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David Dobrodt

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Webcast: As Tensions Mount, Keep an Eye on the Big Picture

The broader strategic implications of President Trump’s decision on the Iran deal are not yet clear. What is clear is that the British Empire and its allies intend to escalate the tension, especially between the U.S. and Russia, and between the U.S. and China. Their goal is to sabotage the New Paradigm, which is emerging around a Four Power agreement between China, Russia, India and the U.S., centered on China’s Belt-and-Road Initiative, which continues to win the support of the majority of governments, despite the desperate efforts of its geopolitical opponents, who are deploying sanctions, regime change, terrorism and proxy wars to stop it.

It must also be noted that the wheels continue to fall off the Russiagate steamroller, with judges issuing rulings challenging legal assassin Robert Mueller’s serial abuses of power. Further, the agencies behind it, especially the FBI, are being purged, through firings and resignations, in anticipation of indictments to come.

Now is not the time to engage in armchair musings, or depressed submission. Last week, Helga Zepp LaRouche issued a stirring challenge for an unprecedented mobilization, on behalf of the New Paradigm. Join her this week — ON WEDNESDAY — as she outlines what must be done to achieve victory over the degenerate oligarchs engaging in a collapsing defense of the Old Paradigm.

A Case of the “Lazy Reason”: Behind Americans’ Rebellion Against Science and Authority

July 2 – Dr. Anthony Fauci of the NIH has recently been hammering away at what he has described as an anti-science, anti-authority problem in the American population, which has gotten in the way of taking the needed measures to contain the Covid-19 pandemic. In congressional testimony earlier this week he stated: “I think the attitude of pushing back from authority and pushing back on scientific data is very concerning. We’re in the middle of a catastrophic outbreak and we really do need to be guided by scientific principles.”

Examples abound. Take the case of a group of students in Tuscaloosa, Alabama who were just diagnosed with Covid-19 after attending “Covid parties” as part of a contest to see who can catch the virus first, a city council member told ABC News on July 1. Tuscaloosa City Councilor Sonya McKinstry said the organizers of the parties are purposely inviting guests who have Covid-19. “They put money in a pot and they try to get Covid. Whoever gets Covid first gets the pot. It makes no sense; they’re intentionally doing it.”

Nor can this be written off as “just kids.” In Rockland County, NY, so many residents have flat-out refused to cooperate with authorities on contact tracing, that the county has been forced to use subpoenas to enforce the process. NBC New York reported yesterday: “Health officials are investigating a new cluster of eight or more COVID-19 cases in Rockland County tied to a large party earlier this month, but they’re running into trouble with contact tracing because people refuse to cooperate. The county plans to resort to subpoenas, as it did during its measles outbreak some years ago, to compel people to work with contact tracers as they work to contain a new potential outbreak… That party linked to the new potential cluster was the first of three large parties in Rockland County in the last two weeks. It was hosted June 13 by someone in New City who was sick with coronavirus at the time, sources say. County officials said Wednesday that the host knew they were symptomatic and held the party anyway.”

Insight into such problems, which affect both “left-wing” radicals and “right-wing” libertarians in the country, was provided 310 years ago by Gottfried Leibniz in his {Theodicy} (1710):

“Men have been perplexed in well-nigh every age by a sophism which the ancients called the `Lazy Reason’, because it tended towards doing nothing, or at least towards being careful for nothing and only following inclination for the pleasure of the moment. For, they said, if the future is necessary, that which must happen will happen, whatever I may do…

“The false conception of necessity, being applied in practice, has given rise to what I call {Fatum Mahometanum}, fate after the Turkish fashion, because it is said of the Turks that they do not shun danger or even abandon places infected with plague, owing to their use of such reasoning as that just recorded…

“It is true that they are not inactive or negligent when obvious perils or great and manifest hopes present themselves; for they will not fail to abandon a house that is about to fall and to turn aside from a precipice they see in their path; and they will burrow in the earth to dig up a treasure half uncovered, without waiting for to finish dislodging it. But when the good or the evil is remote and uncertain and the remedy painful or little to our taste, the lazy reason seems to us to be valid. For example, when it is a question of preserving one’s health and even one’s life by good diet, people to whom one gives advise thereupon very often answer that our days are numbered and that it avails nothing to try to struggle against that which God destines for us. But these same persons run to even the most absurd remedies when the evil they had neglected draws near…

“One will employ the lazy reason, derived form the idea of inevitable fate, to relieve oneself of the need to reason properly.”

