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Harley Schlanger Daily Update

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Harley Schlanger Daily Update — Which Way for the Biden Administration on China?

For those insisting that President Biden is in the back pocket of China’s President Xi, remember this is the same line that President Trump’s opponents used against him for his stated desire to form a collaborative friendship with Russia’s Putin. This line, against both, comes from the lying War Hawks of the Military Industrial Complex, to justify a bloated defense budget, to impose the “rules-based order” of global financial institutions. Will Biden submit to them, as the previous administration did by unleashing Pompeo in a frenzied push for regime change wars in 2020? A planned March 18 meeting between officials of the Biden and Xi governments may provide some answers. Join the Schiller Institute online conference on March 20-21 to get the full story on the direction of U.S.-China relations.

What Does a Global Systemic Collapse Look Like?

Poverty, and the chaos it causes, are spreading worldwide, from Afghanistan and Myanmar to South Africa and Cuba. The specifics vary from country to country, but the root cause is the enforcement of neoliberal economic policies, which serve the interests of the U.S.-UK-NATO Military Industrial Complex. This was forecast by Lyndon LaRouche following Nixon’s break with the Bretton Woods system on August 15, 1971. It is now affecting “advanced sector” countries, in the form of hyperinflation. LaRouche also proposed a solution, which is still waiting to be implemented. It begins with rejecting British neoliberal economic policies, and replacing them with national banking credit systems of sovereign nations, cooperating for mutual benefit. As this breakdown accelerates, the time is now for the LaRouche solution.

Harley Schlanger Daily Update: As Hyperinflation Signs Grow, Significant Opposition to Green New Deal Surfaces

The tsunami of liquidity flowing from central banks into the hands of speculators is setting off an increase in commodity prices, which could soon hit producers, and then be passed on to consumers. Concern over the reaction to this is why global financial cartel players are trying to rush through the Great Reset, which includes a new bubble in “Green” investments. But, as we predicted, there is growing opposition to this foolishness, as U.S. states have filed a lawsuit against Biden’s Executive Order mandating a Green reset, and Putin made clear he will not allow Russia to be subject to the blackouts which hit Texas due to green energy policies and a deregulated electricity market.

Harley Schlanger Daily Update: Need Productive Jobs, Reliable Electricity, Clean Water, Health Care and Food?

Unless Americans and Europeans mobilize against the Great Reset and Green New Deal, we will soon be entering the greatest Depression in world history. Most western governments, including the Biden administration, are committed to dismantle the physical, goods-producing economies which remain, in favor of an anti-scientific fraud of achieving “carbon net zero”, which will doom most of humanity to death by starvation, new pandemics, and geopolitical wars. There is an alternative, drafted by the LaRouche movement, “How to Restart the U.S. Economy: The World Needs 1.5 Billion New Productive Jobs”. It is time we feed the people, and not the City of London/Wall Street predators!

To End The Era Of “Endless Wars”, Dump “The Special Relationship”

The visit of UK Defense Secretary Wallace to Washington yesterday demonstrates that, in the minds of key Anglo-American officials, the “Special Relationship” between the U.S. and U.K. — which allows the Brits to run U.S. foreign policy — is still operational. If this is not dumped, the world will be headed toward more wars, eventually to nuclear war. How can we end an era in which the world is governed by imperial geopolitics? Read Helga Zepp LaRouche’s memo: “Afghanistan at a Crossroads – Graveyard For Empires, Or Start Of A New Era”

Use Afghan Withdrawal to End U.S. Slavery to British Imperial Geopolitics

Out of the frying pan, into the fire?  Will the U.S. blindly follow the British lead to turn the retreat from Afghanistan into more provocations against Russia and China?  Or can we learn from our catastrophic mistakes, and join Afghanistan’s neighbors to engage in cooperative, mutually beneficial development policies, to bring peace to the war-torn country.  Further, it is time to end the U.S. economic enslavement to British neoliberal economic/financial policies — No to the Great Reset, instead, implement LaRouche’s Four Laws! 

Can Diplomacy Work, or Is More War An Inevitable Destiny?

Pessimists might be shocked by some recent developments.  A Putin-Biden phone call ending in a call for joint action against cyber warfare?  A unanimous U.N. Security Council vote to open the door for humanitarian aid to be distributed to “all parts of Syria”?  How about a U.S. official commenting favorably on a Taliban-Afghan government meeting in Tehran, saying that what Iran is doing “may well be constructive”?  The key is ending the dangerous application of British imperial geopolitics, which has dominated strategic relations for most of the last two centuries.  For a road map to peaceful cooperation in Afghanistan, read Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s statement, “Afghanistan at a Crossroads: Graveyard for Empires, or Start of a New Era?” 


Harley Schlanger Daily Update: Trans-Atlantic Financial Disintegration Heightens War Danger

A desperate financial oligarchy is acting in the face of a collapse of its financial/economic system as it has in the past, that is, Preparing for War! There are several fronts in this pre-war escalation: targeting Russia and China; expanding existing wars in the pivot region of southwest Asia; and increasing the presence and power of the security state against its citizens, who are tired of endless wars and austerity. The same British geopolitical doctrine which led to two destructive world wars and the long Cold War in the last century is being applied again today, in defense of a rotting global economy. And both U.S. political parties are under the control of those corrupt financiers and corporate conglomerates which are trying to impose that British geopolitical doctrine, through the Great Reset.

Who Controls the Narratives Promoted by the “Mainstream Media”?

A majority of people now know that one cannot trust what appears in the media.  Yet even those who know this, and consider themselves to have been “awakened” by this awareness, get manipulated by the narratives scripted by psychological warfare specialists.  Today we take up questions shaped by those brainwashers, who have developed narratives to convince you that: 1) Afghanistan is hopeless, as civil war, underdevelopment, drug trafficking and terrorism are its destiny; 2) China’s economic progress, and its commitment to aid others through the Belt-and-Road Initiative, make it a threat to the U.S.; 3) That a military confrontation between the U.S. and Russia is inevitable.

Harley Schlanger Daily Update: Facing an Existential Crisis with American Optimism, Not Delusion

The wishful thinking of some, that a force of “White Hats” would come in and sweep away the “bad guys” in a series of mass arrests — an event predicted to occur by “Q” and similar “prophets” during the last three years, with the most recent failed forecast being for March 4 — has proven to be a fantasy, as we have been saying. Instead what is needed is a change in strategic thinking by Americans to a higher level, so that solutions embodied in the Four Economic Laws of Lyndon LaRouche can be implemented, and building popular support for launching a cultural Renaissance, which is the mission of the Schiller Institute, can occur. Can we do this? Wishful thinking must be replaced by serious organizing, if we intend to prevent the growing danger of war and the consolidation of a killer global banker’s dictatorship.

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