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International security and development architecture

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World War III or Peace? ~ Support China’s Peace Plan!

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche No, not sleepwalking, but rather with eyes wide open, and without reason, backbone or conscience, the trans-Atlantic Establishment is pushing us to the edge of the cliff, beyond which a thermonuclear Hell is lurking, that threatens to annihilate all life on this…

The Age of Reason or the Annihilation of Humanity?

By Helga Zepp-LaRouche The reckless sending of ever more and ever more heavy weapons into Ukraine must stop instantly. The “narrative,” that there are no red lines, that “Ukraine must win,” and that “Russia must be ruined” is insane. The strongest nuclear power on Earth,…

Keynote Address — How to Avoid Nuclear War: The Nature of Man

Watch the February 4 Schiller Institute conference Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Hello. Let me greet you wherever you may be around the globe. If the so-called “ordinary citizen” would know how close we are to thermonuclear war, and with that the annihilation of mankind and therefore everything…

Live event: Peace On Earth, Or Humanity’s Doom? The Case for Negotiations

Saturday, December 17, 2022 — 11am eastern Russian President Vladimir Putin’s remarks made last Friday, Dec. 9, in the wake of former German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s admission that the 2015 Minsk Agreements regarding Ukraine were never intended to be upheld, have sent shock waves throughout…

‘Soloviev Live’ Interviews Helga Zepp-LaRouche on Ten Principles

Dec. 7, 2022 (EIRNS)–Wednesday Dec. 7, 2022—Vladimir Soloviev aired a 21-minute interview with Helga Zepp-LaRouche on Dec. 7. {Video version of this interview is here: } VLADIMIR SOLOVIEV: Well, unfortunately, that’s about my German, so if you don’t have anything against it, we’ll try…

Open Letter to the United Nations From the Schiller Institute & the Foundation to Battle Injustice

UNGA must remove the causes for the war danger! Sign the Open Letter Here The Foundation to Battle Injustice has appealed to the UN with an Open Letter to close down the Myrotvorets-List in Ukraine, which targets 4000 international journalists and other institutional people for…

Video: A Global Youth Partnership for a New Paradigm

Helga Zepp-LaRouche addresses a meeting of youth representing 28 countries on the urgent need to create a youth movement committed to ending the tragedy of geopolitics and replacing it with a New Paradigm. This meeting is a continuation of the process initiated on April 9…

“Form a Partnership of Young People From All Over the World to Fight for A Better Future”

May 4 (EIRNS) – In the course of a wide-ranging interview with author and publicist Daniel Estulin , Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche today responded to a question about the subject of the Schiller Institute’s upcoming May 7 international dialogue on “The Role of Youth…

Helga Zepp-LaRouche Responds to German Heavy Weapons to Ukraine

Faced with a Looming Nuclear War with Russia: Has the Bundestag Lost Its Mind? An Appeal to Citizens: Don’t Let Germany Get Drawn Into Nuclear War with Russia — April 30, 2022 (EIRNS)—Helga Zepp-LaRouche wrote the following as the lead article in the German weekly…

Beijing Review Covers April 9 Schiller Conference, Zepp-LaRouche Initiative

April 24 (EIRNS)–The national, English-language news weekly in China, the Beijing Review, gave prominent coverage to the Schiller Institute conference of April 9, titled, International call for a new security architecture to cope with global issues. The article was datelined April 18, and has appeared…

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