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Helga Zepp-LaRouche

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Global Times, Reporting on the CPC’s Economic Policy Meetings, Cites Helga Zepp-LaRouche on Their Significance

China’s Global Times, in “CPC Leadership Sets Out Economic Priorities for H2 2024,” reports on the meeting today the Communist Party of China leaders, chaired by President Xi Jinping, to implement the policies developed and adopted at the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee over July 15-18. Today’s meeting took up the nuts and bolts that will guide the Chinese economy to reach its 5% growth target for the second half of 2024, and to implement the science- and innovation-intensive policies that are increasingly fostering the Chinese economy.

Furthermore, reported Global Times, the CPC Central Committee held a symposium with non-CPC personages to seek opinions and suggestions on the country’s current economic situation and economic work for the second half of the year; Xi presided over the symposium and delivered an important speech on Friday.

Scholars summarized that China’s economic plans could encourage other Global South countries to follow an independent development path, which they considered in many ways could facilitate developing countries, as Global Times put it: to “leapfrog to more advanced levels.”

Global Times spoke to some individuals about the meeting, on their evaluation of the trajectory of the Chinese economy. “Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of Germany-based political and economic think tank, the Schiller Institute, told the Global Times that the economic development blueprint put forward by the CPC leadership has laid the foundation for China’s increased productivity and technological breakthroughs. She voiced strong optimism that the world’s second-largest economy will sustain its recovery momentum this year, channeling a sense of continuity and certainty to the Global South.”

The feature notes some of the challenges the Chinese economy faces, such as, “there are still risks and potential dangers in major sectors, as well as challenges resulting from the replacement of traditional growth drivers with new ones,” referring to the shift to higher scientific platforms. They also report that the CPC third plenary adopted a Resolution on Further Deepening Reform Comprehensively To Advance Chinese Modernization, “with economic reform as the spearhead, [that] includes more than 300 important reform measures, all of which involve reforms across systems, mechanisms, and institutions.”

Global Times concludes its feature: “Zepp-LaRouche said that she was impressed by the innovation-driven strategy China put forward through the conferences, which puts the development and expansion of emerging industries and future industries at the core. She suggested all countries across the Global South apply the principle of continued innovation in the same vein as China, so they ‘don’t have to repeat a prolonged process of industrialization.’”

Webcast: The Strategic Imperative for a Classical Renaissance

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche July 31, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

In a conference presentation in Italy on July 27, Helga Zepp-LaRouche gave a presentation which demonstrated how to think about the conflict between the Trans-Atlantic Roman-modeled “democratic dictatorship” called NATO, and the true interests of the people and nations of the world, starting with the concrete case of Germany, the most important economy in Europe and the second largest military/financial contributor to NATO’s war against Russia.

There was more than applause at the conclusion of her remarks. There was a deeper understanding of the crisis actually confronting Western Civilization itself—not merely the geopolitical construct called “the West.” Those viewing the Olympics’ “Last Supper” blasphemy, with the near-naked “god” Dionysius, the “Anti-Christ” as the “sacrifice served as a meal,” were seeing the spiritual foundations espoused by the “new NATO” alliance, an Allgemeine SS with pagan diversity at the core of its “spiritual center.”

There is a reason that many trans-Atlantic pundits, bloggers, commentators and academics are baffled by Russia’s insistence on “de-Nazification” in Ukraine, and, therefore, about Russia’s fierce commitment to fighting NATO’s “Allgemeine SS” military deployment there. They refuse to understand that the true roots of the fascism of 1920s Italy, and 1930s France, Germany, Spain, and Central and Eastern Europe, lay in the attempted revival, largely fueled by British imperial studies of “the secret of Roman rule,” such as Gibbon’s The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, of the anti-Christian, Roman imperial tradition of Tiberius, and its pagan expressions, for example in the military Cult of Mithra, or the baby-sacrificing cult of Moloch. Think, in this context, about the “green” movement’s peculiar and comparatively recent, if not sudden, political sex-change, from once being the erstwhile leaders in the “peace movement” to stop nuclear weapons from being placed in Germany, to now being all-out advocates for ultimate military confrontation with Russia, including the deployment of long-range missiles and even thermonuclear weapons.

Why did the “Greens” do this? Because it is the military, financial and political policy of NATO that “climate change” will be used as the pretext for a global military “Allgemeine SS,” and a universal Gestapo, to “save the planet” by reducing the human population to less than 1 billion. This Malthusian mission requires a spiritual visualization; we just saw one expression of that at the Olympics.

