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Political and Social Leaders of the World to Stop the Danger of Nuclear War

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Building an International Mobilization to End the Ukraine War with a Diplomatic Solution

Excerpt from a webinar by Diane Sare on January 8, 2023 Watch the full event Thank you, Diane. I’m in particular very happy to make sure your campaign becomes known internationally, because right now, where many people in the world are extremely concerned about…

One Step Away from the Nuclear Annihilation of Mankind — A Christmas Truce for All!

The following statement was released on December 19, 2022, by the Schiller Institute to be circulated internationally in support of an international campaign for a Christmas truce and for accepting the Pope’s offer of the Vatican as venue for the immediate beginning of peace negotiations…

Ten Principles of a New International Security and Development Architecture

Helga Zepp-LaRouche at the Nov. 22, 2022 Schiller Institute conference, “Stop the Danger of Nuclear War Now; Third Seminar of Political and Social Leaders of the World,” offered the following ten principles, upon which a new global security and development architecture could be founded. She added…

Declaration of Current and Former Legislatures of the World: Stop the Danger of Nuclear War

It is known that this war can have far more serious consequences than what we are already suffering, including massive destruction and a crisis of global proportions never before seen, because it can lead to a confrontation with nuclear weapons between Russia and the United…


Mexico City, November 16, 2022 Urgent: Stop the Danger of Nuclear War! Dear colleagues from around the world: A group of current and former legislators from Mexico and other countries of Latin America and the Caribbean held two international seminars in the month of October…

For World Peace: STOP THE DANGER OF NUCLEAR WAR ~ 2nd Seminar of Officials

For World Peace STOP THE DANGER OF NUCLEAR WAR  Second Seminar of Current and Former Elected Officials of the World Eight months into the war between Russia and Ukraine, with the active role of the United States and NATO, there are many dead and wounded,…

Interview with Col. Richard H. Black (ret.) — U.S./Ukraine “Disinformation Boards” Are “Instruments of Tyranny”

Mike Billington interviews Col. Richard H. Black (ret.) on the Ukraine Center for Countering Disinformation board hit list, the Ukraine war and his thoughts about the Schiller Institute’s role in today’s crisis. Mike Billington: Hello. This is Mike Billington. I’m the co-editor of the Executive…

Responses to Ukraine’s Nazi Hit List from Around the World – Part 2

This is EIR’s second collection of responses to the release of a blacklist on July 14 (mistakenly dated July 25 in Part 1) by the Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD) at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, which listed prominent individuals from around the…

Responses to Ukraine’s Nazi Hit List from Around the World

Governments and individuals around the world have responded to the Nazi-like Blacklist, released July 25 by the Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, with outrage, anger, and, in several cases, demands for government action to stop financing the…

Interview — Ambassador Chas Freeman: Pelosi’s “Extreme Irresponsibility”

Mike Billington: This is Mike Billington with the Schiller Institute and the Executive Intelligence Review. I’m here today with Ambassador Chas Freeman, an esteemed diplomat and one of the most knowledgeable people regarding Chinese issues in the nation. Do you wish to say anything else…

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