World Leaders Must Unite Around an “FDR” Approach to Solving the Existential Crisis Facing Mankind

July 2 – The proper way to commemorate the upcoming July 4 anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, a document of universal importance for all nations to this day, is by carrying that same spirit forward into organizing an urgent summit of world leaders around the New Deal and Good Neighbor policies of American statesman Franklin Delano Roosevelt. In her weekly webcast yesterday, Schiller Institute founder and President Helga Zepp-LaRouche picked up on British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s announcement of the adoption of FDR New Deal-style economic policies by his government, by stating:

“If, however, Boris Johnson would be serious about it [the New Deal approach], and he would immediately agree to participate in the summit called by Putin, and would insist that the New Deal in the tradition of Franklin D. Roosevelt is being made the subject of such a P5 summit, then it could be taken seriously and would actually be a useful contribution.”

There is little doubt that such an approach would be welcomed by Chinese President Xi Jinping, who told a Seattle business group during a visit to the U.S. in 2016: “In my younger years…I was interested in the life story and thinking of Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt and other American statesmen.”

The same holds for Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose call for a new, global security architecture in his famous 2007 speech at the Munich Security Conference, was shaped around FDR’s approach after World War II: “It is well known that the field of international security goes well beyond issues of military and political stability. It involves the stability of the world economy, overcoming poverty, economic security, and the development of a dialogue among civilizations. This all-encompassing, indivisible character of security is expressed in its fundamental principle, that `the security of each is the security of all.’ As Franklin Roosevelt put it in the first days after the outbreak of the Second World War, `When peace has been broken anywhere, peace of all countries everywhere is in danger.’ These words remain topical today.”

Trump has also turned directly to FDR on numerous occasions, including in his victory speech the night of the 2016 election, stating: “The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.” President Trump’s leading participation in such an international summit would also be the perfect rejoinder to the British-led efforts to remove him from office, either now with fabricated scandals (such as the absurd Russian “bounty-gate” hoax), or by trying to defeat him in the November elections, by attempting to blame {Trump} for the economic and coronavirus pandemic crises which {the British} in fact caused by 50-plus years of their policies of economic looting.

Nor is there any doubt that the global systemic breakdown crisis makes such a summit of leaders urgently necessary, whether it be under the aegis of a Four Power meeting of the U.S., China, Russia and India, as Lyndon LaRouche long proposed, or the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, as Putin has called for — so long as the agenda is building a New Paradigm of world peace based on universal economic development.

Webcast: As July 4 Approaches, the Choice for Humanity is Clear: American Revolution or Jacobin Terrorism

In her webcast today, Helga Zepp LaRouche threw down a challenge to all governments, and all people. In a world dominated by crises, there is a clear choice: either the ideas which resulted in the establishment of America as a constitution republic prevail, or the chaos unleashed by the British-directed Jacobins in France will plunge the world into a Dark Age.

We see the British imperial forces at work, in the unwillingness of many to face the reality of the Coronavirus pandemic; in the latest version of Russiagate, with the {New York Slimes} attack on Putin and Trump; and in the British meddling in Hong Kong, as an escalation against China. The June 27 Schiller Institute conference presented the clear alternative to these provocations, and Russia’s President Putin’s initiative for a P-5 summit is very important, as what is needed is dialogue, not geopolitics and ideology.

We have a choice today, she said, between the American Revolution, and the French Revolution. Schiller and his allies hoped the French Revolution would replicate what happened in America. Instead, the Jacobin terror took over, creating a nightmare. For the coming commemoration of the world historic event of July 4, she urged viewers to take up the best tradition, that of the American Republic, with its commitment to the Common Good. The urgent convening of a summit of the great powers would be a good step in that direction.

June 27 Conference: Will Humanity Prosper, or Perish? The Future Demands a ‘Four-Power’ Summit Now

Panel I — 10 am EDT
“Instead of Geopolitics: The Principles of Statecraft”


  • Keynote speaker: Helga Zepp-LaRouche: “The Alternative to a Dark Age and a Third World War”
  • Dr. Jin Zhongxia, Executive Director for China, IMF; Washington, D.C., United States: “The Fundamentals of East-West Philosophic Relations”
  • Boris Meshchanov, Counselor, Russian Federation Mission to the UN, New York City, United States: “Russia’s Global Economic Perspective, Post COVID-19”
  • Dr. Joycelyn Elders, former Surgeon-General of the United States
  • Ding Yifan, Deputy Director, Research Institute of World Development, China Development Research Center, China: “A Chinese Perspective on a Post-COVID Paradigm”
  • Daisuke Kotegawa, former Executive Director for Japan at the IMF; Research Director, The Canon Institute, Japan
  • Mayor DeWayne Hopkins (fmr); Former Mayor, Muscatine, Iowa; The Mayor’s Muscatine-China Initiative Committee, United States: “A View from the Iowa Farm Belt: the Muscatine-China Cultural Connection”
  • Question and Answer session

