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David Dobrodt

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Petition: All Nations Must Unite To Stop the Pandemic, Economic Depression, and the Danger of War

The following resolution was presented by Helga Zepp-LaRouche to the August 15, 2020 Spanish-language conference of the Schiller Institute, and has begun to circulate internationally.

We, the undersigned, strongly endorse the Schiller Institute’s call for the heads of state of the Five Permanent Members of the United Nations Security Council (P-5) to meet urgently to address the breakdown crisis facing each and every nation on this planet. We are confronted with the simultaneous escalation of an out of control pandemic; an economic collapse triggered, but not caused by the pandemic; a pending collapse of the transatlantic financial system; and an increasing danger not only of a new Cold War, but even the danger that a thermonuclear war could break out.

It is now becoming more and more apparent that Lyndon LaRouche’s 1971 warning was absolutely prophetic: that the path of monetarism would lead the world to the danger of a new fascism, depression, pandemics and war.

As political leaders, students, businessmen, workers, journalists and common citizens of numerous nations around the world, in particular of the so-called underdeveloped sector, we call on our respective governments to demand such a P-5 summit, and to actively help shape its results. We join our voices to the growing world chorus to proclaim we must awake to the dangers we face, and act in time to stop the carnage which is already underway, and agree on principles that can guarantee the long-term survivability of the human species, much as the Treaty of Westphalia did in the 17th century.

The P-5 can be the initiating force to open the door to such a New Paradigm, but other nations, especially those of the South, must also have a seat at the policymaking table. We join our voices to those calling for a summit to adopt measures such as:

  • A mechanism of solving all international problems through dialogue and diplomacy.
  • A New Bretton Woods system—as it was intended by Franklin D. Roosevelt and elaborated by Lyndon LaRouche—with the explicit aim of overcoming poverty and the underdevelopment of the so-called developing countries, starting with a modern health system in every country.
  • An agreement to make the program: “The New Silk Road becomes the World Land-Bridge” the basis for building to the best modern standards the infrastructural and industrial development of all countries on the planet.
  • A new security architecture based on the common economic interest of the world community, which includes the security interest of every single nation. There must be an end to the color revolutions and destabilizations now being orchestrated by the British Empire and its bankrupt financial interests against governments they don’t like—including the destabilizations of the governments of Donald Trump. Xi Jinping, and Vladimir Putin, among others.
  • International cooperation for a crash program for thermonuclear fusion technology, international space cooperation for the building of a village on the Moon and a city on Mars, as well as cooperation in life sciences.
  • An agreement to initiate a real dialogue of cultures, in which each culture and civilization commits itself to learn about the best traditions and universal contributions of the others as the basis for peace and understanding and a new renaissance of the world.

We urge the broadest possible participation in the upcoming Schiller Institute international conference, “War Drive Towards Armageddon, or a New Paradigm Among Sovereign Nations United by the Common Aims of Mankind?” which will be held online on this website on September 5-6.

Webcast: November 6 U.S. Election Can Secure New Paradigm and End Imperial Geopolitics

There is clearly something President Trump sees in the changing world strategic configuration that his frantic enemies don’t want you to see. While they wail about him “insulting allies”, ignoring the “crimes” of Putin and other “authoritarian leaders”, rejecting “climate science”, etc. — as the sad figure of Leslie Stahl was reduced to, on last Sunday’s “60 Minutes” interview with him — there are dramatic shifts in the world that require an American President prepared to break with the failed British-Wall Street geopolitics which has been imposed, with dangerous consequences, in the recent decades. Trump’s crime is not collusion in Putin’s election meddling, but his desire to break out of the geopolitical insanity coming primarily from the City of London and its American neocon and neoliberal underlings. This was the key to his election victory, as part of a global insurgency against deadly imperial business-as-usual.

In the last months, much of the world has enthusiastically embraced the Belt-and-Road Initiative (BRI) of China, including Japan, Austria and Italy among EU nations, most African nations, and many South and Central American nations. President Trump’s defense of sovereignty at the UN was enthusiastically received by the leaders of these nations, as it was taken as a sign that he sees such developments as an expression of their sovereign rights.

Whether he is able to bring the U.S. fully into cooperation with the BRI depends on whether the American people are mobilized to deliver a stinging repudiation to the old imperial regime, when they vote on November 6. The stakes have never been higher. Join Helga Zepp LaRouche this Thursday to get a full report on the progress of the New Paradigm, and what we must do between now and November 6, to secure its victory.

Webcast: War and Peace at Stake in U.S. Midterm Elections


In less than five weeks, U.S. voters will determine the future of humanity. If the Jacobin uprising promoted by the “Resist” movement, funded by the likes of Soros, and backed by the Obama-Clinton losers in 2018, succeeds in turning the House and Senate over to the Democrats, the world is headed for war. A Democratic victory would give new impetus to the impeachment drive against President Donald Trump, which has stalled due to the failure of the coup plotters to turn up any evidence against the President, as well as due to the ongoing exposure of the corruption of the Obama-Clinton security/intelligence apparatus running the regime change operation, in collaboration with British imperial forces.

