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David Dobrodt

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“The Truth about the Syrian Crisis.”

Presentation by State Senator (former) Richard H. Black (U.S.) given at the March 20-21 Schiller Institute conference.

Webcast: Behind the Green New Deal— Hjalmar Schacht

In this week’s Dialogue, Helga Zepp-LaRouche takes no prisoners in characterizing the true nature of the “Green New Deal/Great Reset” agenda: nothing but a Schachtian policy for depopulation. She also reviews developments concerning the future of Afghanistan: will the U.S. join in cooperation with Russia, China, and other nations of the region to support Afghanistan’s economic development—perhaps the only chance to save the very fragile and tenuous relations with Russia and China—or, will the evil outlook of geopolitics prevail? That question should, as Zepp-LaRouche says, keep you up at night.

Register now for the July 31 Schiller Institute conference, “Afghanistan: A Turning Point in History After a Failed Regime Change Era.”

WORLD AT A CROSSROAD: Two Months into the New Administration

International Schiller Institute/ICLC online conference March 20-21

This eye-opening conference is now concluded. You can review any of the panel presentations here.

Panel 1: “Reversing the Cultural Wasteland — The Urgency of a New Renaissance, Creating a Planetary Culture Worthy of the Dignity of Humanity”

Saturday, March 20, 10:00 a.m. U.S. EDT; 15:00 CET. 

Moderator: Jason Ross, Science Advisor, Schiller Institute (US)

  1. Moderator’s Welcoming Remarks
  2. Carlo Levi-Minzi, piano; Norbert Brainin, violin – Beethoven’s Violin Sonata, Op. 96, 4th movement
  3. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, President, The Schiller Institute, “Will Human History End in Tragedy, Or Continue With a New Paradigm?”
  4. Dennis Speed, Schiller Institute (USA): “The Poetic Principle: Why and How America Must Return to a Classical Culture”
  5. Liliana Gorini (Italy), Chairwoman, MoviSol (LaRouche Movement – Italy): “Dante’s Commedia: The Way from Hell to Science and Space Exploration”
  6. Diane Sare, Schiller Institute (USA): “Beethoven in the Garden of Gethsemane”
  7. Carolina Domínguez, Schiller Institute (Mexico): “How to Address the Crisis in Education: LaRouche in the Universities”
  8. Video: John Sigerson, tenor; Margaret Greenspan, piano, “Abendlied” by Ludwig van Beethoven
  9. Megan Dobrodt, President (USA), Schiller Institute, “Three Mars Missions and the Galactic Species”

10. Anastasia Battle (USA), The LaRouche Organization (TLO): “The Launching of Leonora!

11. Question & Answer Session

Panel 2: “The Strategic Crisis Facing the Human Race.”

Saturday, March 20, 2:00 p.m. U.S. EDT; 19:00 CET. 

Moderator: Harley Schlanger, The Schiller Institute Moderator’s Introduction

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, President, The Schiller Institute, Introductory Remarks

  • Dr. William Happer, Professor Emeritus, Princeton University (atomic physics), former Member US National Security Council (NSC), US Dept. of Energy, Office of Science

Question and Answer Session

  • Alejandro Yaya (Argentina): Masters Degree in civil engineering and in national defense; Vice President of the Civil Institute of Space Technology; advisor in technical and innovation management and transfer of technology processes. “Youth and Space”
  • Daniel Marmolejo (Mexico): Investigative journalist; winner of the National Journalism Award; covers the Mexican Presidency; producer of the “Hybrid Warfare” documentary series, and the “Incorruptible” program;  “Mexico, Argentina and China: A Vanguard Strategy from a Viewpoint Against Hybrid Warfare”
  • Denys Pluvinage (France): Vice President of the Franco-Russian Alliance
  • Sultan M. Hali (Pakistan): retired Colonel, Pakistani Air Force; journalist, “The New Silk Road and Pakistan”
  • Richard Freeman (USA), Executive Intelligence Review, “The Global Reset: The Great Leap Backward”
  • Question and Answer Session

Panel 3: “The Indo-Pacific, the Caucasus, Eastern Europe and Southwest Asia: Pivots for War, or Peaceful Development with the New Silk Road”

