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EIR Preprint of “The LaRouche Plan for a New International Economic Architecture” Now Available

Apr. 5, 2022 (EIRNS)–“The LaRouche Plan for a New International Economic Architecture,” which was prepared for the up-coming April 9 Schiller Institute conference, is now prominently featured at the top of for easy download. This preprint is fully illustrated with charts, maps, and pictures. Read it and circulate it to your networks and your elected officials to demand action now for development.

It is directly accessible at via this link.

Boris Johnson Pushes War with Russia to Save the Empire’s Global Britain Project

Your daily update from Harley Schlanger for Wednesday, June 8, 2022.


The international Schiller Institute is releasing this program outline for the April 9 conference, with leading speakers from around the world, to establish “A New Security and Development Architecture for all Nations. Click here for more information and to register.


1) Helga Zepp-LaRouche; Founder, Schiller Institute: Welcome and Keynote, “The Need for a New Paradigm”
2) Amb. Anatoly Antonov, H.E. Ambassador Anatoly Antonov, Ambassador of The Russian Federation to the United States: “Prospects for Building a New International Security Architecture”
3) Sam Pitroda; Innovator, Entrepreneur and Policy-Maker; U.S./India: “The Need to Redesign the World”
4) Jay Naidoo; Cabinet Minister under President Nelson Mandela, South Africa: “The African Perspective”
5) Chen Xiaohan, Chinese People’s Association for Peace and Disarmament: “Shared Future of Mankind”
6) Alessia Ruggeri; Spokeswoman of the Comitato per la Repubblica, trade unionist (Italy): “For a Europe of the Fatherlands with the Peace of Westphalia”
7) P.S. Raghavan, Former Indian Ambassador to Russia: “The Indian Perspective”

Discussion among the panelists


1) Dennis Small; Ibero-American Editor, EIR: “The New Architecture: A Program to Prevent the Starvation of One Billion People Due to the Sanctions”
2) Prof. Justin Yifu Lin; Dean, Institute of New Structural Economics; Dean, Institute of South-South Cooperation and Development; Honorary Dean, School of National Development, Peking University: “China’s BRI: The Rationale and Likely Impacts”
3) Diogène Senny; President of the Pan African League UMOJA Congo, Republic of Congo: “What Africa Expects from the World”
4) Fraydique Alexander Gaitán, President of USCTRAB trade union confederation of Colombia; and Pedro Rubio, Colombian trade union leader: “South America and the New Development Architecture”

Public discussion

BREAK: 45 Minutes


1) Jacques Cheminade; President, S&P, France: “The Peace of Westphalia to Escape the Thucydides Trap”
2) Dr. George Koo; retired Business Consultant; Chairman, Burlingame Foundation: “U.S. Sanctions on Russia and China Are Suicide for the Dollar”
3) Mike Callicrate; Kansas cattleman, policy advocate and the founder and owner of Ranch Foods Direct: “The Cartel Era Is Over – More Sovereign Farmers, Food for All – Double World Food Production”

Public discussion


1) Dennis Speed; Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites, author and long-time leader of the LaRouche movement; “The Urgent Need for a World Health System”
2) Helga Zepp-LaRouche: “Operation Ibn Sina”, Dipl. Ing. Daud Azimi – Board Member Peace National Front of Afghanistan: “Afghanistan: Today’s Urgent Economic and Political Imperatives” 
3) Princy Mthombeni; Communication Specialist, Africa4Nuclear Founder, South Africa: “Energy Security for Africa”
4) Saeed Naqvi; senior Indian journalist, television commentator and interviewer: “Media Role and Responsibility”

Public discussion

Concluding Remarks: Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Sam Pitroda

“Stop the Danger of Nuclear War!”

Schiller Institute Call for Ibero-American Presidents to

Deliver Message To Biden at Americas Summit:

June 3 (EIRNS)—Led by the LaRouche Citizens Movement of Mexico and friends in Argentina, Schiller Institute activists from many Ibero-American countries have sent their Presidents and other officials an “Open Letter from Ibero-America to Mr. Biden” on the eve of the beleaguered Summit of the Americas next week, signed by a select number of citizens from the region. Its message: “End Your Strategy of Using Ukraine to Destroy Russia. Stop the Danger of Nuclear War!”