As Helga Zepp LaRouche has detailed over the course of the last twenty months, the targeting of Trump is not due to Russian meddling in the U.S. election, but to Trump’s desire to break the U.S. out of the deadly geopolitical nightmare imposed on it by the Bush and Obama administrations. This fight has reached a critical moment. As the New Paradigm shaped by the bold Chinese initiatives around the New Silk Road has emerged, gaining strength by the day, the desperation of the imperial geopoliticians has grown. The tactics they used in the Kavanaugh case show they are prepared to throw out all constitutional principles, including the presumption of innocence, while unleashing crazed, potentially violent mobs against those backing the President. While polls indicate the putschists may have overplayed their hand, nothing can be taken for granted, as the stakes are so high.

Join Mrs. LaRouche this Thursday, and organize others to join in. These are not “ordinary times”, in which “politics as usual” will assure a positive outcome. The quality of elevated strategic thinking and individual creative involvement demanded by Helga are the special factors required for victory over the war party this November 6.

Conference: War Drive Towards Armageddon — Or a New Paradigm Among Sovereign Nations United by the Common Aims of Mankind?

PANEL I (Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. EDT)
Overcoming Geopolitics: Why a P-5 Summit Is Urgently Needed Now

  1. Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany), founder and President, Schiller Institute: Keynote Address
  2. Andrey Kortunov (Russia), Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council
  3. Dr. Edward Lozansky (U.S.), President, American University in Moscow; Professor, Moscow State and National Research Nuclear Universities
  4. Martin Sieff (U.S.), Senior Foreign Affairs Correspondent, UPI; Senior Fellow, American University in Moscow
  5. James Jatras (U.S.), Former advisor, US Senate Republican Leadership
  6. Q&A, part 1
  7. Marco Zanni (Italy), Chairman of the “Identity and Democracy” faction of the European Parliament
  8. Colonel Richard H. Black (USA Ret.), former head of the Army’s Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon; former State Senator, Virginia
  9. William Binney (U.S.), former Technical Director of the World Geopolitical and Military Analysis and Reporting section, National Security Agency & Kirk Wiebe, former Senior Analyst, National Security Agency
  10. Q&A, part 2

PANEL II (Saturday 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. EDT)
The Role of Science in Creating Mankind’s Future

  1. Jason Ross (U.S.), Schiller Institute Science Advisor
  2. Dr. Bernard Bigot (France), Director-General of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), former director of the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
  3. Dr. Stephen O. Dean (U.S.), President, Fusion Power Associates
  4. Michael Paluszek (U.S.), President, Princeton Satellite Systems
  5. Dr. Sergey Pulinets (Russia), Principal Research Scientist, Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
  6. Paul Driessen, Senior Policy Advisor, Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT)
  7. Philip Tsokolibane (South Africa), head of LaRouche South Africa
  8. Dr. Kelvin Kemm (South Africa), CEO, Stratek Business Strategy Consultants, former board chairman, South African Nuclear Energy Corporation
  9. Q&A

Point of clarification to a question posed in the proceedings of Panel 2.

PANEL III (Sunday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. EDT):
The Belt and Road Initiative Becomes the World Land-Bridge: FDR’s Unfinished Business

  1. Dennis Small (U.S.), EIR Ibero-American Editor
  2. Dr. Natalia Vitrenko (Ukraine), Doctor of Economics, Chairman of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, People’s Deputy of Ukraine, II and III convocations of the Supreme Rada (1995-2002)
  3. Michele Geraci (Italy), former Undersecretary of State for Economic Development
  4. Hassan Daud Butt (Pakistan), former Project Director, China-Pakistan Economic Corridor ; CEO of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Provincial Board of Investment & Trade
  5. Marcelo Muñoz (Spain), founder and President Emeritus of Cátedra China, dean of Spanish businessmen in China
  6. Dr. Björn Peters (Germany), physicist, entrepreneur and political advisor
  7. Q&A, part 1
  8. Dr. Joycelyn Elders (U.S.), former Surgeon General of the United States
  9. Jim Evans, State Representative, District 70, Miss., (1991-2015)
  10. H.E. Ambassador Ayikoi Otoo (Ghana), Ghana’s High Commissioner to Canada
  11. Marlette Kyssama-Nsona (Republic of Congo), pharmaco chemist, political executive of the Panafrican League UMOJA and specialist in public health issues
  12. Q&A, part 2

PANEL IV (Sunday 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. EDT):
Building Trust in International Relations: The Role of Classical Culture and Combating World Famine

