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Helga Webcast

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Webcast: What Comes Next After FLOP26?

With the COP26 conference headed toward a likely disaster, the oligarchs behind it are escalating their drive to impose a global dictatorship on all fronts. In her weekly dialogue today, Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche covered the need to urgently address the catastrophic humanitarian crisis confronting Afghanistan, Haiti and other nations targeted for deadly sanctions by the same global oligarchy behind the COP26 austerity plan, to allegedly address a non-existent climate crisis. She also warned about the growing bellicosity from the U.S. and NATO against Russia and China; and the effects of the hyperinflation in energy, food and other necessities, resulting from their policies, especially due to the flood of liquidity unleashed by central banks, and the shut-down of investment into the physical economy.

She concluded by reviewing the importance of the Wake-Up Call she issued in collaboration with CLINTEL, an organization of real climate scientists, and urged viewers to join us in circulating it.

Read, Sign and Spread the Wake-Up Call

RSVP for the upcoming International Schiller Institute/ICLC Conference Nov. 13. and 14.


Webcast: A “No Good Deal” — Zepp-LaRouche Says AUKUS Security Agreements Increase Global Tension/Instability

In her weekly dialogue, Helga Zepp-LaRouche blasted the U.K.-U.S. deal to incorporate Australia into a new strategic alliance, based on the sale of nuclear submarines to Australia. She said they claim that this “partnership” is not aimed at any country, but the Chinese know differently, and responded sharply — as did the French, as the new deal scuttled an agreement they had to sell submarines to Australia.

She provided an update on the humanitarian catastrophe developing in Afghanistan, contrasting the U.S.-NATO approach, of walking away from a catastrophe caused by their war, to that of Afghanistan’s neighbors, which are mobilizing development aid. The problem in the West, she reiterated, is the kind of British geopolitics which underlie this new deal, which she described as a “No Good Deal.” What is needed instead is a fundamental change in western attitudes and thinking.

Webcast: The Moral Collapse of the Western System Cries Out for a New Paradigm

In her weekly dialogue, Helga Zepp LaRouche made an impassioned appeal to viewers to join with her in addressing the dangerous moral collapse which characterizes virtually every western government, including the United States. This collapse poses a threat to everyone, as the crisis in Ukraine continues to build toward a war between Russia and the forces of the U.S. and NATO. The possibility of a Biden-Putin summit is a positive development, but at the same time it was announced, his foreign policy team was voicing full support for the fanatical extremist wing of domestic forces in Ukraine, which is pushing to cross the “red line” announced years ago by Moscow, that of placing NATO troops on the Russian border of Ukraine.

She also emphasized the urgency of lifting the so-called Caesar Sanctions against the people of Syria, citing the appeal of Cardinal Zenari to end the sanctions. There is nothing “humanitarian”, she stated, in starving children and shutting down hospitals and medical care, based on another fraudulent narrative cooked up by U.K.-U.S. regime change networks. We must insist that every policy maker who does not speak up against this fraud is complicit in every death which occurs in Syria, and in Yemen.

Webcast: Time to Get Serious — Nuclear War Can Happen!

In her weekly dialogue, Helga Zepp LaRouche expanded on the warnings given by Russian President Putin in his April 21 National Address. Putin warned of the danger of crossing “red lines”, which would force Russia to act to defend its security and national sovereignty. Among the threats he identified was western involvement in a coup attempt planned for Belarus, and the assassination of its President. Instead of taking Putin at his word and engaging in dialogue to resolve differences, War Hawks in the west are escalating tensions, calling on governments to “raise the costs” on Russia for such alleged bad behavior, while inventing new justifications for punishing Russia, such as the charge that Russia was behind an explosion at an ammunition depot in the Czech Republic in 2014! As usual, British propaganda operations are at the forefront, including Chatham House and The Economist

She cut through the puff pieces promoting the new Chancellor candidate for the Green Party in Germany, Annalena Baerbock, pointing out that the Green program is not only anti-industry and for dismantling modern energy production, but aggressively anti-Russia/anti-China, in line with the push from the Davos crowd for the Great Reset and the Green New Deal. This is coherent with the push for radical population reduction, which has always been the main commitment of those behind the Green movement.

She urged our viewers to register for the upcoming Schiller Institute conference on May 8, to help us wake up a population to the true danger which confronts us, coming from a gang of fanatics committed to reducing the world’s population through war, famine and disease.

Webcast: Total Failure of the Unipolar Policy in Afghanistan Opens the Way for a Necessary Transformation

Following the retreat of the U.S. and NATO forces from Afghanistan, there are two possible directions for the future, according to Helga Zepp-LaRouche. In her weekly dialogue, she said either those such as U.S. General Milley, Sen. Lindsey Graham, and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair — all of whom are critics of the ending of the war, and are predicting a civil war, which will lead to the redeployment of western military forces — will prevail, or an alternative, based on economic cooperation, centered on China’s Belt-and-Road Initiative, will be adopted. For the latter to occur, she and the Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites have recommended that Pino Arlacchi be nominated to head negotiations with the Taliban.

We have a chance, she emphasized, due to the crushing defeat of the western military alliance by a force of 65,000 Taliban fighters, to reject the axioms which led to this disaster, and act to end the suffering of the people of Afghanistan, and those of other nations which were targeted by the war hawks. We can use the commemorative events of this coming weekend — including a concert on Friday and a forum on Saturday — to inspire citizens to join with us to make sure this transformation will succeed.

