology is being proposed.”

“The newly compiled map,” CCTV notes, “updates the Moon’s geological chronology based on a better understanding of the history of the lunar surface which has been categorized into three epochs and six periods. That trio of epochs have been classified as the early stage, dominated by internal geological activities, the middle stage which features both internal and external geological forces, and the late stage which has mainly external forces such as asteroid strikes shaping the Moon’s surface.”

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