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David Dobrodt

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China, Japan Both Returning Solar System Samples to Earth

While China’s Chang’e 5 mission’s orbiter and ascendor are on their way back to Earth with extensive lunar soil samples from various depths, a Japanese space capsule returning the world’s first asteroid subsurface samples has landed in the remote Australian Outback. The spacecraft Hayabusa2 (“Peregrine Falcon2”) released the small capsule on Saturday and sent it towards Earth to deliver samples from a distant asteroid. At about 6 miles above ground, a parachute was opened to slow its fall and beacon signals were transmitted to indicate its location in the sparsely populated area of Woomera in southern Australia. It is reported recovered “in perfect shape”.

Chang’e 5, after lifting off the lunar surface on Thursday, completed the ascendor’s docking with its orbiter on Sunday, on its mission to bring back lunar samples for the first time in more than 40 years. A robot arm lifted the container holding the samples into the orbiter. The orbiter will separate from the probe and leave lunar orbit on its return journey to Earth.

Governors: Anti-China Policy Wrecks U.S. Economy

Nine former governors of American states met in the Fall to address what they described as “the toll a deteriorating U.S.-China relationship has had on their states.” The National Committee on United States-China Relations  and the U.S. Heartland China Association are hosting a forum on Monday, Dec. 7, with four of these former governors, who note in the promo for the event: “As localities have faced job cuts, lost markets, multiple crises in higher education, and reduced trade revenues, among others, the governors all agreed that we must work to stabilize the bilateral relationship and develop a long-term strategy that recognizes that while the United States and China inevitably will compete in some areas, it will be essential for us to cooperate in others.”

The four are: Bob Holden (Missouri, D, 2001-2005), Jon Huntsman, Jr. (Utah, R, 2005-2011), Gary Locke (Washington, D, 1997-2005), and Rick Snyder (Michigan, R, 2011-2019). Both Locke and Huntsman are past ambassadors to China. Gov. Holden, together with Sen. Adlai Stevenson from Illinois, founded the U.S. Heartland China Association in 2003, which now represents 20 states from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico.

Manhattan Project Meeting: The LaRouche “Principle of Power” and the American Presidency

Join Jacques Cheminade and Harley Schlanger with your host Dennis Speed for our weekly Saturday Manhattan Project meeting.

China Looking Forward Into Helium-3 Future

Related to the ongoing Chinese mission to collect lunar soil samples on the Moon, CGTN is pointing to the vast reserves of helium-3 there, writing:

“Modern science has revealed that most of the energy we use today originated from sunlight – coal and oil are basically storage of ancient sunlight. Scientists and engineers have been trying to build a smaller sun on Earth for decades. And helium-3 is a great fuel to do that.

“100 tons of helium-3 can generate the energy needed by all humans for a year. And there may be a million tons of helium-3 on the Moon – which can help humans survive another 10,000 years. Building the artificial sun requires many strict conditions, some of which can be easily met on the Moon since the sphere has much less gravity than the Earth.

“Imagine if we don’t need oil anymore. Lots of wars will become pointless and we may enjoy one of the most peaceful ages ever. Isn’t that great? And that’s why we should continue the effort of lunar exploration. China’s international Moon lab could be a good start.”

This is not the first time that CGTN has highlighted the helium-3 issue, but has been a steady companion to most of its coverage of the Chang’e-5 mission since it began. It has also been underlined by many of the researchers involved in the Chang’e-5 project in their briefings on the project.

Webcast: Overturn the 2020 U.S. Election Theft, Then Go For Big Solutions

In the midst of an increasing danger of war and an accelerating collapse of the global economic/financial system, it would be a catastrophe were Joe Biden to be inaugurated in January, and bring in with him the team of neoliberals and War Hawks being presented as his cabinet.

Instead, Helga Zepp-LaRouche said, President Trump has some options to break through the efforts of those, including the media, who have been running a coup against him for four years: declassify the documents which show the corrupt and illegal acts of his opponents, and order them to be made public; appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the election fraud; and pardon Edward Snowden and Julian Assange, and bring them to the U.S. to expose what they know about the surveillance state, the cyber technologies involved in it, and the endless wars which are the product of the team behind Biden. Such clarity is necessary, as populations in the west are being bombarded by psy-ops designed to confuse and demoralize them.

