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Video: CO₂ is not a Pollutant — Exposing the Fraud Behind the Global Reset/Green New Deal

Dr.William Happer, Professor Emeritus of Princeton University (who had been brought on to the National Security Council by President Trump in order to set up an actual scientific debate with the advocates of the climate change hoax, only to see that effort sabotaged by Trump’s Cabinet), presented a devastating scientific proof of the fraud of the claims of the climate hysterics. He demonstrated that CO₂ is not a pollutant, but a boon to food production, and that the hysteria is based wittingly on fraudulent computer models. He described the climate change movement as a religious crusade, not based on any real science.

EIR’s Richard Freeman exposes the long-planned origins of today’s fascist schemes called the Global Reset and the Green New Deal.

Excerpts from the March 20-21 Schiller Institute conference, watch the entire conference here.

“The Truth about the Syrian Crisis.”

Presentation by State Senator (former) Richard H. Black (U.S.) given at the March 20-21 Schiller Institute conference.

Schiller Institute Afghanistan Webinar: Circulate a Common Interest Development Program Right Away

July 31 (EIRNS)–Today the Schiller Institute brought together in a five-hour intense discussion at an international virtual conference, diplomats and experts from many nations, including Afghanistan, Russia, China, Pakistan, the United States, Italy and others, on the theme: “Afghanistan: A Turning Point in History After the Failed Regime-Change Era.”

Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany,) Chairwoman and founder of the Schiller Institute, who has been leading a process of institutional and informal dialogue for the past 18 months, said at the conclusion of today’s event, that we now “have a perspective of where to go.” The priority is “to put development on the table, which will be difficult to refuse” by anyone, and to give all the support possible to make it happen. The last speaker of the day, Hussein Askary (Sweden/Iraq,) Southwest Asia Coordinator for the Schiller Institute, put it forcefully, that we must “make development the first item” in any talks, not the last. He warned, “Keep the warlords and the British out!” Askary’s presentation, which covered concrete aspects of development, was titled, “Put Afghanistan on the Belt and Road to Peace.”

The event was opened by Moderator Dennis Speed (U.S.A.), who said that the deliberations would change the usual conception of war or peace, to partake of the diplomacy of formulating policies for mutual understanding and development. He introduced a short 1985 video by statesman-economist Lyndon LaRouche making the point, with reference to President Abraham Lincoln’s record, that the power of infrastructure transforms an economy. Zepp-LaRouche’s opening remarks stressed that we are at a special moment in history, where geopolitical confrontation must be ended, and a new paradigm begun—not only for Eurasian integration and prosperity, but for universal history. She showed the beautiful “Golden Mask” artifact, to make the point of the 5,000-year history of the Central Asian region.

Playing a lead role in the discussion from beginning to end was Professor Pino Arlacchi (Italy), who participated from Italy. Currently Sociology Professor at the Sassari University, he was Executive Director of the UN Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention (1997-2002,) and former European Parliament Rapporteur on Afghanistan. He spoke on, “Eradicate Opium in Afghanistan, Develop Modern Agriculture, Build the Nation, Now.” He described his original plan which by 2001 had nearly eliminated opium poppy growing in Afghanistan, which then was reversed under the ensuing years from 2001 of U.S. and NATO military operations. Arlacchi again proposed a plan in 2010, which was thwarted by the EU, Britain and the U.S. Today, Afghanistan is the source of over 80% of the world’s opium drugs. Arlacchi laid out what can and must be done today. The needed approach uses alternative agriculture—supporting farmers to switch to other crops, and similar realistic methods. Arlacchi stressed how relatively inexpensive this is, given the huge leverage by the drug cartels. Farmers in Afghanistan might get $300 to 350 million for their opium crop, which then is worth $20 billion to organized crime in Europe. There are many alternative crops of great use and value, for example saffron.

The diplomats presented a sweeping picture of the present situation. Ambassador Hassan Shoroosh (Afghanistan), the Afghanistan ambassador to Canada, spoke from Ottawa, saying that there is a “new chapter of partnership” ahead, which must be worked out. His talk was, “The Way Forward for Afghanistan.” He said that his country is “positioned to serve as a land-bridge” in Eurasia, and reviewed in detail various transportation corridors, from the Lapis Lazuli Corridor, to the Five Nations Railway route.