Panel II — 1:30pm EDT
“Why a 1.5 Billion Productive Jobs Program Can End War, Famine, Poverty, and Disease”

  • Jacques Cheminade, President Solidarité & Progrès, France: “How Food Production Can Unite the World”
  • Diogène Senny, Founder of the Pan-African League: “Thrive or perish: An Introduction to the Geopolitics of Hunger and Poverty”
  • Walter Formento, Director, Center for Political and Economic Research, Argentina; “South America on the New Multipolar Road” 
  • Dr. Kirk Meighoo, political economist, broadcaster, and former Senator, Trinidad & Tobago: “The Caribbean’s True Importance in the Making and Re-Making of the Modern Global Economy”
  • Mark Sweazy, former UAW trade union leader, United States: “Returning the U.S. Work Force to a Culture of Scientific Progress”
  • Robert L. Baker, Schiller Institute, United States
  • Mike Callicrate, Board of Directors, Organization for Competitive Markets, Owner Ranch Foods Direct, United States: “Food Unites People Around the Planet”
  • Alicia Díaz Brown, Citizens Movement for Water, Sonora, Mexico: “Let Us Return to the Best Moments of the U.S.–Mexico Relationship”
  • Question and Answer session

Panel III — 4pm EDT
“The Job of Youth”

  • Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Institute, Germany: Opening Remarks
  • Keynote: Daniel Burke, Schiller Institute, United States: “If You Sat Where They Sit, What Would You Do?”
  • Carolina Domínguez Cisneros, Mexico; Sebastián Debernardi, Peru; Andrés Carpintero, Colombia; Daniel Dufreine Arévalo, Mexico: “Getting Back the Great Ideas That Were Stolen From Us”
  • Franklin Mireri, YouLead Partnerships Coordinator, Tanzania: “The Greatest Want of the World is for True Leaders.”
  • Sarah Fahim, Student from Morocco Studying in Paris, France
  • Chérine Sultan, Institut Schiller, Paris, France
  • Lissie Brobjerg, Schiller Institute, United States: “Are You a Large-Scale Geological Force?”
  • Areej Atef, Education Committee Vice President of BRICS Youth Parliament, Sana’a, Yemen: “Youth of the World Face Two World Systems: The Old and the New”
  • Jose Vega, Bronx, NY: “A New Space CCC”
  • Youth Day of Action Invitation Video
  • Question and Answer session

  • Webcast: Putin Gives Valuable History Lesson to Counter the Stupidity of the Trans-Atlantic Establishment

    In reviewing the deepening civilizational crisis confronting humanity, Helga Zepp LaRouche, in her weekly webcast, kept returning to the central cause of the systemic collapse: the stupidity of those who continue to push geopolitical and neoliberal policies, long after they have failed completely. For example, take the Coronavirus pandemic. Our emphasis has been that what is required is a worldwide health “Silk Road”, as the cause of the pandemic has been the economic policies of the last forty years which have destroyed health care in much of the advanced sector, and never allowed it to be developed in the former colonial nations.

    This is the same problem with the global economic collapse. According to the IMF, and several reports from economic think tanks, we are headed toward what one called an “economic apocalypse.” The only way to address this is the way the Schiller Institute will in its conference this Saturday, with a mobilization to bring the four most powerful nations together to establish a New Bretton Woods. The anti-China hysteria coming from leading governments goes in the opposite direction, typified by the anti-China photo op stunt of U.S. negotiator Billingslea — though the summit itself between Russia and the U.S. on arms control was constructive. The last third of her discussion was a thorough report on Russian President Putin’s article on the lessons of World War II. Everyone should read this, she advised, especially those who will be participating in the June 27 SI Conference, as Putin made clear that there is a way to avoid an even greater disaster than World War II, and that is by recognizing that staying in a geopolitical geometry will lead to war — therefore, nations must come together to collaborate, to solve the outstanding issues among them.

    Webcast: The Empire Based in London Won’t Give Up: They Must, and Can Be Defeated

    With one provocation after another, each more transparently false than the previous one, the war faction of City of London imperial oligarchs and their Wall Street neo-con/neo-lib partners continue their efforts to sabotage the potential of the New Paradigm, which is emerging in Eurasia to be a worldwide movement, with breathtaking speed. Though Russiagate, the Skripal poisoning, and the Douma chemical weapons False Flag hoax have been exposed as originating in the diseased minds of British intelligence circles, they are at it again, with Bibi Netanyahu claiming he has “proof” that Iran never ended its nuclear program, attempting to trap the U.S. into yet another disastrous war in the Middle East, and possible nuclear confrontation with Russia.

