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David Dobrodt

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Harley Schlanger Morning Update: Defeat the ‘New Fascism’, Revive the American System with LaRouche’s Four Laws

The ‘Reichstag Fire’ False Flag event of January 6 provided a pretext for the imperial forces of the so-called Military Industrial Complex to shift to a New Fascism, to suppress opposition to its Schachtian austerity policies and new wars.

The absurd impeachment bill passed against President Trump, combined with Big Tech censorship, and warnings of violent uprisings, point toward a new, harsher Patriot Act, to criminalize opposition to a Biden regime, which is committed to using a “Great Reset” to impose an anti-human, fascist Green New Deal. We must use the vulnerabilities of the imperial forces, i.e., that they are bankrupt, to crush them with LaRouche’s Four Laws. Today, we can use the celebration of Dr. King’s birthday to enhance the spiritual strength needed to achieve true justice for all, as King intended during his earthly mission.

Video: Lyndon LaRouche, 2004 – The Immortal Talent Of Martin Luther King

In the wake of the events of January 6, 2021, Lyndon LaRouche’s truly inspired and startling 2004 presentation of January 19, 2004 is ever more important.

Will we react with fear, or with anger, or even worse indifference, or will take inspiration from the common vision of leaders so separated in time and space as France’s Joan of Arc and America’s Martin Luther King? Will we hear the voice of our common God in whose image we have been made as did Martin and Joan? Mr. LaRouche challenges us to “to tap into that power,” then you can act with “a sense of what your life means. You have a sense of obligation, a mission in life to uplift the nation, by uplifting” your nation’s people.

Lyndon LaRouche is introduced by Amelia Boynton Robinson, a hero in her own right and a former vice chairwoman of the Schiller Institute.

Harley Schlanger Morning Update: FRIDAY QUESTIONS — How to Remain Calm in the Face the Breakdown of the System

Events since the November 3 election, including the escalation of the ongoing coup in the U.S. and its effects on the world, have been a cause of tension and extreme anxiety. This is exacerbated by censorship, “Fake News”, rumors, gossip and the degrading effects of a “social media culture.” How do we deal with that? How can we elevate our level of thinking, in the midst of this chaos, to the “new plateau” advocated by Helga Zepp LaRouche?

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Chinese Researchers Present New Prototype for Maglev Train

Researchers at China’s Southwest Jiaotong University in Chengdu have presented a prototype for a maglev train, using  high-temperature superconducting (HTS) magnets, which they say could be made commercially available in six years. The researchers revealed their prototype at a test track in Chengdu on January 13th. The train is designed to travel at up to 620km/h (385mph) but researchers said they were working to stretch that speed to 800km/h (497mph). The Japanese are also working on a new generation of maglev using superconducting technology. The Japanese, however, are using liquid helium to achieve a low temperature for their maglev, while the Chinese will use liquid nitrogen, which is a much cheaper coolant. Involving an investment of 60 million yuan (9.3 million U.S. dollars), the HTS maglev project was jointly developed by Southwest Jiaotong University, China Railway Group Limited and CRRC Corporation Limited.

Compared with other maglev technologies, HTS tech is more suitable for the futuristic concept of superfast transportation in vacuum tubes, where trains could hit speeds of over 1,000 kph, according to experts. China is intent on using maglev technology for their inter-city travel. The present maglev prototypes which have been produced are scheduled for travel between Shenzhen and Guangdong or between Shanghai and Hangzhou, which would increase the time-of-travel in the new city-clusters that are being planned as a part of the new Five-Year Plan.

Green Pipedreams Inevitably Lead to Power Blackouts

On Friday, Jan. 8, a major incident in the European power grid led to a strong frequency drop, which could have led to full blackout over Europe. The incident reached high- alert level 4 out of 5, the second most severe ever in Europe.

The reason for such an incident is in principle always similar: If an unstable system is disturbed by a local disturbance, which, considered by itself, is not dangerous, a chain reaction can quickly grow, leading to a big shortage in the overall power grid, which either leads to severe damage of the grid infrastructure or to an emergency shut-down of parts of the grid for protection.

In this case, the synchronized European grid was split into two separate “islands,” and grid operators had to initiate contracted load shedding in Italy and France to keep the grid stable.

