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Political and Social Leaders of the World to Stop the Danger of Nuclear War

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Interview: The Last Gaullist in England — Prof. Richard Sakwa

Prof. Richard Sakwa – “The Last Gaullist in England” Mike Billington:  Thank you for this second interview with EIR. Since the March 2023 interview, you’ve published a new book: “The Lost Peace — The Second Cold War and the Making of a New Global Conflict.”  …

Ending the War by a Negotiated Peace

Legitimate self-defense and the quest for a just and lasting peace are not contradictory Negotiation proposal by Professor Dr. Peter Brandt, Professor Dr. Hajo Funke, General (ret.) Harald Kujat and Professor Dr. h. c. Horst Teltschik Since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression…

Interview with Prof. Richard Falk — Geopolitics vs. Sovreignty

Sept. 5, 2023 (EIRNS)–This is Mike Billington with the Executive Intelligence Review and the Schiller Institute. I’m pleased to be here today with Professor Richard Falk, who has agreed to an interview about current affairs and world developments in this crucial moment in history. Professor Falk,…

Seventh Weekly Meeting of International Peace Coalition: Humanity Must Overcome Differences To Prevent Nuclear War

If you would like to join in the International Peace Coalition, please contact July 21, 2023 (EIRNS)—The International Peace Coalition (IPC) held its seventh weekly international meeting on Friday, July 21, with representatives of 17 nations, most of whom reported on the mobilizations taking…

Let a Garden Amidst a Million Gardens Bloom!

By Helga Zepp-LaRouche This is Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s prepared text for her presentation to Panel I, “Peace in the World Through a New Security and Development Architecture for Each and Every Country: The Indispensable Strategic Autonomy of European Countries,” of the Schiller Institute’s July 8–9 conference,…

International Peace Coalition Charts a Path to the New Paradigm

If you are interested in working with the International Peace Coalition, please contact On Friday June 30, the International Peace Coalition (IPC) held its fourth meeting with approximately 60 organizers from Argentina, Germany, Guinea, Nicaragua, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK, the United States, and…

The Age of Reason or the Annihilation of Humanity?

By Helga Zepp-LaRouche The reckless sending of ever more and ever more heavy weapons into Ukraine must stop instantly. The “narrative,” that there are no red lines, that “Ukraine must win,” and that “Russia must be ruined” is insane. The strongest nuclear power on Earth,…

The World Is Facing WW3, How Do We Save the World? — a Twitter Space with Kim Dotcom and Helga Zepp-LaRouche

A Twitter Space with Kim Dotcom and Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Recorded February 10, 2023 Read sign and circulate:Open Letter to Pope Francis From Political and Social Leaders: We Support Your Call for Immediate Peace Negotiations KIM DOTCOM: Hello, Helga, how are you today? HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:…

Helga Zepp-LaRouche — Why is Germany in the Grip of War-Mongers?

Excerpt from the January 14, 2023 Schiller Institute conference HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Hello! As we commemorate the day of Martin Luther King, it is important to reflect upon the question of if his method of nonviolence is still relevant today at a moment where the world clearly…

Dennis Speed — Freedom From Fear: Dr. Martin Luther King Confronts the International Assassination Bureau

A time comes when silence is betrayal. In the face of today’s march toward thermonuclear war, the truth must be told about the international assassination bureau that kills American and world leaders, including today. When Franklin Delano Roosevelt, on March 4, 1933, pronounced his famous…

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