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International Peace Coalition

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Humanity Must Have a Vision for the Next Billion Years – International Peace Coalition Meeting

This article appears in the February 23, 2024 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. by Kevin Gribbroek We have reached a point in history, where because we are sitting in one boat, we must step up to the level of reason, of finding a solution for the entire human species. Helga…

International Peace Coalition Meeting

A Transformation of the Moral Universe is Required Feb. 9—This week’s online meeting of the International Peace Coalition began with moderator Anastasia Battle observing that the Coalition has now met for 36 consecutive weeks without interruption. She announced that a major focus of the Coalition’s…

International Peace Coalition

Send an email to to participate in the weekly Friday Zoom meeting of the International Peace Coalition. 

International Peace Coalition (IPC) holds 8th meeting: Build the Aug. 6 Peace Rallies Internationally: End the Age of Colonialism Once and For All

July 28—The International Peace Coalition (IPC) held its eighth weekly meeting, on Friday July 28. The spirit of changing the course of history, as current developments are taking the world closer and closer to a nuclear Armageddon, was palpable in the reports from every speaker,…

Seventh Weekly Meeting of International Peace Coalition: Humanity Must Overcome Differences To Prevent Nuclear War

If you would like to join in the International Peace Coalition, please contact July 21, 2023 (EIRNS)—The International Peace Coalition (IPC) held its seventh weekly international meeting on Friday, July 21, with representatives of 17 nations, most of whom reported on the mobilizations taking…

PRESS RELEASE: International Peace Coalition Holds Sixth Meeting

July 14—The International Peace Coalition (IPC), initiated by Helga Zepp- LaRouche, held its sixth weekly Zoom meeting today, chaired by the Schiller Institute’s Anastasia Battle, with 38 guests from 15 countries and peace organizations, in addition to members of the Schiller Institute. At their fifth…

PRESS RELEASE: Fifth International Peace Coalition Event Reveals Growth and Extensive Organizing

If you are interested in working with the International Peace Coalition, please contact

International Peace Coalition Charts a Path to the New Paradigm

If you are interested in working with the International Peace Coalition, please contact On Friday June 30, the International Peace Coalition (IPC) held its fourth meeting with approximately 60 organizers from Argentina, Germany, Guinea, Nicaragua, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK, the United States, and…

PRESS RELEASE: International Peace Coalition Holds Third Meeting

For international release June 28, 2023 If you are interested in working with the International Peace Coalition, please contact The International Peace Coalition (IPC), initiated by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and leader of the Schiller Institute, held its third meeting on Friday, June 23. More…

Building an International Peace Coalition — a discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Send your questions for Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche to: Amidst “escalating” peace efforts around the world, Helga Zepp-LaRouche has been interviewed by both Chinese and Russian media. In an interview with the Chinese Global Times on June 19 (“‘De-risking’ with China is manipulative, illustrating West’s geopolitical…

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