Sunday, March 21, 10:00 a.m. U.S. EDT, 15:00 CET

Moderator: Diane Sare

  1. Moderator’s Introduction
  1. Hussein Askary (Sweden/Iraq), Southwest Asia Director, Schiller Institute: “Justice for The Nations of Southwest Asia”
  1. Hisham Sharaf (Yemen), Minister of Foreign Affairs, “Our Goal: Peace in Yemen and Joining the New Silk Road”
  1. Haidar Al-Fuadi Al-Atabe (Iraq), Member, Council of Representatives, “The Importance of China-Iraq Cooperation for The Reconstruction of Iraq”.
  1. Shakeel Ahmad Ramay (Pakistan): Director of the China Center at the Pakistani Sustainable Development Policy Institute, “The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and Regional Cooperation for Peace and Stability”.
  1. State Senator (former) Richard H. Black (U.S.), “The Truth about the Syrian Crisis.”
  1. Zaid Ayoub Arbache, Assistant Professor, Dr. Faculty of Economics, Damascus University
  1. M. Michel Raimbaud, former French Ambassador to Arab, African, and Latin American Countries; former director of the French Office of the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons (OFPRA)
  1. Jacques Cheminade (France), Président, Solidarite et Progres, “A Call to Action”

Question and Answer Session 

Panel 4: “The Challenge of Famine and Pandemics — The Coincidence of Opposites or Mass Extinction?”

Sunday, March 21, 2:00 p.m. U.S. EDT; 19:00 CET

Moderator: Dennis Speed, Schiller Institute

  1. Moderator’s Introduction
  2. Dr. Joycelyn Elders, former Surgeon General of the United States, “A Global Health Mission for the Youth”
  3. Marcia Merry Baker, Co-Editor, Executive Intelligence Review, “The World Famine and the Need to Double Agricultural Production”
  4. Dr. Khadijah Lang, Chairman, National Medical Association (NMA) Council on International Affairs; President, Golden State Medical Association
  5. Mike Callicrate (Colorado), Cattleman, Founder of Ranch Foods Direct, policy advocate,operator of Mike’s “No Bull” Blog
  6. Dr. Shirley Evers-Manley, Interim Dean, Alcorn University School of Nursing, Mississippi, USA; Chairman, Global Health Committee, National Black Nurses Association
  7. Bob Baker (USA), Schiller Institute Agricultural Liaison, “Stand Together for Food, Health and the Future.”
  8. Bill Bullard, (Montana), CEO of R-CALF USA, (Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund United Stockgrowers of America
  9. Dr. Walter Faggett – Former Chief Medical Officer, Washington D.C. Dept of Health, co-chair DC Ward 8 Health Council, “D.C. Project: Community Healthcare workers Indispensable Role in Defeating the Pandemic”
  10. Nicole Phrang, Kansas Cattle Rancher, Secretary-Treasurer, Kansas Cattlemen’s Association
  11. James Benham, Indiana Farmer, President of the Indiana Farmers Union; National Board Member of the National Farmers Union

Question and Answer Session

Webcast: Learn from the Present Crises: There is No Need for a Systemic Breakdown

The upcoming events of the Schiller Institute will make clear that there is no need for humanity to suffer from the accelerating breakdown crisis of civilization. On July 24, we will present an in depth dialogue, “There Is No Climate Emergency;” on July 31, a conference on the opportunity to use the withdrawal of U.S.-NATO troops from Afghanistan to move out of the era of endless wars, into cooperation based on mutual benefit; and on August 14, what are the lessons of Lyndon LaRouche’s forecast of the end of the Bretton Woods system, on August 15, 1971, and of the advances he made in physical economy to overcome the succession of increasingly bad policy decisions made after Nixon’s move.

In introducing this arc of events, Helga Zepp-LaRouche spoke of the disastrous flooding in western Germany, which resulted from a lack of preparedness and a failure to invest in infrastructure — not so different from the lack of preparedness when it came to dealing with the COVID pandemic. Instead of compounding the effects of these crises by making more bad policy decisions, let us learn from the development of the science of physical economy by Lyndon LaRouche, so we can move from these deadly events into a new era of peaceful collaboration and development.

Conference: There Is No ‘Climate Emergency’—Apply the Science and Economics of Development to Stop Blackouts and Death

Panel 1: The Economic Effects of Green MAD — Mutually Assured Destruction
Sat., July 24, 9:00 am EDT; 15:00 hrs. CET

We welcome questions during the conference. Please send them to

Moderator: Dennis Speed (US), The Schiller Institute

Lyndon LaRouche (1922-2019)

Jason Ross (US): Science Liaison, Schiller Institute
Topic: “There Is a Limit to Renewable Energy, Prologue”

Guus Berkhout, emeritus professor of geophysics, member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences , senior member of the Dutch Academy of Engineering, and president of CLINTEL Topic: “Stop Blaming Climate Change For Your Failures”