Ambassador Anna Evstigneeva (Russia,) from the New York City, where she is Deputy Permanent Representative at the Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN. Her presentation was titled, “Russia’s Outlook for Afghanistan and Eurasia.” She stressed that the goal is stability, and there is no military solution. There are important frameworks among the neighbors in the region, including the CSTO and SCO and bilateral relations. There is a special role for the “extended troika,” which has been in place for many years. There are meetings coming up in the near future. She noted that transport and infrastructure are of great significance.

Dr. Wang Jin (China,) Fellow at The Charhar Institute, spoke on the topic, “Afghanistan and the Belt and Road Initiative.” He presented four key aspects of China’s concerns: 1) that there are no “spillover” impacts of instability; 2) that there is a future of advancement for Afghanistan; 3) that extremism and terrorism do not gain ground; and 4) that China and Afghanistan have positive ties.

From Pakistan, Mr. Hassan Daud spoke. He is the CEO of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province Board of Investment. He pointed out that Afghanistan is one of “the least integrated” economically in the Central and South Asian region, after these decades of strife. He spoke of the great “economic spillover” that will ensure, with Pakistan leveraging its position and resources to become a logistical hub, and extending benefits to Afghanistan through CPEC and the BRI. We must have “the spirit of the ancient Silk Road” again. He called for more seminars on this, involving scholars, chambers of commerce and others.

From the United States, Ray McGovern spoke. He is a former analyst at the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, co-founder of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. Addressing the topic, “The Real Interest of the United States in Asia,” he made many strong points, including that there must be “accountability” for the string of commanders who lied about what the U.S. was doing in Afghanistan, also in Iraq and elsewhere. He dramatically pointed out, that there weren’t even competent “situation estimates” that should have been done, about terrain, weather, LOC—lines of communication, and other standard assessments of what the U.S. is doing in places. In 2010, the U.S. Navy logistics was paying $400 a gallon to put gas in the tanks of military vehicles in Afghanistan! He hit hard at the racism involved in presuming you can do anything, anywhere; he quoted Kipling.

Many others were involved in the two question and answer periods, with important exchanges over key topics. For example, Earl Rasmussen, Vice President of the Eurasian Society, raised the point of the necessity to build trust. Dr. Stephen Fischer, an American physician, reported on a year he spent in public health in Afghanistan, working with a provincial reconstruction team. Zepp-LaRouche stressed many times, that in the context of the prolonged pandemic, it is imperative that we move in Afghanistan, and everywhere, for public health and modern medical care infrastructure.

Ambassador Anna Evstigneeva made a concluding point, that it is “important to rise above geopolitics.” She said that in Russia, “at all levels, including President Putin,” we are ready for cooperation.” Helga Zepp-LaRouche called on the panelists, and anyone in the viewing audience, to contribute to the development program perspective under discussion, and mobilize. Prof. Arlacchi, who has a new book out, Against Fear (in Italian,) gave parting words that, “peace is stronger than war. Let’s be more courageous. Not a victim of huge deceptions.” The full conference is archived for viewing. Now is the time to join the Schiller Institute.

Conference—Afghanistan: A Turning Point in History After the Failed Regime-Change Era

Schiller Institute International Conference – July 31, 2021

Afghanistan: A Turning Point in History
After the Failed Regime-Change Era

Moderator: Dennis Speed (U.S.), The Schiller Institute

Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany), Founder and President of The Schiller Institute
Keynote Address: “Afghanistan: The Bright Future for the Coming Cooperation of the Great Powers”

Pino Arlacchi (Italy), Sociology Professor at the Sassari University, Former Executive Director of the UN Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention, and former European Parliament Rapporteur on Afghanistan
“Eradicate Opium in Afghanistan, Develop Modern Agriculture, Build the Nation, Now”

H.E. Ambassador Hassan Shoroosh (Afghanistan), Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to Canada
“The Way Forward for Afghanistan”

H.E. Ambassador Anna Evstigneeva (Russian Federation), Deputy Permanent Representative at the Mission of The Russian Federation to the UN “Russia’s Outlook for Afghanistan and Eurasia”

Dr. Wang Jin (China), Fellow with The Charhar Institute
“Afghanistan and the Belt and Road Initiative”

Question and Answer Session

Ray McGovern (U.S.), Analyst, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA-ret.), Co-Founder, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)
“The Real Interest of the United States in Asia”

Hassan Daud (Pakistan), CEO, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province Board of Investment

“The Perspective from Pakistan: The Role of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) for Afghanistan Reconstruction.” 

Hussein Askary (Sweden/Iraq), Southwest Asia Coordinator for the Schiller Institute
“Put Afghanistan on the Belt and Road to Peace!”

