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Harley Schlanger Daily Update

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More British Provocations Signal the Panic Gripping Those Running the Empire

While British Foreign Minister Raab threatens China over its unwillingness to submit to the City of London’s Rules-Based Order, the largest financial institutions are granted exemptions from the new minimum global corporate tax praised by Biden.  If a company is a corporation based in the City of London, Wall Street or Silicon Valley, it is exempt from the new taxes.  The blowhards demanding subservience to the new global order are deploying regime change operations and military threats against nations which don’t accept the arbitrary rules the Davos billionaires have created for everyone, but themselves!  The imperial order is dying, help us put it out of its misery, by creating a new, just order based on principles of international law.  


Countermoves to Imperial Geopolitical Provocations Emerge: Will the U.S. Remain Under Control of the Davos Billionaires?

Unfortunately, the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan is not a break with British imperial geopolitics, but an attempt to change the venue from the Middle East to the Indo-Pacific region. The failure of the U.S.-NATO war in Afghanistan will be followed by an even more devastating debacle in the Indo-Pacific, unless the U.S. breaks definitively from the Military Industrial Complex’s commitment to geopolitical doctrine. A potential for such a shift was opened by the three-way call yesterday between China’s Xi, France’s Macron and Merkel of Germany. Will the U.S. join them, or remain an enforcer of the global central banker’s Rules-Based Order dictatorship?

Harley Schlanger Daily Update: Time Has Come to End London’s Corporate “Rules-Based Order”

The inability of many to see that Mike Pompeo has been and continues to be a supporter of the geopolitical doctrine which leads to the “endless wars” which President Trump pledged to end, is a strategic vulnerability that allows the Military Industrial Complex to keep us engaged in those wars.

Not only is Pompeo, along with the War Hawks in the Departments of State, Defense, Justice and the intelligence community, committed to continuing these wars, but extending them to Russia and China. Who benefits from these wars? The same corporate globalist interests which are pushing for the Great Reset, to establish a global banker’s dictatorship to impose the deadly, anti-scientific Green New Deal. To win this fight, we must know who the true enemies of mankind are, what is their intent, and what are their weaknesses which we can exploit. We have produced an authoritative manual which provides that intelligence, “The Great Leap Backward: LaRouche Exposes the Green New Deal.”

How Continued Adherence to British Imperial Geopolitics Caused the Afghan Debacle

As news reports feature the threat of a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan following the withdrawal of U.S. forces, some voices in the U.S. Congress are questioning why we are leaving!  The real question should be, “Why were we there for 20 years?  Why did we waste more than $1 trillion and several thousand American lives on a war the Pentagon knew was unwinnable?”  The followup question to that should be, “Why are we still using British geopolitical strategies to conduct our foreign and military policies?  When will we learn our lesson — as Lyndon LaRouche always insisted — that the British Empire is our republic’s only true enemy?”

Harley Schlanger Daily Update: British Malthusians Escalate Push for Mass Extermination

As documented in EIR’s special report, “The Great Leap Backward”, the Great Reset and Green New Deal represent the culmination of decades’ long effort by the British Royal Family and its City of London financial arm to dramatically reduce the world’s population. Following the recent online planning session of their Davos billionaires to implement their program, they are now taking aim at reducing world food supply, in addition to shutting down industry and manufacturing. In the near future, you might find yourself charged with the crime of “ecocide”, if you provide meat or milk products to your children!

Harley Schlanger Daily Update: Big Lies Divert Attention from Ongoing Breakdown of the Physical Economy

Don’t be surprised if Big Tech begins censoring reports about the failure of “renewable” energy systems, such as windmills, as a major factor in the Texas Deep Freeze last month.

The Washington Post, in an attack on those pointing to the failure of windmills to produce electricity as a causal factor behind the blackouts, said such claims are concerning because “they weren’t completely fabricated.” In other words, to protect the Green New Deal (GND), such truthful analysis must be censored! The same may soon be applied to honest reporting of the economic/financial breakdown; that is, if you correctly point out that the physical economy is being shut down — as proposed by the Great Reset — so that funds can continue to flow to support hyper-inflated assets being traded by speculators, especially those in Ponzi schemes related to the GND, you might find yourself de-platformed. All the more reason to study LaRouche’s economic writings now, while we still have a chance to defeat the Davos banker’s Great Reset!

Harley Schlanger Morning Update: Sticking with Imperial Geopolitics Is the Road to World War

The Biden administration’s strike on an alleged Iran-backed militia in Syria, in retaliation for a strike in Iraq, puts it on a course to escalate the endless and costly wars in the region launched by G.W. Bush and Obama.  This is not in the interest of the U.S., but is being pushed by operatives deployed by the British Foreign Office, to keep the U.S. in these wars.  These are the same networks that opposed Trump’s desire for cooperation with Russia and China as the way to end these wars, before War Hawks like Pompeo and Esper brought the U.S. back under the geopolitical umbrella.  To reverse the dangerous direction such imperial geopolitics are intended to create, Lyndon LaRouche put forward his 4-Power Agreement, an alliance of the sovereign states of the U.S., Russia, China and India, which is powerful enough to to defeat the war drive of the Empire. 

Friday Questions: Is the 4th of July Still Relevant today????

Questions taken up today: 1.) Is Putin right when he said that, even if Russian forces sunk the HMS Defender, it would not lead to war? 2.) Do Europeans support the Green New Deal, as European Central Bank Chair Lagarde claims? Is it possible to have an honest debate on whether “climate change” is caused by human activities? 3.) Anything new to report on the status of Julian Assange? 4.) Is the 4th of July still relevant today?

Harley Schlanger Daily Upate: LaRouche’s “Four Power Agreement” Is the Unique Strategy to Defeat the Military Industrial Complex

As the global cartels pushing the deadly Great Reset and Green New Deal transformation are moving full-speed ahead, driven by desperation as their system is collapsing, the unique strategic solution to this civilizational crisis was provided by Lyndon LaRouche in his Four Power Agreement. To defeat an empire, you need an alliance of sovereign nations, which possess the economic and military power to defeat the imperial forces centered in London, Wall Street, and Silicon Valley. The modern Military Industrial Complex targeted Donald Trump due to his efforts to form a cooperative, mutually-beneficial relationship with Russia and China. They used Russiagate to contain him, and the deployment of War Hawks and neoliberals in both parties, along with the lying media, to sabotage his intent and ultimately, to drive him from office. What LaRouche understood was that the weakness of the empire is that it is facing a systemic collapse, and is prepared to unleash war and brutal austerity to preserve its system. To bury this system requires cooperation among the leading nations in the world, acting on behalf of the sovereign interests of their citizens — hence the Four Power Agreement. No other approach will succeed!

Harley Schlanger Daily Update — Why Are We Still in Endless Wars?

The efforts of President Trump to “end the endless wars” did not succeed, as he was blocked by an alliance committed to continuing those wars, which unfortunately included some of his own administration officials and War Hawk Republicans, who worked together with Democratic neocons, media, Big Tech and think tanks to sabotage a break with imperial geopolitical provocations. With Russiagate proven to have been a fraud from the start, is it now possible to break from geopolitical confrontation? LaRouche’s conception of a Four Power agreement remains the best option to escape from the threat coming from the War Hawks — join with us to once and for all form the strategic alliances necessary to break the control of the global corporate cartels of the “Military Industrial Complex”.

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