The cutbacks affected areas of Romania and Austria.

The trigger for a Europe-wide blackout next time could be Germany, whose obsession with renewables has created power supply uncertainty which will get even worse if three of Germany’s remaining six nuclear reactors get shut off at the end of this year. A strong frequency drop in Germany would cause a chain reaction throughout Europe. 

2020 was a year with a record funding of “renewables” such as wind and biomass in Germany. Whereas funding of these green energy sources was 27.5 billion euros in 2019, it increased to 30.9 billion last year—an increase of 12 percent. Income generated by renewables stayed 6.4 billion below that of 2019—even taking into account that electricity generated by solar, wind, and biomass was 4 percent above that of 2019. The pandemic-related shutdown of industry caused lowered power demand, and since electricity generated by renewables cannot be stored, it had to be exported to Germany’s neighbors or put away as unusable surplus, becoming waste, which in the first nine months of 2020 caused net costs of 579 million euros alone, which the government covered with taxpayers’ money.

Harley Schlanger Morning Update: House Impeachment Vote Paves the Way for Global Banker’s Dictatorship

The second impeachment of President Trump has nothing to do with the accusation that he engaged in “incitement of insurrection” — how do you incite something that was pre-planned, and known to be operational? It was the latest in a string of frauds, e.g. Russiagate, Impeachment 1.0, etc. — designed to bring the U.S. back into full participation in wars and geopolitical provocations, and financial swindles, run by global corporate cartels, which now include those Big Tech firms run by Davos billionaires and hedge funds. Their system is collapsing, so they are racing to set up the “Great Reset.”

Webcast: Trump Dumps British Empire’s Agenda of Permanent War, Provokes Hysteria

The announcement by President Trump of an immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria, and reduction of troops in Afghanistan, has prompted a hypocritical and hysterical response from the pro-war party, which includes “leftists” and “liberal” media, in addition to the usual suspects among the neocons. Trump is fulfilling a campaign promise, to end regime change wars, opening the promise of the emergence of a new era in southwest Asia, based on reviving the principle of the Peace of Westphalia.

So why the hysteria? In this week’s webcast, Helga Zepp LaRouche explains why if Trump follows through with his pledge, and then proceeds to coordinate closely with Putin and Xi Jinping, it is a death knell to British geopolitics. That he is now acting on his own authority as President, ignoring the advice of his would-be controllers, has heightened the hysteria. This fear was signaled in a piece in “Foreign Affairs” earlier this year titled “The End of the Democratic Century,” i.e., the liberal British Empire. The ongoing collapse of many of the Trans-Atlantic governments, due to revolts by their people, such as in the Brexit vote and the “yellow vest” movement spreading from France, demonstrates the failure of neocon strategic policy and neo-liberal economic policy.

And while these regimes totter, the Belt-and-Road Initiative continues to pick up steam and gain adherents, such as Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda. The progress of the “Singapore model” on the Korean peninsula further exemplifies the potential for the coming year to be the year of the triumph of the New Paradigm.

It should provide some food for thought over the coming weekend, as we come to a tumultuous end of the year.

Webcast: We are Sitting on a Powder Keg—It’s Not Just About Vote Fraud

In her weekly dialogue, Helga Zepp LaRouche looked at the events of January 6 from the top down, providing the viewers with a strategic overview which will never appear in the mainstream media, or from the so-called experts. She excoriated the line that the events of that day were the result of the unleashing of a “fascist mob” by Trump, saying instead it was a “Reichstag Fire”, a pretext for a fascist coup to impose the “Great Reset.” Besides serving as a justification for social media/Big Tech censorship of the President and his supporters, the investigation into fraud was shut down, and there is a push to criminalize anyone speaking out against the intentions of an incoming Biden administration.

Meanwhile, the escalations announced this week by Secretary of State Pompeo are aimed at increasing the danger of war involving four hot spots, Yemen, Cuba, Iran and Taiwan, locking the west into geopolitical confrontations. The world sitting on a powder keg, and facing an accelerating financial disintegration, which can be reversed only by creative thinking that looks to a plateau above the ground from which the present crises have been created. This is the method behind the creation of the Committee of Coincidence of Opposites, which she initiated with a commitment to creating a New Paradigm for mankind.

