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General Milley Confesses — Do You Still Doubt There Was a Coup Underway Against Trump?

The book “Peril”, authored by Woodward and Costa, raises disturbing questions about the role of U.S. military leadership in sabotaging President Trump’s efforts — and now those of President Biden — to end the “endless wars.”  The same U.S.-British military-intelligence-corporate networks behind the 9/11 terror attacks, and the subsequent coverup, ran the attempted regime change coup called Russiagate, and continue to oppose replacing geopolitical confrontations and wars with peaceful cooperation.  It is now an urgent priority that citizens get behind the demand for a full investigation of the coup plots, and support the shift to a new era based on multilateral efforts to achieve peaceful economic development. 

As War Hawks Press for New Wars, Addressing the War Danger More Urgent Than Ever

The moment of opportunity opened by the end of the war in Afghanistan, for multilateral cooperation for economic development, could close very quickly.  A False Flag event, occurring in the midst of almost daily military encounters by U.S.-NATO forces with Russian and Chinese military forces, could lead to a devastating war, either by miscalculation, or intent!  Dialogue is essential, as Gen. John Hyten, Vice-Chair of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, expressed in a speech two days ago.We also present a preliminary report on the smashing defeat of the California Recall.  Lyndon LaRouche famously warned, in 2003, that Recall is dangerous, as it is designed to manipulate momentary emotions, to undermine the American Presidential System, and replace it with a parliamentary system.

BEWARE FALSE FLAGS: How the Coming Financial Crisis Is Driving the Danger of War, As Before 9/11

It is still unknown whether the withdrawal of U.S./NATO forces from Afghanistan is the end of the era of endless wars, or a move to a new phase of geopolitical confrontations, directly challenging Russia and China.  The push for continued war comes from the onrushing financial collapse, for the same reason that the wars were launched following the 9/11 attack: wars are used, by the globalist financial and corporate cartels who fund the war hawks, to justify the imposition of emergency measures, including austerity economic policies and the surveillance state.  That is why it is necessary that LaRouche’s economic policies, for collaborative mutual economic benefit, represent the only real alternative to chaos.

Multipolar Cooperation, Or Unipolar Push for More Wars and Austerity: You Choose!

While the mainstream media is focused on censoring real news, and increasing polarization around hot-button issues, there are significant strategic developments occurring: —Meetings of Afghanistan’s neighbors to help build an economy, to prevent a dissolution into civil war, starvation and drug production;—China’s development of a hypersonic, low-orbit glide vehicle, which caught western intelligence by surprise;—a new report on how wild liquidity pumping by central banks is behind accelerating inflation, and how it benefits 1.1% of the population;—Putin blaming Europe’s leaders for causing energy shortages and soaring prices, on the eve of the next climate “summit”, COP26. 

No Time for Moping, The Future Is Ours If We Move Now!

All the symptoms of a systemic economic breakdown — shortages, inflationary prices, the failure of institutions to address the explicit dangers, while pushing for a global central banker’s Green dictatorship — are signs of the WEAKNESS of the Davos billionaires who think they are the Kings of the Universe.  In their frantic pursuit of their utopia, with its drastic reduction of human population, they have planted the seeds of their own defeat.  What’s needed to defeat them is a strategy.  Join with the Schiller Institute to rally the millions of those suffering from the policies of the establishment, to put them out of business!

Who Benefited from 9/11?

The first 9/11 documents declassified as a result of President Biden’s order show active involvement of Saudi officials in the events of 9/11.  What must be answered now is 1.) Who in the U.S. government covered up the Saudi role for 20 years?; and 2.) Who benefited from the coverup?  The place to begin to answer these questions is with Lyndon LaRouche’s forecast on January 3, 2001, in which he warned that a “Reichstag Fire” event would be used by the Bush administration to impose emergency crisis management policies.  

Friday Questions: How Insane Is the Concept of Transitory Inflation?

What is the significance of the debate as to whether inflation is “transitory”?  It is an academic ruse, to avoid discussing the real cause, the hyperinflationary liquidity pumping to pave the way for the Great Reset?Why is China supporting COP26?  Its actions, including increased electricity production from burning coal, shows it is not complying with COP26 demands. 

Mobilize Now to Defeat the Green New Deal

Mark Carney, Climate Change Tsar for the U.N., and former Director of the Bank of England, laid out in an Oct. 12 interview what the Green New Deal is.  He said it will require between $100 and $150 TRILLION to be spent over 30 years in new “green” technology.  To do this, he said, requires a change in financial “plumbing”.  He is demanding a “Reset” that will give private banks and financial institutions control over the credit policies of nations; further, the move in this direction is already driving up energy prices, by cutting credit to producers, and pouring liquidity into speculators.  As stated in the {Economist}, the mouthpiece for the City of London, “Get used to it.”  But Carney admitted there is resistance, citing China, Indonesia and South Africa as three who will fight it.  Join us to defeat this insane project of the globalist banksters.

The Globalist’s World Order Is Collapsing: That’s Why They Are So Dangerous!

While the Great Reset/Green New Deal is poised for an inglorious collapse, there is a different “reset” underway, based on Eurasian integration.  While this has been at the center of nightmares among the imperial geopoliticians tied to the City of London, and the speculative swindlers of Wall Street, for more than a century, there is no reason why the citizens of the U.S. and Europe should fear it.  Instead, it represents an opportunity for the “West” — should we choose to give up wars, austerity and the central banker’s dictatorship — to participate in projects which would provide great benefits for U.S. producers, and fuel an industrial, agricultural and trade bonanza.  Download your copy of “The Coming U.S. Economic Miracle on the New Silk Road”, and join our mobilization to implement it.  Your participation will make the globalists most unhappy!

Afghanistan Update — Unfreeze the Funds!

Two days of meetings between U.S. and Taliban officials in Doha were described as “candid and professional”, but the U.S. has still not agreed to release funds being held by the U.S. Treasury that rightfully belong to the people of Afghanistan.  There is no time to waste in providing humanitarian aid, as hunger is stalking millions, including children.  Along with humanitarian aid, the U.S. should join with others in a broad reconstruction program, beginning with building necessary infrastructure.  Peaceful cooperation in such projects, rather than military buildup and threats, is the best transition out of the failed policy of regime change and endless wars.

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