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Webcast: Success of New Paradigm Requires Full Expose of Russiagate’s British “Character”

In reviewing the leading events of the week, Helga Zepp-LaRouche came back repeatedly to the unbridgeable divide between the imperial nature of the collapsing system, which is driving the world toward war, and the emerging New Paradigm, which has been brought into focus over the last fifty years by Lyndon LaRouche. This can be seen explicitly in the pro-war activities of NATO leader Stoltenberg, in his efforts to induce Trump to attack Russia and China—which Trump did not do—and his ravings later to the Congress, which was received enthusiastically by depraved Congressmen, in contrast with numerous signs of increasing collaboration by the emerging 4-Power alignment: for example, the progress of the BRI, President Xi’s recent visit to Italy and the upcoming Putin trip there, and in space cooperation, including Trump restoring a Moon-Mars mission for the U.S.

Helga pointed to several ironic juxtapositions to elaborate: Trump working for a trade deal with China, while the war party in the U.S. escalates its anti-China push; the call for Europe to become the “New Empire”, by French Finance Minister LeMaire, as the EU is facing a series of existential crises, from Brexit, to collapsing production figures just released in Germany, and hopelessly bankrupt financial institutions.

And as the anti-Trump coup plotters continue with their efforts to remove the President, with endless investigations, Helga emphasized the importance of exposing the “British character” behind Russiagate, as the most efficient means of making the nature of this fight evident, and to bring more citizens into the organizing process.

Webcast—Collapse of Russiagate Exposes the British Hand Behind Attempted Coup in USA

As I’m sure you’re now aware, special counsel Robert Mueller’s so-called Russiagate report admits there was no evidence of collusion by President Trump or his campaign with Russia (leaving no legal basis for any charge of obstruction of justice).

This has forced many to raise the key questions: who was behind it, and why?

In his tweets last week, Trump identified the British role in launching Russiagate, correctly stating that the intention was to stop better relations between the U.S. with Russia and China. The release of the Mueller report has opened a “time of reckoning.”

It is clear from the response of the anti-Trump forces that they will not stop. In today’s webcast Helga Zepp LaRouche pointed to the escalation against the government of Venezuela as “a continuation of the coup against Trump, in different colors.”

However, Helga insists, this will not stop the emergence of the New Paradigm, as the trip of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Europe this week demonstrated. The Italians stood up against the bankrupt would-be dictators of the EU, while French President Macron and German Chancellor Merkel were forced to acknowledge that the momentum is on the side of China.

Since Lyndon LaRouche’s life’s work is being realized in the advance of the New Paradigm, his exoneration would provide a crucial impetus to bring the U.S. into the mobilization to realize the common interests of mankind.

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