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Harley Schlanger Daily Update

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Climate Change Lies Reach New Levels, Based on “Overheated” Climate Models

The latest report from the IPCC, which claims climate change is occurring at a rate “faster than predicted”, is designed to panic policy makers into reaching insane decisions related to energy production and use.  It was issued just days after many leading scientists decried the use of models which are producing numbers “that are insanely scary — and wrong”, according to the Director of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies.  Whether reading about climate change, or articles about “transitory inflation”, keep in mind that the authors producing these reports are attempting to justify policy decisions that are wrong, and dangerous! 

Remember to register for the conference this weekend!
On the anniversary of LaRouche’s stunning 1971 forecast; Are you finally willing to learn economics?

More Lies and Censorship in Defense of Pro-War Narratives

Has the situation in Afghanistan become hopeless?  Are the Chinese really committing genocide against Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang province?  If your only source is the mainstream news, government spokesmen and Congressmen, you may have fallen for the latest lies designed to promote more endless wars.  Here’s the latest on the cover-ups and lies in the globalist’s narratives designed to convince you that kinetic and economic warfare is necessary against Syria and China, to provide security for the U.S. 

Register for next week’s conference on Lyndon LaRouche unique contributions to future history:

Harley Schlanger Update April 6 2021

Harley Schlanger Daily Update: Biden, BoJo Plot to Inflate a Green Financial Bubble to Bailout Bankrupt Financial System

Joe Biden and Boris Johnson must believe their populations are so brainwashed that they would accept a multi-trillion dollar bailout of financial speculators as a “program to rebuild infrastructure”.  But that is precisely what the upcoming “Climate” conferences are about, creating momentum behind the Great Reset — which would establish a global central banker dictatorship — and the global Green New Deal, which would lead to a drastic reduction of world population.  The greatest fear of the Davos billionaires is that the people can be awakened to reject these policies, and that an alliance between the U.S., Russia and China will adopt LaRouche’s program for a New Bretton Woods, based on fixed exchange rates, regulated banking — i.e., no bailouts or bail-ins — and investment in physical economic production, not mountains of credit to corrupt speculators. 

Fed Feeds Inflation with New Repo Move

The Fed shows it has learned nothing from history, as Fed Chairman Jerome Powell announces a new “Standing Repo Facility,” in a desperate attempt to avoid nightly waves of bank defaults. This continues 50 years of insane monetary policy.   On August 15th, 1971 the Bretton Woods System was ended, creating a floating exchange system, and beginning our long descent into financial and physical-economic ruin.  Lyndon LaRouche is the only economist who forecast this trajectory in the 1960s, and spent his life developing the policy solutions to reverse it. Join us August 14th in an online conference to examine LaRouche’s unique contributions.

How British Geopolitical Manipulation Leads to War

The discussion of the repeal of the Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF), which was nearly unanimously passed in 2002 by the U.S. Congress to justify the invasion of Iraq, while long overdue, shows how the U.S. foreign policy continues to be dominated by British geopolitical doctrine.  The Brits deploy all sorts of False Flags and psychological warfare to control policy options and manipulate popular opinion.  As the Schiller Institute’s Helga Zepp LaRouche has emphasized, to end the era of regime change wars, geopolitics must be repudiated definitively!

Great Reset, Green New Deal Collapsing, Along With Economy

Ignore the lies you hear about a “roaring economic recovery”.  As inflation increases, the strategy of the globalists to save their imploding system — the Great Reset and the Green New Deal — can be defeated by a mobilization of Americans, in collaboration with other nations unwilling to submit to a central banker’s dictatorship and the Fake science behind the “net-zero carbon” fraud.  The latest examples of rejection of the fraud come from the Chancellor of Austria and the government of India.  Join us to defeat the latest genocidal effort from the imperial Malthusians.

How to Defeat the “Great Reset” and the “Green New Deal”, and the Criminal Cabal Trying to Impose Them

To win this fight, citizens of all nations must give up the mentality of victims, and get rid of the belief that those oppressing mankind are all-powerful!  The Great Reset and the Green New Deal can be defeated, provided we bring the U.S. into an alliance with other sovereign nations which oppose them, starting with Russia and China.  To those of you who fought against the regime change operation against President Trump — the same networks of the British and U.S. “Deep State” which ran Russiagate are behind the smears and attacks on Putin and Xi!  Don’t fall for their divide-and-conquer psy-ops!  Register here for our online conference, Sat., July 24, “There Is No Climate Emergency!”

Shut Down Government and Private-Sector Cyber Spying

In response to reports that an Israeli firm is serving clients by embedding spyware in the mobile phones of their adversaries, Edward Snowden called for ending the “international spyware trade.”  And while the Biden administration called on its allies to join it in a campaign against alleged Chinese cyber warfare — charges which, like its charges against Russia, are evidence-free — it is considering monitoring private texts on SMS carriers to “deter misinformation”!  Are you tired of the hypocrisy of this “brave new world”?  Then join the Schiller Institute for online conferences on July 24 (“There Is No Climate Emergency”), July 31 (“Afghanistan at a Crossroads”), and August 14, which will take up Lyndon LaRouche’s initiatives to overturn the City of London/Wall Street central bankers actions since August 15, 1971, when they created the global casino economy to protect the swindles of the floating exchange system.

Catastrophic Floods in Germany Caused by Failure to Invest in Infrastructure!

“Man-made Climate Change” is NOT the cause of the catastrophic flooding in western Germany, despite the narrative in the mainstream media and coming from clueless leaders like Chancellor Merkel.  There has been a monumental failure to dredge the tributary rivers, to upgrade the canal systems and to maintain dams, due to austerity policies and Green ideology, aka Fake Science. Given that there have been incidents of serious flooding before, why were no measures taken to prepare for the possibility of heavy rains?   The same problem confronts the western states in the U.S., where no competent measures of water management or enhancement have taken place during the last 25 years of drought conditions.  The problem is man-made idiocy, not climate change.  Sign up for the Schiller Institute conference on July 24, “There Is No Climate Emergency”, to learn what must be done.

“There They Go Again”: British Intelligence Launches New Smear Against Putin, Trump

Friday Questions: Why does The LaRouche Organization talk so much about “Geopolitics”?  The {Guardian} yesterday published new Fake News, claiming they have documents which “suggest” that Putin ordered Russian intelligence to elect Donald Trump.  Why resurrect these lies again, now?  With the U.S. withdrawing troops from Afghanistan, it is possible to break away from the imperial geopolitical doctrines which have controlled U.S. foreign policy since the assassination of JFK.  The era of endless wars, to defend City of London and Wall Street financial swindlers, could be brought to an end — that’s why it is crucial that Americans understand what the Geopolitical doctrine is, to know who our enemies are, and what they are trying to do — and how to defeat them!

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