Discussion Period

We welcome questions during the conference. Please send them to

Supplementary material by Executive Intelligence Review (EIR)Special Report Offprint: ‘Will Afghanistan Trigger a Paradigm Change?’

PDF of the invitation

“After the hasty withdrawal of U.S. and NATO troops from Afghanistan—U.S. troops, except for a few security forces, were flown out in the dark of night without informing Afghan allies—this country has become, for the moment but likely not for long, the theater of world history.”
—Helga Zepp-LaRouche, July 10, 2021

We face an extraordinary moment, of further descent into chaos, or the beautiful potential of Afghanistan becoming the seed-crystal of a new era of international cooperation so desperately needed in the wake of growing disease and famine worldwide.

Afghanistan was once a hub for the ancient Silk Road, the connection between the great cultures of Asia and those of the European side of the Eurasian continent. The entire Central Asian region was once known as “a land of 1,000 cities”, showcasing advanced technologies in oasis cities, including Merv, Balkh, Kabul, and Kandahar, with large-scale underground irrigation systems. Water development will once again be crucial, and the agricultural potential is great.
In the past weeks, most of Afghanistan’s neighbors have come together, in an attempt to forge a commitment to end the nightmare suffered by the people of Afghanistan, a nightmare also suffered by the military forces of many nations drawn into needless combat in the service of a British-centered oligarchy fostering the growth of drug trafficking and terrorism in the entire region.

Just as the collapse of the Soviet Union marked the end of an era—the division of the world into nuclear armed blocs hostile to one another—so also the utter failure of the 20-year misadventure of the United States and NATO in Afghanistan, and in the other failed colonial wars in Southwest Asia, poses the question: Can the great nations of the world cooperate in the transformation of Afghanistan, and the other war-torn nations, into modern economies, participating in co-operative development through the New Silk Road process, exemplified by China’s Belt and Road Initiative?

Leading voices, from veterans’ groups and whistleblowers, to experts on the danger of global narcotics plague and on international political relations, will join Helga Zepp-LaRouche in dialogue, to impel the United States and Europe to join the growing international cooperation that is coming together. We can use this opportunity to make the turn from 50 years of failed policies, and instead to embark on the path required to achieve a new paradigm for mankind.

HE Eng. Hisham Sharaf’s Speech to Schiller Conference Covered in Yemeni News

Mar. 22 (EIRNS)–An article in the Yemeni News Service Hodhod has a summary of the statement by His Excellency Eng. Hisham Sharaf to the Schiller Institute Conference March 20-21, 2021, “The World at A Crossroad: Two Months into the New Biden Administration”. It mentions the part where he states that Yemen intends to join and work within the framework of the New Silk Road. “Yemen will work its best within the umbrella of the Silk Road to become a successful and active element in the Silk Road Initiative”.        

Read the article: “Foreign Minister of Yemen speaks during international conference.”

WORLD AT A CROSSROAD: Two Months into the New Administration

International Schiller Institute/ICLC online conference March 20-21

This eye-opening conference is now concluded. You can review any of the panel presentations here.

Panel 1: “Reversing the Cultural Wasteland — The Urgency of a New Renaissance, Creating a Planetary Culture Worthy of the Dignity of Humanity”

Saturday, March 20, 10:00 a.m. U.S. EDT; 15:00 CET. 

Moderator: Jason Ross, Science Advisor, Schiller Institute (US)

  1. Moderator’s Welcoming Remarks
  2. Carlo Levi-Minzi, piano; Norbert Brainin, violin – Beethoven’s Violin Sonata, Op. 96, 4th movement
  3. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, President, The Schiller Institute, “Will Human History End in Tragedy, Or Continue With a New Paradigm?”
  4. Dennis Speed, Schiller Institute (USA): “The Poetic Principle: Why and How America Must Return to a Classical Culture”
  5. Liliana Gorini (Italy), Chairwoman, MoviSol (LaRouche Movement – Italy): “Dante’s Commedia: The Way from Hell to Science and Space Exploration”
  6. Diane Sare, Schiller Institute (USA): “Beethoven in the Garden of Gethsemane”
  7. Carolina Domínguez, Schiller Institute (Mexico): “How to Address the Crisis in Education: LaRouche in the Universities”
  8. Video: John Sigerson, tenor; Margaret Greenspan, piano, “Abendlied” by Ludwig van Beethoven
  9. Megan Dobrodt, President (USA), Schiller Institute, “Three Mars Missions and the Galactic Species”

10. Anastasia Battle (USA), The LaRouche Organization (TLO): “The Launching of Leonora!

11. Question & Answer Session

Panel 2: “The Strategic Crisis Facing the Human Race.”

