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Hyperinflation in Energy Prices Is NOT Caused by Shortages, but Excess of Neoliberal Greed and Corruption

As the LaRouche movement has warned for years, energy price hikes are not based on lack of product, but manipulation of markets by traders, working with geopoliticians in government and financial institutions — such as the infamous Henry Kissinger, coordinator of the 1973 Great Oil Hoax, which began the era of the petro-dollar. The Glasgow COP26 summit is not about stopping “global warming”, but convincing you to accept the idea that the era of plenty is over, and you should get used to shortages, high prices, unavailability of products, and a lower standard of living and early death. Join with us to end the fraud of the idea of “limits to growth”. Read the Schiller Institute/CLINTELL “Wake-Up Call”, CLINTEL/Schiller Institute—A Wake-Up Call: The Danger for Mankind Is Not the Climate, but Toleration of a Devious Policy that Uses Climate To Destroy Us!

U.S. Post-war Policy Toward Afghanistan Sets the Stage for More War

The freezing of Afghanistan’s national funds held in the N.Y. Federal Reserve Bank, ordered by Treasury Secretary Yellen on August 15, is setting the stage for further chaos in that war-torn country.  You don’t have to love the Taliban to demand the unfreezing of those funds — they belong to the sovereign nation of Afghanistan, and are needed to feed people, provide medicine, purchase fuel, etc.  By withholding those funds, the U.S. and its allies are starving children, exactly as the British colonial administrators did to their colonies.  Is this what the Biden administration intends, when it says the era of endless wars is over???   

The Issue Facing Humanity: Development Versus Depopulation

As the United Nations General Assembly convened in New York yesterday, the only real issue before the members is that of Development versus Depopulation.  While British PM Boris Johnson was openly pushing depopulation, President Biden made an effort to hide behind rhetoric about “diplomacy” and “no Cold War”; but his actions last week, in formally announcing a new strategic alliance with the Brits and Australia — against China and Russia — shows why so many nations no longer trust the U.S.  In contrast, China’s Xi called for a new Global Development Initiative, based on multilateralism, and non-interference in other’s internal affairs.  

The New Paradigm Will End London’s “Rules-Based Order”

Both Biden’s Secretary of State Blinken and National Security Adviser Sullivan were trotted out for Sunday news shows to defend the “rules-based order” against threats from Russia and China.  The order they back is a global central banker’s dictatorship, to be enforced by U.S. and NATO military might.  The oligarchs they work for are the true authoritarians, and their goal is not only to take away our freedoms, but our lives, as their order is putting us on the verge of World War III.  Time for a New Paradigm, to replace their collapsing, bankrupt and immoral system. 

Register for the Schiller Institute May 8th conference: Email me at and find me on twitter.

Queen Elizabeth Bails on FLOP26 Summit

Is it really a matter of her fragile health, or has the Queen decided to skip the march of death, disguised as a “climate summit”, to save face?  With Boris Johnson worried that it will  be VERY, VERY tough to get the desired results — i.e., to arm twist nations to surrender their sovereignty and development goals to achieve “carbon net zero” — eco-terrorists are preparing to launch a wave of destruction if these goals are not met, under the slogan of defeating “fossil fascism,” declaring the development of fossil fuel technology as “steeped in racism”!  Meanwhile, the resurrection of British spook Christopher Steele continues, with an appearance on {Sky-TV}, during which he announced he wishes that Daniel Craig, of James Bond movie fame, portray him in a bio-film!

Green Policies Will Freeze Europeans This Winter

Rising energy prices, exiting from safe, clean and reliable sources of electricity production — e.g., clean coal and nuclear — and deregulation of energy markets, are producing a perfect storm, threatening the lives of many in Europe and the U.S. this winter.  The same confluence of policies, with sanctions added to the mix, is responsible for Malthusian genocide in whole sectors of the developing sector.  Join us to reverse this, to defeat the Fake Science of “man-made climate change” of the Green New Deal, and the deadly neoliberal financial looting of deregulation.  The LaRouche Organization pamphlet, “The Great Leap Backward: LaRouche Crushes the Green New Deal Fraud,” is available through this page.

War Danger Increases as Globalists Are Losing Control

There is a reason why those in the Military Industrial Complex are called “War Hawks” — because war is their ultimate solution to crises.  As they are facing a series of existential crises, they are ramping up the rhetoric of war.  Listen to the words of Biden’s choice for Ambassador to China, or the German Defense Minister’s call to be prepared to use nuclear weapons against Russia!  Consider the possibility that the COP26 “climate” conference becomes the Flop26, and serves as an excuse for launching new waves of eco-terrorism.  

Putin Intervenes to Save U.S. and West from Strategic and Cultural Degeneracy, Attacks “Wokeness”!

On the eve of the globalist Halloween prank called COP26 — which hopefully will become Flop26 — Russian President Putin delivered a powerful speech lamenting the failure of nations to use the opportunity of the collapse of  the Soviet Union to create a safer world.  While defending “human life” and the “family” as “absolute values”, and insisting on “sovereignty” as a necessary condition for relations between nation states, he critiques the arrogance of those pushing a unipolar world, and dissects the cultural degradation being imposed  on the West by them — including a sharp criticism of “cancel culture”, and the approach to race and gender dominating policy discussion in the West.  (Since the western media are not covering Putin’s intervention, I am posting a summary of his critique of “wokeness” from our website: Putin: Human Life Over Failed Ideology and Woke ‘Phantasmagoria’ – The LaRouche Organization

Taking on Strategic and Economic Insanity

The world moved deeper into an extinction mode with the announcement last week of a new Australia-UK-US geopolitical security arrangement, and with a series of upcoming conferences focusing on moving toward “nature positive” methods of production, driven by the genocidal lunatics of the Davos World Economic Forum.  The former represents a direct threat to China, the latter to the food supply and production of goods essential for human survival.  Will  enough voices of sanity be heard to counter these absurd conceptions?   

Who Benefits from War and Geopolitical Conflict? Yes, There Is a “Deep State”

Friday Questions — Given that there is no “Climate Emergency”, can we collaborate to take power away from the predatory oligarchs, who are using “climate” to destroy civilization?Why aren’t more people speaking out against inflation?Is inflation caused by supply-and-demand distortions, like the “Bullwhip Effect?”Why didn’t President Trump take down the Federal Reserve?

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