  1. Keynote: Jacques Cheminade (France), head of Solidarité & Progrès, former presidential candidate
  2. Marcia Merry Baker (U.S.), EIR Editorial Board
  3. Bob Baker, Agriculture Coordinator, Schiller Institute
  4. Ron Wieczorek, South Dakota cattle rancher, LaRouchePAC
  5. Nicole Pfrang, Kansas Cattlemen’s Association Secretary-Treasurer, cattle rancher
  6. Mike Callicrate, Colorado, cattle rancher, Owner, Ranch Foods Direct
  7. Paul Gallagher (U.S.), EIR Editorial Board
  8. Fred Haight (Canada), Schiller Institute
  9. Michael Billington (U.S.), EIR Asia Intelligence Director
  10. Q&A
  11. Beethoven Mass in C, performance by the Schiller Institute NYC Chorus

Webcast: In the Face of Grave Dangers, There Are Solutions

With hot spots escalating to shooting wars, and with provocations deepening at the borders of Russia and China, Helga Zepp-LaRouche reiterated her view that this is a time when people must rise to a different level of thinking. There is no doubt that the war danger, and the coup threat in the U.S., result from efforts by the geopoliticians and neoliberals to save their system. Instead of changing course after the Crash of 2008 proved the neoliberal system, which promoted speculation over physical economy, is a threat to humanity, they used the old imperial idea of using wars to divert attention from their corruption. Under this old imperial system, little wars can rapidly become big wars.

But there is a solution, she said, pointing to the Youth Conference of last weekend, which examined the life’s work of her husband, both as it represented a real alternative to the imperial system, as well as an opportunity for young people to take up the challenges of the future. The idea of creating 1.5 billion new jobs worldwide, which some thought was a wild exaggeration when we first proposed it, was brought into focus with the ILO report, that 500 million jobs will be lost this year, and addressing the pandemic crisis and famine requires many more new jobs.

She concluded by reminding viewers that this is the Beethoven year, and through engaging in great classical culture, one can develop the inner strength necessary to handle the crises we face today.

Video: If God Selects Somebody as a Leader, No One Can Destroy Him

Statement by Jozef Mikloško, Former Deputy Prime Minister of the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic, at the September 26, 2020 international Youth Conference on his memories of Lyndon LaRouche.

Sign the petition to exonerate Lyndon LaRouche

Webcast: What Will It Take to Defeat Russiagate, and Bring the U.S. and Europe Into the New Paradigm?

In a discussion on October 1, Helga Zepp LaRouche identified the current crisis as one in which two contrasting dynamics have been unleashed, and are in direct conflict. One is defined by the collapsing financial/geopolitical system in the Trans-Atlantic region, in which the acceleration of the downward spiral is the factor driving desperate leaders of the failed paradigm to unleash more conflicts, increasing the danger of global warfare, including nuclear war. At the same time, the New Paradigm associated with the global economic and diplomatic initiatives of the Belt-and-Road Initiative, and the BRICS, a paradigm of peace and development, is gaining momentum, as a growing number of nations are choosing the New Silk Road spirit, over the deadly course of imperial geopolitics.

The question posed to all citizens in the west is whether the United States and nations of Europe will act to break with the past, and thereby assure the success of the New Paradigm. President Trump’s speech to the United Nations last week sounded many of the same themes he voiced to win the 2016 election, including rejection of Mideast wars and regime change policies, of the right of nations to sovereignty, and ending the colonial practices being imposed under the guise of “free trade”. But despite these positive themes, and the courage he has shown in his ongoing battle against the British-directed, corrupt officials from the Bush-Obama-Clinton network of intelligence operatives running Russiagate against him, the neo-cons and neo-libs have not yet been defeated, and continue to assert a significant negative influence on U.S. and NATO policy.

It is therefore necessary to escalate the fight to bring the authors of the regime change coup attempt against President Trump to justice. Trump’s order to declassify documents related to systemic illegal actions by top Department of Justice/FBI officials, combined with Congressional hearings into the May 2017 meeting (or meetings), during which — according to former Acting Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe — Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein discussed a plan to remove Trump using the “25th Amendment”, will provide more evidence which can be used to shut down the coup. The upcoming mid-term elections must be taken as a point of mobilization against the coup, to show that Americans are ready to join the New Paradigm.

Help us build the audience for this Thursday’s webcast. Each week, Helga offers a compelling picture of the latest developments, and clear marching orders on how citizens can intervene to crush the coup, and bring the U.S. and Europe into the New Paradigm. We must not miss this opportunity.

Webcast: Discredited Russiagate Coup Must Be Shut Down, For the Sake of Humanity

In last week’s webcast, Helga Zepp-LaRouche reviewed the significance of President Trump’s order to declassify “Russiagate” documents related to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)/FBI attempted coup against him. The release of these documents, combined with the revelations by George Papadopoulos, who told Fox News that it was the British and their Australian counterparts who targeted him, by planting the lies of Russian “hacking,” provide evidence which can lead to not just breaking up the British-directed coup, but sending its perpetrators from the Obama intelligence community, to prison, for interference in the presidential election.