Saturday, March 20, 2:00 p.m. U.S. EDT; 19:00 CET. 

Moderator: Harley Schlanger, The Schiller Institute Moderator’s Introduction

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, President, The Schiller Institute, Introductory Remarks

  • Dr. William Happer, Professor Emeritus, Princeton University (atomic physics), former Member US National Security Council (NSC), US Dept. of Energy, Office of Science

Question and Answer Session

  • Alejandro Yaya (Argentina): Masters Degree in civil engineering and in national defense; Vice President of the Civil Institute of Space Technology; advisor in technical and innovation management and transfer of technology processes. “Youth and Space”
  • Daniel Marmolejo (Mexico): Investigative journalist; winner of the National Journalism Award; covers the Mexican Presidency; producer of the “Hybrid Warfare” documentary series, and the “Incorruptible” program;  “Mexico, Argentina and China: A Vanguard Strategy from a Viewpoint Against Hybrid Warfare”
  • Denys Pluvinage (France): Vice President of the Franco-Russian Alliance
  • Sultan M. Hali (Pakistan): retired Colonel, Pakistani Air Force; journalist, “The New Silk Road and Pakistan”
  • Richard Freeman (USA), Executive Intelligence Review, “The Global Reset: The Great Leap Backward”
  • Question and Answer Session

Panel 3: “The Indo-Pacific, the Caucasus, Eastern Europe and Southwest Asia: Pivots for War, or Peaceful Development with the New Silk Road”

Sunday, March 21, 10:00 a.m. U.S. EDT, 15:00 CET

Moderator: Diane Sare

  1. Moderator’s Introduction
  1. Hussein Askary (Sweden/Iraq), Southwest Asia Director, Schiller Institute: “Justice for The Nations of Southwest Asia”
  1. Hisham Sharaf (Yemen), Minister of Foreign Affairs, “Our Goal: Peace in Yemen and Joining the New Silk Road”
  1. Haidar Al-Fuadi Al-Atabe (Iraq), Member, Council of Representatives, “The Importance of China-Iraq Cooperation for The Reconstruction of Iraq”.
  1. Shakeel Ahmad Ramay (Pakistan): Director of the China Center at the Pakistani Sustainable Development Policy Institute, “The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and Regional Cooperation for Peace and Stability”.
  1. State Senator (former) Richard H. Black (U.S.), “The Truth about the Syrian Crisis.”
  1. Zaid Ayoub Arbache, Assistant Professor, Dr. Faculty of Economics, Damascus University
  1. M. Michel Raimbaud, former French Ambassador to Arab, African, and Latin American Countries; former director of the French Office of the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons (OFPRA)
  1. Jacques Cheminade (France), Président, Solidarite et Progres, “A Call to Action”

Question and Answer Session 

Panel 4: “The Challenge of Famine and Pandemics — The Coincidence of Opposites or Mass Extinction?”

Sunday, March 21, 2:00 p.m. U.S. EDT; 19:00 CET

Moderator: Dennis Speed, Schiller Institute

  1. Moderator’s Introduction
  2. Dr. Joycelyn Elders, former Surgeon General of the United States, “A Global Health Mission for the Youth”
  3. Marcia Merry Baker, Co-Editor, Executive Intelligence Review, “The World Famine and the Need to Double Agricultural Production”
  4. Dr. Khadijah Lang, Chairman, National Medical Association (NMA) Council on International Affairs; President, Golden State Medical Association
  5. Mike Callicrate (Colorado), Cattleman, Founder of Ranch Foods Direct, policy advocate,operator of Mike’s “No Bull” Blog
  6. Dr. Shirley Evers-Manley, Interim Dean, Alcorn University School of Nursing, Mississippi, USA; Chairman, Global Health Committee, National Black Nurses Association
  7. Bob Baker (USA), Schiller Institute Agricultural Liaison, “Stand Together for Food, Health and the Future.”
  8. Bill Bullard, (Montana), CEO of R-CALF USA, (Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund United Stockgrowers of America
  9. Dr. Walter Faggett – Former Chief Medical Officer, Washington D.C. Dept of Health, co-chair DC Ward 8 Health Council, “D.C. Project: Community Healthcare workers Indispensable Role in Defeating the Pandemic”
  10. Nicole Phrang, Kansas Cattle Rancher, Secretary-Treasurer, Kansas Cattlemen’s Association
  11. James Benham, Indiana Farmer, President of the Indiana Farmers Union; National Board Member of the National Farmers Union

Question and Answer Session

Interview: Biden Bombing — Will Iraqi Youth Be Militiamen or Engineers?