    It is not enough to expose each fraud as it emerges. The unique role of the Schiller Institute, especially through the global role played by our founder, Helga Zepp LaRouche, is to focus attention on the intent of those engaging in these provocations, to pre-empt them from fulfilling that intent, which is to keep the world divided, at war, so that a unilateral degenerate Trans-Atlantic “elite” can remain the dominant power in the world.

    But their power is diminishing, as they have increasingly been forced to act in their own name, thereby exposing themselves. Their ability to keep control has also been diminishing, due to the challenge from the New Silk Road, and the New Paradigm it represents.

    In the last weeks, diplomatic and economic events and summits have greatly advanced the New Paradigm. It is essential that the voice of the Schiller Institute be magnified, through an expanding membership and a growing audience for our weekly webcast. Join us this week with your host Harley Schlanger, and help us expand the numbers who catch the New Silk Road Spirit.

    VIDEO: Let’s End War, Famine, Poverty and Disease

    Leaders in agriculture, economics and science lead a discussion on the terrible danger facing the world from famine, war and disease due to the take down of productive employment over the past 50 years. Subsequently, the prospects of implementing the LaRouche Plan, an economic strategy to create 1.5 billion productive jobs worldwide, is discussed. The speakers participated on the second panel of the June 27 Schiller Institute online conference.

    Webcast: London-Based Empire Exposed — Door Open for Trans-Atlantic Economic Change

    With well-deserved doubt greeting every strategic claim coming from the City of London and its allied forces on Wall Street and in Brussels, resulting from the ongoing exposure of their lies, e.g. on “Russiagate” and the use of “chemical weapons”, there is an unprecedented opportunity to break with the Old Paradigm on its weakest flank, the lie that the economy is strong and growing. In reality, the only thing growing is the danger of a new blowout, as there are new warnings daily of problems in the banking and financial system, due to an unsustainable bubble of all forms of debt. It was a similar confluence of bad debt and bloated leverage which led to Lyndon LaRouche’s prophetic warning, in July 2007, of an inevitable, coming blowout of the financial system, at a time when the consensus was that the economy was “strong.”

    With the emergence of a model which promotes real physical growth of the economy, through the expansion of China’s Belt-and-Road Initiative (BRI), the Schiller Institute’s Helga Zepp LaRouche has been emphasizing that the time is now for the economic program developed by her husband, known as “LaRouche’s Four Basic Laws;” to be implemented. There is no reason to tolerate a new crash, with the death and misery it would create, when a proven alternative is gaining support among the majority of nations. Further, it is the desperate attempt to save the old system which is behind the drive for war coming from the imperial crowd, which would risk the annihilation of the human race, rather than give up the fictional values of their financial holdings.

    The Schiller Institute has launched an offensive, to get out the truth about the financial oligarchs and their neocon war mongers, and to mobilize governments to adopt LaRouche’s Four Laws, and join the BRI. Get the latest update from Helga on this Thursday’s webcast, hosted by Harley Schlanger.

    Webcast: False Flags, Fake News, Regime Change In Washington Exposed As Made In London

    With each passing day, revelations are emerging which show that not only are the “news stories” proliferating in the media about Presidents Trump, Putin, Xi, and Syria’s Assad full of lies, but come from London-directed networks, which are out to sabotage the potential for peace through development, which is the aim of the new “win-win” paradigm which is emerging with the New Silk Road global program. These networks, centered in the City of London, British intelligence and the May government provided blatantly false reports on the Skripal poisoning and the alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria. Working with Macron of France, they pushed for an attack on Syria and Russia, before an investigation was begun, much less completed.

    These are the same networks which are “colluding” with U.S. intelligence circles associated with the Obama administration, to carry out a regime change in Washington, D.C.

    Due to their deceit, the world edged closer to World War III, with the strikes last Friday, April 13, against Syria. While the attacks were limited this time, probably due to the influence of Trump, Defense Secretary Mattis and Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Dunford, as well as clear warnings coming from Moscow, these networks will not stop until they have successfully carried out regime change in Washington and Damascus, as well as in Moscow and Beijing.

    Associates of the Schiller Institute have been at the forefront in exposing these lies, while explaining their origin, in London, but also their cause: the rejection by these circles of the New Paradigm, which Helga Zepp LaRouche has played a leading role in bringing into existence. Listen to Mrs. LaRouche’s webcast this Thursday, hosted by Harley Schlanger, to get the latest on these developments, and a strategy for victory over these desperate imperial forces.

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