What should humanity be for? We request that all should read, and re-read, Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s “Ten Principles of a New International Security and Development Architecture” with new eyes. They outline the difference between a principle and a “policy,” “platform,” or “party plank.” There is a difference between “principles” and “issues.” That difference is also amply demonstrated in the interview that appears below which was given by New York United States Senate candidate Diane Sare to “Great Game International.”

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche July 31, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche Addresses Orvieto Forum Panel

The following is Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s transcript of her responses to two questions, at the Orvieto Forum of the panel on “The Spirit of Sovereignism Is Once Again Haunting Europe,” sponsored by the Indipendenza! party on July 27, 2024. Here she responds to the first question, which was presented in Italian. The English translation was not available. Zepp-LaRouches presentation can be watched here.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Well, I think we have a big crisis in Germany right now, because when the NATO summit took place, Scholz—the Chancellor—afterwards declared that the United States had decided to install long-range missiles in Germany. Now, that was not discussed in the German Parliament, there was no referendum among the German citizens, and these long-range missiles represent a clear escalation towards nuclear war. The Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Ryabkov already answered by saying that Russia will counter that with similar measures, possibly including nuclear-armed missiles. So, the question is, how is it that the United States can make a decision which puts into jeopardy the very existence of Germany? When Scholz says, it was the United States who decided, who in the United States? We just experienced that there was an assassination attempt on Trump, where the cui bono is still a very open question. Then shortly afterwards, President Biden resigned [from running for reelection], because he clearly was not fit for the office anymore, and there was a big discussion that this was not new, but that he had not been fit for quite some time. So, Biden obviously did not make the decision to put these long-range missiles into Germany.

So, this is a big problem. If you think that some unknown entity is making a decision over the very existence of Germany, that just brings on the table, very clearly, the question that Germany at this point has zero sovereignty. This is, however, clear to a small, but significant portion of the German people, who, basically I would say, join most of what has been said here yesterday and today, meaning that they do not regard Russia as a mortal enemy, which the NATO summit just had declared. The NATO summit declared Russia to be a direct threat, the axis of Ukraine to NATO is irreversible, China to be a challenge for the Euro-Atlantic security order, all of which are assumptions which are not shared by the average people, because they have not been consulted, and the mass media is just trying to get people convinced to believe the narrative of NATO.

So, in reality, the present situation is one where NATO is trying to impose its global dictatorship, which would mean, decouple from Russia, from China, and with that, from the Global Majority. Because in a complete blowback to the policies coming from NATO for some time, there is now a new system emerging in the form of the BRICS, the SCO, and other organizations of the Global South, who are trying to create a new economic system, including a new currency, a new development bank. And Europe is very much in a position where we have to decide, do we want to be the vassals of NATO going into a Third World War with the majority of the world—the Global Majority? Or, do we want to line up with the economic bloc, which clearly is on the rise, to create a new system?

So, I think that we are right now in Germany in a very existential decision-making process, where I think we have to ally forces, and that’s why I’m very happy to be here, and I want to thank you for the invitation, because I think the Italians, the Germans, the French, and other people of Europe have to unite at this point to fight this existential danger. [applause]

Here is Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s response to the second question, also presented in Italian:

Zepp-LaRouche: We have a situation where the German economy is in a free-fall. The economic collapse is much, much worse than meets the eye, if you look at the media or so. I think Germany is heading towards an absolutely existential collapse. And I think, in that, unfortunately lies also a chance that people are waking up, because, it’s not just Germany which is collapsing: You have the trans-Atlantic financial system which is bankrupt. It’s sitting on $2.1 quadrillion in unpayable derivatives debt. That is a bubble which can detonate at any moment.

Now, there is a safety boat already, and that is the new economic system which is emerging in the Global Majority—the BRICS, the SCO, the Eurasian Economic Union, ASEAN: All of these countries are building an economic bloc. The danger is that if NATO puts pressure on Europe to decouple or to de-risk, not only are we heading towards a thermonuclear war, because any one of the crises—Ukraine, the situation between Israel and Gaza; Netanyahu was just in the United States lobbying for a war against Iran; the crisis around China and Taiwan. [applause] We have three regional crises which could go into a nuclear war in a very short period of time.

So, what is the way out? The way out is that we have to think completely differently. If we stick to normal party politics, or normal procedures, I don’t think there is a way out. But if we think in terms of a paradigm shift, that we are experiencing right now a historic transformation, where 500 years of colonialism is ending. Because of the strength of China, the countries of the Global South are now forming a new economic system. This is where economic growth is: The growth rates in Asia and the countries that are working with the BRI are extremely high, while Europe and the trans-Atlantic world are collapsing.