What does Biden’s Feb. 25 bombing, supposedly in self-defense, of targets inside Syria mean for the region and the world? Iraqi-Swedish political activist Hussein Askary, the Southwest Asia coordinator for the Schiller Institute, explains the bombing in the context of the potential for the Belt and Road Initiative to transform Southwest Asia, and his own efforts to create a citizen’s movement capable of understanding and demanding the economic policies that will give them a bright future.

In 2019, Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdel-Mahdi visited China with a large delegation and worked out arrangements whereby a small portion of Iraq’s oil exports could be used to secure credit from China for productive investments in such projects as ports and other major infrastructure, so desperately needed to create a full, growing economy. But the outbreak of a “color revolution” in Iraq upon Abdel-Mahdi’s return and the January 2020 murder of Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi military leader Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis brought in a new government and ended, temporarily, the potential for the Iraq-China agreement.

But Askary had been setting the groundwork for a popular mobilization. In November 2019 he launched the Arabic LaRouche School of Physical Economics. He helped grow an Iraqi Facebook group devoted to infrastructure from 30,000 to 280,000 members, before it was deleted by Facebook in November 2020. He has continued to organize through numerous online communities, government contacts, and through the Iraqi media, and has helped to catalyze popular demonstrations in support of the Iraq-China agreement. “Will Iraqi youth be militiamen or engineers?” Askary provocatively asks.

Video: U.S.-China Relations: A Pathway for War Avoidance and Cooperation

Col.(ret.) Richard H. Black (U.S.), former State Senator (Virginia), former head of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division, U.S. Pentagon: “U.S.-China Relations: A Pathway for War Avoidance and Cooperation”

Presented at the June 26-27 Schiller Institute conference.

Conference: For the Common Good of All People, Not Rules Benefiting the Few!

International Schiller Institute/ICLC online conference June 26-27, 2021

Panel 1 — Saturday, June 26, 9am EDT
Whom the Gods Would Destroy: War With Russia and China Is Worse Than MAD!

Moderator: Dennis Speed (U.S.), The Schiller Institute

  1. Mozart’s, Laudate Dominum, Schiller Institute Chamber Singers
  2. Keynote Address, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, President, The Schiller Institute
  3. Dr. Andrey Kortunov (Russian Federation), Director General, Russian International Affairs Council: “Has the Geneva Summit Changed Relations Between the U.S. and Russia?”
  4. Atul Aneja (India), Editor, India “Engaging Russia and China as Part of a New World Order-What Can India Bring to the Table?
  5. Col.(ret.) Richard H. Black (U.S.), former State Senator (Virginia), former head of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division, U.S. Pentagon: “U.S.-China Relations: A Pathway for War Avoidance and Cooperation”
  6. Ray McGovern (U.S.), Analyst, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA-ret.), Co-Founder, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS): “When One Step Back Is Also One Step Forward: The Coincidence of Opposites” 
  7. Question & Answer Session

Panel 2: Saturday, June 26, 2pm EDT
The Real Science Behind Climate Change: Why the World Needs Seven More Terawatts of Energy

Moderator: Jason Ross (U.S.), Science Advisor, The Schiller Institute 

  1. Megan Dobrodt, President, Schiller Institute (U.S.A.): “Why the Universe Needs More People”
  2. Kelvin Kemm, Ph.D. (South Africa), nuclear physicist, former Chairman of the Nuclear Energy Corporation of South Africa: “An Engineer’s Approach to Power and ‘Renewables’”
  3. Emanuel Höhener (Switzerland), Consulting Engineer in Energy Sector, Chairman of the Switzerland-based think tank Carnot-Cournot Network: “Swiss Vote ‘No’ to New CO₂ Law”
  4. Prof. Augustinus Berkhout (Netherlands); Emeritus Professor of Geophysics, President of the Climate Intelligence Group: “The Good News About CO₂”
  5. Prof. Horst-Joachim Lüdecke (Germany), Physicist (Fluid Mechanics), Emeritus Professor, Saarland University for Technology and Economics: “Climate Cycles and Global Warming”
  6. Prof. Nicola Scafetta (Italy), Department of Earth, Environmental and Resources Sciences, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II: “Why The Climate Models Don’t Work”
  7. Ben Greenspan, M.D. (U.S.); Board of Directors, The American Board of Science in Nuclear Medicine; Past President, Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging: “Introduction to Nuclear Medicine”
  8. Paul Driessen (U.S.), Senior Policy Advisor, Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), author of Eco-Imperialism: Green Power, Black Death: “The Biden-AOC Green New Deal Fraud: Unsustainable, Unaffordable, Eco-Destructive, Carbon-Colonialist”
  9. Vincenzo Romanello, PhD (Italy), Nuclear Engineer, Research Center Rez, Founder, “Atoms for Peace” Czech Republic: “Building a Nuclear Power Platform for the World”
  10. Question & Answer Session

