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Webcast: How a Collapsing Global Economy is Fueling the War Drive

Webcast: How a Collapsing Global Economy is Fueling the War Drive

In reviewing the global strategic situation today, Helga Zepp-LaRouche commented that the degree of lying coming from governments, official institutions and the media has reached the point where the stated goal of British propagandists, of being able to “out-Goebbels Goebbels”, has been achieved. The provocations against Russia and China, which have the intent of regime change, are backed by shameless lying. The IMF report on the economy, which proclaims the U.S. as the “economic engine” for a world boom, skips over their own figures which show growing impoverishment in both the formerly advanced and developing sector nations.

She pointed out that the lies behind the war drive and systemic economic collapse are an effort to hide the fact that an alternate system, based on a New Paradigm, is emerging, and can become a global reality now. The rejection by India of the “net zero” climate policy is part of this — a clear rejection of the global Green New Deal — as is the acknowledgement in an article in “Atlantic” ​magazine that the slander that China is imposing a “debt trap” on poorer nations with its Belt-and-Road Initiative is a lie. As for the danger from the COVID pandemic, it cries out for a modern health system in every nation, as the Schiller Institute has insisted from the start.

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