The letter reads:

“The Summit of the Americas, which will take place June 6-10 this year, should submit a blunt resolution from the Presidents of Ibero-America to U.S. President Joe Biden: 

  1. End your strategy of using Ukraine to destroy Russia.
  2. Stop NATO’s extension and expansion towards the Pacific (Global NATO), since if that is not done, we are heading towards a frontal war against China, which at this point in human history would be truly insane, and would drive us towards general thermonuclear war.

That is why the international community should call for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine, sanctions to be lifted against Russia, and an international conference to be convoked on a New Security and Economic Development Architecture for all nations, which takes into account the demands of the Russian government for security on its borders, as the Schiller Institute proposes in its recent call.

President Biden: the economic and financial sanctions against Russia are having a boomerang effect on the world economy. We are already in worldwide stagflation and it will get worse if an economic and financial war is opened against China. Decoupling the financial system and economies of the Trans-Atlantic axis plus Japan, Australia and South Korea, from the economies of Russia and China would trigger a general economic and social collapse much worse than the collapse of Europe and Asia during the 14th century bubonic plague. That alone could mean the disappearance of the global civilization which we inherited from the great 15th and 16th century European Renaissance.

Moreover, the entire world faces a general debt crisis stemming from the $1.9 quadrillion speculative bubble, which is the underlying cause of the hyperinflationary process aggravated by illegal sanctions.

You know the solution to this economic breakdown: You told CNN on December 15, 2016, that the biggest mistake in your political career was your vote in 1999 in favor of the cancellation of Franklin Roosevelt’s Glass-Steagall Law by President Clinton and the Congress.

Now is the time to reinstate it! 

Franklin Roosevelt’s economic system must be restored worldwide. Glass-Steagall must be reestablished across the planet along with a policy of economic relations and good will with Russia and China, so that, together with India, these four superpowers can rid themselves of their common enemy: the dark forces of the financier speculator interests opposed to human progress —the Neanderthal embers of McCarthyism and the Cold War— and found an economic system capable of eliminating poverty throughout the world. This is the path to reestablish the economic power of the United States and the whole Ibero-American region.

Likewise, a comprehensive economic and social plan to finally address the consequences of the conflicts and wars in Asia and Africa should be formulated as part of, and complementary to, China’s strategic Silk Road plan.

With all due respect for the people of the United States, they would be wise to accept that the world today can no longer be unipolar. There are other powers whose place in the new concert of nations should be recognized under the 21st century concept of multipolarity. 

The 21st century must become the century in which humanity ends hunger and the brutality of war, allowing us to overcome the barbaric state in which we still find ourselves and become truly human. That is the legacy which the 17th century Treaties of Westphalia left us, a glorious moment for humanity, which established the basis of the modern Nation-State, the concept of the Common Good, in addition to perceiving that the good of other nations signifies also doing the good for each one of our nations, and finally understanding that the security of our nations cannot be at the cost of the security and submission of others.

For more information, email

Video: NATO Responds to Senator Richard Black and Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Join the Schiller Institute JUNE 18-19 for an online conference.

Watch the Schiller Institute conference, “US and European Military and Security Experts Warn: The Insanity of Politicians Threatens Nuclear War.”

Sign the Schiller Institute petition, “Convoke an International Conference to Establish A New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations.”


Many of you have watched the interview I held on April 26 for EIR, and the Schiller Institute and The LaRouche Organization with Col. Richard Black, a former Marine, the former head of the Army Criminal Division at the Pentagon, a former member of the Virginia Commonwealth legislature, and a true American patriot. This interview conveys Col. Black’s clear warning that the policies of the US government, the British government and NATO are driving the world to the brink of a cataclysmic nuclear confrontation with Russia. The interview has been viewed over 630,000 times as of June 1, with over 5000 comments, almost all expressing the deepest respect for Col. Black’s courage in telling the truth to the madness of our political leadership. 