So I think the task we have to solve is we have to convince and make clear to the people of Europe that they do ally with the Global South. Germany is collapsing, but Germany is an export nation, and if we would say, “Let’s work with the BRICS, let’s work with ASEAN, let’s work with the Global South,” we could participate in the prosperity which is developing there. We have to create 2-3 billion new productive jobs in the Global South, which we could do. If all the countries of Europe would ally—hopefully with even Japan, and even the United States at some point—we could solve the migration issue in the only possible human way, in creating productive jobs so that the young people of Asia, of Latin America, of Africa want to stay home and build up their own countries. [applause]

So, I think the biggest challenge we have is, how do we get to the mainstream influence people? In Germany for example, the East Germans are not believing the NATO narrative, because they had a different socialization than the West Germans. There are very important people in all of Germany, who are already thinking the way I’m talking about now. But we have to succeed in making clear to the people who are reading BildzeitungFAZ, the mainstream media every day, that there is a hope.

So, I’m promoting, since the special military operation in Ukraine broke out, the idea that we have to have a new security and development architecture, which must include every single country on the planet, because if we create any kind of structure, which does not include every country, it is a step to war. That is the lesson of the Peace of Westphalia, which ended 150 years of religious war in Europe and it came to the conclusion that you have to pay attention to the interest of the other if you want to have peace: And that means the interest of every other.

Now, what I’m suggesting is not so far-fetched. On June 14th, President Putin of Russia proposed a new Eurasian economic security architecture. He did not mention the United States, he only said this Eurasian security architecture could be open to NATO countries. He left it undefined if that includes the United States or not. Now, Xi Jinping has made similar proposals by always talking about the need to have a shared community for the one future of mankind. He has proposed several initiatives—the Global Security Initiative, the Global Development Initiative, and the Global Civilizational Initiative—which go very much in the direction of what I’m saying.

So, I think we have to conspire, if you want, to put this idea of a new security and development architecture on the table, which includes every single country on the planet. And because the present constellation of governments is so difficult—to put it diplomatically—I have also called for the creation of a Council of Reason: that is the call to elder statesmen, retired military, people from science, from culture, who have merit in having contributed something important, to step forward and advise governments and suggest solutions. Because I think the present crop of governments is not fit for the job, and obviously, the electoral process is very difficult, and many obstacles are there. But I think if we would find in every single country on the planet, in all continents, the wisest people who would step forward, like there are examples: For example, the Council of Florence in the beautiful Italian Renaissance was such a council, bringing together the wisest people from the Roman Catholic Church and the Greek Orthodox Church. They managed to get unity in Christianity, at least for a certain period of time. The Peace of Westphalia itself was such a council of the wisest, and also the Truth and Reconciliation Commission which helped South Africa to get over apartheid was such a precedent.

So, I think we need to come up with new solutions, because the fate of humanity has never been so much in danger as right now.

Now, why is sovereignty the absolutely important precondition, and why we have to make that clear to people? Now, up until the 15th century, all government forms were oligarchical. You had kings, monarchs, aristocrats, a small elite of privileged people, who would keep the population deliberately backward, and there was no participation of the individual in government. Then, in the 15th century, through several influences, like the Italian Renaissance, which was a big step forward in the history of Europe, the government of Louis XI in France, where the income of the people doubled in 20 years, and through the writings of Nicolaus of Kues, who developed for the first time, the idea that government is only legitimate, if it has the consent of the governed. That only if the people agree with what the government is doing, is the government legitimate. That’s something which is completely lost today—you know, governments do whatever they like.

So, it was this invention by Nicolaus of Kues of the reciprocal relationship between the government and the governed, mediated through the representatives, whereby the individual—for the first time—could participate in government. And this is why we absolutely have to reject supranational institutions like the EU, because the EU is a gigantic bureaucracy, with enormously large numbers of people, no transparency, no accountability, and the participation of the individual citizen in Italy, in Kosovo, in Germany, does not exist.

So, I think this principle of sovereignty needs a broad discussion. Why do we need sovereignty? It’s an existential question.