As we fight against this coup, she said, we must inspire people with solutions which are possible, to address the war danger, disease and hunger, and loss of dignity and hope. The Schiller Institute is sponsoring a two-day, online conference on Dec. 12-13, which will challenge participants to adopt a complete change in thinking needed to break free from the axioms which keep them enslaved in the collapsing system, so nations can engage in both emergency programs to address the crises, while moving into a future based on advances in science and culture. The Chinese Chang’e 5 mission which landed on the Moon on Tuesday is an example of the potential mankind has, once freed from the deadening sophistry of the slogans of “human rights” and “democracy” spouted by today’s failed establishment figures.

“The Post-Pandemic World Order: The Image of Man Is the Key”

The following is translated from Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s lead article for the Dec. 3 issue of the German weekly Neue Solidarität on Nov. 28, 2020.

Although the mainstream media are outdoing one another in presenting Joe Biden and his projected cabinet of super-hawks as the next U.S. administration, and President Donald Trump as a populist monster babbling on about vote fraud, those same media may be in for an unpleasant surprise. The sworn statements of eyewitnesses, documenting various aspects of vote fraud in the “swing” states, represent legal evidence. State representatives and senators of Pennsylvania have just announced their intention to make use of their constitutional right to appoint the electors to the Electoral College themselves.

There are manifold possibilities that the proof of electronic vote fraud via Dominion and Smartmatic voting machines can be produced on time, and that this evidence will suffice to reverse the results of the election. Should that happen, the world will be on the verge of a dam failure, such that literally not one stone will be left standing on the other, and most of the current assumptions about the political realities in the trans-Atlantic world will be swept away. Presumably, the next two weeks leading to the decision of the Electoral College on the confirmation of the next President of the United States will see many aspects of the vote fraud brought to light, in spite of the attempted censorship.

Related to this issue, but touching on the deeper causes of the current civilizational crisis, President Putin noted in his address to the recent annual meeting of the Valdai Club, that we are living in an era of obvious international shocks and crises. As the reason for this crisis, he cited the paradox that mankind, on the one hand, has reached a high level of technological and socio-economic development, but is facing, on the other, an erosion of moral values and reference points, and the feeling that their existence no longer makes sense, or that the purpose of mankind on this planet Earth has been lost. This crisis, Putin went on, cannot be settled through diplomatic negotiations or even a large international conference, but requires a complete revision of our priorities and goals. And this must begin with every single individual, he explained, every community, and every state, and only then can a global configuration emerge. The starting point for such a transformation, he stated, could be the Covid pandemic.

Indeed, the response to the pandemic takes us to the heart of the problem. The relative success of Asia and the failure of the West to bring Covid-19 under control are so obvious that even mainstream newspapers like the Neue Zürcher Zeitung or Die Zeit are now talking about Europe’s arrogance and stubbornness, that prevent it from learning the lessons of the method used in several Asian countries to eradicate the pandemic, rather than simply trying half-heartedly to contain it. As a result of these two different approaches, there has been an extremely low level of new infections and deaths in China, Taiwan, Vietnam and South Korea, while the pandemic in Europe and the United States threatens to reach exponential growth rates in several countries and completely overwhelm medical capacities. What’s the difference?

From the very beginning, President Xi Jinping made clear that the Chinese government’s absolute priority was to save every single life, and that it was especially important to protect the elderly and therefore those most at risk. After rigorous measures taken at the outset, such as mass testing, contact tracing, isolation and quarantines in Wuhan and Hubei province, it was possible to bring the pandemic under control and then, at every new eruption, such as in Beijing and Qingdao, to find and isolate the contaminated individuals thanks to testing and efficient digital contact tracing, and thus stop the spread of the virus.

In Asia overall, where the populations already had the experience of fighting outbreaks of the SARS and MERS viruses, there was neither the irrational refusal to wear face masks, nor the Western distrust of using the cell phone app, although the West deliberately ignored the total surveillance carried out by the NSA and GCHQ. In the meantime, the economic growth rate in China was back up to 4.9% in the fourth quarter and people returned to their normal social life.