There has been a similar response to the Schiller Institute Conference of May 26 which featured Col. Black, along with Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche, former CIA official Ray McGovern who is the co-founder of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, as well as Italian and French military and intelligence officials, under the title “The Insanity of Politicians Threatens Nuclear War.”  This conference, and Col. Black’s video, have inspired hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world to join with the Schiller Institute call to action, to stop the provocations to war with Russia, as well as with China, and to build a new security and development architecture for all nations.

But it has also provoked a direct attack from the war machine itself against Col. Black, Ray McGovern, the Schiller Institute, and its founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche. The Center for Countering Disinformation, which was set up in Ukraine by NATO to censure any truth about the war in Ukraine or about the extensive neo-Nazi forces in that country within the military and within the government, calling any such truthful reports as Russian disinformation. This is precisely what the Department of Homeland Defense in the U.S. set up in April, calling it the Disinformation Governance Board, which would better be called the Ministry of Truth, to censure any narrative which challenges the war hysteria as Russian disinformation. Due to the massive outcry of opposition from Americans who value the Constitution, this Board had to dismiss its original psychotic leader Nina Jankowicz, but it should be shut down altogether.

The NATO version of this “Ministry of Truth” in Ukraine issued a statement on May 28, reading: “German politician and head of the Schiller Institute Helga Zepp-LaRouche blames Western countries for the fact that their leaders have not listened to Putin. H. Zepp-LaRouche organized an international discussion on the New Security Architecture of the World and the Threat of World War III…. H. Zepp-LaRouche has been pushing the rhetoric of Russia in the Western information space for over ten years.”

Earlier, on May 25, this “Disinformation” Center denounced my interview with Col. Black, saying that Col. Black asserted that Russia “could not afford to lose the war with Ukraine,” since this would mean that “NATO will move to the Russian borders without hindrance.” They quote Col. Black saying that it “breaks his heart when he sees a video where Ukraine forces criminally kill Russian boys.” But they leave out the second part of that sentence, when Col. Black added that, “and likewise, I see Ukrainian young men who are being slaughtered on the battlefield.”  

The Disinformation Center closed its statement as follows: “We warn you! Such statements of the `expert’ are an element of the information and psychological operation of the enemy, which is trying to convince the West of the futility of helping Ukraine.” 

This attempt to discredit the Schiller Institute is actually a demonstration that the truth is breaking through the massive information war being run from the United Kingdom and the United States, and the attack itself is actually helping to spread the truth. It is clear that the western oligarchs, and the financial lords of the City of London and Wall Street whose financial bubble is collapsing into a hyper-inflationary blow-out, care absolutely nothing for Ukraine, which is being sacrificed in order to have an excuse for their desperate and evil effort to destroy Russia and China, to destroy the alternative to war and economic disintegration, i.e., “peace through development” as promoted by the Schiller Institute through the New Silk Road and the cooperation of all nations in physical economic development for all. 

Mark the dates June 18-19, when the Schiller Institute will hold another conference, under the title: “There Can Be No Peace Without the Bankruptcy Reorganization of the Dying Trans-Atlantic Financial System.”  

March 16 update

Anglo-Americans Continue to Pour Out False Narratives

Your daily update from Harley Schlanger for Friday, June 3, 2022.

March 16 update

Does the Latest U.S. Weapon’s Package to Ukraine Cross a “Red Line”?

Your daily update from Harley Schlanger for Thursday, June 2, 2022.

Economic Collapse Gains Momentum: Insanity in West Not Limited to Security Policy!

Your daily update from Harley Schlanger for May 31, 2022.

Video: Mobilize Love for Humanity to Overcome Today’s Existential Crisis

Helga Zepp-LaRouche keynotes the May 26 Schiller Institute conference. View the entire conference here.

Sign the Schiller Institute petition, “Convoke an International Conference to Establish A New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations

Video: Ray McGovern—Why is ‘Win-Win’ a No-No?

Ray McGovern, former analyst for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA-ret.) and co-Founder of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), addresses the May 26 Schiller Institute conference. View the entire conference here.

Sign the Schiller Institute petition, “Convoke an International Conference to Establish A New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations

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