Now, lastly, I think we need a cultural renaissance. And I heard some of the speakers yesterday and today speaking about the need to have the Greek, Roman, Christian foundation, and I fully agree. I would even go a step beyond, and say, we urgently need a Classical Renaissance of the best traditions of Europe. [applause] The Classical Greek, the Italian contributions of Dante, of Petrarca, of the Council of Florence, of the Golden Renaissance in Italy; likewise the German Classical period of Bach to Beethoven, from Lessing to Schiller: These are so important ideas, and our young people have completely forgotten it!

So we have to revive that and make it real. Furthermore, we have to have a cultural dialogue between the best traditions of Europe and the best traditions of China, of India, of Africa, of Latin America, because only if we understand the other culture, if we start to discover the beauty of the poetry, of the music, that we start to love these other countries, and that is the best medicine against any kind of chauvinism, or wrongly understood nationalism. [applause]

And I have not heard Ursula von der Leyen, Olaf Scholz, Annalena Baerbock, or any of these people ever speaking about any beautiful idea of Europe. And that is why they are completely unfit to save Europe at this point. [applause]

I think we are in a minority, obviously, right now, but I think we have the vision. I have a vision, where the world can be. I think we are, at this point, this close to thermonuclear war which would be the annihilation of civilization. But we are also only this far away, from making the jump, to create the new world economic order in which all countries can live in a win-win position. And it soon will become apparent that Europe has only one choice: Either go with NATO on the road to destruction, or join with the Global Majority towards a beautiful future. And I think this is what we have to make clear to people so that they understand the potential much better.

I would like to invite your party to participate in a conference we are planning, at this point: A European-wide conference where we are trying to put together people from Scandinavia, from France, from the Benelux, from Germany, and hopefully from Italy, as well. So, that is what I wanted to tell you. [applause]

Call To Create a Council of Reason

July 23, 2024 (EIRNS)—The following statement was written by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute and convener of the International Peace Coalition (IPC), on July 23, 2024. It is being made available for widespread distribution by the IPC and its collaborators worldwide.

In judging the outlook from the recent NATO summit in Washington, which defined Russia as the “most significant and direct threat,” China as a “systemic challenge for the Euro-Atlantic security,” and generally a perspective of a Global NATO, there seems to be no place anymore for diplomacy and dialogue as means to resolve conflicts. With the many escalations we see around the world, from Ukraine, to Southwest Asia, or the Indo-Pacific, each of these has the potential to evolve into a global nuclear conflict in the shortest time.

All the values which were once cheered so dearly, “democracy,” “human rights,” “freedom of speech,” and many others, have been eroded by double standards, evident to the whole world. In sum: The world community is experiencing a deep civilizational and cultural crisis, which needs to be addressed.

There are various peace initiatives, from Pope Francis, who offered his mediation in the Ukraine war, to the Chinese peace plan in collaboration with Brazil, to the initiative of several African leaders, to President Erdoğan of Türkiye, as well as others. But as long as the leading institutions in the West stick to the objective that Russia must be inflicted with a “strategic defeat,” as is now official EU policy, diplomacy and dialogue are banned.

There is an acute danger that the world could split into two separate blocs, the collective West on the one side, and the nations of the Global Majority on the other. If this happens, not only could we see a new edition of a cold war, economic decoupling, and tremendous fall-outs and even crashes, but it could lead to a global nuclear war which could end all life on Earth.

It seems that the leadership presently in positions of power have forgotten the horrible experiences of their parents and grandparents, who suffered through two world wars and who learned the painful lesson that nobody wins in a world war. The fact that there seems to be no longer any place for diplomacy and conflict resolution through dialogue, should horrify anyone who thinks through what the effect of a global nuclear war will be.

The UN may need a reform, but it is still the only available venue to bring all nations together. When its institutions are being eroded, the law of the jungle gains the upper hand. Only some countries currently respect the UN Charter, while others claim that they are the chosen ones who should preside over an undefined rules-based order, which however is not the rule of law, but the rule by law, arbitrarily applied wherever it seems to fit.

In all countries there are wise men and women, mostly from older generations, who see the present world crisis with great concern, and who could and must bring their knowledge and expertise to advise and develop options for how to get mankind out of this crisis and onto a better road to a safe future.

We, therefore, call on Elder Statesmen, religious leaders, former diplomats and elected officials, retired military and other civilian leaders—from all nations—to step forward and create a Council of Reason to explore the potential for a new international security and development architecture, which can take into account the interests of every single country on the planet.

There are precedents for such an approach, from different times and different circumstances, but they can give us a hint about what to do in the present crisis. To name only a few examples: The Council of Florence, which unified the Christian Church, at least for some short time; the Peace of Westphalia, which ended the Thirty Years’ War and laid the basis for the establishment of international law; and the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which found ways to overcome the wounds of Apartheid.

