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International security and development architecture

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Declaration of Current and Former Legislatures of the World: Stop the Danger of Nuclear War

It is known that this war can have far more serious consequences than what we are already suffering, including massive destruction and a crisis of global proportions never before seen, because it can lead to a confrontation with nuclear weapons between Russia and the United…


Mexico City, November 16, 2022 Urgent: Stop the Danger of Nuclear War! Dear colleagues from around the world: A group of current and former legislators from Mexico and other countries of Latin America and the Caribbean held two international seminars in the month of October…

Zepp-LaRouche: “The Role of The Nonaligned Movement in a New Paradigm In International Relations”

The following article by Helga Zepp-LaRouche was published in the book released at the Bandung Spirit conference titled “Bandung-Belgrade-Havana in Global History and Perspective: What Dreams, What Challenges, What Projects for a Global Future?” taking place Nov. 7-14 in Indonesia. Is it an exaggeration to say…

China’s and Germany’s Prospects: Global Times Interviews Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Oct. 9 (EIRNS) – Ahead of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China which convenes Oct. `16, Global Times has published an extensive interview with Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche, “the second piece of a series of GT‘s interviews with influential scholars”…

EIR Sept. 7 Press Briefing — Ukraine Blacklist Targets from the U.S. and Abroad Speak Out; Demand Congressional, UN Action to Shut Down Kiev ‘Kill-List’ Operations

Sept. 9—The international press conference Sept. 7 hosted (online) by Executive Intelligence Review gathered a powerful group of former military and intelligence professionals, political leaders and candidates, journalists and peace advocates from the U.S. and other countries, documenting the criminal and evil “hit list” compiled by the…

SCO Foreign Ministers Debate Regional Challenges, Expanded Membership

Sept. 28, 2022 (EIRNS)—Foreign Ministers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) wrapped up their two-day meeting in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, today having discussed the agenda for the Sept. 15-16 summit of the group’s heads of state and touched on several other topics of regional and international…

Schiller Institute Conference: Call for ‘New Bretton Woods’ Initiative For Economic Security, Peace For All Nations

June 19, 2022 (EIRNS)–The Schiller Institute international conference June 18-19, titled, “There Can Be No Peace without the Bankruptcy Reorganization of the Dying Trans-Atlantic Financial System,” was an extraordinary process of dialogue, on the focus of initiating the actions to mobilize world citizen leadership to…

Schiller Institute Memorandum — It Was Not ‘Unprovoked Russian Aggression’: Chronology Shows Decades of NATO Aggression

It is now obligatory in the Trans-Atlantic realm, to say “unprovoked aggression,” when referring to Russia’s military action in Ukraine. President Vladimir Putin is accordingly condemned as a madman, who acted out of the blue. The truth is, describing Russia’s February 24 action as “unprovoked”…

Video: NATO Responds to Senator Richard Black and Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Join the Schiller Institute JUNE 18-19 for an online conference. Watch the Schiller Institute conference, “US and European Military and Security Experts Warn: The Insanity of Politicians Threatens Nuclear War.” Sign the Schiller Institute petition, “Convoke an International Conference to Establish A New Security and…

Video: The Illusion of Russian and Chinese Aggression Around the World

Col. Richard Black (ret.), former head of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon and former Virginia State Senator, addresses the May 26 Schiller Institute conference. View the entire conference here. Sign the Schiller Institute petition, “Convoke an International Conference to Establish A New…

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