Panel 3: Sunday, June 27, 9am EDT
Weimar Germany 1923 Comes Again: Global Glass-Steagall To End Hyperinflation

Moderator: Harley Schlanger (U.S.), The Schiller Institute 

  1. Jacques Cheminade (France), President, Solidarite et Progres, former Presidential candidate: “Why the Challenge of Public Health, Education and Food Policy Are a One”
  2. Paul Gallagher (U.S.), Editorial Board, Executive intelligence Review (EIR):  “The Central Banks’ Regime Change and the Great Reset”
  3. Dennis Small (U.S.), Ibero-American Editor, Executive Intelligence Review (EIR): “Double or Nothing: The LaRouche Program for Mankind’s Durable Survival”
  4. State Senator Mike Thompson (U.S.-Kansas), Chairman of Senate Utilities Committee: “How Americans Are Herded Into ‘Green’ Energy, by Weaponized, Politicized, Monetized Science”
  5. Mike Callicrate (U.S. – Kansas), Cattleman, Founder of Ranch Foods Direct, Policy Advocate, Operator of Mike’s “No Bull” Blog: “The State of U.S. Ag and Solutions”
  6. Daisuke Kotegawa (Japan), Former Official, Ministry of Finance, Japan; former Director for Japan at the International Monetary Fund (IMF): “Valuable Lessons on the Financial Crisis from Experiences in Japan”
  7. Marc Gabriel Draghi (France), Economist, Jurist and Author: “Hyperinflation: A Step of the Great Reset to Destroy Our Freedoms” 
  8. Pedro Rubio (Colombia), President of the Association of Officials of the General Accounting Office of the Republic: “COVID and Economic Austerity Are Devastating Colombia”
  9. Question and Answer Session

Panel 4: Sunday, June 27, 2pm EDT
The Coincidence of Opposites: The Only Truly Human Thought Process

Moderator: Dennis Speed (U.S.), The Schiller Institute

  1. Dr. Joycelyn Elders (U.S.), former United States Surgeon General, and Dr. David Satcher (U.S.), 16th Surgeon General of the United States, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Health, former Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): “The Common Good Of All People Requires a Global Modern Health Care System”
  2. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, President, The Schiller Institute
  3. Boris Meshchanov (Russia), Counselor, Russian Federation Mission to the United Nations (NY): “The Russian Perspective on a Global Sustainable and Sustained Recovery”
  4. Major General (ret.) Peter Clegg, U.S. Army and Rear Admiral (ret.), and Marc Y.E. Pelaez (U.S.): “National Defense Against Germ Warfare – The Military and Healthcare”
  5. Question & Answer Session
  6. Dr. Khadijah Lang (U.S.), Chairman, National Medical Association (NMA) Council on International Affairs; President, Golden State Medical Association, and Marcia Merry Baker (U.S.), Editorial Board, Executive Intelligence Review:  “Mozambique Pilot Aid Shipment — Action Diplomacy for World Health Security”
  7. Mayor David Castro (Honduras), President, Mayors Without Borders Coalition: “Greetings to the Conference”
  8. Diane Sare (U.S.), Candidate for United States Senate in New York; founder, Schiller Institute NYC Chorus:  “E Pluribus Unum: What We Can Learn from Beethoven”
  9. Declaration of Independence and Rütli Oath

Leading Russian Think-Tank Posts Link to SI Conference

June 23 (EIRNS)–The Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) has posted a link to the invitation for the Schiller Institute’s conference this weekend on its home page, announcing simply “Schiller Institute Conference `For the Common Good of All People, Not Rules Benefiting the Few!’ View it here. 

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