Webcast: We Are Facing “Fascism with a Green Face”, and We Should Call It That!

As energy hyperinflation is taking off, as a result of both objective and subjective factors, Helga Zepp-LaRouche said that this is what her husband uniquely warned about when the Club of Rome first began pushing its anti-human slogan of “limits to growth” in the late 1960s. This is Schachtian policy, she said, a strategy of the leading oligarchs running the world economy, to drastically reduce the world’s population, using the same methods Schacht applied in Germany under Hitler. This has now been openly identified in an article in the October 4 “Economist” magazine, “The Age of Fossil-Fuel Dependence Is Dead”, and in Klaus Schwab’s new book, “Stakeholder Capitalism”, as the dark future they intend to impose. Zepp-LaRouche stated that this is “fascism with a Green face”, and should be identified as such, to mobilize people to defeat it.

In addition to destroying the world’s physical economy, they are engaging in an assault against the idea of human creativity, which is the one source of innovation which has demonstrated that, as LaRouche wrote, “There Are No Limits to Growth.” And at the same time, they are conducting provocations against China which could lead to war. She reiterated her view that collaborative efforts among nations, including the U.S., Russia and China, to reconstruct Afghanistan and Haiti, can provide a basis for overcoming this otherwise deadly threat to humanity.

Webcast: How a Collapsing Global Economy is Fueling the War Drive

In reviewing the global strategic situation today, Helga Zepp-LaRouche commented that the degree of lying coming from governments, official institutions and the media has reached the point where the stated goal of British propagandists, of being able to “out-Goebbels Goebbels”, has been achieved. The provocations against Russia and China, which have the intent of regime change, are backed by shameless lying. The IMF report on the economy, which proclaims the U.S. as the “economic engine” for a world boom, skips over their own figures which show growing impoverishment in both the formerly advanced and developing sector nations.

She pointed out that the lies behind the war drive and systemic economic collapse are an effort to hide the fact that an alternate system, based on a New Paradigm, is emerging, and can become a global reality now. The rejection by India of the “net zero” climate policy is part of this — a clear rejection of the global Green New Deal — as is the acknowledgement in an article in “Atlantic” ​magazine that the slander that China is imposing a “debt trap” on poorer nations with its Belt-and-Road Initiative is a lie. As for the danger from the COVID pandemic, it cries out for a modern health system in every nation, as the Schiller Institute has insisted from the start.

A New Era Beckons: Will Peaceful Cooperation Replace Imperial Regime Change Wars?

The statement by President Biden, that the “era of military operations to remake other countries” has ended, raises two crucial questions: 1) Will governments fully reject the geopolitical axioms which led to “endless wars”? 2) What comes next? Providing answers to these questions was the task undertaken by Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her weekly dialogue today.

It is a moment for “serious reflection,” she emphasized. The unipolar approach of the post-Cold War has collapsed. Will small regime change wars be replaced by bigger wars? Or will the wealthier nations work together to bring prosperity to the whole world? This is an historic moment, which has caused so much hysteria that the Financial Times and the New York Times both claim that Biden’s defense of the way the U.S. withdrew from Afghanistan shows there is no difference between Biden and Trump!

She called on our viewers to get involved, and work to bring humanity into a world of reason.

Webcast: Afghanistan—Chance for a Positive Reorientation

Helga Zepp-LaRouche delivered a thoroughly composed analysis of how the world has changed since August 15, 2021, when the Taliban marched into Kabul, and the U.S. and NATO left. “A whole system is coming to an end. The policy has failed.” All the lives lost, the chaos in the country, and the money spent—and stolen—served the interests of a greedy elite, but benefited no one else.

She reported on the prescience demonstrated by participants at the Schiller Institute conference on July 31, and then the solutions presented in the follow-up conference on August 21. The solution begins with a rejection of neoliberalism and imperial geopolitics. Biden’s rejection of the demand by Boris Johnson and the Europeans that the U.S. remain in Afghanistan longer has provoked hysteria among the war hawks responsible for the catastrophe, typified by Tony Blair.

It is now up to the Americans and the Europeans to join with Afghanistan’s neighbors to forge a durable peace, based on economic development. This means the West must junk the delusion that the “Rules-Based Order” must be accepted by all nations.

Webcast: Expose the Real Human Rights Violators, the Neocons and Neolibs of London and Wall Street

Asked about the just-released State Department report accusing China of genocide against the Uyghur minority population in Xinjiang province, Helga Zepp-LaRouche declared that this is a “very serious matter…a complete lie.” This is a deliberate effort aimed at regime change against the Chinese government, and they are aware of the intent, as Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying has indicated.

The real human rights violations are perpetrated by those imposing sanctions in Syria, as part of a continuing effort at regime change there. She ridiculed U.S. Secretary of State Blinken, who spoke in favor of the deadly sanctions against Syria, who is continuing the Pompeo policy of sanctions to shut down the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, and she stated that these policies are not different in intent from the use of triage in poor areas of the U.S. in the treatment of minorities suffering from the COVID virus.

In discussing the escalating attack on classical culture as a form of racist oppression — a reference to a recent attack on Mozart and Beethoven initiated from Oxford University — she made the connection between this CCF-type ideology to the anti-human outlook of the German Greens, who are hoping to win the chancellorship in the coming elections. The Greens “marched through the institutions”, she said, backed by the Military Industrial Complex — but they are still “’68ers”, Maoist “cultural revolutionaries” in many ways, in their outlook.

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