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Harley Schlanger Daily Update

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Harley Schlanger Daily Update: The Green New Deal Must Be Rejected

With power outages hitting many states in the U.S., from the Pacific Coast to Michigan, it should be becoming clear to more people that not only will “Green” infrastructure not work, but it’s not supposed to work — it is part of the policy to accelerate deindustrialization, with the intent to reduce population. Join our anti-Malthusian mobilization, to debunk the fake science behind “man-made climate change”. Lyndon LaRouche already proved, many years ago, that “There Are No Limits to Growth.”

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Time to End the Corruption of the “Party System”

The U.S. government is in crisis, its people divided into increasingly polarized camps, while the financial and corporate oligarchy is taking advantage of the chaos to push its plan for a “Great Reset”—a global banker’s dictatorship—and a deadly “Green New Deal.”  With neocons and War Hawks controlling the strategic policy of both parties, and neoliberals running financial and economic policy, there is only one solution, presented in September 2012 by Lyndon LaRouche: End the “Party System”, confronting our citizens with their responsibility “for being accountable for what government is, and what it becomes,” under our Constitution.LaRouche’s speech  can be found at: The Power To Do Good: Mankind Has a Special Destiny in the Universe as We Know It, by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. (Sep 9, 2012).

For Global Peace and Economic Cooperation, QUARANTINE the British Empire!

As more becomes known about the provocation launched by the British warship HMS Defender, it is clear this was a provocation aimed at sabotaging any potential for better relations between the U.S. and Russia.  It is an example of the kind of gunboat diplomacy which characterized the British Empire’s actions to dominate global trade and commerce, and force all nations to submit to Pax Britannica — an example of the kind of unilateral world order behind today’s drive for the Great Reset.  But Russia and China will not submit.  The big question today is, will the U.S. continue to carry out the agenda of the City of London, as it has on nearly all important strategic and economic issues since the assassination of John F. Kennedy nearly 60 years ago?  

As the Reign of the Imperial System Is Coming to an End, the Geopoliticians Escalate Their Provocations

This past weekend’s Schiller Institute conference pointed the way toward an escape from the devastating consequences of the end of an imperial era, with a dialogue demonstrating the potential for sovereign nation states to cooperate for the benefit of all mankind.  The Empire will not just go away quietly, though.  Instead, they are engaging in one provocation after another, with special emphasis this week on the Black Sea and Syria.  Watch the Schiller Institute conference, at and join us to move humanity into a new era.

Harley Schlanger Daily Update: LaRouche’s American System Must Urgently Replace the Neocon/Neolib Agenda

The devastating effects of the Texas Deep Freeze and the continued polarization pushed by those behind Russiagate make clear that the United States remains trapped in a Neocon/Neolib paradigm which is propelling the nation, and the world, to a perilous future.

We have warned that the Achilles Heel of the Trump presidency was to mistakenly claim that a stock bubble represents economic growth — instead, a tsunami of unpayable debt threatens to implode the economy, either through domino-style wave of bankruptcies, or hyperinflation. To prevent this from being competently addressed, the Russiagaters continue to target Donald Trump and his movement, in the aftermath of January 6, including by making completely unsubstantiated allegations against the former President in the second impeachment case, and against Roger Stone, just as the Mueller investigators did in their four-year witch-hunt. To defeat the increasingly dangerous neocon/neolib agenda, it is now time to implement LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws.

Harley Schlanger Morning Update: Mobilize to Reverse the “Great Leap Backward”

In the aftermath of the Texas Deep Freeze, which was caused by a combination of environmentalist insanity, and neoliberal deregulation, the Biden administration is doubling down, with a call for an international summit on “Earth Day”, to “fight climate change.” The issue of “climate change” is based on a fraudulent narrative, to impose drastic population reduction worldwide through reviving the British Empire’s Malthusian dogma, which was designed in the 18th century to defend the looting which sustained the empire.

Fear of “overpopulation” of the earth led to the first Earth Day in 1970, which was an attempt to harness the energy of youth engaged in the anti-war movement, to target industrial society. It became the basis of law, with the adoption in 1975 of Kissinger’s NSSM 200, which claimed that overpopulation threatened U.S. control over raw materials. It is at the heart today of the Great Reset and the Green New Deal, which would impose a global banker’s dictatorship, to protect a bankrupt financial system.

Brits on Renewed War Drive Following Putin-Biden Summit

The British government at first denied there was a confrontation in the Black Sea with Russian naval vessels, then proclaimed they do not recognize that Crimea is Russian; and finally, a BBC reporter, on board the ship, admitted it was “a deliberate move to make a point to Russia.”  At the risk of a nuclear war?  And what exactly is that point, that the Brits can force the U.S. into a war with Russia?  Join us tomorrow and Sunday, at, for a two-day online conference, to become part of the mobilization to flank the evil bastards from the City of London who keep playing such dangerous games.

Harley Schlanger Morning Update: Will the Texas Deep Freeze Lead to the Rejection of the Green New Deal?

The promoters of the Green New Deal, including in the media, are lying that the failure of “renewable” energy sources, such as wind power and solar, had little to do with the dangerous loss of electricity in Texas. How do we convince people that the GND is not modeled on FDR’s New Deal? How much of a factor in the Texas breakdown is the application of the neoliberal model of deregulation and privatization? Is it right to describe Prince Charles and the other leaders of Davos as “Satanic”? And why does there seem to be so little interest in the convergence of three nations’ space programs on Mars?

Harley Schlanger Morning Update: Davos Math — Neoliberalism + Green New Deal = Increased Death Rate

It is a lie for the media to report that frozen windmills have little effect in producing rolling blackouts in Texas, which are putting four million people in danger from the current deep freeze. But the failure of Green New Deal “renewable energy” sources is only part of the story. The other part is the destruction that neo-liberal economic policy, particularly deregulation, has done to the physical economy of the western nations. And the Davos “Great Reset” combines neoliberalism with the Green New Deal, creating conditions for mass murder. What’s happening in Texas today is a “foretaste” of what to expect if the plans of the Davos corporatist fascists are not rejected, and replaced by the American System.

What Will It Take to Put the Trans-Atlantic War Hawks Out of Business?

In spite of the continuation of slanders and threats against Russian President Putin, coming from War Hawks in London, Washington and NATO, he wrote an article designed to build on the baby steps away from nuclear war from his Geneva summit with Biden. We must not allow “the burden of past misunderstandings” prevent us from “concentrating on the challenges at hand,” he wrote. While there is momentum toward dialogue, the imperial war hawks will stubbornly pursue provocative actions, until they are removed from any positions of power and influence. If we learned anything from the Geneva summit, it is that we must create a movement among citizens to reinforce the conclusion that no one can win a nuclear war.

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