A Matter of Life or Death— Call for International Mobilization of Food Resources To Fight Starvation in Africa

My name is Ramasimong Phillip Tsokolibane. I am the leader of the LaRouche movement in South Africa. But I make this urgent appeal not as a citizen of my country, but as a spokesman for all those who are now starving or who will soon face starvation in Africa, and have no one to speak on their behalf.

Right now, many millions of my fellow Africans are starving. They are starving thanks to a combination of deliberately enforced underdevelopment of my continent—enforced by the neocolonial power of the British Empire, acting through their financial power in the City of London and Wall Street—now intersecting both a global pandemic and locust plagues and other natural disasters affecting food production on the continent. To use the technical language, they are suffering from “Acute Food Insecurity Phase 4: Emergency,” one step away from “Phase 5: Famine.” If you drop the polite jargon, they are already starving, while millions more will also face starvation unless food is made available to them quickly.

“Humanity is facing the greatest crisis any of us have ever seen. It’s time for those who have the most to step up, to help those who have the least.’ That warning came from David Beasley, Executive Director of the UN World Food Programme, on 17 September. He wrote that 30 million people are now in danger of dying from starvation. Most of them are in Africa.

I want to stress that this is not a matter of what will happen—it is already happening. And unless something is done and done soon, millions and millions of people will die in the immediate weeks and months ahead, as David Beasley warned. He had already addressed the UN Security Council in April, warning that 300,000 people could die every day.

While various charitable and other organizations have sounded alarm bells and have appealed for money, the issue we face, if we want to save lives, is securing massive amounts of food, as soon as possible, to hungry and starving people. Given the state of infrastructure on the continent and the fact that much of this starvation is occurring in isolated, rural areas, the distribution that must take place is well beyond the means of individual governments and those of relief agencies.

I believe we must mobilize the logistical capacities of the world’s most capable military forces and design a strategy to bring food supplies from such food-producing nations as the United States and Canada, and bring them directly to those who need them. Let allies and adversaries alike, join forces, in this greatest of all humanitarian efforts. In his most recent encyclical letter, Fratelli Tutti (On Fraternity and Social Friendship), His Holiness Pope Francis wrote that it is finally time for mankind to give up the idea that war is justifiable—any kind of war that takes human life. But this is rather a war—or more precisely, an international battle—to save that most sacred of things, human life.

I appeal to the American President, Donald Trump:

Take up this challenge. Give America’s farmers the mission to produce the food to feed the starving, while deploying the vast resources of the U.S. military on this mission of mercy to bring food to those who need it on my continent. Do this, in the spirit of your wife, the gracious First Lady Melania, who pledged to help Africa and especially its children in any and every way possible, while visiting the continent in October 2018. By emergency action, take whatever steps are necessary to make this happen.

This should be sufficient reason to convene that international great power summit called for by the great lady, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, chairwoman of the Schiller Institute.

We can save lives, but it will take an international effort to do so. The U.S. did this once before. I am reminded of that great effort to get food to the starving people of post—World War II Europe, that involved a mobilization of the noble and good American people, who sent those CARE packages and food supplies.

My African sisters and brothers can be saved if the will is there, and if people see themselves as acting in the spirit of caritas (agapē), rising above petty differences to do something good and great.

This new 17-minute video gives excerpts from eight farm, health and other participants—North America, Africa, Europe—at the Sept. 5-6, 2020 Schiller Institute Conference, “War Drive Towards Armageddon—Or a New Paradigm Among Sovereign Nations United by the Common Aims of Mankind?”

Harley Schlanger Morning Update: Events of January 6 a Pretext for War, Global Banker’s Dictatorship

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Forget all the pious moaning about how the events of January 6 were an “insurrection against our democracy.” It was in reality a pretext, to be used to bring about a phase change, just as 9/11 was used to put the U.S. into permanent wars and a surveillance state. Today, the impeachment against President Trump is intended to show his 74 million voters that no opposition will be tolerated to what the Trans-Atlantic establishment intends: more wars and censorship, as they move to impose the Great Reset, which is a global banker’s dictatorship designed to dramatically reduce the world’s population.

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