The hysterical reaction by the perpetrators — including direct intervention by the British and Australian governments, demanding that there be no declassification — led to a postponement of carrying out Trump’s order. But the President gave an assurance that they would be declassified. Despite the explosive consequences of Trump’s order, the western media is not covering it, choosing instead to run nonstop coverage of alleged teenage sexual escapades of Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh, along with the ongoing deliberately provocative and confusing story of whether coup participant Rod Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney General who appointed Mueller as special counsel, suggested using the 25th Amendment to remove Trump, has quit, or will be fired. Such coverage is designed to disorient viewers, at a moment when clarity is essential.

And while this is unfolding, the U.N. General Assembly has convened, in the midst of significant diplomatic initiatives which will determine whether the New Paradigm associated with China’s Belt-and-Road Initiative will end the era of geopolitical destabilizations and wars.

Join Mrs. LaRouche in this week’s webcast, as she provides the clarity needed to mobilize to end the coup, and with that, put an end to imperial geopolitics.

Youth Conference —The World Has a Choice: Extinction, or Era of LaRouche

Join forces with us at an exemplary online conference of the Schiller Institute, convened for students and youth across the world, to be held this September 26, 2020 with simultaneous translation into several languages. Participants will have an opportunity to engage in a dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche and other distinguished panelists. 

Younger participants are encouraged to RSVP and participate on Zoom.

Panel 1: “The World Needs the Exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche”
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM EDT

  • Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Founder and Chairman, Schiller Institute
  • Jozef Mikloško, Former Deputy Prime Minister of the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic
  • Marino Elsevyf, Attorney-at-Law, Dominican Republic, Member of 1995 MLK Tribunal
  • Paul Gallagher, EIR Economics Editor, Former Political Prisoner
  • Dennis Small, EIR Ibero-American Editor, Former Political Prisoner

Panel 2: “The Science, Culture, and Great Projects of a Global Renaissance”
2:00 PM – 5:00PM EDT

Presentations on:

  • The World Land-Bridge: Ending Poverty for Good
  • The Bering Strait Tunnel: Connecting the World’s Continents
  • A Presidential Alliance: LaRouche’s Policies for Ibero America
  • LaRouche’s Policies for Africa: Leaping into a New Paradigm
  • Europe’s Development and a Mission for Youth
  • Johannes Kepler and the Folly of the Senses
  • Think Like Beethoven!
  • Creativity in an Age of Artificial Intelligence
  • Alexander Hamilton, LaRouche, and the Credit System

Webcast: Victory Over Desperate British Empire Now Within Reach!

With the successful flanking maneuver agreed to by Russian President Putin and Turkey’s President Erdogan, to set up a demilitarized zone in Idlib province, the immediate danger of British-directed military confrontation with Syria has been momentarily defused. The British, backed by U.S. neocon war hawks Nikki Haley and John Bolton, have been threatening a U.K.-U.S.-French strike on Syria, if the Assad regime uses chemical weapons there, or if there are significant civilian casualties, as part of an assault on terrorists burrowed inside civilian population. While there has been no Syrian chemical weapons attack previously, the danger remains that London’s White Helmet assets and the terrorists they support may launch a False Flag chemical weapons attack, which they would blame on Assad, to justify a strike on his forces, and their propaganda machine continues to attack Syria for acting to free their nation of terrorists, with Russian and Iranian support!

The same British networks pushing for a broader conflict in southwest Asia are on the defensive elsewhere, as the forces allied to bring about a New Paradigm continue their peace-through-development offensive. The North and South Korean presidents are holding an historic meeting in Pyongyang. The just-completed FOCAC conference in Beijing demonstrated the enormous potential for African nations to develop as part of China’s Belt-and-Road Initiative. And corrupt U.S. Justice Department/FBI officials who have colluded with the Brits to create “Russiagate” are in danger of having criminal charges brought against them, due to President Trump’s decision to declassify documents which expose their illegal actions to achieve regime change in the U.S.

Lyndon LaRouche’s vision of a Four Power alliance, in which the U.S., Russia, China and India organize a New Bretton Woods monetary system which would end colonialism forever, is much closer to being realized than almost anyone could know. Why is that? — Because most of the world is subjected to the lies of the London-directed imperial faction, which is fighting to maintain control through their geopolitical doctrines of divide-and-conquer, and war.

One who does know how close we are to realizing the vision of Mr. LaRouche is his wife Helga. Join her this Thursday for the Schiller Institute strategic webcast, as she will provide for you a clear view of the beautiful possibilities which are now within reach.

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