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Malene Robinson

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More Lies and Fake Narratives Push Us Closer to Nuclear World War III

President Putin yesterday called out the War Hawks, who claim they are concerned with “protecting Ukraine’s sovereignty.”  They are using this narrative, he said, as an excuse to draw Russia into an armed conflict, “to hamper Russia’s development.”  A memo released by the White House last week actually stated this as the intention of the new sanctions regime they are drafting.  Driving the war talk is not Russian military deployments, but the deepening panic that the Great Reset is in trouble, in large part because Russia and China will not surrender their sovereignty to a global dictatorship of central banks!   

Brits, U.S. War Hawks Escalate in U.N. Security Council Debate:Ukraine President Asks Them to Stop Hyping the War Threat!

As war mongering loonies from U.S. and U.K. intelligence and diplomatic circles keep foaming at the mouth about Russia’s “invasion plans”, saner voices are being heard.  Even Ukraine’s President Zelensky doubts U.S. intelligence reports of an imminent invasion, which has made him a target for the War Hawks who ran the 2014 Maidan regime change coup, as inadvertently revealed in an article in the {Washington Post}.  With nuclear war as a real possibility if the war hawks are not stopped, it is time to place them in an asylum, and let diplomacy take over.

Outflank the Lying Media, Join Us to Get Out the Truth About Putin’s Demands for Security Guarantees

Once again — Surprise, Surprise! — CNN is caught lying to promote a war.  CNN “reporter” Matthew Chance said that Pres. Biden told Ukraine’s Pres. Zelensky that Kiev could be “sacked” by invading Russian forces, while CNN “reporter” Marquardt said Biden told Zelensky that a Russian invasion “is virtually certain.”  A spokesman for Zelensky said the first report, which cited a Ukrainian official, is “completely false”, while a spokeswoman for the U.S. National Security Council, Emily Horne, told  CNN that “anonymous sources are ‘leaking falsehoods’”.  Help us get out the truth — share these Daily Updates, and subscribe to our Daily Alert!

U.S. War Policy Is Made in London

Secretary of State Blinken used the occasion of the release of the U.S. response to Putin’s proposed treaties to repeat the accusations of Russian aggression, and reiterate that Russia will face a harsh response if Russia invades Ukraine.  Putin insists upon written security guarantees because the U.S. has broken numerous promises, financed and organized Color Revolutions and regime change coups, and launched aggressive wars, all supposedly to defend “human rights” and “democracy.”  In reality, the hypocritical and bloody foreign policy of the U.S. since the end of the Cold War has not been to secure peace or benefit the American people, but to defend the geopolitical interests of the City of London and its allies on Wall Street.  What is needed is not further militarization in Europe, but diplomacy aimed at achieving mutually beneficial economic cooperation.  

Countdown to War: Will the U.S. Break-away from the British Imperial War Plan?

To protect a bankrupt financial system, the City of London and its allies in the Military-Industrial-Complex in the U.S. and NATO are demanding an end to sovereign governments, insisting that nations submit to their Great Reset — which is a global central banker’s dictatorship.  Russia and China will not submit, putting us on a pathway to war in Ukraine and Taiwan.  But such wars cannot be won, and could trigger nuclear war.  The alternative was developed by Lyndon LaRouche: put the predatory financial institutions into bankruptcy, establish a New Bretton Woods financial system, and apply his Four Economic Laws to revive the American System of Physical Economy.

That Loud Bang You Hear Might Not Be Nuclear War Over Ukraine!

As war preparations hit a feverish pace, driven by the usual false narratives from the Military-Industrial Complex war hawks, there are other warnings being stated quietly, hoping you are not paying attention.  These have to do with the Fed’s decision to “fight inflation” by raising interest rates, a strategy that risks triggering a wave of defaults of 54 mostly poor, heavily-indebted countries — including Ukraine — but also of debt-ridden zombie corporations, banks, insurance companies, etc.  If you suspect there might be a connection between the war drive and the systemic financial collapse of the economy, you are right.

British Caught — Again — In War Provocation

Once again, a fraudulent report has been produced by British intelligence to push the U.S. into war, this time with Russia over Ukraine.  Using the usual tactics — anonymous sources, promoting fake intelligence, asserting devious schemes by Russia — they may be reacting to a sense of reluctance in Washington, by Biden, and some NATO countries, to plunge into World War III.  That the U.S. has now announced that it will respond to Putin’s demands for “legally-binding security guarantees” may have spooked the Brits into “ramping up preparations” for war.  A thorough background report was produced in a Schiller Institute video seminar on Jan. 22, “Can War with Russia Still Be Averted”, available here on the site.

Secretary Blinken’s Magical Mystery Tour

The comments made in Berlin yesterday by Tony Blinken on the continuing war tensions between the U.S. and Russia over Ukraine show a dangerous detachment from reality.  In stating before his meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov today, “I don’t expect a breakthrough,” he is demonstrating the delusional attitude of much of the Trans-Atlantic leadership, which is willing to risk a nuclear war, rather than take President Putin’s demand for national security guarantees seriously.  Lavrov will likely call his bluff — then how will Mr. Blinken respond? 

The Choice Is Between a War of Annihilation or Peaceful Cooperation

While it appears in the visible realm that no accord was reached in the Russian talks with the U.S. and NATO last week, there are developments which suggest that at least some in the West realize that President Putin is serious that his demands regarding Ukraine must be addressed.  Blinken is in Kiev today, Berlin tomorrow, then will meet with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov Friday.  Yesterday, German Foreign Minister Baerbock met with Lavrov, as the new Scholz government in Germany is putting itself forward as a mediator.  The next days will go a long way toward determining whether there is a step back from a possible nuclear World War III.

Time to Shut Down the Predatory Banksters and Their Military-Industrial Complex

The War Hawks behind the foolish endless wars, who continue their destruction with sanctions and freezing funds belonging to the people of Afghanistan — which threaten the lives of millions due to starvation — have been engaged in a dangerous escalation against Russia.  While some pundits say that Putin has made his point, and “de-escalation” will occur, the cause of the problem remains: NATO, the tool used by the neocons against Russia.  The best way to de-escalate, says Helga Zepp-Larouche, is to disband NATO, and cooperate in a global financial bankruptcy reorganization.

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