These examples should serve as an inspiration to come up with new and bold ideas for the creation today of a Council of Reason, bringing together all moral and intellectual reserves humanity has at this point to move the world away from the brink.

Webcast: Trump Assassination Attempt, Biden Withdrawal — What’s Next?

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche July 18, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

This week began in the U.S. with today’s spectacle of the Congressional committee hearing on, “Oversight of the U.S. Secret Service and the Attempted Assassination of President Donald J. Trump,” in which next to no information came out about the July 13 incident. The head of the U.S. Secret Service Kimberly Cheatle stonewalled; most Representatives fulminated, and the public still awaits the truth, after nine days since the murder attempt. To be sure, elected officials and citizens have grounds to be angry: The Secret Service insists there must be an internal investigation, with results due out not for another 60 days.

Scott Ritter, military expert, has called for an independent investigation, commissioned by a grouping of state authorities. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) released a report yesterday by his office, with valuable preliminary findings. He said, “We can’t trust the FBI and the Secret Service to do an honest and open and transparent investigation, that’s just a very sad fact.”

The prevarication and lies about July 13 are in line with the Big Lies foisted on the public about other life and death matters. The lies from the “invisible government” in the U.S. are in line with the NATO lies that President Vladimir Putin is bent on having Russia invade all of Europe in order to re-establish an empire, and that China is menacing the world.

Suddenly today, Vice President Kamala Harris is center stage at the White House and on the campaign trail, wildly promoted by the MICIMATT—military-industrial-congressional- intelligence-media-academia-think tank—as the golden girl answer all along to the U.S. leadership void. There is almost no attention to the obvious fact that President Biden, too incapacitated to be a presidential candidate for the next three months, is in no condition to be President for the next five months until Jan. 20, 2025.

The war danger is extreme. Zepp-LaRouche pointed to the situation in Germany, her homeland, where Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, and Economic Minister Robert Habeck, among others, have prostrated themselves to the U.S./NATO decision to deploy U.S. long-range missiles in Germany, just made known at the July 9-11 NATO Summit in Washington.

Besides the bellicosity of these statements, the prospect of triggering all-out war by “accident” not by design, is increasing relentlessly.

These are the circumstances crying out for all deliberate action to restore diplomacy and truth – Towards a Council of Reason.

In the dizzying swirl of events which is creating the impression that history is “speeding up”, here are two articles by Harley Schlanger covering developments of the last days, which provide the broader context in which these seemingly discrete “events” are occurring.  The first is from July 19, the second from July 23.  To stay on top of the “news”, sign up here for email notifications of future articles, and share with friends and associates. Read here.

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche July 24, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

Webcast: The Trump Assassination Attempt — Less than an Inch Away from Total Chaos

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche July 18, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche issued the following brief statement Mondy, July 15:

“The world is still in a state of shock. The July 13 assassination attempt on Donald Trump failed by only an inch. Had the assassin’s bullet struck its mark, the shot could have been Sarajevo 2.0 for throwing the US and subsequently the world into chaos, followed by a global nuclear war.

“The next three and a half months will be a period of maximum danger, escalation of military conflict around Ukraine and Southwest Asia, increasing ungovernability in France and possibly other countries, increasing financial turbulence, and above all the escalating danger of a direct military confrontation between `Global NATO’ and Russia and China.

“Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of Hungary started an exploratory mission to Kyiv, Moscow and Beijing, and found that the road to diplomacy does exist. We therefore call on Elder Statesmen, religious leaders, former diplomats and elected officials, retired military and other civilian leaders—from all nations—to step forward and create a Council of Reason to explore the potential for a new international security and development architecture, which can take into account the interests of every single country on the planet.”


In a discussion with international associates today, Zepp-LaRouche discussed the organizing challenges posed by the global crisis, including the shocking attempted assassination of Trump. “I think this is a very good image for people to reflect on. That may be how far we are from the total annihilation of the human species.… The world’s fate is as fragile as this accidental movement by Trump’s head. If one reflects on that, it should send shivers down your back. Because that is the reality, and it should help people wake up from their complacency about what is obviously the most dangerous moment in history ever.”

The attempted assassination of Trump occurred scarcely 48 hours after the July 9-11 NATO summit concluded in Washington, D.C. That meeting activated a policy of replacing all sovereign governments—including that of the United States—with a supranational military structure under NATO command, with the British in the catbird seat. A major feature of their gameplan is to render the United States itself ungovernable, to unleash a “strategy of tension,” including orchestrated violence and chaos.

