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Extraordinary Starvation Crisis Demands Extraordinary Response

by Ramasimong Phillip Tsokolibane, Leader of LaRouche South Africa

Earlier this week, speaking on behalf of millions of starving Africans, I demanded a full global mobilization to save their lives and the lives of hundreds of millions of others around the globe who are also facing near-term death from starvation.

I urged Donald Trump, in his capacity as the most powerful person on the planet, by virtue of his office as President of the United States, to take up the responsibility demanded of him by the U.S. Constitution, and mobilize the full resources of his nation—including the food-producing power of the great farmers of America and the logistical capabilities of the U.S. military—to produce the food and get it to where it is needed.

I stated that he must be joined in this effort by the forces of the other great powers, including Russia and China, and I endorsed the call by the great lady, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the chairwoman of the Schiller Institute, for a summit to discuss the means to resolve the great crises facing humanity, including the global pandemic and this hunger and starvation crisis, which are related.

I want to restate my conviction, which I know to be shared by Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche: These crises require an extraordinary global response, in which our full resources, including those of the powerful militaries of great powers, are used, not to maim and kill people, but to save their lives. The time has come for such a radical reexamination and repurposing of the capabilities of the human race, if it is to survive this great crisis.

This is not a debatable point. People are dying by the millions, and many more millions will soon die, and we—all of us, our leaders, such as President Trump, and all our citizens—must make the decision to save them and take the steps, as nations and individuals, to save them.

I wish to underscore the warning of David Beasley of the UN World Food Program (WFP), that more than 300,000 people a day could die from starvation, unless immediate action is taken. I do not know David Beasley, but I believe he would agree with me that even the WFP, which currently has the best food distribution capacity in the world, cannot meet this crisis, even if all the monies he has requested were immediately forthcoming.

Decades of underdevelopment, enforced by the financial power of the British Empire and its globalist institutions, including the murderous International Monetary Fund, have left the world without even the basic infrastructure, such as roads, to get food to many rural areas where people are already starving.

Certainly the WFP must play a role in any solution, but the WFP is not the solution, nor has the WFP ever asked for the kind of mobilization I am calling for. That is because even well-meaning people have been trapped in a paradigm in which they have been forced by ‘circumstances’ to accept the death of many people, from causes such as starvation or disease, as painful but unavoidable. I for one, and Mrs. LaRouche for another, refuse to accept this flawed way of thinking.

We must mobilize from the standpoint that every human life matters, including millions upon millions of black lives in Africa, that each life is precious; that each must be cherished and nurtured. Those millions of souls cannot thrive and pursue the happiness that comes with productive lives, much less even exist, without the material, cultural, and spiritual support of a growing economy.

They must first have enough to eat. The right to eat must become generally understood as a basic human right, as is the right to adequate medical care. As citizens of our nations, but as members of the human race, we must fight to transform this moral understanding into public policy, holding our leaders responsible to the principle of the General Welfare, as enshrined in that glorious document, the U.S. Constitution, and in the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as written by Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt in 1947.

I repeat my call to President Donald Trump, in response to the warning from his friend, David Beasley: Mobilize the full resources of your great American nation to save Africa from starvation and death. Give your American farmers the mission to feed the world. I am sure they will rise to the challenge. Order the American military, which has the greatest logistical capability of any nation or combination of nations in the world, to figure out how to get food from the producers to those who need it. I am sure that they can do this. Call on the rest of the world to join you in this moral endeavor. Mr. Trump, the times demand that you be the leader that we need. Do it now!

I also urge that these matters be brought up for discussion by the Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites, recently established by Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche, especially to address issues such as these. I fully support her call for an extraordinary mobilization to create a system of global health security to meet the pandemic crisis. Africa needs the army of health volunteers that she has urged be created.

These things we must do. Save millions of lives, whose deaths can and must be prevented!

Harley Schlanger Morning Update: Turning Davos on its Head — How an Alliance of Sovereign Nation States Can Defeat the Global Banker’s Dictatorship

Friday Questions — Don’t believe everything you hear.  The cabal which ran Russiagate thinks it won, but it is a Pyrrhic victory, which will be overturned not by a secret plan organized by “good guys” in the military and intelligence, but by a mobilization of the American people. 

Questions include, Do you think Trump is still the President?  What do you make of the “democratization of Wall Street”, as in the manipulation against the hedge funds in the GameStop case (hint — the key is regulation, but not of the sort proposed by hedge funds to defend their speculative swindles!)?  How can you encourage children to “Think Like Beethoven”, without taking away their personal autonomy?