In a similar way, Russia prioritized the preservation of lives as the key value of the country’s culture and spiritual tradition. Referencing the dramatic demographic losses suffered by Russia in the 20th century, President Putin stressed in Valdai that it was indispensable to fight for every single person and for the future of every Russian family. He also emphasized that a traditional, essential feature of Russian culture is to give the utmost priority to the protection of human life.

This brings us to the crux of the matter: The supposed contradiction between saving human lives and the “interests of the economy” has long since led to an erosion of the values that, at least in the past, used to be associated with Christianity, which was based on the sanctity of human life. Decades before the coronavirus, when healthcare systems were being privatized, the scale of values had already shifted to profit-making, which is the main reason why Europe and the U.S. were so catastrophically caught off-guard by the outbreak of the pandemic.

The lack of masks, protective gear, and intensive care beds at the outset of the pandemic, and the dramatic shortage still today of nursing staff are the result of this false set of priorities. New indications are continuously coming out about how the Swedish model, so loudly praised by some, was based on achieving herd immunity, which cost many elderly people in nursing homes their lives. Rather than receiving expensive treatments, they were simply given palliative care and left to die. As [SPD health expert] Karl Lauterbach put it: “Crudely speaking, many elderly people are sacrificed there, so the cafes don’t have to shut down.”

It is no less scandalous when in Switzerland, one of the richest countries in the world, the predictable shortages in medical care have led to an open discussion of triage. In Italy, the horror images from Bergamo, where the coffins were piled up in the streets last spring and finally had to be carted away by the Army, were evidently not sufficient to ensure that appropriate preparations would be made for the perfectly foreseeable second wave. As a result, physicians in Milan now protest that the decisions they are forced to take are both clinically and ethically unacceptable.

On February 26, the German Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe handed down a landmark ruling stating that the 2015 ban on commercially assisted suicide was a violation of the Basic Law (Constitution). Since the right to a self-determined death is guaranteed, the Court argued, people must be allowed to make use of offers from third parties to do so. In this spirit, the ARD television channel broadcast the film “Gott” (“God”) on November 23 as an interactive TV event, which is based on the play by Ferdinand von Schirach, portraying a healthy, 78-year-old man who, after the death of his wife, no longer wants to live and seeks a medically assisted suicide. In light of the pandemic and the resulting grave risks for the elderly and the sick, this attempt in the form of a staged show to dispel the historical reservations due to the fact that the Nazis had systematically exterminated “worthless lives,” must be seen as unprecedented cynicism and as a propaganda stunt. And it was successful: After the event, 70.8% of the TV viewers said they were for the right to assisted suicide.

As a reminder: At the Nuremberg trials, Dr. Leo Alexander, a medical advisor to the prosecution, warned of the utilitarian thinking that was behind euthanasia, stating that it began with a quite subtle shift in the attitude of physicians concerning the costs of treating patients, who then quickly became categorized as “unworthy lives.” To follow this slippery slope once again, in the conditions of such a massively escalating economic and financial crisis, can only be described in Germany as historical amnesia.

We are right now in the midst of tectonic changes in the strategic situation, in a time when what is really at stake is war or peace, and when above all the dramatic developments in the United States cannot be understood, unless one regards them as an expression of an existential battle between the old, declining paradigm of the unipolar world and a new paradigm, aimed at creating a new world order that allows the long-term survival of the human species. The revision of the priorities and aims of society, evoked by Putin, that should become the foundation of this new paradigm must begin with the image of man that considers human life as sacrosanct. If one wishes to depict this as a competition between the values of China and Russia on the one side, and those of the West on the other, we would do well to revive our Christian, humanist tradition if we are to avoid losing the competition in disgrace.

Harley Schlanger Morning Update: Blackouts in Texas Show That the Green New Deal Can Kill You!

With 4 million Texans shivering in the dark last night as blackouts swept the state, no media will tell you why this is happening, but we will: It is the result of more than 40 years of neoliberal policies which deregulated energy markets for speculative profits — remember Enron? — and Green policies, which are shutting down coal, oil and gas and nuclear energy production facilities, and replacing them with less efficient, less reliable, more costly systems, such as windmills and solar panels.

In Texas, which now gets 23% of its electricity needs from wind generators, the turbines froze, dramatically reducing electricity supply. The Davos “Great Reset” and “Green New Deal” will greatly increase the killing, unless we stop it!

An Urgent Message from Helga-Zepp LaRouche: Israeli Assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh—Is This a Trap For Trump?

