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Political and Social Leaders of the World to Stop the Danger of Nuclear War

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Michel Raimbaud: In Syria and elsewhere, against the war party and the law of the jungle, rebuild peace in accordance with law

One hears much talk about a new cold war that would lead us back to the old confrontation between the “Free World,” the ancestor of the “Axis of Good,” and a “totalitarian bloc,” dubbed the “Axis of Evil” by George Bush, a confrontation which ended with the victory of the United States over communism…

Conference Berlin 2016 June 25-26

  Press Release „Creating A Common Future For Mankind And A Renaissance Of Classical Culture“ June 28, 2016 —The Schiller Institute’s international two-day conference gathered more than 300 guests from 24 nations and four continents for an intense and profound dialogue on how to stop…

Manhattan Conference: Building A World Land-Bridge—Realizing Mankind’s True Humanity, April 7th

  Panel I Thursday’s Schiller Institute Conference in New York City, “Building a World Land-Bridge—Realizing Mankind’s True Humanity,” marked a success for Lyndon LaRouche’s idea. Although further and fuller reports will follow, and this one only reflects a part of the proceedings, that much can…

Livestream: January 17th International Schiller Institute Event

Archive: January 17th International Schiller Institute Event in NY     Economic Justice Is An Inalienable Right BRICS Nations realize Dr. King’s Dream More than 200 people came together at Riverside Church in New York City January 17, under the auspices of the Schiller Institute,…

Helga Zepp-LaRouche: A Vision of Hope for Mankind

Transcript I think we all are aware of the fact that we, right now, are finding ourselves in the middle of a world drama which is so gigantic, that if Shakespeare or Schiller were here today, even they would be challenged to put something onstage,…

Bruce Fein: The Foundations of Civilization

Transcript Thank you for all appearing today. I want first to alert you all, as to why there might be some suspicions about my credulity. First, you need to know, I have no TV set; I don’t go on Facebook or Twitter; I, in fact,…

Chas W. Freeman: Change Without Progress in the Middle East

Remarks to the National Council on U.S. Arab Relations 21st Annual Arab-U.S. Policymakers Conference It’s an honor to have been asked once again to address this important annual conference on U.S.-Arab relations. The theme of this year’s discussion is “transition within constancy.” I confess I’m…

About Us

  OUR BIRTH HAS BEQUEATHED US A HIGHER DESTINY… by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Founder of the Schiller Institute Were it possible for Friedrich Schiller to be a witness to the world today, what might his view on things be? We see the “Elites” on the one…

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, President of the international Schiller Institute

Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Only A Complete Change In Paradigm Can Avoid Catastrophe

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, President of the international Schiller Institute, Germany

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