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International security and development architecture

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Video: The Peace of Westphalia to Escape the Thucydides Trap

Jacques Cheminade (France), President, Solidarite et Progres, addressed the urgent requirement for nations to evoke the spirit of the Treaty of Westphalia to divert the world away from a nuclear doomsday. View Jacques Cheminade’s full speech here. View the conference in its entirety here. Read and…

Video: Col. Richard Black — U.S. Leading World to Nuclear War

Mike Billington with Executive Intelligence Review interviews Col. Richard Black (ret.). BILLINGTON: Hi, this is this is Mike Billington with Executive Intelligence Review and the Schiller Institute. I am here today with Col. Richard Black, Sen. Richard Black, who, after serving 31 years in the…

Video: End the West’s Hypocrisy with the Spirit of the Treaty of Westphalia

Alessia Ruggeri, spokeswoman of the Comitato per la Repubblica, trade unionist (Italy), highlights the hypocrisy of the West discussing peace with Russia while supplying Ukraine with weapons. She adamantly supports a Treaty of Westphalia approach to find a solution to the increasingly dangerous situation the…

Video: H.E. Ambassador Anatoly Antonov on Finding Solutions to Today’s Crisis

H.E. Ambassador Anatoly Antonov, Ambassador of The Russian Federation to the United States, expresses his appreciation of the role of the Schiller Institute in finding a solution to today’s crises. View H.E. Ambassador Anatoly Antonov’s entire speech here. View the conference in its entirety here.…

Video: A Call to Protect the Existence of Humanity from a NATO/Russia War

Helga Zepp-LaRouche introduces the intention of the April 9 Schiller Institute conference. View the conference in its entirety here. Read and sign our petition calling for a new International Security Architecture.

Schiller Institute Petition Quoted on DataBase Italia TV

MILAN, March 22, 2022 (EIRNS)—Three VIP signers, from Italy, of the Schiller Institute petition for a new security architecture, Alessia Ruggeri and journalists Luca La Bella and Gianmarco Landi, were on a program of DataBase Italia TV last night, entitled “The End of Globalization.” After…

Pakistan’s PTV Interviews Helga Zepp-LaRouche on OIC Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Islamabad

March 23 (EIRNS)—Helga Zepp-LaRouche was part of a panel interviewed yesterday by Pakistan’s PTV host Faisal Rehman about the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) foreign ministers’ meeting in Islamabad on March 22. Here are the exchanges in the interview with Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche, who is the founder…

Who Wants a Bigger War??

As there is a growing potential for a peaceful resolution to the fighting in Ukraine, who is standing in the way of that prospect?  Naturally, it is the War Hawk/neoliberal networks of the Anglo-American financial establishment, which threaten sanctions against any nation which would intervene,…

Are You Ready for War-Time Austerity?

The inevitable is finally here. The global financial system is in a terminal phase of collapse, as the burden of debt far exceeds the ability of hollowed-out economies to service it. The question is, Who will pay the price — the oligarchs whose policies caused…

Global Economic Collapse Is Imminent: A New Peace of Westphalia Is Our Last Chance!

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche March 12—President Putin has now responded to the West’s tightening sanctions with a combination of measures unprecedented in modern times, to defend the Russian economy against an attempt to “destroy Russia, Putin and the Russian system.” In a meeting with Prime Minister…

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