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David Dobrodt

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Harley Schlanger Update April 6 2021

Harley Schlanger Daily Update: More Lies from Globalists and War Hawks to Justify Military Build-up

Do you know who is producing the reports of “human rights” violations by China in Xinjiang province against the Uyghur minority?  It shouldn’t surprise you to hear that these lies, repeated endlessly by Mike Pompeo and Antony Blinken, come from the same networks behind the regime change wars of the last two decades — and from the very same people and institutions which ran Russiagate and the Ukraine impeachment against President Trump.  Not only that, but they are the same networks, including in the mainstream and social media, which are trying to push through the Great Reset global central banker’s dictatorship, and the genocidal Green New Deal; and who run Joe Biden’s administration.  

Webcast: How was Lyndon LaRouche Able to Forecast Today’s Systemic Crisis 50 Years Ago?

In reviewing the crises facing mankind, Helga Zepp-LaRouche began and ended with an appeal to viewers to join her and the LaRouche Legacy Foundation this Saturday, for an in-depth review of why we are facing a systemic collapse, and why it is finally necessary for the world to learn how Lyndon LaRouche was able to forecast the collapse, and constantly offer alternatives.

The central issue for her late husband, she said, was a rejection of the approach of systems analysis, typified by his opponents, such as Norbert Weiner and von Neumann, which dominates all fields; and instead putting forward solutions derived from the approach of classical science and culture. Despite the horrendous conditions facing us since the destruction of the Bretton Woods system in 1971, LaRouche maintained his optimistic belief that solutions can be found, based on application of human creativity.

Watch the conference at the LaRouche Legacy Foundation website on Saturday, August 14, at 9 AM EDT.

Video: COVID-19 & Triage: A Slippery Slope

A discussion of the “Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites” concerning the policy of triage in face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Harley Schlanger Update April 6 2021

Harley Schlanger Daily Update: Insanity of the Speculative System on Display: The Archegos Story

Nervous traders watch Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, as yet another hedge fund threatens to unleash huge losses, due to a bet gone bad.  The unravelling of speculative positions held by Archegos, triggered over $6 billion in losses, hitting major banks which were lenders to the firm.  Will the Fed keep interest rates low, to allow the speculative binge to continue indefinitely?  And what will happen if they finally admit that inflation is eating away the value of the dollar?  Never fear, the Biden administration is preparing to boost the Green Financial Bubble with $3 trillion in a fake infrastructure bill.  Whatever happened to real economics?  

Harley Schlanger Update April 6 2021

Harley Schlanger Daily Update: Biden, BoJo Plot to Inflate a Green Financial Bubble to Bailout Bankrupt Financial System

Joe Biden and Boris Johnson must believe their populations are so brainwashed that they would accept a multi-trillion dollar bailout of financial speculators as a “program to rebuild infrastructure”.  But that is precisely what the upcoming “Climate” conferences are about, creating momentum behind the Great Reset — which would establish a global central banker dictatorship — and the global Green New Deal, which would lead to a drastic reduction of world population.  The greatest fear of the Davos billionaires is that the people can be awakened to reject these policies, and that an alliance between the U.S., Russia and China will adopt LaRouche’s program for a New Bretton Woods, based on fixed exchange rates, regulated banking — i.e., no bailouts or bail-ins — and investment in physical economic production, not mountains of credit to corrupt speculators. 

Video: U.S. Policy Towards Syria: Will it be based on Western Supremacy or the values of a New Paradigm?

Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban, Media and Political Advisor to the Syrian Presidency, gave a passionate presentation to the March 20-21 Schiller Institute international conference. She focused her remarks on painting a picture of the destruction of her country over the last 10 years by an American policy which is based on the ugly axioms of Western supremacy, the deployment of a Worldwide NATO and the obsession with “the rise of China.” She called for a New Paradigm of relations between nations which acknowledges that God created all of us—with different cultures and different histories—which must each and all be respected and allowed to freely develop, to enrich the world as a whole.

(Helga Zepp-LaRouche noted during the Q&A that Dr. Shaaban’s presentation to a Schiller Institute Conference in Germany in 2016 had been quite optimistic, in great contrast to the destruction of the nation that has taken place since then.)

Video: Will Human History End in Tragedy, Or Continue With a New Paradigm?

Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s presentation, “Will Human History End in a Tragedy or Continue with a New Paradigm?” to the March 20-21 Schiller Institute conference, laid out the extremely tumultuous strategic picture typified by Biden’s recent remarks calling Putin a killer, which is now coming together to a point, as in a drama, to a moment of decision. The key to the solution is accessing a higher principle. She quoted a paper from her late husband Lyndon LaRouche from 2007, in which he discusses the “fourth phase space”—a combination of classical art, science and statecraft, forming a single subject that is the true substance of history. Political leaders have to access this fourth phase space to avert the current tragedy.

Video: Exposing the Western Media’s Lies About “Uyghur Genocide” in China

Retired Air Force Colonel and Pakistani Journalist Sultan M. Hali rips apart the lie about “Uyghur genocide” and proposes the US engage with China for peace and economic cooperation.

Video: CO₂ is not a Pollutant — Exposing the Fraud Behind the Global Reset/Green New Deal

Dr.William Happer, Professor Emeritus of Princeton University (who had been brought on to the National Security Council by President Trump in order to set up an actual scientific debate with the advocates of the climate change hoax, only to see that effort sabotaged by Trump’s Cabinet), presented a devastating scientific proof of the fraud of the claims of the climate hysterics. He demonstrated that CO₂ is not a pollutant, but a boon to food production, and that the hysteria is based wittingly on fraudulent computer models. He described the climate change movement as a religious crusade, not based on any real science.

EIR’s Richard Freeman exposes the long-planned origins of today’s fascist schemes called the Global Reset and the Green New Deal.

Excerpts from the March 20-21 Schiller Institute conference, watch the entire conference here.

Webcast: Collapse in Relations with Russia and China Increases the Danger of War

In reviewing the aggressive diplomacy of Biden’s Secretary of State Blinken in the last days, Helga Zepp LaRouche pointed to the collapse in relations between the U.S., NATO and the EU with Russia and China as an extremely “worrisome” situation. The push for a “global NATO” is fed by the ongoing lies, such as those about the alleged suppression by China of the Uyghurs and the “anti-democratic” attack on the British agent Navalny, which then become the justification for sanctions. While the west is touting its “shared democratic values” and support for a “rules-based order”, the Russians and Chinese are moving closer together, as a point of opposition to the dangerous geopolitical provocations aimed at them.

Mrs. LaRouche counterposed the ongoing anti-Russia, anti-China campaign with the conference held by the Schiller Institute, which was centered on a real dialogue among many nations and leading citizens seeking solutions, rather than seeking political advantage.

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