The brutal assassination of Iran’s leading nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, must be seen for what it was — an act of terrorism. This terrible development, which the Iranian leaders blame on Israel (which has assassinated other Iranian scientists), has the potential to function as a trap for President Donald Trump, who is now battling to prove the massive vote fraud which was used in an effort to steal his reelection to a second term. Although the planning and approval of the assassination are still unclear, some Iranians and such fake-news media as the New York Times in the U.S., suggest that the U.S. approved the killing, since it was the U.S. which carried out the January drone murder of Qasem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps.

President Trump has called for ending the evil “regime change” wars launched by Presidents Bush and Obama, and has recently removed military commanders who refused to carry out his orders to withdraw U.S. forces from these wars. The greatest danger from the recent assassination is that the U.S. could be drawn into a war with Iran, which could devolve rapidly into a new world war with Russia and China. To prevent such a disaster for civilization, Helga-Zepp LaRouche and the Schiller Institute call upon President Trump to accept the call from President Vladimir Putin to convene, immediately, a summit of the leaders of the five Permanent Members of the UN Security Council. The summit would address the war danger, as well as the simultaneous crises of Covid, onrushing famine in Africa, and the global economic and financial breakdown crisis. Whether President Trump succeeds is proving the vote fraud or not, he is the President until January 20, and the danger faced by mankind today can not wait.

Live event: International Investigative Commission on Truth in Elections

The Schiller Institute has convened an “International Investigative Commission on Truth in Elections” which will meet on Saturday, November 28, 2020, from 12:00 – 3:00 p.m. (EST). A panel of distinguished international jurists will hear reports from qualified Americans related to the ongoing electoral process in the United States, which is a matter of great international attention and concern. This is not a partisan issue. Some of the participants are, in their own political views, pro-Trump; some are anti-Trump. But what brings them together is a far greater issue: a concern over the universal importance of truth in elections, and the need to hold the United States to the same high standard as its own Constitution demands.

The reports will address both irregularities in that electoral process as well as cyber capabilities that are known to exist and which have been used in foreign countries in recent years, and which may have been used inside the United States for the first time in 2020. Reports will be provided by, among others:

1) William Binney, former technical director at the U.S. National Security Agency.

2) Col. Richard H. Black (ret.), career Judge Advocate officer and former chief of the Army Criminal Law Division, Office of the Judge Advocate General, at the Pentagon. 

3) Attorneys involved in the investigations of vote fraud in Michigan, Pennsylvania and other states (to be confirmed). 

An international commission of jurists will hear the reports and consider the evidence presented. The panel may also choose to select a Rapporteur and subsequently issue a report on their findings. The panelists will include:

1) Marino Elsevyf (Dominican Republic): Attorney-at-law; member of the 1995 Martin Luther King International Tribunal (with Ramsey Clark, Amelia Boynton Robinson and others).   

2) Simón Levy (Mexico): Doctor of Law from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM); former under-secretary of Tourism of Mexico;  post-doctoral student of artificial intelligence, UC Berkeley. 

3) David Meiswinkle (United States): Attorney-at-law in the state of New Jersey.

4) Juan Francisco Soto (Argentina): Constitutional attorney; legal counsel to Yacyretá Binational Entity (Paraguayan-Argentinian Yacyretá Dam).

Select media will be invited to audit the proceedings, which will be held over Zoom with simultaneous interpretation into Spanish and other languages. The event will also be live-streamed over the Schiller Institute’s YouTube channel.

Source material: 

Sidney Powell’s Michigan filing (Nov. 25)

Sidney Powell’s Georgia filing (Nov. 25)

Michigan exhibits / affidavits (Nov. 25)

Gettybsurg, Pennsylvania press conference transcript (Nov. 25)

Sen. Mastriano’s co-sponsorship memorandum on Pennsylvania electors (Nov. 27)

The Great Reset: A Disaster for the U.S. Economy — Interview with Paul Gallagher

Paul Gallagher, co-editor of Executive Intelligence Review (EIR), discusses EIR’s new report aimed to dismantle the genocidal intentions of the Great Reset. Watch out for new interviews to be released daily this week by the authors of the report. You can order the report here, “The Great Leap Backward: LaRouche Exposes the Green New Deal.” 

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