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Harley Schlanger Daily Update

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Lift the Inhuman Sanctions Against Syria

On April 23, I interviewed Col. Richard Black (ret.), on his view of the inhuman sanctions the U.S. has imposed on Syria, to provoke a change in regime there. Col. Black, the former chief of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon, was blunt in his condemnation of this policy, which he described as “brutal” to the extent it makes him ashamed of what the U.S. is doing. He called on all citizens, especially leaders of religious institutions, to join with the Schiller Institute’s mobilization to end the sanctions. Today’s Update is of the last exchange we had. You can see the full video here.

Friday Questions: Once Again, Tony Blair Exposes Himself As a War Criminal!

On the eve of the 20th anniversary of 9/11, which led to the “forever wars” which he still supports, Blair reiterated all the talking points used by the Shadow Government to justify geopolitical provocations, huge military budgets, and imposing the Surveillance State.  We take up the question of whether 9/11 was an “inside job”; will Biden’s declassification order relating to documents on the Saudi role make a difference; and what is the significance of changes in financial regulatory policies introduced by the Chinese government?
For a full, in-depth analysis of 9/11 and its destructive aftermath, and how to change the direction from geopolitics to peaceful cooperation, be sure to register for the online conference of the Schiller Institute on Saturday, September 11, beginning at 2 PM EDT.

Update on Afghanistan, From Outside the Western Media Bubble

While some irresponsible idiots, such as Sen. Lindsey Graham, are calling for the U.S. to send troops back to Afghanistan, there are developments underway that are kept out of the western media.  What, for example, are the Chinese and Afghanistan’s neighbors saying and doing?  China has a vested interest in seeing that Afghanistan does not become a safe haven for terrorists, nor drug traffickers.  China’s Foreign Minister reiterated that, while China welcomes the pledges coming from the Taliban interim government, recognition depends on following through with a commitment to tolerance, and combating terrorism and drug trafficking.  Did you know that the Taliban had nearly shut down opium production by 2000?  Only after the 2001 U.S.-NATO overthrow of the Taliban government did drug production take off again — not surprisingly, especially in the province of the country under British control!

Join us for this weekend’s 9/11 events:
Friday September 10, 7pm — 9/11 Memorial Concert, Beethoven’s Agnus Dei: Peace for ourselves, and the world
Saturday September 11, 2pm — Manhattan Project Meeting, Afghanistan and the Surveillance State. Where Do We Go From Here?

To Defeat the Great Reset/Green New Deal, THINK BIG!

It’s no coincidence that governments are falling, energy and food prices are soaring, new wars are being planned, and riots are being organized: We are in a systemic breakdown crisis, and those responsible for it are running psychological warfare operations to polarize the vast majority of people, to keep them from uniting around a policy to bankrupt the globalists, and go back to the principles of physical economy, as presented by Lyndon LaRouche in his “Four Laws”.   Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Guus Berkhout of Climate Intelligence have issued a “Wake Up Call,” which must be circulated everywhere — don’t allow your friends and fellow citizens to be manipulated by fake narratives pushed by those who are organizing these crises.  They are vulnerable and can be defeated. 

Get the wakeup call here.

We Are in a Systemic Breakdown Crisis

Inflation, breakdown in supply chains, etc., are real.  But they are only a reflection of a broader dynamic, which Lyndon LaRouche called a Systemic Breakdown Crisis”.  This is being worsened by the push for “Green” policies, and the “Great Reset.”  Friday Question: What do you make of the Facebook whistleblower, who  charged that Facebook was aware of the “toxic impact” of Instagram, and the algorithms which promote “extremism” and polarization?  The narrative emerging is that the company prioritizes profit over public good –No Kidding, but that is the modus operandi of the entire neoliberal system: So, why is this coming out now?

Dialogue, or War?

The announcement of an agreement to hold a virtual bilateral summit between Presidents Biden and Xi before the end of the year could be a sign of calmer heads prevailing at a moment of increasing tension between the U.S. and China.  The provocations regarding Taiwan and the South China Sea have added to the danger that war between the two nations is possible.  What if, instead, there could be an agreement for the U.S. to join with China, to use the Belt-and-Road Initiative to reconstruct war-torn Afghanistan, through collaboration on joint development projects?  The offer from China for that to occur is on the table — could we be on the verge of a new era of peaceful cooperation?

COP26 Climate Conference in Trouble

Calls from supporters to postpone the upcoming COP26 conference in Scotland indicate that the whole fragile edifice on which the global Green New Deal is built is unraveling.  As we have pointed out, few developing sector nations will surrender their sovereignty, and their development goals, to comply with the demands coherent with the fake science behind “man-made climate change”; and large nations, such as China, Russia and India are intent on advancing energy systems which will increase the Energy-Flux Density of their economies, a necessary precondition for real economic growth.  It is precisely these technological advances which are under attack by the City of London-Davos Malthusians, who are promoting instead “sustainable” and “renewable” energy systems, which will assure a rapid depopulation of the planet — which is what they intend!

Harley Schlanger Update April 6 2021

Friday Questions: Are we headed to war over Ukraine?

What is going on in Ukraine?  What is the Biden policy?  What about Iran — is there a new deal in the works?  What about China’s role, is extending the Belt-and-Road Initiative into southwest Asia the basis for ending the wars, and reconstructing the region?  Will we ever get a return to Glass Steagall banking separation, or will the globalist bankers destroy what’s left of the U.S. productive economy?  And what should one make of the push, from the likes of Schumer, VP Harris, and libertarians, to legalize marijuana use?


After 20 years of coverup of the real story of what was behind the 9/11 terrorist attack on the U.S., Pres. Biden has ordered the declassification of documents which have been hidden by government agencies, especially the FBI.  LaRouche said, as the attacks were happening, that Osama Bin Laden would be blamed, but he is a “controlled entity…not an independent force.”  Yet, the truth about the role of the Saudis and U.S. intelligence in creating and deploying Al Qaeda has been buried, to protect the guilty.  Join us this Saturday at 2 PM EDT for a forum, “9/11/2021: The Path Forward from September 11, Afghanistan and the Surveillance State.”See Helga Zepp LaRouche’s statement, “Can the West Learn? What Afghanistan Needs Now”

Will You Let the Globalist Oligarchs Kill You?

According to the Oct. 4 issue of the Economist magazine, the mouthpiece for the City of London financial interests, “The Age of Fossil Fuel Abundance is Dead”, scarcity will worsen, prices will rise, and there is nothing you can do about it.  Really?  Resistance to their depopulation policies is growing, as LaRouche’s warnings from the early 1970s have proven to be deadly accurate.  Thirty-five years ago, on Oct. 6, 1986, the “Get LaRouche” task force raided his home, sending 400 armed personnel to kill him.  They failed then, and have been unable to kill his strategic and economic method, which is shaping  the resistance to their intent to use artificial shortages to kill billions of people.

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