Was the assassination of Donald Trump intended to kick that off? Was there deliberate security-stripping at the Butler, Pennsylvania event to facilitate the job?

We don’t yet know the answers to those questions. But what we do know is that the “Global NATO” policy is consistent with that; and we also know that the only way to stop their policy of destroying all semblance of sovereignty and development is to organize a new international security and development architecture. The International Peace Coalition’s Declaration of Independence from Imminent Nuclear War: Begin Negotiations for Peace Now lays out a pathway to bring that about, beginning with initiating discussions and then negotiations along the lines proposed by Russian President Vladimir Putin in his June 14 peace proffer.

A “Council of Reason” of Elder Statesmen from around the world can be a decisive catalytic force in furthering that process.

Zepp-LaRouche concluded her discussion with associates today by stressing that such a new approach is urgently needed if mankind is to be saved. “If we stay within the confines of `I belong to this party and can only talk to this person and think this,’ as long as you are staying within that kind of a corset, we are all doomed. We somehow have to catalyze this discussion about what a new paradigm really means in terms of sovereignty, elimination of poverty, health systems, infrastructure, credit system, education—a different way of thinking.” She insisted that “these are the issues which are important, and people have to be organized to think along these lines. And that coincides with what the Global Majority is attempting to do.” It is the methodology of Lyndon LaRouche that has provided us with a way of thinking, which breaks with the axioms of reductionist thinking and “has taught us not to believe any one doctrine, but how the progress of science has moved forward from one thinker to the next, and how that became the self-enriching manifold of which there is no end. That’s the beauty of it.”

Zepp-LaRouche concluded: “We are at the end of an epoch: 500 years of colonialism are coming to an end irreversibly. At the end of it, it’s either a new paradigm or World War III. And I don’t see any middle ground to that.”

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche July 18, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

Webcast: Orban Tries Diplomacy While NATO Plans More War

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche July 10, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán used the following words to identify the principle behind the actions he has embarked upon, immediately after assuming the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, a position he will hold for the next six months. “What we can do is what it is always the job of the Presidency to do: to put proposals on the table. So we won’t be deciding, but we’ll help the twenty-seven prime ministers to decide. We’ll be there in all the places that are important for Europe, we’ll explore all the situations… This leadership isn’t bureaucratic—of course there are these dossiers and deliberations, but there also needs to be a political form of energy: an initiative which isn’t a decision, but which puts a clear description of the situation on the table, the possible solutions. This is how we’ll proceed. If in the coming days you or your viewers hear surprising news from surprising places, this is the way of working that’s behind it.”

In his first week on the job, “President” Orbán has visited Ukraine, Russia, and China. President Orbán also said something more: “In this culture of international diplomacy, what we represent and how we represent it is public, open and direct. I think that this is a virtue.”

On July 8 he met with President Xi Jinping in Beijing. This was his third “surprise visit”—Kyiv, Moscow, Beijing— on his mission to create the basis for peace in Ukraine. Upon arriving in Beijing, Orbán wrote on X that “China is a key power in creating the conditions for peace in the Russia-Ukraine war. This is why I came to meet with President Xi in Beijing, just two months after his official visit to Budapest.”

Xi said that an early ceasefire and a political solution were in the interests of all parties. The current focus is to abide by the three principles of “no spillover of the battlefield, no escalation of the war, and no fanning of the flames.” The international community should create conditions and provide support for the two sides to resume direct dialogue and negotiations. “Only when all major powers exert positive energy, rather than negative energy, can there be a glimmer of hope for a ceasefire in this conflict as soon as possible,” he said.

From that standpoint, look with fresh eyes on the work of China, bordered by 14 nations, and its President, Xi Jinping, in the field of diplomacy, including China’s largely-ignored plan for peace in Europe. Look with fresh eyes at the “adversary,” Russia, also bordered by 14 nations, and its President, including his June 14 proposal for negotiations. From that standpoint, look at what Orbán has moved to enact. Consider what would happen if intelligent life-forms in the trans-Atlantic sector, not necessarily in full agreement with the policies of Russia or China, but with a congruent idea of the necessity for peace through development, would think about, publicly support, and advance what Orbán has done.