Putin Speech at Davos: The 1930s Led to World War; Will Conflict Be Avoided Today?

“There are no direct parallels in history” for the present time, said Russian President Vladimir Putin in his speech at the Davos Agenda forum. “However, some experts … compare the current situation to the 1930s…. As you are aware, the inability and unwillingness to find substantive solutions to problems like this in the 20th century led to the World War II catastrophe. Of course, such a heated global conflict is impossible in principle, I hope. That is what I am pinning my hopes on, because this would be the end of humanity. However, as I have said, the situation could take an unexpected and uncontrollable turn— unless we do something to prevent this. There is a chance that we will face a formidable break-down in global development, which will be fraught with a war of all against all and attempts to deal with contradictions through the appointment of internal and external enemies and the destruction of not only traditional values such as the family … but fundamental freedoms….

“We have a shared responsibility to prevent this scenario, which looks like a grim dystopia, and to ensure instead that our development takes a different trajectory— positive, harmonious and creative,” continued Putin, who then identified three great challenges confronting the international community:

First, while the past decades have brought great improvements in living standards overall, the gains have largely been concentrated in a small number of people. Using a $5.50 per day income figure, he boasted that China reduced from 1.1 billion to 300 million the number of people below that poverty line, Russia from 64 million to 5 million, while the U.S. number increased from 2000 to 2016 from 3.6 million to 5.6 million. “But … in terms of corporate profits, who got hold of the revenue? The answer is clear: 1% of the population.” He addressed the economic malaise that has struck the “developed” countries with the past decades’ shift to financialization and environmentalism: “In the past 30 years, in a number of developed countries, the real incomes of over half of the citizens have been stagnating, not growing. Meanwhile, the cost of education and healthcare services has gone up. Do you know by how much? Three times.” The source of this imbalance? They “are a direct result of the policy pursued in the 1980s … the Washington Consensus.”

The tools of some decades ago— stimulating consumption— can no longer work in a world where debt is double GDP globally and more than triple GDP in some countries, while interest rates are essentially zero and already at historic lows in many emerging market economies: “The so-called quantitative easing is only increasing the bubble of the value of financial assets and deepening the social divide.” The effect? “The rise of economic problems and inequality is splitting society, triggering social, racial and ethnic intolerance.”

Second, Putin took on the looming question of the tech giants. “In some areas, they are de facto competing with states,” he said. “Their audiences consist of billions of users that pass a considerable part of their lives in these ecosystems.”

“Society is wondering whether such monopolism meets public interests,” he asked, remarking that these tech giants should “replace legal democratic institutions and essentially usurp or restrict the natural right of people to decide for themselves how to live, what to choose, and what position to express freely…. I am confident that the overwhelming majority of people share this position.”

Third was the issue of international relations. Due to troubles at home, governments resort increasingly to enemy images, both domestically and abroad, with increasingly aggressive actions such as sanctions, trade wars, and restrictions. “Such a game with no rules critically increases the risk of unilateral use of military force.”

To resolve the reasons for unstable global growth, Putin warns “It is clear that the world cannot continue creating an economy that will only benefit a million people, or even the golden billion…. The recent developments, including migration crises, have reaffirmed this once again.”

“The reality is such that really different development centers with their distinctive models, political systems and public institutions have taken shape in the world. Today, it is very important to create mechanisms for harmonizing their interests to prevent … anarchy and a series of protracted conflicts,” Putin told his audience. Pointing to examples, he spoke of the Astana format of talks between Russia, Iran and Turkey to stabilize Syria; the end of bloodshed in Azerbaijan and Armenia with Russian intervention; and Russia-Saudi-U.S. cooperation on energy markets. Such cooperation is needed to support nations requiring help in achieving their testing and vaccination needs.

Putin gave short shrift— just a few sentences— to the green theme of the conference, a theme against whose implementation he had essentially spent his speech inveighing.

Responding to a question from forum organizer Klaus Schwab, Putin said that Europe and Russia, if they are able to rise above problems “inherited from past centuries” and look to the future, “we will certainly enjoy a positive stage in our relations.”

“We are ready for this, we want this, and we will strive to make it happen,” he concluded. “But love is impossible if it is declared only by one side. It must be mutual.”

The complete text of his speech is posted on the Kremlin website.

NASA and ESA Formalize Artemis Gateway Partnership

NASA and the European space agency signed an agreement committing their space agencies to building the Gateway together. A release from states, “The agreement signed Tuesday marks NASA’s first formal commitment to launch international crew members to the lunar vicinity as part of NASA’s Artemis Mission.” Under the agreement the European space agency will contribute habitation and refueling modules, along with enhanced lunar communications to the Gateway.