State Senator Mike Thompson (US-Kansas): Chairman, Kansas Senate Committee on Utilities
Topic: “Reverse Course on Wind and Solar — Report from the U.S. Central States”

Prof. Franco Battaglia (Italy): Professor of Physical Chemistry, University of Modena; Member of the Initiating Committee of the Petition on Anthropogenic Global Warming of June 2019
Topic: “The IPCC Is Wrong; the Consequences Are Deadly”

Angel Cushing (US-Kansas): Goat Farmer; County Action Leader
Topic: “Stop the Green Land Grab; Protect Food Production and People”

Christian Lohmeyer (Germany): farm leader, Christian Lohmeyer is also Board Member of the Landvolk Mittelweser, Lower Saxony; video report filmed near the Weser River on July 15
Topic: “Flooding Disaster Is Not Caused by ‘Climate,’ It’s Immoral Negligence”

Prof. (Emeritus) Alwin Burgholte (Germany): GADE-Hochschule Wilhelmshaven (emeritus)
Topic: “How Future Electricity Security Is Threatened by Wind and Solar Technology and Blackouts”

Paul Driessen, author, Eco-Imperialism: Green Power, Black Death
Topic: Extreme Weather Events: Myth and Reality”

Jason Ross, “There Is a Limit to Renewable Energy: Epilogue”

Panel 2: Energy, World Health and the End of War: The Power of Energy Flux Density
Sat., July 24, 2:00 pm; 20:00 hrs. CET

Moderator: Dennis Speed (US), The Schiller Institute

Dr. Walter Faggett (U.S.): former Chief Medical Officer, Dept. of Health, Washington, D.C., Co-chairman D.C. Ward 8 Health Council
Greetings to the conference

Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany): Founder and President of the Schiller Institute
Keynote address

Dr. Kelvin Kemm (South Africa): nuclear physicist, former Chairman, South African Nuclear Energy Corporation
Topic: “The Necessity of Nuclear Power for Africa”

Admiral Marc Pelaez (ret.) (U.S.): (Ret.) Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy; previously Vice Pres. of Engineering and Business and Technology Development for Newport News Shipbuilding; Chief of Naval Research
Topic: “A Military Perspective”

Alberto Vizcarra (Mexico): Director, Citizens Movement for Water
Topic: “Drought: A Challenge, Not Fate”

Richard McPherson (U.S.): Retired U.S. Navy nuclear engineering officer; Navy Board of Inspection and Survey, Propulsion Examining Board; U.S. rep. on the International Atomic Energy Agency six-nation panel, following the Chernobyl accident.
Topic: “The Truth About Nuclear Power, Ending War, Beginning World Development.”

Vincenzo Romanello (Italy): PhD (Italy), Nuclear Engineer, Research Center Rez, Founder, “Atoms for Peace” Czech Republic
Topic: “Building a Nuclear Power Platform for the World”

John Shanahan, civil engineer, editor
Topic: TBA


Webcast: Helga Zepp LaRouche Takes on the False Axioms of the War Party and Neo-liberals

Register for the upcoming March 20-21 Schiller Institute conference:

In her weekly dialogue, Helga Zepp-LaRouche developed how open dialogue, rather than profiled reaction, is key to taking on the crises confronting humanity. The three major themes she addressed are: growing opposition to the Great Reset/Green New Deal; how the mistakes made in western countries in dealing with the pandemic — including denial — have led to a deepening crisis, as the “third wave” is now hitting western Europe; and how the anti-China propaganda of the unilateralist War Hawks is putting the west into a dangerous flight forward, based on false propaganda coming from the Military Industrial Complex.

She urged viewers to participate in the upcoming two-day online Schiller Institute conference, which will open with a panel on reversing the decline of classical culture in the West, which has contributed to the gullibility of many to the lies coming from the war hawks and neolibs.

Seminar Invitation: So, Are You Finally Willing to Learn Economics?

On the 50th Anniversary of LaRouche’s Stunning Forecast of August 15, 1971

August 14, 2021

9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. EDT

The LaRouche Legacy Foundation is pleased to invite you to an online seminar with leading international experts to examine the unique contributions of Lyndon LaRouche (1922–2019) to the science of physical economy. The seminar will consist of a morning and an afternoon panel, and it will be held on the 50th anniversary of President Richard Nixon’s fateful announcement of the end of the Bretton Woods system on August 15, 1971.