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche July 10, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

Webcast: The Old System is Dying, The New Paradigm Is Emerging

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche July 3, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

Last week’s U.S. presidential debate showed beyond the shadow of a doubt that the post-World War II order is in a state of final collapse. The show might go on for a while longer, like the chicken whose head has been severed yet continues to run around, but there is little life left in the corpse to do much more than keep up appearances. Not only is there clearly no one home in the person of the President of the United States, but the entire political and otherwise ruling establishment has covered this up for months and even years, all the while preaching about such platitudes as “democracy,” “accountability,” and “honesty” to the rest of the world.

Only days later, the Western establishment suffered another major defeat in France, as Macron’s party was walloped in Sunday’s first round legislative elections. No amount of “fighting disinformation” was enough to prevent the French public from coming out in record numbers to vote against the ruling establishment. Taken together with the failing proxy war in Ukraine and the evident disaster Western nations have condoned in Gaza, it’s not hard to see how the “empire of lies” is quickly unraveling.

However, this alone is not enough. As Jacques Cheminade, president of Solidarité & Progrès party in France, put it in a statement on July 1: “The first round of the French legislative elections was a groundswell of opposition against the old regime’s policy of subservience to financial globalism. However, the political forces claiming to represent this popular will to break with the past are themselves trapped in the straitjacket that has been imposed on us since 1946.” Similar to Donald Trump, who has on one hand criticized and on the other hand fully embraced the policies of the military-financial complex, most if not all of the opposition candidates emerging across the trans-Atlantic have not yet raised their sights to take on the financial oligarchy of the City of London, Wall Street, and BlackRock. Can enough voices of clarity intervene to transform this debate?

A new system is in fact emerging which is pointing the way forward for the world to get out of its current crisis, and it’s important to keep in mind that those pundits who attack it as “communist” or “authoritarian” trickery, are the same people who were telling you just last week that Joe Biden has a sharp mind but suffers from a stutter. So the veil is falling, and it’s past time that the citizens of the trans-Atlantic choose a beautiful and free future alongside their global neighbors over the creepy and macabre machinations of today’s military-financial Frankenstein dragging into a world war.

In discussion with associates today, Helga Zepp-LaRouche pointed out that the obvious mental incapacity of Biden in last week’s debate implicitly raises the question of this military-financial “deep state,” because if Biden is in this condition, who is really running the United States? It therefore presents an opportunity to organize people around what is truly happening in the U.S. and the world, and why they have allowed themselves to give up on the idea of a republic and their role as a citizen.

The West must cooperate with this new emerging order if it is to get out of this crisis without a global war, and this is why the offer by Russian President Putin is extremely important. It represents an off-ramp that must urgently be taken.

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche July 3, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

Webcast: U.S. Directed Attack on Crimea: One Step Closer to War Between NATO and Russia

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche June 26, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

At long last, Julian Assange will be freed. Those who held him in prison for the last five years, however, are still free to unleash wars and chaos, outside of any accountability. The deadly ATACMs strikes on a beach in Crimea, done with full U.S. complicity, shows why the fight that was waged by Assange, and on his behalf — to expose war crimes — must escalate.  The peace plan offered by Putin is a place to begin negotiations, which must occur before it is too late.

Yesterday was a day of mourning in Sevastopol, Crimea and in the Republic of Dagestan in Russia, after the weekend terrorist attacks on places of worship on Trinity Sunday.

The danger shown in the escalation involved in these two attacks was described by Schiller Institute leader Helga Zepp-LaRouche today, as signifying we are, “One or two steps from the point of no return.”

Zepp-LaRouche made the appeal again today: We have to get across to people to intervene, to demand negotiations be put back on the table. “Humanity depends on negotiations.” There can be all points of view, but talks must begin. Saying that a breakthrough to negotiations can “happen in many ways,” Zepp-LaRouche nevertheless singled out the United States, for the location where a shift can make all the difference.

The Schiller Institute and international collaborators are moving on initiatives of information and actions that can break through both the black-out of what is really going on, and the diplomacy paralysis, creating conditions for pulling back from the brink of disaster.