NASA’s Administrator Jim Bridenstine declared “This partnership leverages the outstanding cooperation established by the International Space Station as we push forward to the moon.” He continued, “Gateway will continue to expand NASA’s cooperation with international partners like ESA, ensuring the Artemis program results in the safe and sustainable exploration of the Moon after the initial human lunar landing and beyond.”

The European Space Agency’s contributions to the Gateway will consist of a refueling module, which will also include crew observation windows. The first two scientific investigations to fly aboard the Gateway were selected earlier this year. One will come from the ESA, known as, the European Radiation Sensors Array, (ERSA).  ERSA will monitor space radiation and will focus on astronaut protection. The other scientific investigation to fly aboard Gateway will come from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center called the Heliophysics Environmental and Radiation Measurement Experiment Suit, (HERMES), which will monitor low energies critical to scientific investigations of the sun. HERMES is also known for researching the dynamics of asteroid and planetary surfaces with no atmosphere.

Harley Schlanger Morning Update: The Unilateral World Order of the Davos “Elites” Is NOT a Done Deal!

The stream of propaganda from supporters of the global banker’s dictatorship being shaped at Davos, which claims that they have won, and that resistance is futile, is FALSE.

There is growing opposition from sovereign nation states to the global, corporatist, unilateralist fantasies of the Davos ghouls, opposition which corresponds to the design for Lyndon LaRouche’s proposed Four Power agreement of nations powerful enough to defeat the genocidal plan coming from the City of London, Wall Street, Silicon Valley and Brussels. That the Davos crew behind the coup against Donald Trump fears the American people is seen in their desperate efforts to use censorship, surveillance and repression to silence the opposition in the U.S.

The Inside Story of the Trump Administration’s “Operation Warp Speed”

Two of the leaders of the crash program to develop Covid-19 vaccines, General Gus Perna, Chief Operating Officer, and Dr. Matt Hepburn, head of Vaccine Development, provided their story, “The Fight to Get a COVID-19 Vaccine: The Inside Story of the Administration’s Operation Warp Speed,” on Tuesday.” The core point was the obvious: the crash program abandoned ‘cost-benefit’ and ‘just-in-time’ practices, and let reality determine what they had to do. So, they ran parallel development of six vaccine candidates, including the mass production of dosages prior to approval; and supply-chain items for ingredients of vaccines and delivery systems purchased in bulk to be on site early in the process. Also, there was early investment in new production facilities with new production techniques, and the mission-oriented environment helped the cooperation levels. Perna emphasized that “egos get checked at the door” because “lives are at stake.”

Perna, a military logistics specialist, was weeks away from retirement from a 39-year Army career, when he was called by Trump and asked to head the Operation Warp Speed logistics. He interrupted his retirement plans. On Monday, he was in Memphis, TN, visiting the new McKesson distribution warehouse which has built a massive capacity for refrigerated storage at -20 and -80 degrees — necessary for some of the vaccines. They are set to roll out tens of millions of vaccine doses before the end of the year, and hundreds of million from January to March, with 100% accountability as to where each dose is, and as to what person has gotten which vaccine and which dose. (Five of the six vaccines are double-dose vaccines, requiring the second dose 21 or 28 days later.)

Finally, the clinical trials were designed for massive testing in order to obtain more safety information more quickly. The various vaccines should show different profiles, e.g., some better for the elderly, and the clinical trials will help determine how the distribution occurs (e.g., to which populations). Dr. Hepburn was hopeful that this newly-revived capacity for accelerated product development in the US will not be dismantled, but will be the new normal. The states submitted their distribution plans last week, and the task force reviewed them over the last week, offering advice back to the states. The machinery is ready to roll, awaiting the FDA’s approval of vaccines.

Webcast: Defeating the Davos “Great Transition” with LaRouche’s New Paradigm

While the utopian fascists of the globalist corporate elite have been planning to use the current Davos conference as the moment when they ram through their global banker’s dictatorship to impose a deadly Green New Deal, there are signs that an opposition is growing, centered around China and Russia, and including some elements in Europe. Describing the conference thus far as a “mixed bag”, Helga Zepp LaRouche said the oligarchs of high finance, who are promoting negative growth and population reduction, have run into the intention of leading nations which are not willing to surrender their sovereignty for the sake of “stakeholder capitalism.”