This is also an urgent invitation to reflect on what went wrong with economic policy in the trans-Atlantic sector over the last five decades, in order to correct those persisting policy blunders and change course before we plunge into a breakdown crisis comparable only to the 14th century New Dark Age.

Some background:

On August 15, 1971, Nixon delivered a dramatic 18-minute national television address in which he announced:

  1. The dollar was being taken off the gold standard: the dollar would no longer be redeemable in gold;
  2. A floating exchange rate system would replace the existing fixed exchange rate international monetary system;
  3. A temporary wage and price freeze would be instituted in the U.S., which quickly became Phase I, II and III drastic austerity measures.

Although Nixon announced these measures purportedly to rein in financial speculation against the dollar, they in fact opened the floodgates to the most massive, lengthy speculative binge in the history of mankind, coupled with physical economic collapse— which continues to this day.

The August 15, 1971 announcement was the most far-reaching and catastrophic economic policy decision of the 20th century in terms of its consequences down to the present. One economist, and one economist alone, called it. He warned that it was coming and explained what it meant within hours of its announcement.

That man was Lyndon LaRouche.

LaRouche spent the next five decades warning that, if those policies were continued, the world would head into a systemic breakdown crisis and the likelihood of fascist economic policies. All the while he presented detailed programs to reverse the crisis, based on the idea of peace through development and on fostering the productive powers of labor of every person on the planet.

For this, LaRouche was reviled and unjustly imprisoned for five years. His policies were not implemented in the trans-Atlantic sector, and the planet today is paying the price for that folly in the form of a hyperinflationary blowout, an uncontrolled and deadly pandemic, and the danger of thermonuclear war. As a result of the campaign to defame LaRouche and silence his ideas, most people in the United States and elsewhere have never studied his writings.

But some people, leading scientists and political leaders in different parts of the world, did listen to LaRouche and did study his works— such as the Russian scientific giant Pobisk Kuznetsov and former Mexican President José López Portillo.

Other specialists and students of LaRouche’s works will participate in the Aug. 14 seminar, and you will be able to hear from them directly about LaRouche’s economic breakthroughs, about his unmatched record of forecasts, and about his programmatic proposals to develop every corner of the planet—and the solar system.  The seminar will help you understand why it is past time to exonerate LaRouche’s ideas, both for reasons of simple justice and to be able to at last implement his policies.

As José López Portillo, the former President of Mexico, stated in 1998 in a joint seminar with Helga Zepp-LaRouche: “It is now necessary for the world to listen to the wise words of Lyndon LaRouche.”

Harley Schlanger Daily Update — Which Way for the Biden Administration on China?

For those insisting that President Biden is in the back pocket of China’s President Xi, remember this is the same line that President Trump’s opponents used against him for his stated desire to form a collaborative friendship with Russia’s Putin. This line, against both, comes from the lying War Hawks of the Military Industrial Complex, to justify a bloated defense budget, to impose the “rules-based order” of global financial institutions. Will Biden submit to them, as the previous administration did by unleashing Pompeo in a frenzied push for regime change wars in 2020? A planned March 18 meeting between officials of the Biden and Xi governments may provide some answers. Join the Schiller Institute online conference on March 20-21 to get the full story on the direction of U.S.-China relations.

Harley Schlanger Daily Update: As Hyperinflation Signs Grow, Significant Opposition to Green New Deal Surfaces

The tsunami of liquidity flowing from central banks into the hands of speculators is setting off an increase in commodity prices, which could soon hit producers, and then be passed on to consumers. Concern over the reaction to this is why global financial cartel players are trying to rush through the Great Reset, which includes a new bubble in “Green” investments. But, as we predicted, there is growing opposition to this foolishness, as U.S. states have filed a lawsuit against Biden’s Executive Order mandating a Green reset, and Putin made clear he will not allow Russia to be subject to the blackouts which hit Texas due to green energy policies and a deregulated electricity market.

Harley Schlanger Daily Update: Need Productive Jobs, Reliable Electricity, Clean Water, Health Care and Food?

Unless Americans and Europeans mobilize against the Great Reset and Green New Deal, we will soon be entering the greatest Depression in world history. Most western governments, including the Biden administration, are committed to dismantle the physical, goods-producing economies which remain, in favor of an anti-scientific fraud of achieving “carbon net zero”, which will doom most of humanity to death by starvation, new pandemics, and geopolitical wars. There is an alternative, drafted by the LaRouche movement, “How to Restart the U.S. Economy: The World Needs 1.5 Billion New Productive Jobs”. It is time we feed the people, and not the City of London/Wall Street predators!

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