The role of the is indispensable. Look at the elements of what everyone “needs to know” and act upon at present:

  • On May 26, the Red Alert was issued by the Schiller Institute warning that, “Ukrainian Strike on Russian Early Warning Radar Threatens To Unleash Nuclear World War,” reporting on the Ukrainian drone strikes May 22-23 against the Armavir Radar Station. On May 26, another strike was aimed at the Orsk early warning installation, in Orenburg.
  • On June 12, the National Press Club event in Washington D.C. warned of the danger of nuclear war, with reports given by Schiller Institute leader Helga Zepp-LaRouche, and three military experts: Scott Ritter, former U.N. weapons inspector and U.S. Marine intelligence office; Col. (ret.) Richard H. Black, former head of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon and a former Virginia State Senator; and Col. (ret.) Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to United States Secretary of State Colin Powell, plus Anastasia Battle, coordinator, International Peace Foundation/
  • On June 14, President Vladimir Putin presented to the special Foreign Ministry gathering, an overview of how the Ukraine crisis came about, from the vantage point of how negotiations and diplomacy can be conducted to end the crisis and provide for the Eurasian security and development in the interests of all.
  • On June 15 the German OKV (East German Board of Trustees of Associations–Ostdeutsches Kuratorium von Verbaenden) issued an international invitation to endorse President Putin’s initiative; and on June 21 the International Peace Coalition did so.

In addition, in the course of this, the Schiller Institute held an international, online two-day conference, “The World on the Brink; for a New Peace of Westphalia,” addressing the crisis, with solutions,

These developments are the basis for creating more forward momentum, to get a breakthrough toward negotiations and diplomacy. Zepp-LaRouche today underscored, “We can agree on principle. Then work out the details.” We are mustering the forces for sanity and intervention.

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche June 26, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

Webcast: To Address an Existential Crisis, Think Like LaRouche

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche June 19, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

The major outcome of the “Summit for Peace in Ukraine,” staged in the Swiss resort of Bürgenstock over the weekend, is how it demonstrates conclusively that the West is no long able to coerce, or even fake, a “coalition” willing to do its bidding. This is a “strategic reality,” as noted by Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche today. The implication from this is, of course, that individuals and nations must step forward—as is happening in the Global Majority, to lead the way out of today’s horrifying phase of war, genocide, and danger of nuclear annihilation, into a new epoch of development.

Zepp-LaRouche reviewed the Swiss “peace” event, which was condemned to fail from the start, by excluding Russia, a principal party. There were 160 nations invited—a large part of the 200 countries in the United Nations, but only 98 accepted. Of those, 20 nations refused to sign the summit communiqué, and of the 78 nations which did, 42 of them were from Europe, with only 11 from Africa. China did not attend. Other leading nations of the BRICS, including India, South Africa and the U.A.E., refused to sign, along with other major nations such as Mexico.

In sum, Zepp-LaRouche noted, there is “a clear recognition that the Global Majority is no longer anywhere near the Global West” in terms of alignment and subservience. “The West is no longer able to dictate the terms” of military, economic, (counter) culture, and other fundamental relations among and within nations.

The immediate danger is the mad push forward by the Global NATO warhawks for nuclear confrontation. Outgoing NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said in an interview with Telegraph, in London, done in Brussels at last week’s NATO defense ministers’ meeting, that NATO members are discussing taking more of their nuclear warheads out of storage, and putting more of them into active standby mode. He called this process increasing Western “deterrence,” saying it was necessary because Russia and China are two “nuclear-powered adversaries.”

These comments just add to the context in which the significance of the role played by the Schiller Institute and collaborators is clear, to sound the alarm. The message of the June 12 Schiller Institute emergency press briefing at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. continues to reverberate, and needs to sound the alarm even faster and louder. “The Danger of Nuclear War Is Real, and Must Be Stopped.” The message from the three senior military-intelligence specialists, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, and Anastasia Battle, leader of the International Peace Coalition, is critical.

Europe-based senior analyst Gilbert Doctorow stressed this in an article this week, covering the Schiller Institute event, in which he stated, after citing some observations and differences, “It would be excellent if the broad American public would listen to and act upon what Scott Ritter and Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson had to say. Here is a case where genuine American patriotism is fully aligned with saving the world for all of its peoples. Though I call out these two speakers, it is well worthwhile to watch at least the first hour of this event. So far, the video has attracted 43,000 viewers, It needs another 4 million to gain traction. May that happen!”

In Brazil, the message of the June 12 emergency event is likewise now circulating in the media. One reporter, carried by the national, important publication, CartaCapital, synthesized the content of the 2.5 hour National Press Club event, including that, “German activist” Helga Zepp-LaRouche “urges that a new and immediate security and development architecture, that takes into account the interests of every country,” be created.

This “story” will not grow stale. The challenge is to get it out rapidly, and engage everyone in the process of dialogue and policy formulation, as presented at the June 15-16 international Schiller Institute conference, “The World on the Brink: For a New Peace of Westphalia!”

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche June 19, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

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