Both Presidents Xi and Putin called for cooperation and multilateral solutions, with Xi stating that the unipolar model, which depends on setting nations against each other, is outmoded. In what Zepp LaRouche called a “sign of the times,” Germany’s Chancellor Merkel supported Xi on multilateralism, which she said goes against the idea floated by Biden for a “democratic summit” of all nations against China and Russia.

While cautiously optimistic about the Biden-Putin agreement to ratify a NEW START agreement for five years, she said that Biden’s lecturing of Putin on the usual geopolitical issues shows that his backers are still committed to a strategic orientation which could lead to war. Further, the failure of the rich countries to provide aid to poorer countries to combat the COVID19 pandemic means that either we force a change in thinking, or the pandemic will not be defeated. The only solution to the problems raised by Xi and Putin in their addresses is the full implementation of Lyndon LaRouche’s plan for a Four Power agreement to establish a New Bretton Woods, and to implement on a global scale LaRouche’s Four Laws. She called on the viewers to join us in organizing for this, to realize the potential for a global system which will allow for the development of all nations.

Beethoven: Sparks of Joy — The Diabelli Variations

We continue the commemoration of Mozart’s Birthday in the Beethoven Year with one of the last piano works Beethoven ever composed: the Diabelli Variations. The publisher Anton Diabelli wrote a simple waltz and circulated it to 13 composers, requesting a single variation from each. Beethoven initially scoffed at the idea, but then produced a mammoth set of 32 variations in which he took the trivial theme and subjected it to the most through-going transformations imaginable. 

Variation number 22 is easily recognized as the opening aria in Mozart’s opera Don Giovanni in which the servant Leporello laments his lot in life(from a 1954 performance conducted by  Wilelm Furtwangler – you can stop listening after about two minutes, or continue to watch the whole opera).

Here is Sviatoslav Richter playing Diabelli Variation number 22.

Finally, listen to the entire set of Beethoven variations, played here by Alfred Brendel, and  you will hear how Beethoven takes Mozart’s theme and weaves it into the harmonic structure of Diabelli’s waltz. Ingenious! 

Harley Schlanger Morning Update: Biden Defaults Back to Obama Confrontation Policy with Russia

The conversation yesterday between Russian President Putin and Joe Biden had one positive outcome, an agreement to extend the START Treaty, set to expire next week, for five years.

However, Biden’s lecture to Putin about a series of alleged “malign actions” by Russia reflects a return to the provocative policies of the Bush and Obama administrations, which put the U.S. on a course toward war with Russia. Instead, since both nations face a common enemy, i.e., the globalists of Davos who are moving to impose a global banker’s dictatorship called the “Great Reset”, the proper approach to relations between the two superpowers would be to take up LaRouche’s proposal for a Four Power agreement, to establish a New Bretton Woods system and crush the City of London and its Wall Street allies.

Great Potential in Argentine President’s May China Visit, Highlighted by Joining BRI

Assuming the coronavirus pandemic permits it, Argentine President Alberto Fernández’s May 5 trip to China, during which he is expected to meet with President Xi Jinping twice and sign a Memorandum of Understanding to join the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) along with several other agreements, will be of strategic importance to Argentina’s future. The two Presidents already enjoy a warm relationship and have communicated with each other frequently over the recent period. While Fernández has said he seeks a friendly and hopefully cooperative relationship with the Biden administration, particularly as this relates to negotiations with the IMF, he is looking to the relationship with China to help make major strides in his nation’s economic and scientific development.

Argentina’s new ambassador in Beijing, China expert Sabino Vaca Narvaja, who was already stationed at the embassy as a Special Representative for Trade and Investment, is now actively preparing the President’s trip while consolidating other matters related to trade, economic and aerospace cooperation and acquiring 15 million doses of the Sinopharm vaccine that is a top priority for Argentina. As the daily Dangdai reported Jan. 22, on Jan. 19 Vaca met with officials from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) in Beijing to discuss potential bank financing for bioceanic corridors traversing Argentina to Chile, in key locations in the northern, central and southern part of the Andes mountain range, which Argentina sees as crucial for expanding trade with China and lowering transportation cost by about 30%. Deep-water ports on the Pacific coast are also much better-equipped to handle deep-draft ships, than Argentina’s two major ports in Rosario and Buenos Aires.

Since the AIIB prioritizes financing projects that enhance trade “connectivity,” as Página 12 reported today, President Fernández is seeking closer cooperation with Chile which has had a longstanding political and economic/trade relationship with China. Tomorrow, Fernández will make a state visit to Chile to meet with President Sebastián Piñera, during which the issue of bioceanic corridors and other matters pertaining to China will be high on the agenda.

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